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There are actual laws that prevent smaller trucks, you'd have to look them up, but they don't make sense... I looked it up when I was trying to get the smallest truck I could for work, I don't want to spend half my paycheque on gas... I had a small 4 cylinder 4x4 Chevy s10 when I was younger and it was perfect, best vehicle I ever owned until a deer wrecked it. I ended up getting a Tacoma, and I still can't believe it's considered a small truck these days


The real answer is because of emission laws. Bigger vehicles have less strict emissions regulations. So car companies make vehicles bigger so they get taxed less.


Which is completely bass-ackwards.


That's government for you


even worse, the original draft didnt have this loophole, but the car lobby added it.


CA standards CA is an example of how NOT to run a state. Forcing everyone else to follow their lead is fuckin' stupid


Well they don’t exactly FORCE other states. It works the same as how Texas is helping the dumbing our schools books in other states. The publishers not wanting to have several sets of school books, just goes with the dumbed down one and distributes it to all the other states. So CA sets its own standards for smog and efficiency purposes and because they are the biggest auto market in USA, it is simpler for the car manufacturers to make just one version for all the other states. This didn’t used to be the case, I remember it was hard to bring a non-CA car into CA because the out of CA state vehicles didn’t meet CA standards. Automakers did make different versions which in practice worked out to be CA vs non-CA cars. Rules like this, however inconvenient to individuals have a purpose and in CA, the decrease in smog is the intended result. Having cars deliver better gas/energy mileage is the cherry on top.


How is there less smog if every one drives a Sherman tank?


And yet it's true


This might work in the big diesel truck category like F350 or Ram3500 but I don't think this explains why a Toyota Tacoma is twice the size it used to be. The fact is, people just want bigger vehicles. Look at the SUVs. People actually want to buy the 7 seater Canyoneros. They're not forced into it with dozens of smaller options out there.


They are made to want bigger vehicles. Humans are irrational creatures and the 8nfluence of competent advertisement is scary.


It's also due to an arms race dynamic. Some people get bigger vehicles, and other people then want them not because they care about having a bigger vehicle in itself, but because they feel vulnerable and have worse visibility as a result of other bigger vehicles. Part of the role of government is to stop these kinds of harmful dynamics developing, but in the US at least they seem instead to be encouraging it.


What would that be called? A feedback loop? A self-fulfilling prophecy?


I've personally witnessed a guy who buys new cars quite often go from compact to family cars, then estates, smaller suv's and bigger and bigger suv's. How much cargo capacity does he need? Well, let's just say sometimes he brings as many as *two* shopping bags from the grocery store. The most worrying thing is, he's literally started to skip using the turn indicator in many situations. It's kind of weird to see how deep the satisfaction of having a bigger car than before is for him.


Why do people keep relating the size of the car to a persons cargo carrying needs. Aren't we well past the point where we now buy the cars we want and not the cars we need? Guy wants to drive a suburban and only has 2 kids, so what? If he likes it and he can afford it and has the parking space for it, who gives a shit? People buy motorcycles that go 200mph and then never go above 90mph on them. Would you rather have a jeep Cherokee filled up to 20% that you can take on occasional family road trip filled to 100% .... or have a Honda fit that can't even be taken on one Costco grocery trip?


Hey, don’t diss the Honda Fit. As long as you’re carrying 1 person, you can fit a LOT of groceries in one. Same for the Mazda 2, and other compacts.


I think they're great cars, it's just not what suburban north America wants. And trust me, getting some of those large packs of Costco toilet paper and paper towels will NOT fit in a Mazda 2. I had a VW golf hatchback for a while and they would barely fit in that with not much room for other stuff lol. I'm in suburban canada and the vast majority of families with kids (around my town at least) own SUVs


Suburban NA needs Station Wagons, not Crossovers. Literally 90% of the people who have SUVs could get by with a Station Wagon. But nobody builds wagons anymore.


