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I always over think, or underthink


This. But I prefer not thinking at all. I'm having my vacations for these weeks after spending 5 months overthinking and being a stupid ass spinning in circles :") My thoughts have finally gone to the background and they are in low volume, if you know what I mean.


What’s your secret to this?


Just let them shout all they want, don’t give them any interaction though.


I overthink when I don’t need to think, I underthink when I need to think


This!!!! My problem is when i overthink, its not even nearly as bad as i think its going to be and when I underthink, its worse than i think . . . Every time! Currently stressing because last night forgot to set the dishwasher before leaving work and now i think they might fire me. I know its irrational but i just cant help it sometimes.


I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do and what to avoid, I just don’t do it.


Same here. I have all the answers I need. I just don’t want to do all of it. It’s really that simple haha.




This is happening with me 🥲، I have many amazing ideas but I just don’t do it


I never have a good comeback to rude people. 😭


It's not always what it's cracked up to be. I often accidentally end up escalating situations I should and could have walked away from. Getting into stupid arguments with stupid argumentative people. It's a waste of time generally. Count it as a blessing you can keep your mouth shut.


Haha. But some people just need to know they’re being an a-hole.




i only have a good comeback like 6 months later


Keep it in the back of your mind for future reference. LOL


And forget it the moment you are in argument again)


me too! omg 😭


Honestly, just call them out on it and be forward. No need for a witty retort. Those will come once you become more comfortable with confrontation.


You mean at that moment. Because after i can ride a book of comebacks 😂


Its hard to learn this but I grew up watching House MD the master. 😂




The worst thing is, I never fail to think of a comeback **after** the fact.🙄


This or I hear someone else say it in a similar situation and I’d be like, dammit! Why didn’t I think to say that?!


How irresponsible I can be. I always end up hurting myself physically or mentally somehow 😔


Likewise! But as long as we live and learn and try to improve, it's part of life


My stupid anxiety that continues to hinder any experience in my life


Me too :/




How I keep going back to people even if they don't want me anymore. I keep trying and trying until I lose my worth. I wish I could have the strength of letting go of things I love


I was in this, for many, many years. Until I realized, that the only person, that can't run away from me, is me. So I gave all the love to me. You'll get this! <3


I procrastinate with SO many things 😞


I deal with anxiety from time to time. My mind is my own worst enemy.


My fat stomach.


Fat stomachs are soft, nice to cuddle with, to rest your head, to hold and caress. A fat stomach holds kindness, laugther, a drink with a friend or a meal with a loved one.


How cute ,I think I would start to love my fat stomach


My age and what it's done to my body. My ex husband left me for a size six 24 year old woman (16 years younger than me) and it absolutely destroyed me, despite the fact that him leaving was actually a damned huge blessing. I'm trying so hard to love myself but right now I look at myself in the mirror and despise what I see looking back at me. The older skin, the stretch marks from two children, the wrinkles near my eyes. I hate it all. Edit: I don't know what to say. The people who have been kindest to me in this whole situation have turned out to be random lovely people on Reddit on a random post. Thank you so much for the uplifting words. I appreciate all of you so much. I'm gonna try harder to love me for me. Turns out I really need to see that Barbie movie!


That must really suck! But hey! You are not the problem here, your ex husband is, for not appreciating and valuing what he had. You are beautiful and let nobody make you feel any different


Thank you for your kind words, you're really sweet. I'm working hard on this with my therapist. I realised the huge effect my self esteem and my reactions to my body hatred was having when my youngest (7yo) stood on our scales, looked down, tisked and said, "oh no!" ..just like I do. I have to get myself back to okay.


Have you seen the Barbie movie where Barbie has a moment at the bus stop looking at an older lady? It's a beautiful scene. Wrinkles show that you've made it. I think they're lovely and you are too.


Bodies are bodies. You had two beautiful kids which is awesome. Your ex is asshat and you even say him leaving was a good thing. You can find someone else who will love you for you. Treat yourself with love.


The kindest, most compassionate people with love in their heart for others, I find is most often found in people that have been through stuff, hard stuff. As you strengthen know that you will definitely be the better person. At least my type of person. I like such people. Beauty is in the heart!


Karma will sort this x


That my brain can't stop telling me I've done something wrong. I'm like the nicest person, stay home and have the best life, dog, boyfriend. And in my head I feel like I'm an insanely awful person.


my traumatized mind from being kidnapped years ago


But what’s to be hated about that poor tortured mind, friend? I wouldn’t want you to blame the victim here. And so sorry for your trauma too 🫶🏽


PTSD is hell. every day.




