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Even as a guy it’s hard to play with comms so at the first sign that they are toxic I just mute cuz I don’t want to deal with that shit, I’m tryna have fun not argue with random people bout how we should be playing




i’m sure the discord has hundreds of females looking for players


The girl gamers discord and steam group is a good resource


So real, I tried comms in rainbow after trying to get over my social anxiety. Worst mistake of my life. I now mute everyone as soon as I enter a match because literally 99% of the time they're assholes


I don’t even have social anxiety, every other game I usually use game chat no problem. Except R6, just too many edgy dudes who will ruin the game for no reason other than to be funny


I really recommend to try to find nice people and queue with them.


In my experience, the nicest players have the worst mics so I can't hear anything. It always sucks because they are great to play with, but can make it even more difficult




Same for my girlfriend verytime she talk she can be bottom frangins or top fragging people are still going to give her shit


It really speaks on how sad some of the people who play this game are… they’ve never interacted w a female in person so when they meet one on the game they’re just rude and weird. You and her just gotta mute and move on :)


TBH as a male gamer, I'm getting bullied just becouse I said GL HF at the beginning of the match.


Lmao this happened to me yesterday


siege is just toxic in general


Gaming is toxic in general. Doesn’t help that fps games are 90% populated by childish boys.


Why would you even say that in a toxic game?


Girl add me! 🫶🏼 I love siege but also hate how toxic it is. I’ve never had that experience on game chat but I’m also hardly ever in game chat.


whats ur user? on psn or ubisoft.


when i get high kills i’m insulted, when i get low kills i’m insulted. it’s a lose loser situation as a female player honestly, which is why i barely use my mic anymore.


Most the time, the people that talk trash have no actual game sense, no good comms, no information sharing so I mute them. Report as much as possible.


The game had an amazing fanbase… in year one. Then the csgo kiddies got involved and it tanked. Just find some normal people to squad with, random queues are miserable in general.


Don't blame them, it's the first time they've heard of a woman their whole life, they have a right to be scared.




Nowadays i mostly play the game for fun with my gf and a couple of friends (female and male). Most of the voice chat interactions i have seen are exactly like you said. As sad is my point will sound prolly the only real possibility to enjoy the game and communicate properly is finding a nice 4 or 5 stack to play with (sry if thats not the answer you were hoping for)


Guys: "Why do females never play our types of games or talk in game chat?" Also Guys:


uhm honestly if you solo queue i would suggest you never talk cause out of 4 people the odds of one of them having the mentality of an edgy teen or being one is so high. that's i suggest you play with friends . or maybe install a voice changer i don't know if it's gonna be effective never used one or seen a female use it to play .




Don't worry, I run the rainbow banner and get called a f*g in diamond-champion ranked. I get tkd sometimes, people won't make callouts if they know I'm right beside them, steal my ops etc. It doesn't affect me but it's still crazy to see it happen in the year of our lord 2024.


thats terrible. theres so many toxic people in ranked


It's weird right? Like we are on the same team! How about we try winning before you pipe up and ruin the game for everyone 😂


the tking is what gets me sometimes, as soon as i talk i just know my chances of getting tked is through the roof


What do you play on?


hey so i play with a couple homies but we’re chill and have girlfriends so no weird typical r6 player creepiness or anything. if you’re east coast US by chance you could join our stack if you want. but yeah it’s so annoying that a game that requires comms is also full of the worst type of people to talk to. even as a male if i solo queue i never talk to anyone for the same reasons


it’s just how R6 is now honestly. It absolutely sucks and it’s a shame it’s happening, but you make one little mistake, miss one shot, etc. you’ll have at least one person messaging you or saying some ridiculous shit on the mic. As much as I used to love jynxzi, his impact on younger people who play the game is undeniable. Many times, I’ve received voice messages from like twelve year olds just mimicking everything jynxzi says, even full grown men do this, which is significantly worse. ATP I’m just playing with friends exclusively and if anyone messages me I just ignore it or say “okay.” Me and two of my buddies play fairly often, east coast servers. If you ever wanna join with us just lmk, we’ve never been able to get a five-stack for a game before!


