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It's orange. And tastes like citrus




No, silly goose. Crush Orange soda




Is he THE alien from the oranges race???


Huh are you Tim Scott?


Nice! I prefer cream soda myself


she's in love with someone else


My crush is in love with my little brother😭


Damn bro that's rough


The fact you called him bro, made me laugh.


DAMN, just realized that, underrated comment


Shit me too, I fucked up and told them, somehow they don't hate me but I don't really see them anymore, we used to hang out nearly every day, now I'm too ashamed.


What ever you followed your heart and did nothing wrong . You shared how you felt nothing wrong with that


It happened to Damon Salvatore too.


Oh no


Yeah, mine has a boyfriend... It sucks...


Mine too, and I work with her. Gotta play it cool around her but it hurts


Same here, wors then that: she's in love with another girl. I got 0 chance


Same brother




Mine too


She likes to nerd about cells that look funny! She’s a lab tech and would send me random pics of funny looking cells!


Oh this is cute! I bet she’s amazing. I follow the med lab tech subreddit (I’m not in any way in the medical field) and they post crazy cells. I saw this cell that looked like it was wearing sunglasses. Cute little fucker. /r/medlabprofessionals


Could you tag the subreddit?


/r/medlabprofessionals 😊


Thanks so much! 🤍


You lucky bastard... I would kill to know someone just as interested in biology as me.


It turns cars into cubes.




Baby Face - stand from Jojo's bizzare adventure - the golden wind


She doesn't exist




Where'd you get the John Cena ASCII art from?


OH wow! Can you describe her, slapping some words down here in your creative way about how you imagine her?


You made that sound weird.. He might be talking about anime/books


Average ao3 experience


Been living with her for a year and it's bliss


Same I been w your girl for a year now too


You're a lucky fella!


She likes me back 🙌🥳🥳


Same here, we’re winning!! 🥳


Uhoh, you two are going to have to duel it out


Yay time for duel pistols


Happy for you


Thank you :)


Me 6 months ago lol


Uh yes, now the real hurt can begin :-D Gl my man.


Well, I'd love to tell you, but my crush is like the square root of -1: utterly imaginary!


I like what you did there


he is asleep on my couch rn


Say hi from me


bae he doesn’t know about this account😅😅🫣


Lucky :(


Is he awake now?


yeah he stayed until like 2pm and left,, now we’re playing video games


He's straight. I am a guy.


Ah that's got to be tough. I asked a girl out in a bookshop one day, she said she was taken, friend said she was gay, I suddenly realized, my 'type' is 'lesbian librarian ish', and I'm a guy 😕




Same here. Mine has a girlfriend too.


Yoo this is brutal. Mine I'm thinking of asking out soon and this absolutely terrifies me. I really don't want to imagine the first person I ever end up loving rejecting me like that 😭


She's straight and I'm a girl💔


I married him… f-ing jackpot <3








She's skinny and rather dry so more of a crunch.


I am really not sure how to feel about what you just said


He blocked me lol




I married her


We're fucked up the exact same way


she has the sweetest smile on the surface of earth


Yeah my crush can smile at me and the whole just seams brighter, all my problems just melt away, even if it is just for a second or two


I adore him more than anything in this world, but he’s not mine


It is painful isn't it? Wanting with all our cells to tell them to break up with whomever is making them happy, but wishing (and helping them in that direction) they work at the same time because we know they're happier that way and would be miserable if it ended.


It is indescribably painful 🥲 I’d rather go through the pain of a cracked wisdom tooth again than this.. but it is what it is, and my biggest hope is just that he can be truly happy, whatever the outcome


He's helped me grow into myself so much, and life would suck without him


I know her well, have been in love with her for years and I know she’s my soulmate.


Then what holds u Back from Dating her?


Life, that’s all I can say


That’s an excuse


She might not be. You may have idealised her all those years. Dose she also share romantic feelings towards you too that you are sure of? Prehaps if you can email her or message her. Saying that you have romantic feelings towards her and would like to try dating her and she reciprocates. The worst she could say is no and if she does so in a nasty way she probably wasn’t worth having in the first place. Prehaps she says yes and after a while of dating you both realise that you are or aren’t soulmates. Anyway good luck with your endeavours.


