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Everyone in my household used to smoke. My mom had black teeth, my grandma caughed so hard that little kid me thought she would die sometimes. Every formerly white surface in the house was yellow. And it smelled terrible. So nope, I was never tempted.


Not to mention you basically smoked by living there


And the feeling going to school knowing that you stank like smoke.


Or not knowing that you stank like smoke. I didn't realise because i was in this smell alot


Exactly! I remember wearing my dads old jumper a few times (thankfully not to school) that had tears in the sleeve cuffs it was that old, only for an old cigarette butt to fallen out the sleeve from in between the outer fabric and the lining.


I learned from my aunt the other day that my mom smoked while breastfeeding. At the same time.


Black teeth is mostly a result of not brushing or flossing. But yeah, shit makes it so much worse.


True but the tar doesn’t help


My mum smells horrible when she comes back inside from a smoke so that put me off


This in a nutshell. It’s disgusting.


Pretty much same story + catching the smell so you stink like smoke.


Ah yes. I remember it well. Bloody awful.


I'm glad. In my mind, growing up with smokers sounds like it would acclimate a child to the smells and other shit. Nice to see that it isn't an absolute thing.


This and every reply that came before mine. Ended up trying some sort of special cigarette in high school for about a month but it wasnt tobacco. I would later learn I have a mild allergy towards it. Edit: I have poor lung capacity because of lifelong second-hand smoke so why pick up the habit myself?


its expensive af. i prefer using that money on something else more important


In my home country, cigarettes are now so expensive that people are turning to meth because it's cheaper.


***proceeds to spend it on apple vr***


Well, at least Apple VR won't kill you, won't pester others, but will still offer just as much happiness hormone-release as smoking. So yes. It's a better choice.


Apple vr will actually just make you frustrated when you realize any other headset would've been better and cheaper


Same as smoking when you realise food exist and doesnt give you bad lung and bad smell.


I'm the youngest of 5. My mother and all my siblings smoked and every one of them said it was a stupid habit and I believed them.


Same here, parents and siblings all smoked. I thought it was disgusting even as a kid. The worst was long car rides when everyone had to light up. At least they would crack the windows, as if that really helped.


Getting ash and embers in my eyeball after dad flicked out his window, only for it to fly in mine festered a solid dislike for me 🤣


My brother and his friends always came into the house smelling of cigarettes and weed. It made me gag.


Fuck yeah what a G. It really is. Smoking literally just makes you *think* that smoking is the best thing. It’s just such a stupid addiction. I keep reaching for nicotine looking to feel better but I just end up feeling groggy.


I remember when I started smoking at 14 I was like "OK, so when does the fun part begin?" halfway through the cigarette and then I just felt dizzy and lightheaded and a bit nauseous and said "This sucks". Then an hour later I wanted another one. Smoked until I was 20, trying to find ways to get smokes...always successfully, but DAMN there were some hoops I had to jump through. (Like having just gotten Final Fantasy IX for PlayStation but instead of playing it deciding to walk through freezing ice and snow 2 miles to the bowling alley to get bitched at again on my way out by the guy behind the counter with him asking me how old I am...then as usual I would say "18" and pretend to search for my ID and just say "I don't have it" and walk out with the smokes...a single pack of Camel non-filters. I had a cold at the time too.) Honestly I'm glad they got rid of all the cigarette machines and made the age to smoke 21. Makes it harder for dumb teenagers to start.


And it doesn’t even get you high, it only satisfies an anxiety craving (that it gave you in the first place).


Honestly, that's damn cool 😎 👌


I've never smoked, never tried it and never wanted too. It's absolutely disgusting and it smells awful.


I was going to write this pretty much word for word.


Same here. Always move ashtrays off the table in the pub. Ugh!


“It’s an acquired taste 💅” just like my ass 👅


Yep, same


It isn't just the smell while they are smoking either - but their breath afterwards often smells gross for hours..