Ngl jynxzi is entertaining but toxic. I feel like he’s encouraging the bad manners we see on the r6 servers.


I mean thats how the world of gaming is though, I personally dont condone it and its anoying having toxic teammates but at the end of the day, their just incels that cant get a girlfriend irl and when a girl is in a game doing better then they are their ego gets checked. just know your a good person and their just bottom of the barrel gamers👍


I think people are just generally toxic. I think people are looking for a way to put you down and once they find out your female that's what they will latch on to. Same goes if you have a weird voice, foreign language, stutter, etc


Girl play with meeee im on console


I go 1-3 sometimes because it’s just an off day, and I have to get fun messages from dumbasses saying “Trash” or “Go back to Roblox, this aint it” (The Roblox one is kinda funny, ill admit lol) meanwhile I still score higher because I actually utilize my operators abulities and can usually knock a lot of health from ops and get assists, so like, reallyyyy?


If you want to just play with people who just want to play, you can play with my group. We just play for fun


within the last year, my wife , her sister, and her sisters fiance all play siege with me every night. We have a 4 stack and sometimes the fiancés cousin will hop on and we will have a full 5 stack. I never thought dreams could come true but I’m so glad I don’t play siege alone anymore 😂…. Sorry you’re having a bad experience. Just don’t do coms is what I’d suggest


R6 toxic players still act like it’s 2019 with the same jokes. I thought their brains updated for the new year, guess not


real, so real.


The whole fucking with women in siege is sadly a culture thing in games like R6 and CoD popularized by meme videos


One time in a ranked game, within the first 12 seconds of the the 1st round a little girl told this guy that she shouldn't put his goyo where he did, and the second he heard her voice he team killed her, and she said "this is why i dont fucking play this game" and left... made me laugh super hard but it was horrible of the guy😂


I started playing about a month ago and wow the game is so good. Like honestly one of the best multiplayer FPS ever made, but the player base is so toxic. It’s just ironic this game has a “reputation” system and has one of the most toxic player bases I’ve ever seen. Now I couldn’t imagine being a woman on top of that. I hope this doesn’t keep you from playing such a great game because that would just be a shame for R6


This shit will happen if you're anything other than an ordinary white male.( Hate to even say that "cIs wHiTe mAlE" line 🤢) Even if you're white it's just an edgy war amongst each other. Games like these bring the sweat ball out of you. I was called a Nger, said they would hang me from a tree, like they used to do back in the day and threatened to swat me. I remember just feeling so weird after that encounter. I'll admit that shit hurt me 😭. I've heard shit like this back in cod days but when you're a kid you have limited mental capacity, so it really didn't affect me. There is no moral here.....your post just reminded me of my experience and why I no longer play the game which is pathetic lol. It doesn't bother me now since I'm older and went through my own toxic gaming phase. I'm 2 years sober from league of legends 🙏


This happens in any game ever but its definitely worse in r6. I get called a n*gger all the time especially when i speak in gc lmfao


Siege is just a toxic ocean of basement dwellers, you're better than them.


When I hear how some dudes say shit to girls I just sigh because it's so boring idk


I’m a girl!! Play with me!! I need other girls to play with so there’s less toxicity at least with my own team lol


You def do not deserve that bullshit. No one does. It makes me embarrassed as a guy to hear shit like this happening to fellow gamers.


im new and just trying to learn maps, deal with the same shit. its so frustrating, im only playing quick match and standard and these people act like its a tournament finale most games


I can’t lie, if you like games like apex, that community actually treats girls pretty alright. Every time I’ve joined a game with 2 randoms and one is a girl, even if the other person is a random, they either just don’t talk or are just not cringe. Rainbow is rough because it’s always at least a 2 stack on your team and they will just bully hardcore. I’m not saying “be a suck up to girls,” but just talk to them like you would a guy in game. It’s that simple.


R6 is the worst community I’ve ever played with lol. Hands down. I play social lists and I don’t talk. Not talking is the only solution.


mute them thats all.


I wouldn’t care if you’re an alien, as long as we win haha.