Well then shoot your shot kiddo. Don't live a life of regret and never knowing. Even if the answer is no.


Pls try bro, maybe she's the one... (Idk tho)


Currently I'm crushing hard on a fictional character lmao


A time honored tradition lol


Also, my therapist, yet another time honoured tradition 😂


So factual LOL




Same lol


She's ridiculously pretty, has an incredible fashion sense and is very decisive! I love all of these and they've drawn me to her from moment one. She's also talkative, bubbly, friendly, very assertive, the kindest person I've met and also the one with most resolve! I love how she takes her job so seriously and is so God damn good at it! Seeing her work is like seeing art. She's so spontaneous and full of life! I think she's really interesting and I really admire her. Everything that she says is so new to me! I love how she's so loving and caring and sensitive and patient. And how she seems to have it all together but I know she's got a softer side that also wants to be comforted even though she doesn't know how to ask for it. I can't help but feel: it's okay, I can read your signs and I can take care of you, too! <3


he thinks i’m cringe


Stuff him then


My crush makes me feel this kinda wild abandon for him...


Same same same!!


He has been dead for 14 years and i have never met him 🥲


Michael Jackson? Patrick Swayze?


Peter Steele 🥲


He had the sexiest voice🖤


I'm aro ace no crush


Demi, and same 😂


We're married


I never thought I could find someone so incredibly perfectly gorgeous, and then I found out she also adored animals, Europe and film noir just like I do, also believed in the afterlife like I do, loved books, nature and traveling and going out for sushi like I do, was super kind, sweet, loving and delightful and sarcastically funny and dedicated/devoted and talented. Sadly she passed away 20 years before I was even born


She’s the prettiest woman on the planet 😍


Spent 2 years getting closer, thought I found the perfect relationship after chasing what I wanted, fast forward she ran me over and shagged my cousin, don’t chase the crushes too hard peeps they might just crush ya in the car olèèèê!!!’nn


She’s a thespian.


plays hockey, has a cute mustache, studying business, he is a gym guy, he is really soft with his sister and have 3 other brothers which he really adores them. we lived the same childhood and faced same life problems BUT bro doesn't even care or have any feelings for me, like if I didn't message him he will never ask about me


He’s really cute when he’s being smug


It’s new


He´s fictional


I feel like a lot of people are interested in this person; I feel like this person inadvertently leads people on because of their natural charm. This makes me question whether I would feel secure in the relationship…


Same here.


honestly the more i think about it, if a million ppl think they like you and you're still unable to change your mannerisms/interactions, i think its kind of weird and immature. like its such as 16 year old thing to do (even if its inadvertently). 5 years from now id probably look back at this crush and think to myself: im glad i didnt pursue that. sometimes its hard to notice these red flags when all u want to do is focus on the positive


Very True. It’s just a physical attraction mixed with idealisation that we will both get over soon.


She’s the perfect person I’ve met, we shared many hobbies and interested topics. She’s intelligent, nice, humble, humorous and considerate. I knew her since middle school. She’s asexual and she’s my bff now, I just didn’t know how to tell her how I loved or liked her so I just okay with still stay as friends, but not permanently I think://


So yeah, my friend is my crush and until now I still have that feeling for her😅


If she's ace but not aro, think if you'd be OK with an ace relationship, if the answer is yes, then go for it, and if you're not ace consider non monogamy if she'd take it or things you can do solo. I was always afraid of breaking a friendship by wanting a relationship, but so far (tbh only tried with 8 women, but I've been in a long term relationship most my adult life else) it has never had harsh consequences, the friendship didn't suffer any consequences from it.


I don't know anything about her but from what I've noticed she seems chill. That's why I'm attracted to her. I was attracted to her the first time I saw her but her vibe keeps me interested




He's one of only 2 men I have fully trusted. I can tell him anything except that I want him close physically.  He is funny, kind, caring and gentle with me. Love spending time with him.  I'm sure he knows how I feel, but neither of us can act in it for a couple reasons. So I just sing him "Nights in White Satin" and accept that it is unrequited love. 


She moves like an angel... and seven evenings stars... Dance in the windows of Her universal house....


He is still the most handsome man ever walked on this Earth.


He is sitting across from me in an old black robe, new hair cut, old shoes…eye glasses at the end of his nose as he surfs the internet. One Handsome Man!