The way I choose dope over a normal, happy life, time and time again.






This. This is my answer as well.




Such terrible things you say about yourself, my love. Tell me the most beautiful thing about you, a trait that you certainly hope that your wonderful children would inherit, should you ever decide to have any, that is 😊


I find all these fixable. First two are easy most, join the gym & go to the dentist. I have a friend who took speech therapy to reduce stuttering (I really don't know if that works for lisp), My aunt's son had his cross eyes fixed with a surgery (both) All the best!


exercise, for both your physical and mental. cant overthink concrete progress


My anger issues


I'm way too forgiving, even more so to the ones I love and I get hurt every single time.


I struggle with feelings of jealousy for all sorts of things. I also hate that I binge eat and then feel guilty afterwards. I hate my body and my inability to bounce back from hard things.


Same here. I binge cuz I hate my body and I hate my body cuz I binge and I hate my mind for not letting go of this destructive cycle.


Yeah jealousy is hard to overcome lol gotta be super confident to not have some sorta jealousy




Reading these kind of posts on Reddit, scrolling through the comments and feeling like they’re describing my life


My troubled mind.


Lack of willpower and motivation.


I can't let shit GO


Not accomplishing things I wanted to bc I’m afraid


The fact I can't grow a beard. Literally all I want is a fucking beard and I can't grow shit.


I wish I could say the same. :) female




I couldn't grow one until I was 29. Before then it was to thin and spotty


It's definitely my procrastination issue. I am working hard on getting better, and I slowly am. Have had a laundry list of things I've been meaning to do, and since I've quite gaming, I've successfully managed to turn my life around pretty dramatically. Still not perfect, I struggle with focus, but if I'm not productive at one thing, I pivot to something else I need to get done - it has been an effective strategy for me!


it's hard to pick just one.


How I did have chances, but having been verbally abused and self conscious and doubting myself, I never did what I could have. Now old and tired, I await the touch of death, the release of this decript body and darkness.


That I believe nothing anyone tells me. I also think they are lying


My ability to shut off around people and constantly feel judged Is it due to my anxiety or depression probably. I would just like to be able to do things without a worry in the world.


I dont know when to keep my mouth shut or go with my instincts. I always make the wrong choice


I am an incredibly intense person, so I've been told. I have really strong opinions and I'm generally not very relaxed. It's something I wish I could change about myself. Be more easy-breasy, gentle, and soft. I've been told on more than one occasion that I seem like I'm a huge bitch until someone gets to know me and that I'm way more fun when I'm drunk (because I'm relaxed and "happy"). It bums me out. Lol.


I have a hard time controlling my emotions




It’d be quicker to write a list of things I don’t hate about myself


doubting my abilities/intelligence. i KNOW i can do something but still have that doubt somehow


I don't understand tone when you're talking. Like... Sometimes people ask why I'm so angry, which I never was, I apparently just "sounded" angry. Sometimes I also don't know if the person I'm talking to is happy or sad or smth else.


I have a pimple on my face right now 😠


my perfection, mostly


If this is true, fuck you lol


We found the guy who can’t stop lying🥹


Mostly my decisions. Some regrets about just effing doing it. And my depression.


I have to argue my point. I won’t back down from it.




I’m never satisfied. If the me of 10 years ago saw what I have now and I told him “Yep, actually still not enough tho” he would be incredibly sad.


My rare genetic disorder that causes my teeth to have little enamel, showing most of my lovely dentin to the world. Needless to say, I don’t smile with my teeth, treatment is crown them all, and I think about it all day everyday. Sucks.


The things that i am uninterested are killing me most because i am not willing to spend my energy in the most necessary things if i dont feel like doing it or i am not interested in it.


the way i can't get to finish a netflix series no matter how hooked i am. Once I put it down I just can't keep watching it


I am always making poor life decisions whether i was sober, drunk or high. I thought it would change after 4 years of sobriety but nooooo, I’m still a fuckup.


My narcissism.


We are usually raised by them, and it’s good of you to acknowledge it. A malignant narcissist would not.


Thank you. I absolutely was. My family is full of them. They are all out of my life, and I feel so much better about it. Lots of therapy and lots of tears and lots of work trying not to be who I am. It sucks. I have to work every day to suppress it.