Oh so you're lucky to have a natural aversion to cigarette smoke


I’m pretty sure that’s actually the default…




I feel the same way about fast food and greasy food in general. Same reason people like other things that are bad for them lol it's totally irrational but that's being human amiright?


Yep, me too 💯




I took one puff when I was absolutely shitfaced when I was like 25. That was enough for me I don't think I even inhaled. No this is not Bill Clinton's alt account


I tried it in combination with other things and I wish I never had. Don't. It's simply awful.


It disgusted me the idea of inhaling acrid plant smoke, therefore i never did it.


I cannot fathom intentionally drawing it into my lungs.


>acrid plant smoke. What a concept. Someone, somewhere said "we should dry this out, burn it, and breathe its smoke. Seems legit, right?"


"How did you manage to do it?" Do what:Not smoke?Simple:I was never attracted to it,+cigarette smoke smells horrible to me(I would always step up my pace so I didn't have to inhale that goddamn cancer-inducing smoke whenever I went to school(smokers were literally DIRECTLY in the way to school:No way to avoid them. Ugh...))


Exactly... when I read 'how did you manage to do it?' I was like are they serious lol


Yeah, my first reaction is always "Why DID you start?" But a friend told me how it happened for him and it made sense. The cool kids are out smoking at a party and they invite you. You want to seem cool, so you do it. And it's kind of gross but it makes you feel good because you are in with the cool kids. So at the next party, you just gravitate to those people and you do it again. Before you know it, you're full on addicted. That made sense to me in my teens.


It’s so sad to think how young people are susceptible to this and fall into the hole. Esp since vaping doesn’t smell or turn things yellow (as far as we know), it may be harder to curb the habit. I’m glad I never grew up around smoking friends


It almost felt like smoking was going away with younger people... and then freaking vapes gained popularity.


Data in the Netherlands shows a rise in smokers, not long after vapes became popular. We aren’t fully aware of the dangers of vaping, but at the very least it seems like vaping makes it easier for young adults to start smoking the “real” cigarettes.


Literally how I started smoking, was a computer nerd playing d2 and suddenly got invited to the cool kids, alcohol and cigarettes at 14. now I’m a nerd again and glad I’ve got to quit smoking years ago. God I wish I wouldn’t have gone to that party 20 years ago. I just hope my kids won’t start it one day but I’m glad that smoking now doesn’t have that cool stigma anymlre


Right? Not smoking is the human default.


Omg this, I hold my breath if I inhale it a little cause I dislike the smell sm I speed up and get am where I want to, and id say 60% of my class smokes, and its not higher cause some smokers quit


One of The Last Things I got to say to my Old Man in person,when He dropped me off to head to boot camp, was he asked me to never start smoking cigarettes like He did. He was trying to impart as much Fatherly wisdom/military advice he could before I left. I promised I wouldn’t. Well, He passed away unexpectedly while I was in training. It crushed me, so I try to hold onto that last, or at least one of the last things I got to hear in person from the man I always looked up to.


I'm sorry for your loss, brother. My parents have been gone 20 years and there are days it still really hurts. Losing a parent, while mostly is a fact of life, is so hard


Appreciate It, Dude. Yeah- just one of those things that’s always gonna be there.😅


the smell of cigarettes makes me nauseous.


This, plus being an asthmatic meant I already knew how hard is to breathe. Never had any desire to even have a single puff. When I was pregnant, I could walk into a room that had been smoked in even a couple hours beforehand and instantly want to vomit. It's just all gross.


both my parents are smokers and i worry about them every day, so i don’t think i’ll ever smoke. i’ve had enough second hand for a lifetime 


When I was young my parents smoked. Gave me puffs and it was horrible. By the time I was 10 or so they had quit, that would have been around 1969 or so. Quite early in it's one thing I really respect them for.


