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If you want to get technical, everyone is a dopamine addict, but I get what you’re saying, we’re on here to feel better about ourselves, I mainly do it to distract myself from my life There are people here that aren’t dopamine addicts, saying that everyone is just because they use it is an exaggeration, but aside from that you’re completely right


Seeking dopamine isn't an addiction. It's a behavioral pattern. It's one of the most basic survival instincts. Do stuff that feels good(eating, breeding), don't do stuff that feels bad/hurts. Monkey see girl monkey Monkey fuck girl monkey Monkey feel nice Monkey do it again That's pretty much it.




Shakespeare has been reall quiet since this comment dropped


Everyone's kinda a dopamine addict. Dopamine is how are brain rewards us for doing things. Otherwise you'd feel nothing when you did stuff right?


I’ll do you one better: Without dopamine you physically cannot do much of anything. It’s much more than just a reward compound.


As someone with ADHD: can confirm


Me: Yes. Please brain, give the happy chemical. Please. I need to get up and go do something. Anything. I can't just sit on this couch endlessly. Brain: Best I can do is doom scrolling reddit. Oh, and everyone hates you.


Brains: Everything is fine. Juuust fine don't even worry. P.S. Fuck you for that cringey thing you did in 7th grade. It's fiiine. Lmao


mine goes further - everyone loves you but you will never love yourself


I actually wrote "Try not to hate self" on the little white erase board in my room earlier this week, lol.


I don't hate you 🤨




You only don't because you don't know me.


Well I do now


I feel this in my soul


As someone else with ADH- what the fuck was that?


Sorry I didn’t mean to fuck with your processing I turned the tv volume 1 notch louder and now everything sounds like simlish. Lost the remote after I picked it up tho so we’re kinda fucked for the next three months until I find it sitting on a random shelf in the least used room of the house.


I hope it's at least stuck on an even number or a multiple of 5.


9 bro :( 💔




The plate cupboard.


The door of the fridge, next to the mustard


Wait, if the controller is there then what did I pick- *realizes I brought a bottle of ketchup to the living room*


Kinda like the time change and the clock in your car. As far as I know, in roughly 6 months the time will once again be correct. Patience is a virtue 🤪


Dopamine chasing, it's so hard if you try to fight it. I tried detoxing and I get bored af.


I don't make enough homemade dopamine and the store bought dopamine has too many side effects for me. Daily life is hard.


Storebought makes blood pressure go whooosh


Like the Apathetics in zardoz


First time seeing this in the wild. As an apathetic typing this comment. You should feel special for this upvote I give you!


You’ve summoned the ADHD crowd.


Now try to get us to do something. Hahahahahahhaa :(


Or…. Get me to stop doing something….


And now we have so much of it that doing anything else is too slow and boring 😂


Yep, see: Parkinson's disease


Not kinda. Everyone IS a dopamine addict. Your brain is capable of regulating how much etc except where you have ADHD and it can’t. When your brain isn’t getting dopamine you get fidgety (physically or mentally), you’re drained, you can’t focus, do things to seek out dopamine… like an addict.


This part of the body makes everything more interesting and feels more alive. Everything is just fine until u find yourself wasting time by feeding ur brain for something bad or useless, others call it an addiction. By all means, I stand with your point. The problem is how to control it


> how to control it When you find out let me know. I’m a dopamine chasing junkie 😂


depression simulator


On Reddit , those dopamine hits are pretty few and far between , to be fair


Not today. Not in my feed at least. For some reason what I'm seeing is pure gold! Probably will be doing this shit for hours. I hate missing the what's next in my manic phase


That condition unfortunately exists. It's called anhedonia.


I know a band who wrote a song about it, if you like metal.


This whole reductionist ‘dopamine addiction’ thing is absolute horseshit and akin to astrology. There are dozens of neurotransmitters and hormones which work in concert and our likes are based on experience and knowledge. I get far more dopamine reading Pynchon or writing an essay than I would on this dumb site.