My girl has a hell of a time in random lobby’s, we just try and stack w irls and other people we’ve met online and weren’t weird. Best thing you can do is just try and get a stack of decent people who are fun to play the game with.


You can add me! I just like to play for fun psn is Chickenwhiskers_


Your mistake for thinking a competitive FPS community isnt full of toxic dick heads saying this, tried getting into r6, but so many shitty QoL issues and anti-user friendlyness of it pushed me away, but even i knew going in r6 was said to be full of kids who were never told no their whole lives lol


Fucking mouth breathers the lot of them. The reason their in-game chat anyway is be they can't make friends because of their rotten attitude. Those types of jokes are only funny when it's with someone you know and they know its a joke.


yeah, i don’t use gamechat for that reason lmao. i wish i had girls to play w but i don’t know where to look cuz looking for group posts on xbox are TERRIBLE.


What platform do you play on? Just sounds like you need new team mates.


I feel like siege has just gotten so bad in the last 4 years


Yeah this has always been a problem, siege is the worst for it. Black people get the same thing, getting called the N word for just giving a call out, it’s crazy I can’t count how many games I’ve gone in and it’s just pure chaos. I don’t get it especially when we are on the same fuckin team😂


I turned all chat off and I've never enjoyed the game more


Play with a stack, i guess it would be much better.


I've never understood toxicity like that, the girl I play siege with I've poked fun at a little bit for being a girl playing it but most the time it's random casual conversation along with some small bickering between us and the occasional seriousness. Though we play on Xbox in parties so nobody hears us


Then talk shit back to them lmao


Literally go in the voice chat in any PvP game and you’ll get verbally assaulted, man or woman. They use those insults because they’re associated with you and are very likely going to get a reaction, like how most people who are ginger or overweight get bullied for being ginger or overweight. Same goes for people with higher pitch voices.


Hey op, sorry to hear that you’re dealing with this. I know it’s already been said a few times on here but I just wanted to emphasize the fact that the siege community is really terrible, and unfortunately you being a woman just pushes some of these losers to a next level of toxicity. I (a man) also run into toxic teammates I’d say every other game, and if you were looking to avoid this I would suggest going on the R6 discord and looking for groups to play with ! I feel like your chances of finding good people who don’t discriminate would be much higher doing this. Best of luck to you and once again, sorry that you have to experience this


For what it's worth maybe try making a pre squad iv got a spot in my group we rotate two guys in and out who usually aren't in together . I also have a friend that started playing a few weeks ago she's in a group of 4 girls that play together on Xbox they have alot of fun so maybe you could try using the sub to say your looking for fellow like-minded players or even female siege players and nowadays cross play isn't a issue because of discord. And such so your free to enjoy the game with people who will play for fun aswell


You're being discriminated against for a bad reason? My teammates are talking shit because I saved a game as clash. They're never happy, I assure you.


I get sexually harassed just because my username is feminine. I’m about to learn how to ddoss these incels.


Just dont care about them. You do you. Mute them and play.


I honestly for the life of me cannot figure out why boys talk this way (these are not men, real men have respect and integrity). My wife doesn't really play games but when she does decide to play anyone that starts spewing toxic shit I keep her mic on but take over to decimate their fragile little egos. No father or respectable man wants his woman or children to be talked to like that and most of these people who do talk that way only do it because they feel safe enough to do so behind a screen like the cowards they are. Sorry you've had to go through that crap and I'd say you can team up with me but the toxicity took me out of this game a long time ago around the time maverick came out.


As a guy I’ve mostly walked away because of 1: the community and 2: the servers being so janky on Xbox 1. I want to play but it’s difficult to get enjoyment when I don’t have a full squad, and when my friends do most of them I swear try to throw anyway


R6 comms are so weird, had a great game with this nurse, next game had 2 toxic shitheads


I’d recommend talking in vc if you’re doing well, see who’s nice or chill (or even another girl) and asking them if they would like to queue together and explain your situation Only real solution unfortunately


Despite companies trying to limit toxicity in games, the current climate is such that people in games are MORE toxic. I can only vaguely recall an abstract memory of a good encounter with players. I can remember vividly what was said in a multitude of toxic matches. Not just limited to siege. The short of it is that there is no solution for toxicity. The best you can hope for as a girl is queue up with at least 1 person who has your back or stop using voice chat.


i had a friend who told me the same thing that she was having the same problems and she went ahead and saw one of my tiktoks and asked to play with me and we did. Now she has fun on the game, if you ever wanna play with a squad you are always welcome into my squad 💪🏼💯


The worst part of gaming is the gamers. I want to be able to play a multiplayer game and not hear slurs and sexism. I'm a white dude for fucks sake I just hate hearing people go out of their way to make others uncomfortable it's so cringe and sad.


