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I think OP has got an answer by now, and the comments are starting to trigger the harassment filter, with many people insulting OP for not wanting to tip. Remember, folks, address the point being discussed and not the person. For example, many people were able to civilly explain why they think everyone should tip without insulting OP.


What I don't get is why tipping is being expanded to things that never had it and don't involve someone doing anything for you other than their job. That's stupid and we should all boycott that shit or else it's going to continue being adopted by more industries.


That’s probably what op is talking about, but that’s just greedy business owners. I don’t even know if that goes to the employees. If you go grab a drink from a fridge, drop it on the counter and the kiosk asks for a tip, the employee will think you’re an idiot if you tip haha they are also aware of how stupid it is. Business owners are cashing in on you feeling bad for clicking the no tip button. Click that shit with pride. Tip someone who is underpaid, and who actually waited on you


I shamelessly press the no tip button then use the justification that it takes more than just breathing to deliver exceptional service.


The software on the POS automatically does that tip screen. You CAN push no tip. I try to leave cash tips when I do tip bc I want that wait person to get all of it. I try to use that cup for tipping when I order or pick up food at a counter, and just put a couple if bucks if its food. Thats optional. No tip for pop or something small. It really depends, but I think having a method you know you will practice a head of time takes the guilt factor out. Of course, typical tips for hair cuts and driving service apply. Remember its a software program that prompts ffor the option to tip.


pickup orders never deserve tips


agreed, if im standing and getting food or drink im not tipping


This is true, but there is also an option to remove the tip prompt on most systems as well


Add-on, the company running the transaction system, as opposed to the business you're purchasing from, makes money on your electronic tip too.


I ordered something online today. Just went to the site, clicked add to cart, filled out the info, and paid. There was a fucking tip option on the payment screen. WTF?


It would be the last thing I’d buy from them.


A lot of places have outsourced deliveries to individuals who do it in their own cars. Walmart and Amazon are two huge retailers that have average people delivering online orders in regular cars. Could that have been the case?


Possibly, it is a smaller company and I am not sure how they are shipping it. I am pretty sure it is just the standard format for their sale system, but I was like 🤨


I’m super uncomfortable with Laser Ship. These are normal people who aren’t beholden to the same privacy refutations as USPS employees or full-time employees of other carriers. What happens if you don’t know that your order delivery has been outsourced and some yokel decides to do some funny business now that they know your address? How does it work for public figures?




Tip culture is hilarious


Was it food you ordered or just a random item?


💯💯💯 i hate that everyone is asking for a tip. People who are paid a higher wage have no business EXPECTING a tip. Tipping should be left for servers/bartenders. It just really sucks cuz everyone else is ruining it for us, they are the reason WE ARE GETTING STIFFED🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


You realize bartenders average between 10 and 25 dollars an hour right??? Your not tipping a bartender your bribing them for better drinks


$25 per hour isn’t a living wage almost anywhere


lol yeah ok maybe not any large city but most of the country makes far less than that. 😂😂😂somebody has never actually been anywhere


I don't understand why hair people or massage should be tipped either? Why not just adjust the price. Makes no sense to me.


I saw a video where someone spent like $2,000 on a dress and when she went to pay, the spun the screen around for a tip starting at 20%. A WEDDING DRESS.


I always think back to the 80's and that campaign "Just say no", and how that fits in here perfectly. Any time I see a tip screen or someone asks for a tip in any place that doesn't get on, be it a bottle of water at a stadium or the drive thru at a fast food restaurant, or carry out at a restaurant, I have no guilt whatsoever in saying no, or clicking $0. In fact, I get excited because I at least know I am doing my part and not letting this out of control panhandling to take hold. Someone asks if I want to tip, I always chuckle back and say "no, we're fine" as if what they saying were a joke and I am amused at them. But there is also the negative impact in that now that everyone is asking for free extra money, people are starting to wonder why they are expected to tip anywhere in the first place. And those of us that travel internationally get to see how utterly pleasant dining is in a restaurant where servers are paid a living wage and get full benefits and turn down tips. I would love to have that here, and I'm sure 90% of servers would give up tips for a secure pay and benefits (10% work in places where they get paid way too much in tips compared to others, high end clubs and restaurants) So yes, I can imagine how pleasant the world would be if we never HAD to tip again. We still could if we felt something was nice, but to require it is just dumb and its never to late to stop doing dumb things.


Honestly, if "we" all collectively did just about anything the world would change substantially. Problem is that "we" will never all collectively do anything in particular.


Exactly. Pricing would get adjusted quickly. Things would change - but it will never happen


Restaurants arent paying their workers well, so they guilt trip their customers into tipping. Why would I pay someone that hasn't made my food yet? My friend can vouch for me that I'm a heavy tipper when I go and do a sit-down restaurant. I'll pay $20 tips for a 40 dollar meal because I thought they did well. I don't go out much so it's nice to treat myself and I love it when they refill my drink without me hunting for them. But if I go to Burger King and they want 20% for them giving me a cup, no. That's not even service. I tip because they gave me good service, not because they fling that tablet around to make a choice. I'll let u know how much I'm thinking of tipping. I'll be nice enough to change the percent to actual amount, thank u very much. 10¢ if u did your job, $5 if u jumped on the counter and did a Russian dance on the Starbucks counter. A tip is a thank u, not a substitutes to pay u to do your job.