Because people don't want to buy them. From the moment the first Ford Explorers hit the streets in North America it was game over for station wagons. Station wagons are a European thing only these days.


Because people think they aren’t good. The Ford Explorer is a shit platform. Give me a Mazda 6 Wagon with a well tested motor that has a decade of solid reliability, and no fucking touchscreen bullshit (The Mazda Dial interface is objectively the best way to interact with a screen in a car hands down)


Doesn't mater what you like. What matters is what the MAJORITY likes and buys. And you, sir, are a minority in the automotive world.




But this only explains why more manufacturers are moving away from station wagons and forcing SUVs .... it doesn't explain why the F150 is bigger than it used to be, even if it's wheelbase hasn't really changed.


It’s to warn everyone how much of a douche bag the owner could be


Only a real douche cares about what cars other people drive.


Only a real douche buys an F150 with a boosted grill and fake air intakes that do nothing but lower fuel efficiency and make crashes more lethal for pedestrians. My pop's second-hand 95 Ram 1500 was able to haul heaping gravel loads that made us ride damn near only a foot off the ground. We also loaded that bad boy with barn timber to the point it looked like a box truck weebling down the road to Midland, Ontario. It survived almost a decade of being abused by us like Zeus tortured Sisyphus, it didn't even actually die, the damn thing just failed inspection because of rust and was no longer road safe. These newer behemoths can't even handle going highway speeds unloaded without getting thrown into a death wobble.


Even better are the electric trucks that have a fake grille.


Your pop's second-hand '95 Ram 1500 didn't have to have a bunch of extra shit under the hood to make it comply with EPA regulations and (depending on the model) has less than half or barely over half the towing capacity of a modern Ram 1500. Some people actually use their trucks to haul big stuff. Your pop's second-hand '95 Ram 1500 is also severely lacking in "crumple zones" and doesn't meet modern safety requirements. Your pop's second-hand '95 Ram 1500 had even WORSE gas mileage than a modern Ram 1500 which is another government regulation leading to more stuff being added under the hood. Consumer demand for more capability is part of it, but government regulation has also contributed to the increase in size of modern trucks. Edit: Wow, peak reddit moment: Downvoted for straight facts. Some of ya'll are ignorant as hell. I don't even own one of the newer larger trucks, but I know people who do and they all have good reasons for needing them. Just because you're not hauling something all the time doesn't mean you don't have a valid requirement for the capacity. My parents aren't hauling their 7,000 pound airstream 24/7, but that doesn't mean they don't NEED a truck capable of doing it for the three months out of the year they're driving around the country with it. That's the kind of weight that would be near or over the maximum towing capacity of the kind of truck that the guy I responded to was referring to.


Be honest, is your dick in your exhaust rn?


Idk why people hate on trucks so much hahah it’s like if the dude wants a truck let him drive a truck smh lollllll


Too many POS drivers in trucks with no regards for others is why.


I drive an old Toyota pickup. It's not a large truck and it's a V6 that Toyota notoriously tunes down for longevity, so I have to get out and push to get up to speed on the highway. There are a metric shitload more assholes in civics/corollas/camrys who drive aggressively and cut me off. I'd just like to point out the possibility that you might correlate trucks with bad drivers just because they're larger and you notice them more as a class of vehicle whereas sedans are pretty damn ubiquitous. I'm still amazed BMW has gotten away with the faux "Blinkers" installed on their vehicles.


My experience has been that truck owners are just as likely to speed, but more likely to do bad driver things like staying in the left lane while not passing or cutting people off. But the main difference is that when I’ve had a near crash due to a small car’s stupidity, I don’t get as scared because the result is significantly less lethal than a huge ass truck that would just destroy my car. Truck drivers have a responsibility to drive safer as they are a bigger safety risk, but the vast majority don’t live up to the responsibility, and many drive significantly worse.


Nawh, it's definitely because I'm in Texas where 85% of the vehicles are trucks with drivers who drive like shit bags with no regard for other people on the road.


