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For who? Any paradise you can name is someone else’s literal hell.


Unless you socially engineer a population which does feel their respective world is a paradise


So if people weren’t, you know, people, we could have paradise?


Depends how you define people. Let’s arbitrarily decide Paradise is a world full of Chinese people, and that view is held by all Chinese people, for arguments sake. If you rid the world of everyone except Chinese people, then I’d argue you’ve achieved Paradise for everyone in the world and they’re still people right? Ridiculous example aside, my point is, if you can define Paradise for a group of people and rid the world of anyone who disagrees then the kind of logical flaw that “that Paradise will be somebody’s living hell” goes away. I don’t know if you’re arguing that they’re no longer “people” in the sense they lose their individuality and I suppose that’s somewhat the case but a “person” isn’t entirely defined by what they consider to be paradise are they? That seems like an obscure definition


I’m all in favor of you socially engineering all the women I want to sleep with to want to sleep with me.


If I were a moderator I would pin your comment




The only correct answer.


Perfect world would be something like 3rd impact from evangelion


No. And we're extremely far off.


So No but actually yes? :D


No. It's no. And we're extremely far off from a 'perfect' society. We'll never get close to that, with or without AI. Probably even less with.


Well, not even close.. And I don't think it will ever be possible. Perfect world would be static one, with nothing left to change.


It's impossible. A perfect world for one person would be a terrible world for others. Look at any of the issues people disagree upon. Humans would have to be changed to have all the same values.


A static world is by necessity a dead world.


Would a perfect world be like the ship in Wall-E? Humans lean back and chill while mother-AI take care of our needs and comforts. Assuming the AI works out as pain free as possible over the centuries, then yea I think it could be one possibility that is still an option. But as always, you need the dark shit to appreciate the good.


No one is perfect. So just with that I don't think it's ever possible.


According to some, everyone and everything is perfect as it is all as it should be.. it can always get better, but apparently it is perfect in and of itself.... God speak here though.... It's really subjective in a eay


If you take humans out of the equation a perfect world is certainly possible if not a certainty.


AI is not being used to solve those issues, its being used to make more money for the few


I believe SkyNet got close, but then failed to completely eradicate mankind and chaos ensued.


When they killed the middleground sure their world will be perfect


Not in this parallel universe


I Wanna Shift Into Reality Where I Can Eat The World


You go and do just that buddy 😃


Easily not in our lifetime


No, as you'll always get disagreement, especially over finite things like land, who owns and governs what land


Nope cause people are too selfish and way too lazy to build the Perfect World




Depending on how you define perfect.




Well, that's a big "if". You might as well ask "If we all become immortal superbeings, would that be nice"? AI will follow the directives we set it. And we will set it directives like "make me richer" or "destroy my enemies". It will try and come up with solutions to our demands. Pain.


No, there are those who would resist even paradise.


You can read the excellent novel "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin, where every time a person feels a bit moody they get a visit from their psychologist (or get an appointment), so that they don't contaminate the society and the life of their "brothers" with their nasty thoughts. What I mean by that is that some people are perfectly happy being rather introverts (as long as it doesn't turn into a problem with isolation), and some people are perfectly fine being extroverts (which can be a burden to people who prefer to be left in peace). I have always been a rather optimistic person, although I have no issue watching, reading or listening to art that deals with horror, chaos, catastrophes, etc. Some people have issues with that kind of material. This is a topic where we would need to teach AI what is the proper solution. The same book that could bring someone to complete despair could bring another one to want to fight about a certain topic. Of course, being able to detect when a person who has an inclination to self-harm is feeling particularly bad could prevent tragedies. The possibility to detect a potentially dangerous situation is of course a good thing. Now, consider the behaviour of a group of teenager who are just a bit full of energy and feel like being noisy and a bit disruptive. This is a behaviour that also look like the excitement that precedes violent acts. How do you teach AI that this group is probably just a bunch of teens being goofy, and this is a young group of thugs who will probably attack someone. This group of teenage metalheads just want to look scary, while these are truly dangerous individuals. We already have an issue with AI and the treatment of black people (behaviours that wouldn't raise an eyebrow with white people are regarded as suspicious with black people). I think that AI could be used for very good things, but considering the mentality of most people in authority position or those who have the leverage to design policies and implement them, I have my doubts.


Yes! Perspective is everything! ❤️


No. Nothing will ever be perfect


Define "perfect". Depending on what you mean, a perfect world is one in which earth has been converted entirely into a polished planet of pure iron with no chemical reactions or geological processes ever changing the earth's surface ever again until the heat death of the universe. Its technically "perfect" but not for humans or life in general.