I usually only leave a "big" tip at a sit down restaurant where I'm being waited on.   Any other type of line restaurant/coffee shop etc I'll tip $1-2  Basically depends on how much work someone is doing to help me lol 


Upper management don’t care how much $ their employees make in tips. It would result in the restaurant making the same and employees doing the same amount of work, now for no tips. Which would probably result in worse staffing and therefore worse service


If employees stopped getting tips, the restaurant would have to make up the difference to ensure they were still making the minimum wage. Legally your hourly pay + tips have to equal more than minimum wage. So management would definitely care if they had to suddenly start paying their employees 3x as much.


Yeah but that’s on them if they can’t even pay minimum wage honestly. $7.25 an hour is not a lot


Maybe for a couple of days. Then servers would either find other jobs or get paid Morse.


.. / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .--. .- -.-- / -- -.-- / -... .. .-.. .-.. ... / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ...


It would almost cripple the bar and restaurant industry. Probably worse than COVID to be honest. I've been doing this for 20 yrs, and I went through COVID as well. I work in a small locally owned business, and there's no way he'd be able to pay me much more than I make already. And I wouldn't do this for $15 an hr ...


true at first, but eventually all of the staff who's wages rely on tips would quit and nobody would be willing to replace them. in order for those businesses to stay up and running they would have no other choice than to start paying their employees a decent wage instead of relying on the generosity of their customers.


Yeah I get that but don’t you think that would have already happened after Covid, when restaurants couldn’t get people to work for them? Unless the actual laws change they will keep paying $2 an hour as long as it is legal. I just think it is unrealistic to ask everyone to stop tipping because there will always be folks who do


That's not true at all. A restaurant would have to pay more to get good staff. Obviously it would vary from place to place, but in some places you would have to pay $20 to 25 bucks an hour. Other places you might have to pay 30 to 50. If you've got a nice bar or restaurant in New York, you would probably have to pay 50 or 60 bucks an hour to get an employee to work for you and provide the level of customer service that people expect. And if you're not willing, your competitor down the street will.


Employers have to pay minimum wage of servers don’t make at least that in tips, that’s the law. So servers would start making minimum wage. I’m over it, too. I’ve stopped being as generous and I don’t tip anywhere I wasn’t expected to 10 years ago.


I’m with you too on not tipping where I wasn’t supposed to a decade ago. I will tip real servers if I’m at a sit down restaurant. I’ll tip my valet. I tip my barber. If hotel staff takes my bags to my room and housekeeping cleans my room, I’ll take care of them. If I get a taxi or Uber, I’ll give them something extra (except for the case where my driver was a total hostile prick, I tipped him one cent, so he’d know I didn’t forget to tip, I gave back the same bullshit he gave me). If I’m ordering a slice of pizza at the local pizzeria I go to every Friday near my office, I won’t. The woman literally turns around from the register to the window, grabs my slice and hands it to me. Recently they installed a new POS system that has the 15/18/20% option, first time I had been there since they installed it was 2 weeks ago. I assume the cashier saw that I put zero for the tip because she scoffed and shot me a shitty look, grabbed my to-go slice and sorta tossed it on the counter in front of me. I mean, I’m sorry, I know times are tough, but they’re tough for me too and everyone around us. You didn’t really “serve” me in the sense that most would consider, and I know too much about how guilt-tripping and extortion works.


I just try to avoid eating out at this point.


I don’t eat out often, because it’s become so damn expensive, but I do treat myself to something small once a week when at the office, like a coke and a slice of pizza totaling maybe $5. I’ll also take the lady friend out for a date night maybe every other weekend and we will go to a sit down dinner, nothing crazy unless it’s a birthday or special occasion, then I’ll take her someplace a little more upscale. But I definitely have been preparing meals at home WAY more, but fuck, even groceries have become crazy expensive most places.


Agreed; I’ve been doing a bunch of bulk meal prepping where I make several dishes from whatever is on sale for a given week. My spice cabinet is pretty full (though I always welcome suggestions) so that really helps with variety. It means I might spend 2-3 hours one day cooking but the majority of the week it takes almost no time to heat up a home cooked meal.


Get some Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, and Lawry’s seasoned salt. Both go great on chicken, and the Lawry’s makes for a BITCHIN burger. My grandma used to use it all the time on chicken and beef and got me hooked at a young age.


Absolutely the same. I'm not going to short change an employee directly, but I will just... not go places. It's not an essential part of my life, it's a luxury. And if I can't enjoy that luxury without shitty business practices or feeling bad for the employees then it's not a luxury worth having.


In theory, legally, yes. Most don't and won't do the matching. In large part, because there's no actual agency with the budget to check up on them. No one wants to pay taxes to fund regulatory enforcement you see. Look into wage theft in the US. It's a huge problem. Those who do or would only have to pay minimum wage. Many servers etc make more than that. Look up minimum wage in your state. Now look up housing costs etc. Yeah... you're going to screw over a lot of people through no fault of their own is what's going to happen. Next step: Complain about the mysterious rise in homelessness.


It’s funny because tip culture isn’t really a thing in other countries, some find it insulting because it’s like you’re telling them they are broke


this actually makes a lot of sense to me


But everyone IS broke.The average American adult is $66,000 in debt.


My girlfriend has the best philosophy: "If I had to order it from my car or standing up, no tip." EDIT: She adds, "or if I have to pay for my food before I get my food, you can fuck right off with that tip."


We can't even agree the Earth is round. That doesn't even require any action.