It's easy for me. My parents always reminded me not to smoke cause that's what killed my grandfather. At the same time, I didnt like the smell of the smoke, and I didn't want to damage my lungs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have friends who smoke but they respect my choice as much as I respect theirs. Was never really tempted.


I was never interested in it, I knew it was bad for you and it smells bad.


i don't see anything to gain in smoking, its just burning money. 🤔


I really don't like the smell. I don't have anything against people who smoke as it's a personal choice, but the smell of it alone really makes me not want to even try it once.


Parents were very heavy smokers and I spent almost 20 years breathing in second hand smoke and ending up sick of it. Caused me lots of trouble with asthma while I watched my mother smoking and then coughing with her own asthma.


I hated to see the smoke coming out from nose


No not curious. I understood what addiction meant at a young age and I was like nope that sounds awful


Simple I find secondhand smoke nauseating Why would I want to subject myself to that shit on purpose?


It helps when you hate the smell of Smoke


No one in my family smoked, but when I was 13 me and a couple friends wanted to be cool so we tried smoking. I thought I was going to hack up a lung! One of the older kids told me that I would get used to it the more I did it. I noped right the hell out!


Made me feel ill when I tried it. Never wanted to experience that feeling again so it was an easy decision to never start.


I don't like the smell, I have a cat, it is bad for my and cats' health, and bad for skin, I love having nice skin




Cigarettes not mary j


Staring at this while smoking is making me nauseous 😂 time to move on from this thread


uhhhh the smell


I’m 14. I feel like I’d stick to lord of the rings and Star Wars. And chocolate is much more tasty!


It hasn't been difficult. Smokers and smoke stink. Their teeth are gross. They sound sick almost all the time. They litter. They waste money on giving themselves cancer. Only idiots smoke.


It smells nasty. My friend has to smoke immediately before and after a twenty minute bus ride, because he won't be able to during it. That is scary. I don't get paid much. The first hour of each day would be me working just to pay for cigarettes. What are the benefits? Easy social connection with strangers? Something to do when bored? I don't get it.


Most of my friends in highschool smoked. I never had inclination. I had a designated jacket and certain shirts I would wear if I was going out heavy smokers. Pretty much all of them have quit since then.


I always thougt it is a stupid habit and a total waste of money


Pretty easily. Cigarettes smell horrible, they cost way too much money, and I am slightly asthmatic. What do I think of them? Nothing special. My dad was a heavy smoker (He passed 35 years ago, so I am no longer used to being around it). I don't really like being around smokers too much in smaller spaces, though, because of the smell.


I grew up in a big house where majority of my maternal family lived there besides my parents. Two of my uncles are smokers. I live next door to my uncle and he smokes every night at the balcony behind my room. Bothered me at first but I stopped caring. Thought maybe I should start as well as a means of dealing with my stress, but I realised it'll cause more harm than good. Besides, it's a waste of money. Lots of people I knew back in school also smoke, whether it's tobacco or vapes. Seeing them drowning in grey lungs made me think, damn, if there's one thing that makes me better than them, it's never having smoked in my life.


I both have asthma and grew up knowing it's consequences. I need to live longer and I can't take that risk plus my dad smokes and it never looked...appetizing I guess.


The consequences are easier to see than in say alcoholism. And I’ve always hated the smell of cigarettes. Plus when you see people drinking you can see them getting more loose and smiley. Watching people smoke you don’t actually see them feel good. I realized as a teen I’m kinda weak willed and have an addictive personality. I knew if I liked it I wouldn’t be able to stop.


I grew up with my mom smoking heavily in the house, always found the smell and yellow walls disgusting, still do.


When I was growing up, my parents always told me to not smoke, and I did, it’s really simple to not smoke, but it’s near impossible to stop smoking.


I can’t stand the smell, so don’t see the appeal


It absolutely stinks and I don’t understand why smokers don’t realise that.