I can't seem to die. 2 bouts of cancer and a terminal illness. Death by a thousand cuts... hurry the fuck up. I'm ready


😂😂😂😂😂 Try watching 1000 ways to die and get more tips *just kidding*... You should travel to Africa b4 you die


I have no objections to Africa, have to look into it. Though I don't tolerate heat or humidity well


i tend to compare myself to others. i can play victim and not really work towards what i truly want. it annoys me… currently working on it


My lack of self-esteem and this anxiety that's been driving me bat shit crazy for almost a year now.


that im alive


🥺🥺🥺 I’m sorry


why are you sorry?


That you hate being alive


Ever see someone who wears chains with a smile? Maybe bdsm people


To much to type


That I’m an insufferable pessimist:(


We are all gonna die anyway so there's no point in being unhappy about that.


i'm very sensitive, i cry for almost everything and end up losing friends because of that


My boobs and bank accounts.


Lack of self control & my need to be perceived as intelligent


I can be really controlling. It’s never in a bad way, it’s more of an orderly way or a mom-like way. Like when I’m at my friends house and my friends are trying to play video games but I know they’re failing classes I make them get off and do their homework. It’s just, I treat them like I would treat kids if I had them. I make sure they are getting what needs done, done before they play. It has always bothered me that I’m like this. Honestly though, if I don’t make sure they do their homework then the week before the semester ends they come running to me begging for my help. So I guess I kinda just do it to prevent them from causing me a bunch of stress right as the semester is ending but it still bothers me.


Not living up to my potential


Have never felt comfortable or good about myself. Everything I do I find embarrassing when I see others do it and I think nothing of it


I have an addictive personality and now I’m overweight after giving birth 😅 I gained 100 lbs in pregnancy 🥴


That I’m alive


I am my own worst enemy. I don't know how to stop it.


My social anxiety. It's illogical. And my procrastination. It's really problematic.


I struggle to stand up for myself when I really need to and overplay my hand by kicking it into overdrive for little stuff that's not worth it.


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my memory lost and my overthinking


Not being able to understand or see that people care or love me. I am deep in suicide and depression durations, that the sheriff's faces and body are just like a robot clone fake behaviour person trying to troll me out of taking my own life. The sheriff are there for no reason other than this strange belief a troll clown sheriff trying to induce me with ice cream or toys but i don't fall for it 3 days at a time


I hate myself in general be it how I am mentally or physically. I am lazy. I can't commit to anything. I can't start something on my own. I can't do anything on my own but at the same time I got nobody to help with things. I feel bad asking for help cause that's the only thing I do. I am fat and I have several health issues. I can't keep up doing healthy things cause I get tired or bored cause of not seeing results. I know it is not realistic to see result that fast. Sometimes I just daydream of what it could be instead of trying better. It just feels like the same loop. I get sick, I go to doctor with others, I get medicine and am told to lose weight. I take medicine while failing to lose weight. I get sick for something else and it starts again. I am not socially active. It's not really surprising that I don't have friends since I am more comfortable at staying home. I don't even have people's phone number. I overthink and stress about everything. Really the only reason I am alive is cause of my parents. Recently I realized that me being the way I am harmed and negatively influenced my parents too. All of this shit and I am in my 20s. I don't see myself beyond 35. So I hate everything about myself. Honestly if you had asked to share one thing you love about yourself, I couldn't say anything praiseworthy to myself.


Nothing, I'm perfect. Probably idk


My neighbors


Yeah, that is a trait you have, lol




The fact that i care what people thinks of me and i wish so hard to put that toxic trait behind me this year


I have OCD. I am a terrible dating material, have difficulty maintaining romances and always let rumination get in the way of love. Also, I am actually awfully impatient, though I try to suppress it. However these are specific parts of myself that I hate. Otherwise I love myself just fine. Maybe I'm even a narcissist.


How lazy I am


You are not lazy; you are demotivated. It’s situational, not who you are.


Your question made me realize I don’t hate anything about myself. I have a million things I wish I did better, but no hate 🤗


the best reply in all over the earth!


Lack of patience with my coworkers who don’t like to work.


Bad with meeting people and socializing, as I need time to get comfortable with people before I can properly relax and be myself.


I’m too fucking shy. I could totally have a girlfriend and be the best boyfriend. I’m just too scared to put myself out there.