Preach it! Been irritated by the dopamine nonsense for years and years by now. It's the same with a lot of things, people want to feel like they understand and refer to this one thing like it explains anything. Dopamine is abundant and diffuse in the brain, influencing many functions, and similarly many functions (like addiction or reward based learning) are extremely complex and relate to much more than just one neurotransmitter. Dopaminesplaning. It's in the same ballpark as the "you use only 10% of your brain" myth.


Thank you, voice of sanity and reality, wherever you are.


I would argue that there is a difference between being a dopamine addict, and just doing things that give you dopamine. As an example, there is a difference between an alcoholic and someone who drinks alcohol because they enjoy it. As someone which adhd, I’m an extreme dopamine addict, where in, I feel like I HAVE to do whatever gives me the most dopamine possible all the time, to the point where it affects my daily life, sometimes negatively, like staying up to late playing video games even though I know damn well I work in the morning, as with alcoholics, they have to have their alcohol fix to the point of it affecting their daily lives in work and other relationships, so no, not everyone is a dopamine “addict”, everyone somewhat requires it, and or gets it from the things they do, but that is very different than being addicted to it.


The difference between you and a neurotypical is that they literally have a mainline of the stuff constantly. You have to be a bit creative to get your fix.


Exactly. OP thought they were being so deep lol


Dopamine is a motivation compound not a reward compound.


Addiction is something entirely different though. An addiction follows when the dopamine inducing activity alters you brain and therefore the rewardd system doesn't work like it's supposed to. Overexposure to alcohol, nicotine, cocaine or other drugs, but also overconsumption of media, gambling and video games can lead to desensitivity of dopamine receptors. The brain will need more and more dopamine, it's a vicious cycle that eventually leads to addiction. We shouldn't use the term addiction inflationarily, it is a term that describes a serious mental illness.


Yes, you can be addicted to something you need because “addiction” and “need,” are not the same thing. 


Sleep addicts be like "bro just 5 more minutes please"


They call that depression btw


>Dopamine is how are brain rewards us for doing things. >Otherwise you'd feel nothing when you did stuff right? Precisely. There's great book on the subject, "The Biology of Desire: why addiction is not a disease" by cognitive neuroscientist dr. Marc Lewis, it helps gain perspective to the conundrum we are living with - temptations of modern civilization, and the instant availability of incredibly addictive things, like bottle of any alkohol, tiktok, crack, reddit scrolling ... :>


And you can betray this reward mechanism. Your brain has to be tuned. You can get great dopamine from completing chores or personal projects. But you can also jerk off all day and feel rewarded. And to OPs point, we scroll forever on here, X, IG, FB, etc. and get those small blips of dopamine here and there. The work it takes to achieve this dopamine flush is different. So yes I agree dopamine is part of us enjoying life, but poisons like porn, drugs, and social media take advantage of the dopamine system.




I wont even argue with you. All I can do is keep myself from using it too much. We should all deny ourselves pleasure more than we do.


You know who doesn’t deny me pleasure? Your mom


Too bad she cant say the same about your baby carrot.


hahha thank you for the laughs, perfect response


oh this dopamine bs again


The average redditor with a dopamine addiction on copamine


Genuinely, why does it even matter? It seems like more of a way to look down on others than anything else.


especially ironic coming from someone posting on reddit




Sure am, now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna keep scrolling, bye bye


OP seems to have a large chip on his shoulder.


why is funny because we all have a small chip in our hands as we comment on this post


Oh I ain't got a chip, I'm holding the whole fucking bag


Yes except I’m agreeing with you out loud instead of denying internally 


lol who told yooouu?? It’s supposed to be a secret 🤫


So what


That would imply me finding something positive about this experience lmao It's less about being a dopamine addict and more just being bored and having nothing better to do




what better things are you doing with your time, 18,020 comment karma boy?


Take your own advice lmfao


Bro in the past day you’ve made 4 post, what are you doing in your time?