Always found it disgusting


-"How did you manage to do it?" too cheap to pay for em. -"What do you think of smokers" you all have no idea how badly you smell. I'd rather sit next to someone with AnimeCon level BO than next to a smoker.


the smell gets me. you can smell it coming from the car next to you, waiting at a traffic light or speeding by you


I hate the smell of smoke with passion. I suppose I was curious but the thought of having smoke in my body kinda disgusted me too much. I really don’t care if someone has a smoking habit, doesn’t make me think less or more of them but I disagree with it


My dad quit smoking when I was a kid. He said it was a bad habit. And i believe him.


It gives me a headache and it smells like shit


for the same reason you don't eat foods you don't like: they don't look/smell good to you. I do smoke pot tho.


My parents didn't smoke and I have asthma. The smell of smoke always felt suffocating to me. With the health risks being as public as they are these days I've always wondered why anyone would start smoking 😂


I was sick when I was a baby, almost died with lung issues. So no, never curious enough to try it really.


Was never attracted to it and had no curiosity to try it out, my grandfather used to smoke and it just smelled so bad.


didn’t grow up around it. my mom’s dad passed away from lung cancer a few years before I was born, so smoking was never allowed in my house. I had friends who smoked now and then, but never to the point of me being the odd one out for not smoking.


Cause I don't want to. I don't have an opinion about people who smoke. Smoke if you want, just not near children please.


I didn't manage a thing. It never attracted me. Tried a couple of times and never developed a habit. Don't hate the smell dont mind the taste it just isn't something I see worth doing. Also a lot of cons to it.


I have an allergy accounted to smoking, my nose and throat itch and suffer by the mere smell of someone going for a smoke outside our house.


I was raised around smokers, and it just never appealed to me for some reason. I smoked weed as a teenager, and did puff a cigarette once. But that was more to prove to myself what I already knew; that it was horrible. Didn't like cigarettes but like I say I smoked a lot of weed for some years, and only stopped once I started boxing and realised the effect it was having on my cardio, quitting weed was pretty easy for me tbh because I never enjoyed it that much to begin with, just did it as a social thing. I find smoking pretty unattractive, and I don't like to be around smokers because passively inhaling the smoke still poses a risk to health.


Never ever curios. I just always knew it was stupid dangerous and will only end with me having big trouble.


Tons of family members smoked. Never interested.  I smoked a couple cigars but never any cigarettes.   Never even tried weed.  


My parents both smoked 1-3 packs a day the whole time I was growing up, it never bothered me physically, but I was very aware of how expensive it was and I wanted to spend my money on other things.


I don't care as long as someone doesn't smoke close to me when I'm eating or something. My mother smokes, has for many years. So does her bf, both of my uncles etc. I never really felt tempted to try. It's gross to me.


Ive done it but it made me feel sick so I never tried again.


If there is never an easy way to get it & you have no motivation then your problem solves itself naturally ofc im curious & would try if offered but getting out of bed & going to the shops just to buy cigarettes is too much effor


I tried a cigarette one time after a rave to try and impress the girl I was flirting with. She offered me a Marlboro menthol. Never again.


I’ve always hated the smell of cigarettes to begin with. Never been interested or curious at all.


My smoker parents simply said to never smoke. And i never did. I'm a good boy. I dont think much of smokers just "so you are willing to lose 10 years of your life just to look cool or what ?" I want to have a long life. I dont say no to alcohol though. I need my red wine at least once a week.


I’ve been living with ADHD my entire life, and although I’m incredibly grateful that I can (and do) take medicine to help, I hate that both my ADHD and my meds affect my mental state (in different ways of course). I don’t like feeling like I’m not entirely in control of my brain and actions. I don’t want to use any substance that will make me feel that same lack of control.


My highschool does drug testing for all students. I’m a senior graduating in two months. 😈😈😈


I was just never curious about it. Plus, the smell makes me sick and sets off my asthma.


