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I mean, you can literally not date a person from any reason you choose.


Underrated comment


To me, it’s so obvious, it shouldn’t need to be said. Weirdly, it frequently needs to be said.


You literally can but your friends can still tell you your reason is too picky if they think that. OP presumably wants a third opinion here because they can imagine a scenario where they are passing up something good because of something small that could be worked past.


And those friends can literally shut the hell up.


That’s very dramatic for a reddit post with no context. We don’t know the tone or what exactly the friends said to OP or how it came up that OP dislikes people smoking. They could just be lightly teasing OP or they could be being extremely rude/judgemental. We don’t know.


What ever reason you choose you should keep them to yourself.. Like it's cool if you don't date someone based on their race and you're allowed to do that just don't tell a soul. That information benefits no one.


I am not sure. Telling someone you don't want to date them because they smoke, drink, or have some obviously stupid habit, doesn't seem something that bad. Better than making them wonder what they did wrong and perhaps jump to the conclusion you're not dating them because of race or whatnot.


I don’t know why someone didn’t like your response, but you aren’t wrong. I once met a really cool, very attractive woman, and we really hit it off. Talked off and on for a few weeks about a lot of things. Finally decided it was time to ask her out, and got shot down because I wasn’t religious. She was very nice about it, and it was totally fine, and we’re still friends. She just realized that was going to be an issue for probably both of us, at some point.


No, of course not. I'm ex-smoker, and the smell drives me nuts. Depending on how much somebody smokes, I can smell it and can't stand to be near that person. Like when his whole clothes stink like hell.


Ex-smoker here too, and it blows my mind thinking I used to smell like that all the time. More incredibly, that I tricked myself into thinking I masked most of the smell my washing my hands after smoking.


Same, although a lot of people didn't know I smoked. I totally get why my downstairs neighbors hated me.


How does one become an ex smoker. Please share your wisdom


When you want to stop, you stop. Ex smoker


Yep. Forget about all the nicotines patches & gums & vaps. There's only one way to stop and it's cold turkey. It sucks like hell for a few months, but eventually it's fine and you're free. What helped me a lot the first (and hardest) month was to take a month long vacation away from my usual routines.


My daughter just stopped. Her method won't work for everyone and it's a bit extreme... She got pregnant..


Same. I feel like I became super sensitive to the smell after I quit.


Did it take time for your smell to “come back” to notice?


Yes, some time. Don't remember how long. Had a surgery, which forced me to stop, and spent the recovery time at my mother (I'm single). Was in my rooms (Which aren't to far away from my mothers) 3 days after I stopped smoking, and the smell nearly made me puke. I opened the windows and left. Some time after I stood in the kitchen, and opened the cupboard with the spiced, and it as "Whatzafuck? Did somebody exchange your spices and gave you real ones?"


I grew up around chain smokers and my brothers are still heavy smokers, so I've seen all the issues that come with it; from the aggression that comes from not having any, the picking up any butt to make a rolled cigarette when they were desperate and the awful smell that gets on everything and sticks to their clothes. It's definitely a deal breaker.


>the picking up any butt to make a rolled cigarette when they were desperate a That is not normal


Thank you for reminding me to another factor…the aggression.


I'm right there with you. Second hand smoking is also a miserable experience.


Yes, always buy new cigarettes.




God no. Smoking cigarettes is an instant dealbreaker for me. It’s disgusting, smells awful, and it lingers. I get an instant migraine the second I smell cigarette even if it’s just on someone’s clothes. They could be a 10 out of 10, but if they smoke it’s a hard no for me.


Yeah agreed. The smell is horrible.


I tried dating someone who didn’t smoke at all when he was around me, wore clean smoke free clothes, fresh shower… the smoke still was there, in his sweat, on his breath… it just did not go away. Total deal breaker


you don't know what a migraine is


I do, and while the headaches cigarette smoke cause aren't remotely close, they're still uncomfortable and annoying so I get what they're saying.


I interpreted that as their migraine is triggered and inevitable the moment they smell it, even though it takes hours to develop. This is how it is for me


Yeah, I’ve only suffered for migraines my entire life, but but gosh darn some random ass person on reddit is gonna tell me what I don’t know? What the fuck is wrong with some of you people?


Have you tried acupuncture? My mother used to get hospitalized with migraines. She got acupuncture and went years without a severe migraine, just the occasional headache. The acupuncture didn't really work on me, but chiropractic did. Mine were what they call silent. Blurry vision or spots etc, but no pain mostly. The pain I got occasionally felt like a thumb pushed into my eye. I used to smoke, but quit New Years 81. Some brands give me a headache if I smell the smoke and stale smoke on clothes is gagging.


Instant migraine. Lol. Twat. And I don't smoke.


You think you might be the only one in the world?


No, but out of my relatively large group of friends and mutuals, I am the only one.


No OP. Not strange at all. And I say this as someone who smokes cigarettes. You do you.