Its shit like this that makes me think "I'm just ready for an asteroid to hit us". Like not in a depressed way, but more of a "we had a good run" kind of way. Like clearly we can't agree on some of the most basic shit, we just aren't cut out for being the dominant species, let someone else try


It would not really take 100%. Probably 60% would be enough maybe less. Once every other table stopped tipping things would change quick.


In Canada, restaurant servers are paid around $20 per hour so tipping is expected at around 10 percent.


Where do you live in Canada? I’m in Alberta and servers make minimum wage if they don’t tip out. Minimum is $15 per hour here, which is below what is considered a living wage ($18+). It’s the same wage you would get working at McDonalds for a lot less work. 10% is the minimum tip amount on our debit machines, which is fine for fast food, but 20% is generally expected at dine in restaurants or bars.


There would be a lot of homeless and hungry servers and bartenders ☹️


A lot of servers and bartenders would have to find other jobs immediately and a lot would probably end up homeless or without money for serious expenses like food and meds before they could get back on track. If you want to stop tipping you have to start at the mandated pay scale end not the screw the worker end.


In California they make the same minimum wage as everyone else, so...


Or they'd all threaten to quit and then the employers would realize If they want a successful business they will have to pay them proper wages like other counties where tipping isn't a thing.


And then the owners would see the error of their ways and there would be a musical montage and everyone would live happily ever after. Except none of that would happen because owners would rather see a constant revolving door of wait staff rather than pay a meaningful wage. Life isn’t a movie.


So we're just pretending that the way it works in the majority of the world doesn't exist?


All the places sustained by tipping would close. Economics would happen. Creative destruction. Might not like what replaces it.


Obvious this person hasn’t seen the world, the vast majority of which exists/thrives without tipping culture.


I don't bother thinking about these questions cause we can't collectively do jack shit in the first place. 


Well, we can. But we won't. Because it would involve actually holding representative accountable individually and not blindly voting by party.


We can’t even agree on what needs to change. If somehow we do unify in agreement, we just argue about how to implement the change, what its limitations should be, the morality of said changes, and so on. Everyone’s situations are different, so what is good for some will be bad for others. We keep ourselves at a stalemate this way, so we can’t progress one way or another. If we do manage it, another party comes into power and undoes everything the last one put in place anyway.


Agreed. The adversarial, playground petty relationship between the two parties is frustratingly paralyzing.


It really is. And you know behind closed doors they’re shaking hands and laughing at us together. We have other parties in Canada, a few of which are big enough to force a minority government over a majority one, but they always end up getting absorbed into the 2 big ones, liberal and conservative. They are the only 2 that have any chance of winning, so it feels like a 2 party system anyway. I prefer a more central approach to politics, we won’t make any headway if we can’t learn to talk to each other and compromise, but the only voting options are either far left, or far right. I HATE having to vote because I’m so tired of “picking the lesser evil” and figuring out which one that may be at the time. I don’t want to vote between one bad option or another one anymore. 😓


Burning plates of food


Thats on the cooks who already don't receive tips


People hope for and rely on tips. Maybe you don't pay....okay. Prices go up for the cost of living. Some places or jobs just suck... But a tip left. Maybe with a note, " Thank you " Is a motivation to keep working.


If you get your food to go. You don't have to tip. If you dine-in or have it delivered, you have to tip.


There's four people that you should always tip, no matter what. Bar/wait staff Cabbies Food delivery Anyone who's doing anything to your body (fr man wash your nuts) **Edit formatting


I tip at fancy restaurants when I go(rare before, but VERY rare now) & Valets. Everyone else, I stopped after I'd seen a SELF SERVICE AREA ask if I wanted to tip. 15,18, or TWENTY-FIVE percent. Needless to say, I said no. Then very politely cussed the owners out as I left and haven't tipped almost at all since.


At the car wash they had a tip function on the screen. This is a pay and drive thru car wash.


I did one better. I stopped dining out.


They don’t tip in Japan as they find it unprofessional.


I tip generously (between 25-30%) at restaurants (and places like spas). I won't tip at all at places like fast food or retail where workers are not paid server wages. Not one damn dime. I'm all for everyone refusing to tip at places where workers are paid regular wages. But I do not support stopping tipping at restaurants. A whole lot of people live off that money. We would be hurting them, not making a statement. If the restaurants had to pony up the money to pay them regular wages, the cost of eating out would become prohibitively expensive, which would put the restaurants out of business and the staff out of a job.


If I know a place asks for a tip, or even looks like they will, I do not give them any patronage. I absolutely hate tip culture. If you cannot pay your employees, I do not visit your store. Now a days they don’t even ask for tips, they demand it.


I tip for service. Being rung up at the register is not a service


I only want to tip if I'm sitting down when I order food from a server who earns < minimum wage who will bring it to me. As god intended.


Every server in the USA would quit. And then... * Lots of restaurants and cafes would close down * Others would offer higher wages to get people to come and work there * there would be a huge demand for those restaurants and cafes and they would make huge profits * others would open up to benefit from the boom. They too would be offering a good enough wage to get employees * people would start being selective about which restaurants they went to, with the better places getting more customers and making more money * restaurants would pay better servers a premium to ensure they had good people, and so got more money * Suddenly everything would be just like it is today except * Servers would have certainty about their income and wouldn't have to ass-kiss individuals * customers would know how much things were going to cost them and wouldn't be shamed into paying ridiculous prices to unscrupulous people. * the world would be a better place. Edited to fix typesetting.


