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Yeah some people are.


I'm one of them!


You can tell who is dumb, by who they think is smart.








It's okay to be "dumb". Not everyone is intelligent and they still deserve to earn a living and make their family comfortable.


It is a safe thought but the reality is scary.


That's wrong. There are very dumb people in this world. If you don't see any...


My experience suggests that it's more like a pendulum. You can be very clever, but you will end up being incredibly dumb at some points too.


Most people are in fact, dumb.


Not necessarily. Some are above average in every area of intellect, and some are below. Luck of the draw 🤙


Not met my ex then?


I'm smart. But it's not any sort of smart that makes me successful or awesome. Or social. Or cool. Or great at any specific thing.


I mean, yeah, most people are good (above average, say) at something, sure. But there's no guarantee, and nothing enforcing a balance here. Some people are intelligent in lots of ways. And maybe they're also beautiful and strong and fast and nice and a great cook too. We'll call them Smarto. There can also be Jerko, who performs poorly on any test we can come up with, and is also an ugly jerk. Maybe the thing Jerko is best at is hamboning. But they may still be below average at hamboning. There's nothing that says Smarto can't, in addition to all their other advantages, also be way better than Jerko at hamboning - even if Jerko used their below average ambition and drive to practice more than Smarto. You could say Jerko is "good at hamboning" in a way, because that's the thing they're best at, in comparison to all the other skills or areas they're worse at. But they're not "good at it" in a more general sense. They're below average. Life isn't fair. Nothing to say someone can't be dumb - below average - in every way you could think of.


Uh, I know a few people.


Apparently stupid people overestimate themselves, while intelligent people underestimate themselves. The first one, in ignorance, misjudges his own possibilities, the second one's mind forces him to question himself.


Yeah most people are intelligent at being assholes.


Sorry but no. Everyone may have intelligence, but no matter how much you know or what kind of education you have, some people just won't make the mental connections or critically think themselves. They are dumb.


Blondes that is all


I've been on the Internet long enough to know that some people really are just dumb.


I feel like I'm pretty smart so I want to believe this but then I watch other people I just can't. I can only experience what I myself experience so I want to assume that most people are like me and share my thoughts and rational and feelings but it just isn't the case when I look around at what other people do and say.


I don't understand.


Not only are there dumb people, the distribution of how smart people are even in the area which is their so called best is skewed. You haven’t worked with stupid people or served in the army with stupid people if you say that. You have no idea how stupid to the extreme people can be.


Dumb used to mean mute iirc


Bro how are people not agreeing with you 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yk that one jock that’s really bad in class? Yea well he knows everything about his sport You know that dyslexic person in your maths class? Yea well they are probably really good at art. Literally everyone has at least one thing they know a lot about.


I feel this to my bones. Just because someone doesn't know how to do one thing doesn't mean they aren't amazing at another.