Smoking is disgusting. I've seen too many people get cancer and literally cough for 5 hours plus a day. Not to mention in school when they showed us lungs that were full of tar. No thanks


just one time decision to never touch drugs not sure what else to add there sorry never touched smoke nor drinks


I never smoked but my father did, he was rather quick to anger and a bunch of things made him upset, I was kinda the opposite, I wouldn’t say there’s as much that annoys me nor do I get angry very often, I’m a little chill for the most part


The random whiffs I caught of second hand smoke (grew up in the 90s, when it was still "Smoking or Non Smoking?" like it mattered) gave me headaches and smelled awful. Smokers hacked and coughed all the time, also smelled awful, their nails were yellow and gross, their clothes stank, their houses stank, even if they only smoked outside. Grandad and two great uncles who smoked died of cancer before I was born, and the two aunts/wives of said uncles also died of cancer, and Granny (granddad's wife) had emphysema, my dad and siblings have asthma. So, yeah... zero desire. Negative desire.


I have anxiety and have definitely considered smoking before. I also considered weed before I knew how bad my anxiety had gotten (I don't consider it at all now because my anxiety is bad enough). I was in Army active duty for 5 years and almost all of my close friends either smoke or used to smoke. I think the reason I never did is because my aunt on my dad's side passed from lung cancer directly related to smoking. She had lung cancer once, it went away, she started smoking again, and it came make full force. She was so hooked that she was smoking throughout her second treatment. I like my freedom. The idea of being mentally hooked on something sounds horrible. With that being said, I see smokers similarly to how I see crack heads, etc. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, but I want to live as long as possible. I don't know why I would get into something knowing it is terrible for me in many ways later on.


Very simple, people would offer me a cig, and I would say no. When I was a kid I found cigs to be something for kids pretending to be adults so I was never interested in it. When I was older, I saw it as a bad/expensive habit.


My dad used to smoke when i was really young. He broke his habit in my early years but i still remember the horrible smell. I dont wish to smoke, not even out of curiosity. Why do something bad for my body and smells awful? Seems like a lose lose situation. That said, if you smoke then go ahead. Im of the opinion in most things, not just smoking, that so long as you dont annoyingly wave it in my face then you can do what you like, within reason of course hah. Back to the point, its not my business. Just dont make it my business and we good.


Parents both smoked. Once I got older I would leave books out with graphic pictures of mouth, tongue and lung cancer.


Wasn't hard. It makes people look trashy and stink worse than shit.


My Nana (my mother’s mother) always had that really deep, smoker’s voice and her fingernails were always long and yellow. Her house reeked of ashtrays and years of smoke, and when we’d leave there, we would always complain that we smelled like Nana’s house. So, despite all my friends smoking when I was younger, I never did.


The second hand smoke from my mum would always make me nauseous. I hated it. So it has always put me off smoking.


Grew up in a house full of (inside) smokers and have never been able to stand the smell. Plus they are very expensive where I live so that’s a decent disincentive.


Don't you know this common saying? "In America, only 2 kinds of people smoke: White Trash and foreigners." I'm not white trash and I'm not a foreigner. So, I don't smoke.


I grew up in the 70s. Both of my parents smoked. Almost every adult smoked back then. My high school had two smoking areas - one for faculty and one for students. Cigarette smoke smells disgusting and makes it difficult to breathe. Even as a kid I simply could not fathom how or why so many people could be stupid enough to do something that was so disgusting and so obviously unhealthy. As an adult I still feel the exact same way. My mother smoked for 50 years and quit the day she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. My father smoked for 50 years and quit the day he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I try to have a smidgen of sympathy for people who started back then, when doctors smoked, and when doctors told people it was safe. But anyone who smokes today is an absolute fucking idiot of the highest fucking order. It is suicide in slow motion.