Food costs would go up by at least 30%, because employers would have to replace the lost wages and would pass those costs onto consumers. Service quality would decline dramatically, because the only reason service workers are so polite and put up with so much crap from customers is their money depends on it.


Consumers are paying the tips so cost is already passed on.


Right but prices would increase by more than what you’re paying in tips, which I expanded on in my other comment. And even if the cost somehow evened out to be the same, that would mean you’re paying the same overall for a worse dining experience because of the incentive tips give to workers.


Elininating a 15% tip would cause food costs to increase by 30%? Please explain your logic.


The average tip is 20%, not 15%, but food costs would increase by more than that (assuming employers try to make servers close to whole, or they’d quit) because there are other costs of employment they currently aren’t paying. For example, payroll and income taxes (employee and employer side), since servers do not report a huge portion of their cash tips.


Delivery driver chiming in here - my platforms pay between $1.50 and $2 base, per job. I have to hope I get offers to work, or I put wear on my car and use fuel for nothing. When an offer hits my phone, I have to decide if I can afford to accept it. Does it suck that tips make my job doable? Yes. Are the platforms likely to fix that? Not in this reality. And yes, I chose this work.... because it's what I can do without having daily panic attacks. I am all for figuring out a better system as long as I can still keep my lights and water on, and avoid a grippy-sock vacation.


Uhh ... I'd still tip. So probably nothing.


Well a lot of people working part time would quit and serving jobs would become less appealing overall. They pay quite well right now though, obviously depending on the server and the restaurant. Im sure management would raise wages somewhat depending on the quality of the restaurant and work it into the price.


Changing laws regarding wages takes a lot longer than it does to lose your job, and when there are few jobs to go around, someone is always willing to step into the position for less just to get bills paid. I think in this situation, the laws would have to change first, but they would face a lot of backlash from people that prefer working for tips, because oftentimes they actually make more money through tips then they would a normal wage. So changing that would be an uphill battle. If everyone just suddenly stopped tipping though, a lot of people would simply be out of work entirely. It’s too engrained in North American culture to change that easily at this point.


The federal minimum wage for tipped workers in the USA is $2.13 an hour...


Anymore, the only time I tip, is if I’m sitting down to eat and being served. Food to go, no tip. Order takeout at restaurant, no tip. I felt bad at first, but not anymore. I still tip my barber.. which is weird when i think about it, because they’re private contractors essentially. Providing a service.. but they get all that money and make up their own prices. They pay a chair fee to the shop usually. So why am I paying a tip to them, when they’re essentially a small business unto themselves? I don’t tip the mechanic who works on my car. Or the guy who tailors my clothes.


The dumbest thing that could happen is restaurants start tacking a standardized tip of 25% onto every bill. So that's probably what would happen. You might argue this is illegal, but automatic gratuities and hidden fees tacked on after the fact are becoming more common.


OP just whacked the hornet's nest.


I have owned my 4br, 2bath, 2 car garage and property mortgage free since I was 37....because I make highclass hooker tips as a waiter. When yournregular guests know that you are taxed on your credit card tips, you get some pretty origami that is tax free. Frankly, if you stop tipping you will not get the service you feel undeservedly entitled to. Now on tipping culture. I am not, will not be guilted into a tip situation. I have more than once looked at a barista and demanded to be tipped from the tip jar for having to step aside and wait for my order and come back to get it. BITCH walk it to me for $8.99 plus tax. No I am not tipping a delivery driver. My fn florist doesn't stand there waiting for a tip!


We’ll all quit and you can cook for yourself lmao


I would stop bringing food to your house


Wouldn't economics work this out? No tipping, workers quit en masse, severe shortages of employees, service workers become very valuable, wages rise. I'm not an economist, but it seems reasonable in my theoretical, layman's brain.


Obviously it would be very confusing for a few days. But let's say the government decided to ban tipping 6 months from now. I wouldn't approve because I don't think that's government's place. But let's say they did. Every bar and restaurant and coffee shop etc would negotiate with their employees or come up with certain solutions. They would offer an hourly wage and surely they would have to raise their prices and let their customers know that they would be doing so at that time. Other than my objections to government doing it, I think it would be awesome. I hate the whole tipping idea. Restaurants would raise their prices by maybe 15% and pay their employees about that much. I don't mean they would pay the employees 15% more. I mean they would pay their employees an amount hourly equal to the 15% in price increase.


I am a boomer but I always tipped big because my sister was a waitress and she would regale me with tales of no tips and under tippers. Before this tipping craze took hold I would always tip 15-20%. This was quite awhile ago. I did this because of my sister. Then the tip jars appeared. OK fine. Then it was take out. OK fine. It takes from your time to assemble my order. It seems it just progressed from there until it is where it is today. I still leave 15% in honor of my sister. I ain't buying into this. Charge me more if need be but don't pay less to your employees and expect me to make up the difference.


The only people I tip are waiters and delivery drivers. Every other screen I see with a tip option is a straight no. Dint feel bad it's completely ridiculous and unnecessary


If people do not want to tip, then don't eat out. Simple I hate this topic. Servers and wait staff have bills to pay. And honestly you should tip throughout the day or event. Valet, waiter, shoe shine guys, live entertainment ex: Mariachis. Tip your food delivery drivers, tip your Amazon/UPS/DHL/USPS/FED EX. If you have your car washed by a youth group, give them a tip. Tipping is a reality. To ignore the works of others, because you are too cheap, is not a topic of debate...it is just plain sad.