They are also more dangerous to other people than smaller vehicles, especially to pedestrians. And more space and resource intensive and more polluting. And they impair visibility for others. They negatively affect other people and society in countless ways, hence people are entirely justified in disliking them. *And* their owners are invariably douches.


Only the people with oversized trucks would downvote this comment


It's because they're fucking losers.


That's not True. I went from a Honda Civic to an F250 and gained 2 inches.


You know you're not supposed to measure it by distance from the ground?


Of course. Asshole to tip


When you're talking about a half ton truck then yeah they're kind of just that size for not a lot of good reason other than it's spacious comfortable and fancy inside. Now when you get to the three quarter ton and up trucks it's a very different story. You need a large heavy duty frame long wheel base lots of weight in order to keep heavy loads secure on the road. If any of you have ever towed a heavy load even within the tow capacity on a half ton truck and then towed a heavy load at the maximum of a 3/4 ton truck you know exactly what I'm talking about. It is a night and day difference in how safe you feel driving and how safe everyone else is on the road with a truck that can actually handle that sort of weight. And then if we start to talk about the engine and transmission side of things those things have gotten absolutely huge and they have an enormous amount of heat to disperse. Due to environmental regulations the heat is even larger than it has ever been before so they need even larger cooling systems than ever before not to mention if it's a diesel it has a lot of after treatment systems in the exhaust which are also extremely large. They have to find a place to put all that stuff. All this put together is the reason why these trucks are so huge. Now the people who Jack them up and put big silly tires on them that's just for showing off I guess but the size they come off of but do it a lot when brand new is more necessity than showing off


I love your answer. And applaud you for it. But let's be real most people who buy them never use it as a truck and use it to do one of two things. Force others off the road in fear, or announce to the world how big the truck is


If it is lifted for sure because not very much of a lift makes it a much worse tow vehicle But it doesn't take very much weight to need a truck that is a 3/4 ton truck or larger. If you buy a camper that is more than just the base entry level camper there's a good probability you're going to need a full size 3/4 ton truck or larger. Other trailers that fall into this category are most enclosed trailers over 10 ft car trailers equipment trailers or dump trailers and the vast majority of modern boats are also in that range of being too heavy for a half ton truck. So it's very easy to exceed the towing capacity of something smaller And need to have the larger truck. Even if you only end up Towing a couple times a month or even just a handful of times a year. If you were honestly someone who had just one trailer that needed a 3/4 ton or larger truck and your options were a truck with four doors or a full size SUV and they both cost about $80,000 for a brand new one and makes the decision pretty easy. You would buy the truck so you can move your trailers without needing to rent a truck and most people can only afford one car payment and can't afford to have one for a truck they only drive a couple times a year so that way they can drive something that's not quite as large the rest of the time


I bought a truck specifically to decrease my penis size. I was tired of getting rug burn when I walk around the house😂


As an Excursion owner I love this question 😃😃


It's been 20 mins and I still don't know what this question is asking


Big Pick-up trucks are gender-affirming care for men.




They’re saying that people who drive big trucks think they’re cool.


Have you been in a new fullsize truck? It's like a fucking apartment in there. They're really nice and really expensive. On the flip side, the small truck resurgence is alive. Toyota is coming out with the Stout to compete with the Maverick and Santa Cruz.


Holy shit that Toyota is ugly


It's the unibody style. Same as the other smallies. Goddam you Ridgeline for starting that shit!


Not to mention the Ranger made a return. My parents have one and it’s nice.


The Rangers are very cool. They're also the size of an older F-150, haha


It's good to know there are still new small trucks being made. Seeing them on the road is relieving.


Why am I meant to hate people that drive trucks? The new ford ranger seems nice even though I don't drive one.


I had Audi allroad with 4.2 V8. Only thing it did to my dick is make it harder to get up because it was so fucking expensive piece of shit to keep and probably shortened it also because I was always out of money. When I floored it I had nightmares afterwards about what it did to my bank account.