I'm sorry you go through this. I feel bad for kids that try to play this game too, or basically anyone that's bullied. I honestly think people attach themselves to their team too much; players tend to want to \*win\* so much that they can't cope with loss that they resort to anger. Which is a large part of it, but mixed with anonymity.... I mean last game I had someone making fun of a kid for "not having his balls dropped", and I said "Did you have your balls dropped when you were his age? What does it matter?" and they got pissed at me; "why are you defending him so hard" and insinuated I queued with my little brother. Not trying to downplay women that suffer trying to play this game, it truly sucks for everyone, and I'm sure being a woman is going to make you more of a target; "we lost because you're female". The anger is nonsensical.


I switched comms off yonks ago, most people are toxic and I'm not that interested in what they may have or not to say. No one ever actually gives callouts so no need to be on. Amazing that people are still saying "do the dishes" in 2024, shows you how little some guys have evolved


It’s not discrimination that’s just how they talk lol. You want to be treated differently because your a women? I get told to kill myself pretty often and get sent some less then friendly messages after throwing a round and other stuff. that’s just how it works lol.


Every time I go back to Siege I stop a few weeks after because of the toxicity and the harassment I get for being a woman. I love the game so much but bruh


Dude they act that way cuz its an easy target in their mind. But black players get racist shit, lgbt gets gay bashing, old guys like me get grandpa jokes. You’re not alone this community has some fucking toxic kids that have a rude awaking coming when they get to the real world. Best play? Mute them concentrate and let that shit calmly fuel a win. Whats funny is the game is about the best from all over the world coming together. Don’t let them take something you love.


Not like anyone talks in game chat anyway.


Guy here, I don't even really like to use game chat cause it's usually toxic. Which sucks in a team based game. I want to play ranked and communicate but idk I'm a decent sometimes above average player but I've been playing siege since 2016 and I've seen how toxic it is so I'm hesitant


It's ironic that people want highly competitive games yet fill game chat with the most obnoxious stuff that takes away from the competitive environment.  While I'm not a female I definitely see a ridiculous amount of discrimination in online gaming in general and it's really cringe. People online are fighting for the right to be obnoxious and annoying and misrepresenting anyone who doesn't like it as a snowflake. I've been considering muting all chat with this game. I do see comms as so helpful in this game but toxic randoms constantly kill the mood and never say anything useful.


As an Xbox gamer , the pain is real , as a PC gamer , it hurts more. As a long time siege gamer and having some time in the competitive scene , it does make the game very distasteful.


Sadly enough this is how the siege community is. I have a 1.3 kd and am high emerald, I get about 6 kills on average per game and still get told I need to be in the kitchen…. I’d recommend finding a girly girl group who support you even if you have a bad game they’ll still be ok with playing! Love to all gamer girls that have to go trough this as well❤️


You just gotta find a stack. Im a man witha deep voice and the toxicity is so bad i dont want chat with randoms, i imagine your situation is 10x worse. Find some people who arent shitty and add them


Yeah, I hate the coms in this game. Hence why I always try to play with at least 2 other friends


Probably more of a consolation prize then anything, but I remember reading a study that had a pretty clear correlation between being bad at video games and being misogynistic. I could try to find the study to link to here. As far as toxicity, I'm with you. I play League, and often hear how League is the most toxic game, but imo, R6S has been consistently way worse. Whether its the bottom frag yelling at you for not clutching a round, or people team killing you because you didn't magically read their mind, to just actively throwing rounds because you picked "the wrong" character. I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this bullshit though.


just mute them. they're not worth your time at all, simply mute them. whilst I'm not a female I've been called some pretty horrendous things while playing Siege. I just mute them all. Every time I go into a game i mute everyone on my team at the start of the round, saves me being discriminated against before i mute them.