You just screw over the employees who are already being screwed. Tipping culture hasn’t changed as far as I can tell. Businesses have installed little computer things and said “how many people do you think will tip if we ask? Just buying an energy drink from the fridge you grabbed yourself? How bout a tip?” That is a new thing, an no one expects you to tip. Their employees are paid at least minimum wage, tipping is some bullshit management added to get more money from idiots. All of the classic places you used to tip at back in the day? Those places are the only places you need to tip. Most importantly restaurant servers, bartenders, the people who work for tips. If a dumb computer kiosk at a bodega is asking for a tip you can ignore it.


service people would 💩 in your food


Prices would go up, and quality of service would go down.  As a Canadian who has lived abroad and travelled a lot, this whole anti tipping fixation is weird to me. Service in restaurants and similar places is *noticeably* better in tipping cultures than those with low or no tipping. To retain talent in these types of jobs, businesses would increase prices, but employees would no longer have as direct a motivation to provide excellent service.  So you'd pay 15 or 20% extra baked into the bill, with no control over it and you'd get worse service. Why does everyone want this?  Edit: I agree with objections to the weird expansion of tipping into inappropriate business types, but tipping in restaurants tends to mean a better dining experience for much the same price as you'd pay if tipping didn't exist. 


You would be eating baloney sandwiches for the rest of your life.


Single Moms would lose their apartments and cars.. Sure living wage etc. Just stopping tipping would ruin lives.


Went to a very old family restaurant yesterday with 7 of my family after a graduation. Great menu of traditional American fare was good with friendly service. Don't know if it was because we had 7 people but they added in an 18% tip as a bill line item with a space for "Additional tip". Looked like it was a regular thing. But I hadn't seen that before. Usually if they add tip for larger tables it is noted. If you didn't like the service you would have to subtract from the total.


A lot of workers would be pissed off initially, but when their frustrations became correctly directed at their employers the world would become a better place.


The Industrial Workers of the World, the IWW, a syndicalist union, took an anti-tipping stance over a hundred years ago. Of course they were also actively unionizing in workplaces all over the US, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. The point was that many businesses paid their workers a shitty wage, and encouraged tipping so that customers were expected to essentially pay part of the worker's wages in lieu of the boss doing so. Of course things are different now. Nowadays people who are against tipping are more likely to be rightwing jerks who do so not out of a feeling of solidarity for their Fellow Workers, but actual hatred of working folk, out of the belief that people who financially struggle do so out of a moral failing on their part, and that it's actually a good thing for them to suffer in such a circumstance.


Ultimately would put pressure on corporations to pay people living wages, but it would take time. In the process, I know a lot of people in the service/food industry who would have their lights shut off or even become homeless without their tips. The average wage for a server before tips where I’m from is $4/hr. The way to end tipping culture is to challenge the people at the top, not bleed out the service staff.


As a bartender, I'll tell you - there would be a mass closing of restaurants and bars because they'd have no workers.


Japan and most of Europe do not tip. They still have bars and restaurants


Prices go up and wages stay the same. Shoot, might cause inflation to reverse. Idk I'm not an economist


People would go hungry. If you removed tipping culture you would simultaneously have to make the minimum wage something people could actual live off. For the record a lot of people who rely on tips still do not make a living or survivable wage


No, this won’t hurt anyone but the tipped workers who earn less than minimum wage. What has to happen is different law changes that eliminate the need for tips.


Tips are a form of compensation for a personal service extended to you. If people are doing something for you which you could do for yourself, but you are not, then it's appropriate to tip for the time, energy, effort or work that they are performing so you don't have to! Service workers are called that, for a reason. They are there for the sake of convenience. In our culture, we generally get much better service BECAUSE employers pay them very little, and their incentive to earn good tips helps assure that customers get their needs met in a prompt, courteous way. If you get poor service, then don't tip! But if the service meets your expectations, you should tip. And if you can't justify the extra cost to tip, then don't patronize businesses where tipping is customary. Instead of the Starbucks, make your own coffee at home. Instead of having a newspaper delivered, buy one at a convenience store. Do your own grocery shopping instead of using InstaCart. There's nothing you can't do for yourself instead; but if someone does it FOR you, tipping is appropriate.


That only punishes the server and not the establishment. Best, fastest, and most direct way is to not frequent or support businesses that pay poor wages


Bold of you to assume I tip, they didn't give me more food, so why should I give them more money? Nobody in Japan tips and their workers are way more polite than any workers here in London. Buff up my portion size then I'll tip.


I dont understand tipping for most things. Like a tattoo.. you set the price for your work so just Fn set a price you like instead of me having to figure out how much to give you ON TOP of an already agreed upon price


I only tip at restraunts or on the rare occasion I order pizza I tip. All this other nonsense I'm having none of. Your stink eye gives me more power lol


Unfortunately, I think a lot of people would lose the majority of their income. I am an above average tipper for wait staff in restaurants because I know how little they are paid hourly by their greedy owners. I tip in cash, hoping that the wait staff will pocket it because I am tipping THEM, not the rest of the staff. Nowadays the waitresses where I eat do it all, even bussing the table. As far as stores where I pick up things, Starbucks, etc, I do not and will not tip. I do not go to or order from businesses that automatically add a tip or "service charge" to my order I don't like the concept of tipping because it simply means that business owners do not pay a livable wage


Being asked at a Starbucks drive through to tip on a cup of coffee that already cost $6 was what finally pushed me to switch over to the $1.99 iced coffee at McDonalds. ETA: I’m a good tipper in restaurants and for food delivery (I call it the lazy tax). I’ll tip the guys who deliver and set up my new bed next week. I don’t have any problems with tipping for service. I just hate having the drive through person hold that keypad up and make me select “no tip” while they look me in the eye. Coffee tastes better with no guilt and extra cream.