How come truck lights are smaller than car lights? 🤔


It always confuses me when people see trucks they automatically think of dicks. Oklahoma is full of parking lot princesses but I don't automatically think about the drivers junk.


Women drive trucks too, you misogynist. /j


body shaming is always welcomed when it's done to justify a different issue. People always link bad character traits with small dicks. Imagine if I'd be walking around saying those sort of things about flat chested women.


You are right


The same reason houses get bigger. They can charge people more for it.


just means they haven't hit critical mass for penis expansion yet. Need to go bigger!


Ah, a man of vision I see


For the same reason that people buy bmw's thinking that they have just been assigned to the red bull racing team.




It's not about having a big truck, it's about having a BIGGER TRUCK.


Because th... what?


It's not about the penis, it's about making them feel better about the penis. The bigger it is, the more catharsis they get.


I'm confused, Whats a truck gotta do with penis sizes?


Today's F150 can tow more and get better MPGs than a 20 yr old F250 , that is actually useful. Not always about penis size


Regulations have played a key role in increasing truck size.


They have to be bigger each year. If they don't keep making them bigger, how can they add more eye blinding lights than they had last year?


Ignorant car designers. 90’s size small trucks would be a huge hit. They would be practical, economical and capable of handling most jobs.


Now you tell me!


The compensation level has to increase as their penises shrink.


Sounds like OP had some sort of fetish


Try looking at your penis in one of the side mirrors.


Use the right one. It may be larger than it appears.


They don't need a penis anymore, that's why they got the truck


Yall to broke to understand. 💅


Truck have gone to a status symbol long ago. If you can afford a 70K vehicle that's status and I think the dealers/GM are making exorbitant profits on them.


They can afford the payments. Or the lease. The financing is approaching what mortgage terms used to be. GM makes more on the financing than the sale.


Id say it's having an inverse effect the amount of wives and grandmas I see driving these monster trucks


The size of the truck has nothing to do with the size of the penis, only the cowardness of it's wielder.


Because people are stupid animals! They think they need it to be safe. In a compact car like a Golf they imagen they can't see the road when a mid-range SUV comes along. So the next Suburban tank will be bigger than the one before. The industry serves an irrational desire for the "safest, most comfortable and best model" and they forget that it is an arms race that makes traffic as a whole unsafe for all.


It's just fomo. More than half the truck drivers are idiots and think bigger truck = better. The only people who actually need them aren't buying another one until their current workhorse breaks.


That is the most hilarious way I've heard somebody say "I hate dickheads who drive yee yee ass pickup trucks"


Free market baby, It’s a Stanley cup that’s gonna fuck up your credit score and you too can pose as a rugged blue collar outdoorsman from the comfort of your air conditioned apartment on wheels!


Keep people in subservience to their banks?


Because everyone has not had their eyes fully fucked out of their skulls by the penis replacement laser beam headlights. Gotta keep going higher till the angle is right.


Reddit users when you can comfortably fit your whole family and haul your camper at the same time instead of driving a tiny 90's pickup with the payload of a modern sedan😡😤😡😤🤯🤯


Because rednecks are increasingly wealthy these days and their small peanut brains can’t compute any value beyond trucks and size


You don't need to be wealthy to have a big truck. You just need to be willing to take out a big enough loan.


Innovation is haaaard. ![gif](giphy|qVOGUmHt5z7aw)


Hahaha! awesome!


It's just another monument to the stupidity of humans


To block even more parking spots with their Penis Substitutes.


Penises (Penii?) are getting smaller, so trucks are getting bigger to make up for it.


Everyone thinks their dick is small from watching too much porn.


because they are used to compensate for lack of penis size, the larger the truck the smaller the penis..




My son wants a truck, but all of them on the market are just too dang big. There should at least be an option for the size of one like the Toyota Tacoma was back in the 90's or 00's.


Those were perfect, I had one it was great for everything


Hope springs eternal...


Why are anti truck people so obsessed with the dicks of truck owners? It’s fucking weird