Never said “ok boomer” before but I feel this is the right moment. Ok boomer 👍


What else am I supposed to do in my 30 min break at work? Stare at the wall in silence?




That also produces dopamine, and contributes nothing.


Hey what are you doing here commenting? Shouldn't you be busy staring at the wall contemplating your thoughts?


This post has the "Oh, look at me, I'm so much better than you all" energy.


Every human alive is a dopamine addict, it is the neurochemical responsible for the feeling of wanting. Without it you would literally just sit down and die.


Buzz word heaven


We're all dopamine addicts, it's literally why we do anything. People on social media are addicted to the apps though, through the dopamine pathway.


I'm not addicted to this app nor am I addicted to dopamine! I can quit anytime I want!


Nah, i already know I’m addicted to this app


I am, but I don't deny it.


I also became aware of this a while ago, I try my best to not fall too far into scrolling, or even launching up reddit in the first place. I would like to start reading books again but it bothers me too much


Yeah well guess what my screen time average per day is 11 hours and a majority of it is reddit I’d say I work a full time job on reddit spending about 7-8 hours a day in here just scrolling it’s the first app I open and I’ll occasionally close reddit and immediately re open it, that’s how addicted I am to it Fortunately I would say it’s better than the gambling addiction I used to have, I didn’t even have reddit at the time of that All the same while nothing depresses me more than this app, constantly seeing people talk about their six figure jobs or how life is going great for them and I’m broke no income and in debt lmao


Somebody just started their Psych 101 class. Exciting syllabus?


yep this is me right now


It's really unlikely that everybody has the same intent and experience using any app. There are millions of people who only go on Reddit or whatever for 5 minutes per day while they take a shit. Equating everyone (and OP's responses in the comments) makes as much sense as a hardcore alcoholic calling everyone else alcoholics even if they only drink a glass of wine with dinner. Might be hard to believe, but some people really don't have social media addiction no matter how much you like the word *denial.*


I envy you, I wish I wasn’t addicted, I seriously average over 7 hours a day on this app, that’s insane, I’ve only been here 1.5 years yet look at my comment karma compared to yours, this app has become my life


100% right, I even read my own comments back. This one included.


Oh i know im a "dopamine addict"


Personally I am currently pooping.


No, the reason I use stuff like reddit and youtube is pure boredom, been depressed most my life and its hard to find things I enjoy so I go bit by bit.


You are right. Convinced me too leave reddit for the day. congrats:)


I'm not addicted. Now, if everyone could please hit that up arrow so I can get through the day, that'd be great


Get that high, you're welcome!


Stop projecting...


“Dopamine addict” is sort of an overused misunderstood term. Dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter produced by the adrenal gland to play roles in memory, movement, attention, pleasure, mood, arousal, lactation, etc. It regulates our blood vessels relaxing or constricting, increases salt excretion, reduces insulin production, reduces lymphocyte activity, slows GI movement and protects the gut lining. Dopamine levels are affected by things like the microbiome, as bacteria in the gut have a role in producing and metabolizing dopamine. Diets can also affect dopamine levels as the foods we eat serve as building blocks for dopamine levels, magnesium and tyrosine. Sugar addiction is very real, as sugar causes the release of dopamine due to glucose-sensing neurons trying to ensure the availability of energy for your body, hence why we have patterns of binging, withdrawal and craving in eating disorders. All of that goes to show how dopamine is important and how it’s not just a pleasure chemical and we get it in many ways and it has function outside of just making you feel good. You can get addicted to literally anything that you enjoy and gives you gratification. Even things like reading, sports, work can be “addictive”, hence why we have obsessions. Disorders like OCD is linked in pathophysiology to the dopaminergic system. The reason why drugs can heavily affect the way dopamine functions in the brain is because it interferes with the way we normally process dopamine, marijuana and heroin mimic natural neurotransmitters and amphetamine and cocaine, cause the release of large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the recycling of these neurotransmitters. That’s what makes these drugs so addictive and dangerous. In regards to social media and if it’s addictive, it can be addictive in that when we have successful social interactions and recognition we’re rewarded with dopamine, this also applies in real life but we get to see it online as well in form of social interactions as likes, shares, positive comments, etc. It’s also a generally stimulating experience with bright lights, engaging content, etc. but so are things like movies or content outside of social media. Social media addiction is real, yes but to say “everyone is addicted” simply because we use social media is simply untrue. If I eat a chocolate bar, it doesn’t imply I have a food addiction even if it is addictive. It’s not the same as drug usage and how it literally alters your brain chemistry in a drastic way.