Short term, servers barely able to afford rent/life, would suffer immensely. Long term, restaurants and businesses would pay them better, but raise their prices to do so, such that we would pay the same or more.


Unpopular? I don't care. I don't tip at a counter where the employee is getting paid a minimum wage hourly salary. And online? Come on My daughter is a waitress and I feel the out of control tipping culture takes away from the fact that her pay is almost entirely based on tips.


Poor workers stay poor(er), wages don’t rise except to maybe minimum wage, and business owners potentially see an uptick in earnings. That’s it. That’s what happens.


I will not stop tipping, but I know people feel weird when that option on the screen comes up. Just hit no tip. In a weird way, that new software that allows that tipping option has people feeling awkward. (Not sure if thats one of the issues you have). I will tip as I normally have. I tipped more during shut downs bc it was for a special reason. I tip most when the pizza delivery person comes bc they use their vehicle and gas. I tip 15/20 at a restaurant for wait service. Much less if there is a service charge fee. I do not have grocery delivery. I tipped more than usual once during easter bc I was sick and didnt have food and that to me was worth it. When I pick up a to go order, I tip a couple bucks at the counter. Just have a method you follow a head of time. I do not go out a lot, but thats the method I follow.


I’m guessing the first result would be wait people who can’t afford to pay their rent. Then not enough staff for restaurants. Then some restaurants closing. Others raising their prices and learning how to make it work. Obv that’s only restaurants. In my opinion one of the proper places for tipping. I have never run one, but I have had some friends who have. Each of them had different levels of success but they all were not raking in money. I managed a cafe and they just didn’t make money. The owners didn’t even make as much as I did and I was part time. Food Delivery Services would have to charge more in order to pay enough in wages. But it would end up in their favor because desperate people will work for too little because they can’t see another option. I do wish people could work together in this way to effect change. I vote that we get the airlines to reduce the number of seats in airplanes. Two bigger seats all the way to the back baby. Why? Because people refused to ever book the middle seat.


I don't always have an issue with tipping but i would really love to see this thinking put into practice but involving employers and govt. Tipping is only a hot button issue thanks to the economy, no one had an issue tipping before and those who got tips didn't make as much of a stink about it. The root problem isn't the tipping, its humanities greedy nature. I think we should all just stop going to work collectively until they figure out a fix. They all crapped their huggies when covid hit and no one could work, only thing that kept them on course was the knowledge that it was just a virus and would end... without that security i got a feeling it would go a much different way and in fixing all the economic issues (which on some level, some of those are the choices of men who are more concerned with themselves and what they will lose rather than the welfare of the people) and in fixing the economic issues you in turn fix the tipping issues... win win..


No food delivery, industry would die overnight.


Lots of restaurants would close. They have built their business model on not even paying minimum wage to most of their staff. If everyone stopped tipping, and all those places were forced to cover the tips not made up to minimum wage, they would crumble.


All restaurants would have to pay a better hourly wage and charge more for their product instead of customers providing the wages directly. Tipping is an uncertain practice and sometimes workers do well but not so much on other times. It’s not just restaurants either. Hotels. Delivery. Lots of services expect tips. And lots of customers might even realize tipping is expected. Do I tip the mailman? The carpenter who already charged thousands to do a job? The trash men? How about my kids’ teachers? The babysitter? Cops? The cinema ticket taker? Who should expect tips? The cashier who rings up a bottle of water? See how crazy it is?


People will have to work three jobs. Everyone knows damn well they won’t pay a single cent over minimum wage.


You would experience the utopia that is Australia. Also prices would be higher..


Just tip waiting staff. None of this bullshit with tips at a register.


What if we collectively forced employers to pay a living wage? That's a better question. Why punish the worker for a fucked up economic system in which wealth flows in only one direction?


We harm the people that don’t deserve to be harmed.


I’d have a lot less beer money and/of money for good dinners on my nights off. If someone wants to tip me for coming out at 2 am to open their luxury vehicle that’s on them. I’ve never asked or expected anything extra for it but do appreciate it.


The majority of restaurant staff would quit because restaurants either wouldn’t make changes to cover the losses or take too long to raise the pricing. Many restaurants would close with higher prices. So essentially no more service staff. Service staff members like bartenders and waiters live for tips. In some cities they are making a LOT of money. These are the good servers and bartenders and they will NOT stick around. So be prepared to come with a whole new set of complaints and a bunch of staff who is over it.


I have a side question for anyone who’s interested- do you tip your hairdresser? I was raised to tip them but some people have been telling me that’s unnecessary


I got the screen spun at me by a casher with options "18%, 20%, 22%, custom". He was a nice friendly guy so I chose custom and put in "10". Turned out it was dollars not %. I asked him to fix it. We laughed. I gave him $2. The value of the coupon I used (I do that a lot). I hate that the "No tip" is often hard to find. So if you stare at the screen long enough you both know what youre looking for. Awkward. I hate it.


I've pretty much stopped going to restaurants outside of special occasions. The cost now does not justify the amount of enjoyment anymore Looking at my bill and knowing that could have easily been the whole day's worth of food from a grocery store immediately gives me buyer's remorse The quality of most restaurants has also dropped significantly Tipping culture is not the only thing that needs to change


Here's what I do: I don't shop places that do the "would you like to tip" on a purchase that doesn't require it, and have since stopped using any service that expects a tip. I don't need to eat out. I don't need to order delivery.