Bruh. I don't understand how gender really matters. A girl taught me how to play and I got from gold to emerald from them. Lol I'm sorry you gotta deal with that, def not cool


Change ur username to something neutral and only play in party chat with your friends 👌👌👌 I get 0 bullshit now


shit talk back idk


Historically, girls have always been discriminated against. It’s really fucked up and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. If it’s any consolation, R6 is generally a very dogshit community. So, at best, you’re not really missing out on much :) I hope you have better experiences going forward!


Sounds 1000x better than having to give call outs with rhotacism. Like 90% of the games callouts have an /r/ in them.


There is this handy concept called a mute button. Men have to use it too. You aren’t being discriminated against, you are playing an online competitive video game. In that environment people are going to be cursing, insulting eachother, and making jokes. It’s a game that teenagers play and you shouldn’t be surprised when teenagers act their age. You can’t control what other people say but you can control your reaction, if you want to use an lfg or not, and the mute function.


Just don't use VC. I don't and it's fine, I usually only get messages on Xbox if I whiff all my shots lol




Let’s play lol


womp womp cry harder


Siege is like one of the most toxic games I’ve ever played


That’s just r6, albeit yeah it’s worse for girls that’s kinda universal for most games sadly, just mute them then outplay them lol


The dudes is siege are annoying, let me know if you wanna play with my stack I actually need a 5th most nights lol. My Ubisoft and psn is shady_sniper_123


I would just recommend not talking in game chat unless you're giving call outs and if they act like assholes and ignore them. Then stop giving call outs bc they're not gonna listen if they're being like that, but I don't act like that. Most of the time I don't run into shit talkers it's rare, a few times I have seen someone who is insulting me for my aim when I'm 9 and 2 and this dude is 2 and 9. I apologize on the male community's behalf.


You can play with me if you actually want to play the game n not get carried by bunch of simps like every other seige player


Was playing csgo competitive once and a girl started talking on voice chat immediately vote kicked by my team 💀


Siege is incredibly toxic but just about any game with PVP will get toxic, I’d recommend queuing up with friends and just stacking with them tbh. I got a friend who’s non-binary and they’re always scared to talk to teammates so we just queue together and have fun without worrying about getting called slurs Not the answer you’re looking for unfortunately but a bandaid fix until a more permanent solution for assholes comes by


Find a squad and never play with randoms and try to remove any reference to you being female from your account so people on the other team can't start on that either


R6 really isnt a game to soloq on. The neckbeards are just too toxic. I used Clash for 1 round and had a guy triggered so bad he was messaging me for over 3 hours


There is a mute button for assholes like them. Stand tall.


I made a R6 Discord server with NO MEN!! We have about 40 members and we have so much fun. It’s always nice playing with a support system of other ladies. Like a lot of other users are suggesting, I tried other R6 servers to find nice people to play with, but there are a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing lol. Half of the people I used to meet wanted something else from me, at the end of the day. The server is invite-only for obvious reasons lol msg me if you’d like an invite!


This isn’t anything new unfortunately. Same thing has happened since early COD at the very least. Probably longer. It’ll happen in every single competitive shooter you play. It’s also not just because you’re a girl. The material is different because you’re a girl, of course. But those same people will talk shit to everybody, regardless of what they are. Keep your chin up and ignore the absolute fuck outta em.


Womp womp


js play another game no cap


Its best to make your own LFG, comms are almost always toxic to an extent but they are a necessity to playing as a team, myself i can handle it because i will just dish it back twice as hard. But some people have zero boundaries and zero respect and its not okay towards a female


It’s just a toxic game, you can find people to play with that won’t discriminate but either way it’s gunna be toxic. Without being rude or mean if you can’t take it or find a way around it don’t play it. Just being real. Even as a champ the game is so fuckin toxic but just brush it off deal with it or quit.