In the past 3 hours you’ve commented at least fifty times. Fifty, fucking, times. Projecting much?


That's why it's good to take time for yourself, go for a walk in the park, have a "date with yourself", but the truth is that you can't, if you spend 2 weeks without TikTok and Instagram you'll become a neanderthal with abstinence.


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Actually, no. In the same instant I send this game, I will go out of here. In some hours I will confirm if I made it.


I've been here a month...is it too late?




we all are to some extent, even people read books for it...but delaying it is way better


Yup. Dopamine,serotonin,endorphins,oxytocin…addicted to all of ‘em


can you spot me some till I get paid bro? swear I'm good for it




yes, i am, but i think social media is my least damaging source of it...


And sugar is like cocaine..!


OP... what you are talking about is 'lazy dopamine' or 'low-effort dopamine'. The way you are talking about dopamine is as though you can go and literally buy it from a shop; I say 'literally' as opposed to abstractly, or vicariously, through the item that you purchase. I feel like you've read a few pages of Anna Lembke's 'Dopamine Nation' (or something like that) and then come onto reddit to unknowingly seek your own 'lazy dopamine' through the external validation of strangers online. I realise that it is hard to convey the fact I am not being a douche to you here, I am actually grinning while writting this lol. Aside from people who suffer with chronic depression, or any kind of neurodivergant condition that inhibits their neurological uptake of hormones, dopamine is released naturally in most people and feels euphoric...euphoria being key in that statement, as that euphoria is actually what we are addicted to. 'Chasing the high' as so to speak...trying to replicate that 'one time' where it was the best feeling related to that specific thing. It's similar to when people say they are addicted to a thing that is actually not chemically addictive in a way that heroin, caffine, or sugar would be.


I’ve gotta stay out for the next 20 minutes and have literally nothing to do. Scrolling sure as hell beats sitting and doing literally nothing.


Dopamine is a necessity to accomplish anything, if we didn't have it there'd be no point in doing anything since we'd feel nothing. Dopamine is just a lot easier to get now since there's less work involved. Does that mean we're addicted to dopamine? No. That would be like saying we're addicted to food because it's easier to get now.


We are all dopamine addicts since we are Animal social media Is Just the most accessibile and powerful medium where we can get It from


Everyone , everywhere is a dopamine addict ! Including you and me




Yesterday I installed this app, I have a test tomorrow and I can’t stop scrolling


You are right. I haven't seen much worth reading for months but it's like there must be some platinum hidden in the scroll.


Ussually I have other sources of dopamine but reddit will have to do for a bit


Yesss our bodies love dopamine and so humans have invented so many creative ways for us to get it with close to 0 effort. Like you said: this is probably for the worse. Putting down my phone now and going to work out ❤️!


honestly kind of ironic that i saw this as i was about to close out of the app


I literally only open these apps now while I take a dump, waiting in queue for something or when I need something to bore me to sleep at night. Thanks for generalizing. What a great philosopher you are.


I'd say I'm a dopamine addict like I'm an oxygen addict. I can't get enough of it.


I literally take medication that increases dopamine levels and can barely function without it so you aren't wrong


Including yourself of course.


I'm an addict


OP, you're right. I need to be working on my thesis instead of wasting time scrolling reddit while sitting on the shitter. Uninstalling now. Thanks for the reminder.


You were correct in some of your assertion, however my inner monologue did not deny any of it. Everyone is addicted to dopamine. That’s how brains work.