No one will ever take a job serving in a restaurant ever again.


i’m personally sick of hearing people complaining about tipping, there is a new post every day saying “tipping is out of control!!” just stop tipping and go on with your life, no one wants to hear about it


A whole lot of service industry workers and their families would become homeless and starve


Lets just decide once and for all, right now, to stop tipping...boom done! Yes you'll feel like an ass, but change only happens through a bit of discomfort... I for one have stopped tipping other than where it has been tradition-for someone going above and beyond what their job entails. Join me!


Initially, a lot of places would just close. All the servers would go find jobs that paid better, so unemployment would skyrocket. Bigger companies and very successful restaurants would start paying a better wage, but they would raise their prices by a ridiculous amount. Most restaurants operate at just barely profitable, especially small businesses. Big chains, that already serve questionable food at way to high a price, will be the only ones to survive. They will find cheaper suppliers, charge more, and lure servers away from restaurants that can't afford to pay better. Small towns will be hit the hardest. The best restaurant in my town pays a decent wage, buys supplies locally, and is just above average on price. They lose money on the restaurant every year. The owners use their rental property income to keep the restaurant afloat because they care about their employees and the community. What we should do is research the companies we choose to spend our money on, and if we don't like how they treat their employees, we don't spend our money there. You're right, though. Tipping should be obligated. But if I have even a little extra money, I like to spread it around. There's a weird energy with it. The more you use it, the more comes back to you.


Servers stop serving or they spit in our food is my guess.


Most service workers would quit.


I’ve just stopped eating out, period. 


Unfortunately you’re mostly hurting your server when you do this, not the establishment. An outright boycott would be more effective.


Prices at restaurants and other places where tips are expected/needed would go up 15-20 percent (perhaps more from greedy owners)


Theoretically, they would have to lay their staff a living wage. But you would see those extra costs in the new high prices eating out.


Well, that’s a tough subject to discuss. If you think about it, our minimum wage is inadequate financially to sustain a living for many young people. College is not for everyone. Not everyone can afford it, either. I truly feel sad. Economy is not what it used to be. For tipping, it should only apply to places such as restaurants and places where services are really be rendered. This applies to pizza and groceries delivery. Everyone is entitled to make a living. It’s all up to each and everyone of us whether to tip or not. Just remember, if you’re able to give, it’s never wrong to help someone else out. It all will return to you eventually.


Tipping to me seems to have turned into an entitlement rather than being earned. The children who have grown up getting participation trophies now feel that because they did something, they get something. I stopped in at a bakery, and two girls were just sitting there talking. No one else was in line, but I still had to use the kiosk to place my order and pay for it so they could get off thier asses to put my order in a box and hand it to me. The kiosk asked me if I wanted to leave a tip. Why?! I might as well just put it in the box myself at that point.


I heard that tips in restaurants are totaled at the end of shift and they split it up which is unfair. Joe may be working hard throughout his shift and he has to share his tips with Karen who is lazy!!! That’s ridiculous.


If you feel like an asshole? You probably are one. “Tip culture” is something made up. No one has to tip. Just say NO 0 none nope etc. What you’re describing is cancel culture and Id bet you’re adamantly opposed to that. I elect to tip. Generously as a rule and only when I feel it’s warranted. Try it!


You would hurt workers and make zero dent in wage policy. You want to fix this in a meaningful way stop voting red


Employees would have to pay them what is legally obligated.


I ordered a sandwich from Starbucks the other day, the cashier says “your total is $5.75. The machine’s gonna ask you a question”, I hit no tip and they came back to the machine and gave me the stink eye. Like, what the fuck? They don’t even make the sandwich. You pick it up, put it in the microwave and set it on the counter. How hard is that and why is that worth a $1 dollar tip?


Pay cash at these places… problem solved.


If you want the change, you have to take the lumps and be the change. No one is going to make it okay for you. But with each individual that does it, it becomes a trend. And businesses will have to adjust to cope. They might even start to pay their employees like other employers do. 




a lot of service workers would become homeless and not have money to feed themselves. SO sick of people blaming tipped-wage-earners instead of the infrastructue that allows corporations to pay starvation wages. if you can't afford to tip, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO EAT OUT. end of story.


Well there would be no more waiters, because they can’t live on 2$ an hour, so an entire industry that people can make a somewhat decent living doing, that doesn’t require a college degree or too much special training, would collapse. A lot of waiters would do well in sales, so if you work in sales you would have more competition for a job. Probably more homeless folks, as a lot of restaurant workers don’t have a lot of reserve resources. Less restaurants to eat at as well. A lot of other jobs that tip pay a little more so they wouldn’t collapse, but would probably suffer.


The economy would crash


Prices skyrocket, and service fails.


The tipping problem/culture really comes down to people piggy backing off who we should be tipping. Who we should be tipping: people who provide a service for less than minimum wage. I.e. servers and bartenders. Those who are essentially independent contractors. I.e. hair stylists that rent chairs, massage therapists. Also, those who perform a physical job for you. I.e. people who carry your bags or clean up after you at a hotel. Who we should not be tipping: the person who hands me a coffee and whatever I picked out of the glass case of snacks. Or any other situation where someone is at a counter ordering. Exceptions if your order is a pain in the ass. If you require 2 pumps of this and 4 pumps of that, and half of whatever milk with half of a different milk, etc, you should be leaving a tip and don’t complain about it. The skill required to make your dessert drink with some coffee in it is similar to that of a good bartender.


