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I can see how your mom might be misinformed but I assure you Ranboo does not hate Jewish people and not all Palestine supporters hate Jewish people. That’s like saying all Black Lives Matter protesters hate white people, it’s just not true. I hope this cleared your conscience, Ranboo makes sure everyone in his community is welcome no matter, race, gender, sexuality, etc.


Thank you. My mom was just misinformed because of all the violent Palestine protests outside schools on the news and stuff, I'm pretty sure. And this does clear my conscience, thanks!


there’s a lot of reliable news sources that better explain the violence that occurs during the protests. often they aren’t violent unless provoked by violence. a small example of peaceful protesters being provoked could be when the cops tried riding their horses into a crowd, knowing it could hurt someone and send people into panic. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGjj2wu/ there’s a lot out there showing how people are actively trying to hurt peaceful protesters or even pretend to be them to hurt cops in order to cause problems.


Oh, thank you!! I'll be sure to show this article to my mom and tell her this!


I'm fairly certain Ranboo supports freedom and equal treatment for all people, as should we. If your Mom thinks it's an "either or" deal, then she's definitely misinformed, and you should have her research this. If you want to stop watching Ranboo because of this (or any other reason), you can. No need to come into the reddit this way.


I was just asking because I wanted to make sure, and I support freedom and equal treatment, too. Thank you for being nice about it, and thanks for answering. I won't stop watching them now that I know this


A lot of the news stations right now are pushing a hateful "Palestinian protests are anti-sematic and violent" narrative, but it's very untrue. Sure there are always some more disruptive sides to but protests are meant to be disruptive and its very important. If you want reliable news that isn't skewing their words you should check out college newspapers run by the students like Harvard news paper, as they have the real information which is one of the reasons why they are protesting.


Yeah, I know, I just wanna make sure Ranboo wasn't a anti-sematic person, but thank you for the info! It was mostly my mom that was confused on that stuff


Just an fyi, not every Jew is Israeli. My family is Ukrainian and we’re Jewish. So I feel like ppl are massively misinformed abt that specific piece. /inf


Ah, thank you, my mom also told me that all jewish people are Israeli. Thanks for the info :]


Np! It’s just been really bothering me, since I’m openly Jewish to my friends and stuff and at the beginning they were talking bad about Jews and the religion and it really hurt me. I had to explain that Judaism is just a religion, yes can be passed down by generations, but just because someone is “Jewish” does NOT mean they’re from Israeli, and even if they WERE Israeli, does NOT mean they support the genocide and whatnot going on


bruh of course he supports jewish people what a silly question, your mom is a goof


That was a little rude. I was asking because I wanted to be sure. My mom is not a goof, probably just misinformed, thank you


I think it’s a playful comment, op.


Oh, I can't perceive tones well-


Goof often means just silly! /g


Thank you, I can rarely detect tones without tone tags. It messes with my brain 😭


i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to come off as rude! your mom sounds misinformed like you said. i would suggest doing your own critical thinking and looking into stuff like that in the future, rather than taking what someone says as fact! i understand wanting to ask others nonetheless, it just felt like a silly question to me and i thought the post was made to stir up fake drama. my bad homie


Jewish does not mean Israeli, and most Palestinians are Jewish themselves If they 'hated Jewish people' they would also hate themselves So no They dont


Thank you, I now know that, I was just misinformed by my mom


Rqnboo doesn't hate Jewish people. He hates the morality of the situation.


Okay, thank you


Saying all Palestine supporters hate Jewish people was a lie made but Israel/Genocide supporters. No, Ranboo is not antisemitic, same with most Palestine supporters


Thank you, I'm sure my mom was misinformed :]


Well as a Palestine supporter, I do support Jewish people so like I’m going to assume that because ranboo is a logical nice guy he probably supports Jewish people too


Thank you, I know not all Palestine supports dislike Jewish people now. Thanks for the info!


That's like saying all Christians hate gay people or all furries are creeps. She's using a small number to generalize the entire group, which is a very bad thing to do. And just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they support Israel.


I think she was misinformed by the news, but it is very much like saying that. I know all Palestine supporters don't hate Jewish people, and it is bad to say they all do. (And thanks for saying the furry statement. A lot of people say that, and it makes us sad that we are generalized too just because of our bad part. As a furry, it means a lot)


Seriously, furries are some of the chillest people I have ever met. Genuinely have yet to meet one who was a dick. Ya'll are freaking awesome, and do not deserve your harsh treatment. Keep doing you.


Thank you! It means a lot since I'm also an out furry in school and get some bad treatment, so it means something when you say that <33 /p /gen


Not all people who support Palestine hate Jewish people, it’s probably only a small percent who do. There are Jewish people who support Palestine. Hating what Israel has and is doing isn’t the same as hating the Jewish religion and Jewish people


I know that now, it was my mom who said that (and was most likely misinformed by news and articles) But thank you!


Yeah :/ I wish that everyone knew that and people weren’t shit and spread misinformation


Idk if you still want answers but in his bio on twitch it says that "Any Homophobia, Racism, Antisemitism etc are not allowed" so yes Ranboo does Support Jewish people!! He just does not support the genocide happening right now!


Ok, thank you sm!!


Of course! Happy to help!


No need to feel ashamed for asking OP! I get that it's hard to know, especially if you don't want to make anyone upset. But Ranboo is open to everyone and accepting of everyone. They just don't like people acting malicious towards other groups and has gone on the record that no hate is tolerated on their channels, period. You're definitely in the clear! To our little community, you're welcome as long as you're respectful and kind to everyone!


Alright, thank you sm!!


ranboo hates jews


Erm.. any evidence? Everyone else here is saying they're fine and support Jewish people?