Liking something is not the same as dopamine addiction


So true. I thought it was better than meth but now I’m not so sure.


I think most people acknowledge they are addicted to scrolling but don't care.


Don't care


This is threat analysis. Now please scroll.


Tell me something I don’t know


I’m just here for the dick pics


Or I’m bored and got 5 mins till dinner? Who knows


Okay? I’m sure we’re aware.


I just scroll to pass the work day if I wasn’t working I’d be with my dog


People have really warped understanding of what dopamine means, people are addicted to social media which releases dopamine (almost everything that feels immediately good is dopamine, like food, sex, etc..), dopamine is a reward chemical


Everyone is? Dopamine feels good so you search more of it.


everyone but me


Some of us just have such banal lives that we read others' snippets just to feel alive ...


Bro, I am reading this in bed instead of trying to sleep. I know!


Not me trying to find random bits of dopamine in this thread


Of course


Yeah, all of us except you, eh? Your drug of choice is sanctimony.


How does reddit provide dopamine? It's just a source of info or a social outlet.


I didn't deny it. I was reading to find an answer, but it seems like you are also in the same situation, lol


Jokes on you. I know Im an addict xD




Yeas intellectual conversations make me an addict. Not doubting it.


And you're now one of my dealers /s


I am most certainly an addict. It's a big part of why I don't drink and I limit my drug use lol. Once I start, I usually can't stop.


yeah everyone is a dopamine addict why else would you want to do something?


Thats like saying everyone who drinks is an alcoholic


I know I'm an addict. It makes me sad every day. But I can't stop. If I do I relapse hard with a good few hours good scrolling.


Everyone is a dopamine addict. Dopamine is what makes us feel good. Ever said to yourself "Man I just really need to get some sun today?" That's you being a dopamine addict.


You know what. I'm gonna put my phone away right now just to prove that I can stop scrolling.




\*scrolls past this post\*


Objectively wrong generalization. Though I wouldn't disagree that I'm one, mine stems from friends not social media.


I only come on here when I’m in a moment of my day when there is nothing better to do. Once I’m home I hardly touch my phone


OP thinks everyone is a reductionist


I’m here specifically because I’m not bothered getting out of bed very suddenly, but fair.


Is your post giving you that dope with every upvote?


Oh brother, I know. It's why I only go on reddit for a month a year...and I use the banana counter. 5 bananas and it's time to get up and walk around and talk to some real humans, not all the weird internet ones.


Not gonna be working 24/7 now am I? I need my dopamine breaks.


You’re right, I should put my phone down and smoke a joint. Thanks for the PSA 😁


Yeah we know.


I'm not not an addict


And with every upvote and interact this post gets , OP joins us on the hunt


I don't care


Def not erbody, I just be on here to interact with the topics I like then go bout my day. For me I get this out of reading because the movie will play in my head as I read and I enjoy that. Things online do not give me that, gots to remember that what you feel others don’t. That’s neither here or there since that type of feeling adds significance.


Guess who's here as well


I read it, and my internal narrative said “you are definitely an addict, don’t you dare argue with this post” 🤣




Not really. Dopamine's a normal part of brain function. Addiction isn't simply seeking dopamine. Whether it's an addiction depends on your response to stimuli, reason for scrolling, blah blah blah. There's no benefit to spam scrolling for me, but I do incase I see something helpful. Could be politics, science, etc. I guess it's fair to argue those topics are where my dopamine lies, but they're dearth in quantity and reward value. So, is the scrolling representative of an addiction? It's theoretically possible, but theory is filled with bias. I take this post as a joke, figured I'd give my 2 cents anywho :v


I’m a dopamine addict. I don’t deny it


I mean if it's for studying you get called a nerd, if for work you get called a workaholic. Just do as you like, even if it's doomscrolling because you'll know where you end up


Maybe, maybe not. But either way at least I’m not the one sat on a high horse acting better than everyone else


You're also on here.


I hear you OP, I'm not clicking on a single short today


I'm an addict to farm karma