My wife and I have stopped going out altogether because of how bad the tipping is now. When I'm forced to give 15 or 20% on top of the bill, built into the bill, I quit. I guess they should have been happy with my patronage alone and let me decide if they deserve more.


I only tip if I'm getting food brought to me at a restaurant. I don't put money in tip jars where I'm just getting coffee, fast food or something else where there's no or minimal customer service. If you can afford to go out to eat at a sit down restaurant, you can afford to tip. But I disagree we should be tipping in non-food related services.


Yes, I eat out less due to rising prices. And I consider the tip to be part of the cost of eating out. If I can’t afford the tip, then I stay home.


Mostly nothing. People would quit as servers for a month or two until restaurants figured out a different pay structure and started hiring with it, which they would do in short order. Restaurant prices would go up, but it wouldn't change how much people actually pay by that much. A few restaurants would go out of business by failing to adapt, but it would be rare. The disappearance of automatic tip stuff taking hold in convenience stores and fast food restaurants wouldn't change anything. That's a pure cash grab that doesn't impact the economy of those places at all.


One reason I don’t go out. Food prices bad enough then add a tip.. Don’t think so


You'd be getting your own shit because every server would quit. Don't want to tip? Stay home


If everyone stopped tipping, restaurants would raise prices to get the money to pay servers full wages and you would have no choice in the matter, whether you got good service or bad.


Two things every human should have to do. 1 have a job dependant on tips to survive 2 have a commission only job. Once you've experienced how awful they both are you will see the world much differently.


In the US? More poverty among those servers with sub-minumum wages with the restauraunt lobbyists trying to keep it that way.


If you do not want to tip service workers, I suggest you cook your own food, wash the dishes you ate on, clean the glass you drank out of. People that work in the industry get paid obviously not enough to survive without tips. So if you have the luxury to use these people just GIVE THEM A DOLLAR.


Remember when we tipped someone because they gave excellent service? Now it’s just expected. A tip is supposed to be a reward, not something someone is entitled to 😞


Nothing, until all the wait staff quit from not getting paid, then restaurants would have to close or pay actual wages. Places that actually pay people to work and don't rely on tips, nothing would change. I've worked as a waiter, my pay check ALL went to taxes, tip was the only money I got. Someone working anywhere that gets a pay check (basically everything that isn't a sit down restaurant) will not get a tip from me unless they go above and beyond their normal job.


What I don’t get is why you people will bend over backwards to find some acceptable way to continue supporting companies that don’t pay their workers. If you don’t feel that you should be tipping then you shouldn’t be doing business with these places. I don’t care what kind of store or restaurant we’re talking about either.


You'll never convince everyone to "collectively" stop, any more than we can get everyone to unite politically. That said, I'm old enough to remember when tips were EARNED, and that is still how I consider them.


I forget where I heard this (comedian perhaps?) that if I am standing up ordering and you’re standing up taking order = no tip.


The market would continue to correct itself. It is ridiculous just how many mediocre to shitty restaurants exist. It's time for those with shitty business models and products who can't make enough to pay all of their staff comfortably fair wages to be taken out of the market. Unpopular opinion, but objectively shitty products should not be allowed to sold for profit.


If everyone stopped tipping, then the waitstaff would suddenly receive exactly minimum wage for the hours worked unless they have an agreement for a different minimum pay amount per hour. Waitstaff routinely come out against removing the tipped wage laws that allow lesser wages for tipped staff because tips are usually greater than what minimum wage would reasonably be. The law currently states that if tips received don't bring the employee's pay amount per hour to greater than minimum wage for the pay period, the employer must make up the difference. Thus, they truly do have at least minimum wage. The issue is they want to claim they don't receive that because the paycheck is so small, almost non-existent since taxes are removed from it, despite the fact that they tend to take the tip money home the day they work.


Nothing. Companies still won't pay their employees for shit and a bunch of people will go hungry because you're a moron. The thing you want to do is raise the minimum wage.


People would start quitting jobs that they are under paid so much they rely on tips and go for other jobs which would lead to companys HAVEING to pay more or states to wake up and put laws in place to protect people. I personally tip a bit but often not much .


It will be like Europe and Japan where businesses do not expect it and will be surpised when someone does. Businesses who rely on tips covering staff cost will be forced to increase wages as there will be less people willing to get paid the insultingly low wages.


My philosophy is that I tip people for doing their job with an extra bit of finesse. A hairstylist can do a job, but if I’m impressed with how well they did I will give a big tip. A person who scoops my ice cream is already getting paid for scooping ice cream; I don’t see the need to tip them. (No hate to anyone who scoops ice cream)


Restaurants in Massachusetts would close because they would never find anyone to wait tables for $6.75 an hour.


restaurants would raise costs to cover wages


Honestly? They'd cut the work force at the locations because they don't want to pay more. It would take a few months, but they would.


Join me. Let's find out.


I’ve been doing the same thing. I notice, that one can avoid tipping by using gift cards in advance, because if one doesn’t have cash hardly anyone does, then one doesn’t have to tip. If you use debit, the option is there. I used to tip 20%. Now I just “pick up” food if I eat out because eat out is already a splurge. It’s difficult to afford restaurant meals, let alone the tip.


I tip hair stylists, delivery drivers, and servers. They rely on tips to make up their income- that’s it.