If there are no humans left to feel like the world is bad that means that for humans its a perfect world because they dont find it bad


It's possible but with the way Our society works and how humans are in general. We couldn't do it, But it is possihle


No. Everyone's definition is different and conflicting with others.




Problems aren't solved by a lack of solutions. We have plenty of solutions galore to solve most of our society problems, and even emotional/psychological ones (as most of them comes from society problems). The problem is and always will be people. As long as the same people stay in power, you could use as much AI as you want, the problems will stay the same, as the root cause won't be fixed. And there's no amount of AI that can solve a system rewarding greed maintained and defended by the greedy people who made their way up to the top.


Never, not how life is supposed to work 


Perfection is subjective. A seemingly "perfect" world may be perfect to some but not others.


More technology isn't the answer. We were better off in small tribal communities, living off the land. Nothing brings people together better than literally relying on others to survive


Utopia is simply not possible when different people exist with different preferences and ideologies. But we should certainly strike to move ever closer to it. There will always people who ruin it for the rest of us actually trying to do good tho.




I mean if multiverses exist then there's also a possibility of a perfect world


The world will be a perfect society eventually and humanity will still, by and large, rebel and want to destroy it


It'll never happen. Humans are too volatile and egotistical.


We would need to live in individualized simulations where we are the main character. Otherwise, someone will not view our utopia as theirs.




Far more likely is that AI will identify our species as the cause of the current mass extinction event and that by reducing our numbers by a certain percentage, it will significantly help the environment regenerate itself. So, in other words, the way AI would truly solve social and emotional issues would be by eliminating a good portion of the species.


Not on this planet.




one could dream.


AI has a lot of potential to solve a number of problems by finding patterns in very large data sets that would be otherwise difficult to identify. This has the potential for many scientific and medical advances - possibly even social science questions. While this has the potential to eliminate a lot of suffering, these same AIs could do a lot of harm by eliminating jobs, creating even greater consolidation of wealth, and more. Unless we adopt UBI to provide people with income to meet their needs, there is a major risk of increased poverty and homelessness.


No. Because Humans are petty, selfish, greedy, violent aps


There is no “perfect”. There will never be


"AI" at this point is just yet another religion.


No. There is no perfect world. There's the perfect world we have in our heads but the only way you achieve that is by being a world conquering dictator


ofc no




The World is perfect. It's the people that suck...


No. There is a balance that will always be maintained. For every negative displaced another will take its place. Same with positives.


AI cannot solve the problems HUMANS are the problem they make AI - garbage in garbage out the POWERFUL and ELITES do not want the problems solved!


Only if you slaughter everyone who doesn't agree that it's a perfect world.


With how imperfect humans are? Nope.


No it isn’t and never will be. And AI is nothing but trouble. https://youtube.com/shorts/hKTxW60S1EI?si=904zIFn76AEnpsYP https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Satan-As-The-Prince-Of-This-World


I don’t think that there is a single question you could ask that the whole of the human race would agree on. And you want the whole of the human race to agree on everything?




Probably not. Human beings are human beings, there will likely always be conflict. You might like the short story “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”. It describes a perfect society that only maintains its perfection because the people there are aware of others great suffering. It’s way better than I described but I don’t wanna spoil it for anyone that wants to read it.


Even a utopia needs sewers


No, because we are only happy when we are solving our own problems alone. The more you depend on others and technology, and more useless and unhappy you feel.


No. A Perfect world is subjective to a person's opinion. No matter which version there would be... in every one a lot of people would be hurt, forced to do things against their will, or get killed in the process/maintenance of said world. I don't like thinking about what could be because it make me live in a world of lies. What the world is right now looks bleak but there are endless possibilities of hope, love, and pain. Happiness is defined by Sadness. Good Weather is defined by storms. A persons version of a Perfect world is defined by their personal experience. The more I learn the more it hurts. The more I believe it, the better I am.


depends on what your definition of perfect is, however society with human beings such as ourselves will never have a perfect society even with ai because we’re always going to be flawed and have limitations


We would have to get rid of “those people” to make Our World better.




No, because yours and mine idea of 'perfect' is different.


i mean when ai takes over humans that would leave zero human problems


Lol no So many people disagree with so many things and kill people for it It's not possible


No,  in a universe that has entropy perfection is impossible. The only way perfection could exist is in a moment,  unchangeable and not subject to decay.  


No. It is not possible. WE are imperfect as hell, and until we morph into something else (like corpses), the world will remain imperfect.


Who gets to define "perfect" here? 


Imperfect things makes this world beautiful and curious.


No it isn't, at least not for everyone. People desire different things.