Idk tbh🤷‍♀️ But I think the main reason I don’t do it is because I’m very anxious about my health. The thought of smoke willingly going into my lungs is scary to me. I don’t mind smokers as long as the smoke isn’t coming in my direction. But I feel like I can tell when someone smokes regularly


Both parents started smoking in their teen years and still do, even though my father had a third of one lung cut out 16 years ago thanks to lung cancer. Both of them are now in their 60s, and I know they'll never give them up. Sister smoked for about 15 years but managed to give up. I, for one, have never been even remotely interested....thank fk. It smells disgusting and I have trouble breathing even just being in the company of smokers (which is why I sometimes dread visiting my parents). I can't imagine the state of my lungs now if i took up actual smoking decade's ago!


A lot of my older relatives all had smoking related diseases when I was young, yet they just couldn't stop


I just wasn’t interested. It made me not want to do it even more after I found the effect it can have on you


There is absolutely zero reason to smoke and nothing about it is appealing. I don't get how anybody these days can look at smoking and think "yeahhh, this is a great idea."


Never had an interest in doing it but if I had to I would try weed


i tried once last week but still don’t see the appeal tbh. also drugs are expensive… i rather buy a nintendo switch game


I’ve always wondered how it feels like to get hooked. How I managed to never do it, simple, just don’t start it. If you start you probably won’t go back. I don’t really think anything of smokers other than their normal personality and behavior like every other person really. Also another thing on how I managed I was just never tempted.


I find it stupid and gross. I would never do it because I don't need it. I have more healthy and productive ways of dealing with stress and emotions. People that turn to substances for that stuff are weak and not comfortable in themselves or their mind.


I managed to do it by not smoking


I've just never picked a cigarette, lit it, and put into my mouth - that's basically how I avoided it. I've grown up in relatively harsh times in a not-too-prosperous country so a lot of kids actually smoked from 12-13-14. Of course, my friends (many of them were actually "hooligans", so to say) offered me cigs as well but I just explained that I have asthma-like illness. Partly it's actually true because when I was 5 years old I had some pretty serious condition but in all honesty I'm not really an asthmatic. They actually never insisted, and never thought of me as a "loser" or something (many start smoking because they're afraid to become black sheep in the gang). What do I think about smokers? I don't care until they become an annoyance. For example, I hated going to bars/restaurants when smoking was still permitted. Going to heavy metal concert in a club meant that you'll basically REEK of cigs after the show. I also hate when people smoke indoors or at the bus stations. For example, my grandfather started smoking in a very young age, it was WWII and there were many kids who were just living on their own (parents working or basically fighting at the front). He smoked for 50 years or so and when he finally stopped he could not stand the cigs smell.


I’m sensitive to smoke. When I am around second hand smoke, it makes me cough like crazy. So that makes it easy for me to not smoke. Plus, it doesn’t seem appealing.


Dunno how. Are you swallowing the smoke?? Seriously I just don’t understand. And yeah guess not curious enough to learn/try. I did grow up during the big no smoking era of the 90s and 00s before vaping became a thing. There were a lot of don’t smoke ads


I have an overbearing mother and I'm asthmatic. She told me that if I took one drag of a cigarette it would kill me. I believed her for a very long time. Once I knew that what she said wasn't exactly accurate I was old enough to know that the smell was dreadful, it was expensive and chocolate and diet coke taste better.


I grew up with parents that smoked. The smoke aggravated my eyes and my asthma. Pretty much ensured I'd never be curious about it.


I never smoked, I won't even smoke pot. I grew up around smokers and I can tell you it is like dealing with people with Leprosy to me I do everything I can to avoid them as it disgust I have left movies because I just don't want to watch people smoke.


My dad has been smoking for my entire life. I used to be so scared hed get lung cancer and die. Thankfully never happened. But that fear made me promise myself (and him) I will never ever smoke. I still tried, once. Hated it. Made the decision its just not for me. Dont judge anyone who does smoke tho. We all have our bad habbits


My mom and dad smoked when us kids were little. I used to constantly get car sick from the smoke, i knew then I would never smoke. I hate smoking but not smokers, they are addicted like other people are.