How stubborn i can be, not standing up for myself, procrastinating, and also being sensitive sometimes


Being rash and hot temper when I was a young adult.


My round face and round calves 😔


How I treat and talk to myself. I’m such a such a narcissistic prick to myself. I’m completely against the “R” word it honestly is the worst, must hurtful thing you can say to someone. I’ve literally never said it directed at someone else. Every fucking day I call myself that. It’s like Tourette’s syndrome but in my head.


I check my look in the mirror Wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face Man, I ain't gettin' nowhere I'm just livin' in a dump like this There's somethin' happenin' somewhere Baby, I just know that there is


I have outsized emotional responses all the time and I lose my temper easily. I wish it was biologically impossible for my body to show any outward signs of anger or sadness even if someone was literally giving me a lobotomy or something. Like... I wish it was impossible to tell when I was having a negative emotion and people could only see the happy ones.


how good i am at procrastination


Skeptical to harm otherwise I'm okay.


Skeptical to harm otherwise I'm okay.


I can't seem to finish anything. Examples:: I have various art projects, some as old as 10 years that were never completed. I started organizing hundreds of old photos, bought nice photo safe boxes and everything, but never finished.


I don’t fight for what I want.  I do what I can can to help other people, but somehow believe my own interests are not valuable enough to be pursued.


That I'm still alive. I was done years ago.




My introverted and social awkwardness


At this point, everything.


I’m always horny and if I’m at home I masturbate for times or more . I need sex therapy .


I’m just a mess. I could feel like I’m really on topic things one week and the next I mess something up and feel like I’m a POS


How hard I love the wrong people


That I shut down when trying to talk to women. I simply don't know what to say


Nothing. It’s wasted effort


My complete inability to retain an audience is at perpetual odds with my insatiable need to entertain.




My looks


The way I look.


my belly not as flat as it was since having a baby, my gapped teeth & the sound of my laugh.


That I’ve yet to experience enough of life to understand myself and I crave acceptance when I haven’t even accepted most of myself yet.








I don’t hate anything about myself. I sometimes hate experiencing an uncomfortable or painful feeling but I don’t hate those emotions either. They’re part of life and myself and they’re messages that are there for a reason. I guess the thing I dislike the most about myself would be how picky and selective I am with partners and a couple physical aspects of myself that I’d want to change but I don’t hate* any part of myself at all tbh. Hate is too strong a word


My face. My personality. I’m pessimistic, I have low self-esteem and I’m very emotional and irresponsible.


How slow and behind I am.


I am a trauma bonder, so in social situations I have a tendency to gossip, boundaries are hazy to me, and I just overshare in general. It makes me limit my social contact beyond work because I know I’m not good for other people to be around. I swear I’m not a bad person; it’s a compulsion I can’t explain.




How much I'm just a drain on everything around me. I truly think everyone would be better off if I didn't exist.


Wish i was more charismatic. I just cant fucking socialize sometimes its so infuriating




My laziness and lack of discipline. 🥲


That in all these years I still haven't been able to convince myself into some form of self love, the critical aspect of my inner self/cognition still rips me to shreds on a daily basis and I don't know how to remedy that. I've tried advice, I've tried altering my perspective, I've tried changing a variety of aspects of my interests and views BUT self love still eludes me. And I can see how this impacts my functioning and relationships in the moments that I feel like I'm coming up for air. -That just makes me feel worse about it. I'm an anxious mess inside, even when I'm beaming smiles around like a lighthearted lighthouse. Thank goodness people are mostly too self interested and self involved to pay much attention to those around them, if they weren't everyone would see what a paper thin mess I am.


nothing eye'm awesome 😎


My anxiety and my height


My social unawareness My mind can be drifting out of nowhere and I lose focus on what I'm doing. It caused me lots of problems before


I actually legit hate that I pick my nose and I can't seem to stop. Like, why can't I remember to use a kleenex, I know I have mobility challenges and when I don't have one beside me then it sometimes ends up in a gross situation. It's something I do not want to continue doing, like not a single time more. But I forgive myself and am trying to change.




Aaaah... Seems like we've found something to kill you😂


External-my body. I quit smoking and had spinal surgery so I wasn’t too active for about 3 months. I need to lose 30# minimum. Internal-my overthinking and I guess ruminating.


i let my emotions cloud my judgement sometimes


My legs


That i failed on my suicide attempt....