If your on PC I'm a trans woman and would love someone to play with forewarning though I'm pretty garbage


Things like this make me glad I have 3-5 people to queue with depending on the day. While we make fun of each other, we're actually friends, so it's never serious. Hope you can find a group to have those kinds of games with.


I am a guy and I don't join the party spams and always turn my game sound all the way up and voice all the way down. My team broke up years ago and haven't joined anyone since. We were the real deal, now I lone wolf grind to Plat every season and reminis. We had a girl in the team and she was just a beast. Sucks how annoying some of these people are though.


Unless im playing with people i know im not leaving voice/chat on. I need to listen for sound queues.


Im a european that lives in the us, and even as a white dude with the same heritage as white americans. I get racist remarks all the time in vc. If i get that as i white guy cant imagine how bad it is for other people. Found that using discords for finding teammates, and clarifying you want mature, non toxic teammates either serious on chill. It works, every ones in a while you’ll have the asshole that acts chill till he dies. But its way way better. Plus after a while you should have a nice friend list and wont even have to find new people.


Idk what you expected tbh🤣🤣


Girl same. play w me plz 😭


Welcome to online gaming, I pretty much only play single player games nowadays. Sorry you’re experiencing so much toxicity.


on that note, *go make me a sandwich.* ***Sarcasm/joke*** Nah but every game is gonna have people with that kind of behavior. its just better to play the game by finding people on R6 discord servers. hope you have luck in finding good people to play with


i discriminate against anyone who plays r6, i don't abide self-harm


If u on ps and eu servers, u Can link up with my and my friend(s). We’re mostly 18+ and diamond/champ. But lvl up our alt acc🙃


womp womp


Not trying to sound mean, but.womp womp


That's just games in general. If you don't like it turn off vc. Or take their advice and go do the dishes /s


get over it


I only turn on comms for my brothers or buddies. It’s so terrible online.


And wtf are we supposed to do abt it


Grow thicker skin mate, people are shit. Just don’t let it get to you or you are letting them win.


I’m sorry you have to go through that. Public chat is bad in most games I think. Not really much we can do about it unfortunately. The only way I’ve seen to deal with it is to hit them with a comeback, but that can be hard to do.




Womp womp lil sis


Track their IP and castrate them


One of the reasons I'm glad I have a deeper voice


Just mute the chat. It's been that way since the beginning of online gaming. No matter what you play.


Mfw the game I play that is known for toxicity is toxic:


I highly recommend finding another game to play, after seeing how amazing some game’s community can be, it simply disgusts me how awful siege’s is


Yeah I’ve turned off voice chat whenever I’m playing siege now, not worth dealing with the dumb fucks. Had an incident where a teammate was spam pinging, didn’t realize I had defuser and was to plant. Dudes were pissed because I didn’t have vc on, and said good I didn’t cuz they’d flame me. Good to know I made the right call lmao.


Dude as a man I’ll top frag and have good come all game and two people stacked up going a combined 2-8 will talk the most shit It’s definitely worse for women but you gotta realize siege is the most toxic game ever. Find a stack of cool people to play with instead of randoms. Always way more fun and you get more wins


Usually just point out how bad they are doing or how bad their mic is works sometimes


there's just never any real accountability on the Internet so idiots just do whatever they want and think it's fine


It’s not just because you’re a girl, it’s abhorrently toxic no matter what. Unless you are pristine comms and are carrying your team, just keep your mouth shut. The first person to talk will get ripped apart by the rest of the team if you misspeak at all. I do not play without queuing with my own group, I feel you though.


You should be playing animal crossing or something to that nature honestly.


Play a different game.


4- 4 kills is a bad game!?


totally agree with the discrimination


Yeah that’s how games are. Get over it? Idk what else to say. Expecting special treatment for being a woman is retarded


you can use the chat... I've been using chat only for almost 2 years now XD so i just keep doing callouts, giving enemy operators info, almost everything on chat.. and because of that i became a fast typer now.. and only use my mic to give intel to my friends on discord.. (i'm playing casual only)


It’s not even a problem with your gender. It’s just the general problem of toxicity in r6.


"Do better" shut up idiot, its online i get shit on all the time too, its not just cause ur a female lol the ego is crazy!