Never even try it and glad for this. I never had the urge or curiosity to do that, I find it gross, stupid, pointless and a money pit


I think you’ve gotta be pretty fucking stupid to smoke in this day and age, but I keep that to myself when I’m around people who do smoke. I’ve never smoked because I know it’s horrible. Doesn’t matter if it’s cigarettes, weed, or vaping. I know that it will fucking ruin my body and my mind and I cannot afford that.


Dad would get pissed at me or disappointed in me and just light up a smoke. Didn’t seem very sexy when I associated smoking with me being a disappointment. Glad he stopped like 10-12 years ago.


Both my parents smoked and one day I asked my mom if I could try it, she gave me her cigarette and it tasted awful. From that day I never touched a cigarette. I was 8 years old.


I’ve had asthma my whole life. Hindered my stamina for sports a lot for someone who played basketball and thought my lungs were already bad enough so I never started. Now I don’t really see a reason to start as I have enough vices already.


When I was a kid I saw an ad of a very old smoker called Terry. She had cancer and was warning others to not smoke. It was horrifying. I still distinctly remember how her voice sounded.....may she rest in peace. At least she was able to stop several people like me from ever even thinking about it. That's the main reason, but another is that I have very bad self control. I know if I started smoking I would never be able to quit no matter how hard I tried. In order for me to quit it would require smoking to either take my life or ruin it.


Hate the smell of it, so I avoided it. Never had any thought of ever trying it.


Never smoked. My dad was addicted to basically every substance. Still haven’t even drank. He scares me with the path he went down. Why would I start something no one can seem to quit? Especially in my family.


It stinks so bad. Why would i go through the hassle of getting a cigarette, lighting it and then suffer? Its a fucking mystery that people smoke at all in my eyes. Its so incredibly dumb and nasty.


I lived with smokers growing up, and the smell permeated EVERYTHING. Also, the nicotine stained the walls and curtains... 🤢 nope... couldn't do it.


Never was curious indeed. And with everything I know that can come from smoking (and I ain't talking ONLY about health issues) I never considered smoking even a possibility. From my POV I wonder why you would even consider smoking in the first place.


I grew up in a setting where it was taboo and now I could but it just seems unhealthy and doesn’t really line up with my ideals


In my culture, it’s just frowned upon. You’ll be seen as a delinquent.


My sibling is asthmatic and cigarette smoke sets it off. That was good enough reason to never do it. That and the smell is just awful and I get a headache from it.


I have no need to smoke just as I have no need to drink or get drunk and just as I have no need to use drugs.


Just never got into it. I have asthma....it is a stinky smelly habit. My mom smoked growing up..never heavy....and finally quit when I was a teenager. I hung out with a friend whos parents were heavy smokers and their house always stunk.... I hate the smell of cigs and smokers stink and I just avoid being near them if possible.


Really no desire to do it. Man, I just don't like breathing nicotine, CO and CO2. I prefer just pure oxygen, thank you.


why do you want to harm yourself, when there is so much information and proof that there is no benefit for smoking? ​ I've never smoked, never tried it and never wanted too. It's absolutely disgusting and it smells awful. I do not understand why people smoke? its not cool, yet there is so many that do. it is just such a turn off smoking anything, even drugs (marijuana) cigarettes , pipes, Vaping (vaporized vomit) etc etc just gross and horrible.


Step dad smoked and it was like torture being in the car in winter time. We’d get in trouble for trying to crack the windows to breathe. And I let a kid borrow some gym clothes for basketball practice one day when they forgot theirs. They wouldn’t wear it because they said it was dirty. It was clean, just smelled like smoke.