Can't say for sure... But I'm pretty sure I'm dating John Cena...


I like her


If a black wolf with blue eyes became a human it would be this man lol. Don't ask me why I think this but I do. Also he carries a glass of rum and coke everywhere.


Ohhh I was in love with a man like this! I called him my black maned lion. He was Scottish and holy hell was he hot. And yes…the rum too. lol Also we had this running joke about him commanding a pack of wolves.


Lol the guy I was taking about is fictional but that's really cool you dated someone like that. Wolves are amazing.


Traiker Park Boys character?


Yeah lol


She has the best smile ever


She's a shorty ☺️




She doesn't know I exist


tf am I gonna do, go outside?? https://ensemble-stars.fandom.com/wiki/Tsumugi_Aoba


She's perfect


He has a super duper cute butt.


My crush is super sexy, very tall and handsome. He’s smart and strong but not afraid to be himself. He’s kind and gentle but a real hard ass when he has to be. He knows right from wrong and he hates bullies! You guessed it, I’m in love with Captain America! Chris Evans isn’t bad either!!


He’s a musician, has a sexy voice, and big brown eyes.


6 (jk)


I don't know if I have one


Incredibly smart, loves lyrica


I don't know a lot about him yet except that he is freaking tall, and I'm not. That he is hot and his employment. And that he is pretty fun, seems stable. Trying to guess his zodiac without asking, lol. Might be an Aries. And I feel so bad, cause I already settled with another one that we were gonna see eachother and I thought it would be a good idea since I had a lot of feelings for him back in the days but we didn't date then. And now I have no idea how to sort this mess out, I'm more interested in meeting the new guy that I don't already know. I've been this guy's crush for years, so I feel REALLY BAD. Just shoot me or something


I loved her But could not talk to her


I usually go Fanta but orange crush is ok too


She’s pretty




Way out of my league


shes pretty


Looks like who I would describe as the perfect woman


imma be honest, I thought I didn't any have crush because I don't care about something that won't happen, but that's only because I forgot I did. I actually had 2 crushes. The second crush is nothing important, I just for some reason kinda liked a classmate I met in 13, I don't even know why, but after like a few months, I stopped having a crush on her and never had a crush ever since. As for the first crush, I met her along with some other classmate when I was in kindergarten, I think it's 4 or 5, and all of them are 1 year older than me. We sort of became friends? But we weren't close at all since we have basically never met again since we live in different areas and went to different schools. The only times we would meet is when my mom meets up with her mom. So we are still sort of like childhood friends, and as time goes on, I start to like her for a little bit and build a small crush for her, still I don't really know why. But again, since we go to different schools, we have basically rarely met as time goes on. I was never good at socializing, I never really had a true friend that I had met. Sucks to be me but whatever.


oh and also I met with her like a last August because my mom invited me to their meet up with her mom, she wasn't initially gonna come to it, but her mom kinda insist on getting her to eat dinner with us. And from the call I could tell she already had a boyfriend, and she bought her boyfriend here. I just pretended I didn't care at all since we were never really close anyway. I never really had a crush cuz I thought it's prob better not to have a crush, Im currently studying for a degree, so its the perfect chance for me to improve my social skill and grow some maturity. I reckon it's prob better to maybe find someone of my type after 22, I still have a lot to learn.


More than a crush, but she's the most amazing woman I have ever met, and moving on from her has proven to be quite difficult.


He’s super cute and homophobic and an absolute idiot who can barely do anything without his smart friend’s help. Love him !




Just slid that in there like we wouldn’t notice


She's the most amazing person I've ever met. Overflowing kindness, eyes you can drown in, and a smile that brightens your day.


He didn’t shave for 3 days and was still a cutie


He doesn't eat and he's impossibly fast and strong. His skin sparkles in the sunlight.