People would talk shit if you were a male aswell, get over yourself.


Don’t know why you’re telling us seige is and always will be toxic to females, my advice is to either get a stack or a voice changer.


Why do people crave validation? Like someone posting a good deed, instead of just doing it and moving on.


I always use game chat even if there are some rude or mean people on my team. I'd hate for the rest of my team to suffer from me not giving comms. I'm always the comms guy. Even if not a single person on my team utters a single word all match, I'm constantly giving comms. At least a few of them can hear me I figure. I feel like the toxicity has toned down some, compared to when I played 1+ years ago. I still run into some D-bag every 10-20 games or so. Its inevitable honestly. I don't let it get to me though, knowing they're probably some sad little neck beard. Not everyone on R6 is bad though. I'd consider only using VC strictly for comms if I were you, and just insta-mute the D-bags.


those same dudes trash talk anyone. you just gotta mute them and hope the next people arent toxic. dont give up talking cuz of a few dick heads


Fellow Female R6 player here, a good defense is to just say you're 12. I'm not, but they usually leave the match after hearing that. Especially that one guy I met on the event one that pretended to Fap to my voice whole his buddy was recording.


Literally so real I’ve been playing siege for years and now I just never talk in game chat, solo-queueing is a nightmare.


Online gaming is a section of the internet. The internet is a toxic place where assholes are emboldened by their anonymity. Women are a pretty small minority in the gaming community, and so the cliché insults are going to be the go-to's for the little shits that think they're funny. This isn't likely to change anytime soon, so thicken that skin, keep a couple savage comebacks to the most common comments ready to go, and embrace the suck. Or, just stay off comms in public games.


Truth is everyone is shit talked. I get called (mean homo word) Cuz I stream and have a furry pfp. Talk shit back dont be sensitive. These 14yos who talk shit about women will often stfu if you say something thats actually good. Dont be too senstive ik its hard to not let get to you but everyone gets bullied for different things.


Just place mute jammers next to them.


Lmao they made me cry earlier and like I played back in the og call of duty days. Same tired lines too. Yet they want call outs. I never use the mic anymore.


I’m a guy and I also mute randos. People are super fucking annoying. I’m raising my son to be better, but that’s gonna take a while to change the scene. I’m not sure we can do anything for you, but hopefully your daughter deals with it less.


Well you know what they say… if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Console? I wish I had a 5th team member anyone with a pulse will do.


same, you could try report the players who are toxic. In my experience most of them get banned


Play with game chat off. You’ll get better trust. I know it’s a game of communication but you can communicate by pinging or sticking by your teammates.


as a guy i get called racial slurs 😂😂 i think ur alright


I'm sorry for you, it's really hard to play MP games while being a girl because of the constant trolling/low IQ/anonymous. It's sad but either play with friends or use a voice changer


Yep, my friend who's female gets the same when playing with randoms, while me being black I'm constantly hearing the N word... Can't remember this community being as bad as it is right now, I don't even use my mic anymore because I get reported and since I stopped going on mic I'm back in Exemplary 🤷🏿‍♂️


Easy fix. Just grow a pair. No longer female.


I'm a pretty average player and I can't even play standard or quick match without people yelling at me to be better and play their way. It's infuriating if I can't play and just play for fun in quick match and standard where am I supposed to play? The community is so freaking bad on almost every game these days and it breaks my heart. I've been gaming since the 90s and I miss when honestly it was all single player sometimes because then people couldn't just abuse others at will


Don't let it get to you, R6 community is as good as the servers. Play w friends The bottoms are usually just try to get their anger out on others, listening what they say is just waste of time


I only ever use voice chat when everyone else seems pretty chill about it. Otherwise, I stick to text.


The video game community as a whole is cooked rn and has been taking massive steps backwards. I grew up playing games and made some amazing friends (of course with plenty of assholes along the way) but now no matter what game I am playing 99% of the randoms are absolute gremlins


Gotta 5 stack on siege. Solo queing on this game is awful. Super toxic. I get called the N word 24-7 and TK’d.


Get on with it


then play csgo, way better game and freidnly people if u live in america