Dust bothers my lubgs and majes it hard to breathe if i started smokeing it may make the dust cause me to not be able to breathe i dont want to damage my lungs


I can hardly breathe as is (asthma) and any time I walk past second-hand smoke my throat starts to close up. Pretty easy to figure out I shouldn't smoke. I've also never been affected by peer pressure, and all my friends thought the smokers at school were stupid anyway. Also, it smells absolutely disgusting and I'm not going to bother dealing with that. I'm the type of person who will tell you off for smoking under a no-smoking sign because I want to be able to exist in public without putting myself in harm's way, even though I'm otherwise pretty non-confrontational.


No one in my family smoked. I had neighbours that did and the smell was terrible to me so I didn’t stay around it. Only 1 of my friends smoked but she did it once in a blue moon that sometimes I forget that she does.


I was curious but informed No amount of fun worth a lung cancer


I have a lung condition that will result in death if I smoke. So that kinda stops the curiosity hahahaha aside from that, it smells awful, its a gross habit and I'm not proud to say it but I do judge people who smoke. There are much better things to spend your money on and you choose smoking?


I was curious. I smoked one night while I was out drinking, and that night it left such a terrible taste in my mouth that I never smoked again.


Where i am from its frowned upon so yeah just ended up hating it ,


Tried it once. Tasted terrible. Those who say that they like the taste are liars. Also, smokers stink.


Never slightly curious. I think its disgusting and can't fathom why anyone would ever want to. Not only that, but how are you ok with puffing it around and forcing EVERYONE to breathe it in, wtf. Like fuck off with that nobody wants to breathe in your 2nd hand smoke.


Weed and cigarettes stink. But id take edibles or cannabis oil for medicinal purposes if i need it when im older. Idc if ppl smoke, as long as they dont do it at my place we’re fine.


My dad was a marathon runner and extremely health-conscious, so smoking was absolutely verboten when I was growing up. I ended up in a horrible relationship with a guy when I was a teenager and his house absolutely stank of smoke. It was foul and left my hair and clothes caked in a smell which followed me around. When I was a student I spent a summer in Switzerland and a year in Paris and took up smoking temporarily because it was basically de rigueur in Europe at the time but my intense inbuilt aversion to it stopped me from forming a permanent habit. I smoked occasionally at uni in the UK but almost exclusively for the purposes of posing for pretentious moody pictures.


It’s disgusting, there’s absolutely no gain from it, it’s a waste of money and I’m asthmatic 💀


The smell and idea of it disgusts me Plus, I don't like the idea of causing harm to my body like that I'm also a person that develops addictive tendencies easily so I stay away from addictive things because I don't want to become an addict


Ive been around smokers all my life. As far as im concerned ive inhaled enough second hand smoke already, its just a dirty smelly habit that bleeds money from you and raises your risk of dying from some mostly avoidable condition later in life.


It just smells awful.


Neither of my parents smoked, but all of my grandparents did. When I was a kid and we would go over there or go somewhere with them, I would be extremely ill by the time we left from the cigarette smoke. That fixed me for the rest of my life, I never had any desire to smoke.


It's gross. It's not that deep, dude.


When I was 8?, I had one puff after my brother stole one from my cousin, that one puff was enough for a lifetime.


There’s literally no reason to smoke. It has no benefits, it doesn’t make you feel good (atleast to new smokers) the only reason anyone starts smoking is peer pressure. It should be harder to explain why people start smoking when there’s no real reason to than it is to explain how some people never smoke.


I tried it as a kid it was horrible so never got into it


I was around people who did in college and always ended with a nasty headache.


they stink. they cost a lot for student. i was living alone so i had to save money to eat


I feel like I might get addicted to it. Also, I didn’t really have a friend group. I know there’s friend groups that don’t smoke, but I was pretty much a loner and even know how to vape or smoke but mostly it was because I knew if I did it, I’ll get addicted to it.


I don't know if it counts as "never smoking" but I tired a cigarette once and I was just bored to death. To think of it, I'm grateful I never developed a nicotine addiction


Smells horrible, doesn’t sound remotely interesting


how do u like inhaling burning plants ? aeugh 🤮🤢