He's the kind of guy who doesn't mince words. But still very respectful to both elderly and young. Very diligent and hardworking, but somewhat really reserved. He is consistent. He has a charming quiet care. I notice him notice things. Where he helps or provides care (to a friend or family member), he doesn't show. Sometimes, if you're not looking, it really goes unnoticed just the way he seems to want. He has a funny side that he used to show. He tolerates people.. very well, tolerates me.. but I don't think he likes me that much as a person. Idk what he thinks of me but I am a bit scared he's been annoyed by me. People say he isn't like that, but I can't help feel insecure about that. He's a really good listener, and a good friend.. to those he considers a friend. I don't think he sees me as a friend.. anymore. Not since he found out I like him, but actually, not because of that. He wasn't seeing anyone so I don't think it was wrong for me to make my feelings known. To be honest, there's a lot I don't know about him even though I have liked him for so long, and I plan to keep it that way. It's for the best. I don't want to like him anymore. I'm afraid of this obsession I have over the parts of him that I do know. If knowing little can make my feelings last so long, imagine what much more can do. I'm scared about that. I don't like my own emotions getting the better of me. I haven't seen him in a while. I've told people I've gotten over him (I wish). I don't know if he is seeing anyone, during the time I've liked him he hasn't seen anyone though. Since being able to work from home I haven't seen him at all. He doesn't post much on social media so I really don't know how he's been. I think we used to be almost friends. Then I had to go and catch feelings. A little part of me still likes him. I don't think he'll need or want someone like me though. Haha.


She’s next to me on the couch right now and she’s lovely


Can't wait to marry him! 🥰


He lives 11,000 miles away... 😩😩😩


He's currently next to me, farting in his sleep


She has the cutest Ukranian accent.. My heart melts the way she tries flirting with me.


He’s 14 years older and moved permanently back to his home country. I’ll probably never see him again. I regret not doing anything when he was here and will till the end of my life because I won’t get my closure.


Made me look on the brighter side of things.


He likes me back, but he doesn’t want to get together. I really wish that wasn’t the case


Well, it’s Ryan Gosling. Preferably without the Barbie hair but still… Movie I’ve watched many times (if you know it, you know why) is “crazy stupid love.”


He appears in my dreams sometimes


I literally want to say, "please don't be in love with someone else"


I never in a million years thought that she would be interested in me. Then when she was living in her car I let her move into my house. I had no intentions and there were no strings attached. I merely was doing what I could to help her out of a bad situation. Much to my surprise the next night we were having sex. A month later she told me she had fallen in love with me. At first I began to realize that she was not as great as I thought she was. And then I learned that she could be much greater than I ever dreamed she could have been. Unfortunately it was not our destiny to share our lives together and she passed away far too young.


She will never feel the same way. And I will probably never be able to emotionally let her go.


Doesnt give a fck about me 🥰


OMG i could go on for days... He's cute, and has an amazing personality, and he listens... the worst part about him is he is best friends with my older brother. I could never go out with him. I know it isn't my brother's decision, but I think my crush just see's me as my brothers little sister who he has know since he was 8 and I was 6. I can talk to my crush, and he'll talk to me. He will include me in things that he is doing with my brother if he see's i'm bored out of the kindness of his Christian heart, even thought he knows my brother doesn't want me to hang out with them. My crush has a sister who is a year younger than me, so I've been to his house a couple times. Our families are what people call "Family friends", but my brother and him have had a special connection since 3rd grade. I love hanging out with his younger sister, and have even spent the night a couple times at his house. I am 16 now and he is 17 leaving for college in May. 3 months ago, I spent the night at his house with his sister. At one point in the middle of the night, I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and coincidentally he also was heading in that direction. We got to the bathroom at the same time and he said that I could go first, like I said he has a kind heart, when I came out he said goodnight and I said goodnight back. Before I walked away, he grabbed my hand and told me hwy you look very pretty, any way one thing lead to another and we had quick sex. He told me not to tell anyone, and since then its been our little secret. We have had sex 4 more times since then, each time getting more and more naked and relationshippy. Nobody knows. I guess by this point he isn't just my crush, I just needed to tell some anonymously.


I don't have one


They don’t want me


orange grape and strawberry, sweet as hell


She is a week older than me


He‘s my tattoo artist 😂


Which one?


She is a nice person.




She is the most adorable person I’ve ever met in my life!! She is literally perfect it’s not even fair.


Im truly singe now. No romantic feelings, no longings.


he's so kind


lawyer, pogiiiii, mabait


No crushhh


My phone.


His Broad shoulders and the way he moves. He is very tall and handsome, also very attentive. Swooning over him all Day.


Get along real well but can't be together.


Beautiful Kind Smart Rumour has it she's with a guy that I fucking hate