I quit smoking 10 years ago at the behest of my wife and our first born. She would make me wash my hands, brush my teeth, and change my shirt before I could hold my then 10 month old. One day I was like...fuck this...it isn't worth all this...I'm quitting...and I did. About a year later, I was walking out of the store and a smell hit me that almost made my eyes water. Some random person was having a smoke about 10 feet away from me, and I was caught down wind. It was a real "a-ha" moment for me just how strong the odor of cigarettes was. Now, I REFUSE to judge a person for smoking...I'm not that hypocritical. However, I will go out of my way to avoid smokers now....


I can’t. Disgusting. My grandmother died of lung cancer. He smoked until he died. Maybe that’s why it really disgusts me so much. It is the most repulsive disgusting habit.


you specifically mentioned cigarettes, what about vapes or weed?


I can't speak for OP but the weed stink is even worse than cigarette stink for me and it would absolutely be a deal breaker. I won't go near someone who reeks of weed. Vapes, definitely dealbreaker for dating but I can tolerate being around the person for short periods.


Same exact thing here; I hate them both equally, I just hate weed a tiny bit more, and they're an instant terminator for relationships for me Which probably partially explains why I don't have friends irl; everybody smokes. Literally my entire town reeks of smoke and weed and I freaking hate it so much Whatever, libraries are quieter anyways :3c


I feel you. One of my best friends, and the ONLY person I kept contact with after high school, picked up smoking. Cigs and weed. I can't go into their house anymore amd we barely hang out like we used to.


Same. No cigarettes, weed, or vape. It's all nasty.


Obviously not


Smokers smell bad, their clothes smell bad and I don't like the smell of a smoker's home, also smoking can kill me so I tend to stay away from smokers and that, it could be a super hot dude and it would be an absolutely no if they smoke.


Oh god, I hate cigarette smell and stains and burns and ash and mess. I grew up in a house of heavy smokers and smoked myself for a long time and was nose blind to it. I quit in February 2019, and even up until about a year ago, it didn't bother me very much. Now it makes me wanna barf. Thank goodness there are fewer smokers than ever.


Yeah it’s disgusting. Anytime I see someone smoking I think “do people really still smoke?” It’s really unattractive.


Quit 6yrs ago, I can’t tolerate it. It probably took a few months before the smell of a burning cigarette didn’t make me want one, After that it I finally realized why my non smoking family always hated it. Absolutely nauseating and revolting now.


Definitely not alone in this. I think it is disgusting and the fact it forces everyone around them to ALSO breathe it in is horrendous. I'm all for giving people freedom of choice to take a drug or something that affects them, but smoking doesn't JUST affect them it gross to everyone around as well, it doesn't smell good and it causes so many health problems, why anyone does it at all is completely fucked.


Inconsiderate bunch of people. My parents chain smoked inside and everywhere else they could my entire life. I was always the kid in school who smelled like shit and adults thought a child smoked. It sucked so much


Aw man I’m sorry. That sucks. I bet you smell great nowadays though, I went through the same sort of thing. Now, as an adult, I make it a POINT to smell fuckin fantastic every day. 😂


I became a widow at 45 thanks to my husband’s smoking. Stand your ground! And to strengthen your resolve, check out the outrageous price of cigarettes.


Nope. Met a cute guy tonight and was immediately bummed when the pack of cigarettes made an appearance.


I would never date a smoker. I would never live with a smoker. I do not go into smokers' homes.


The house is a big one. It’s like a different realm in there. 😂


lol even if they don’t smoke indoors?


Cigarette.smells don't bother me much at all. Now weed on the other hand, the really strong stuff is...awful. Some of the sweet smelling vapes are nearly as bad.


Nope. Also, you would hate China. They have no smoking signs everywhere, but people stand in front of them and light up without a second thought.


I had a hard time on a trip to Europe (Italy, Spain especially) in 2013. People would sit at the outdoor tables and smoke all through their meals. Sitting anywhere near them made it impossible to enjoy your food.


Thank you for saying this. It’s going to help me rethink some travel places.


I'm Canadian and was so not prepared for that situation. They smoked in the street, they smoked at tables. It was crazy!


Eastern Europe, Austria and Germany are full with them. Basically impossible to avoid second hand smoke at any given time. People rarely give a shit about others. And they're all heavy smokers that wonder why their health is shit even at young ages. And they throw their trash on the floor.


Thank you for your insight. I am definitely going to reconsider some travel plans because I already was concerned I was not going to have access to foods I’m comfortable eating. Which, granted travel is about trying local cuisine..but not at the risk of getting all the cigarette side effects.


I'm sure those smokers you speak of are not devastated that you aren't tolerating them


These "am I the only one" questions need to be in the stupid questions sub


With you on this one 100%


Nope, you're not the only one. It's an instant dealbreaker. It's the smell that seeps into everything, and it's the way the habit controls so many aspects of their behaviour.


I wouldn’t date a smoker. There’s also the animal testing element which is a huge no for me.


I find it so gross and laugh at people who get super defensive about people being turned off by it. I smoke weed and still find cigarette smoke absolutely disgusting. The smell literally makes me sick.


Thank you! I feel like this with my family




No, you’re normal. I remember I saw a book titled, “Kissing a Girl Who Smokes Is like Licking annAshtray.” . I have a coworker who smells like stale cigarette smoke. I’m thinking about bringing an air purifier in.


I'm a smoker and I think you're completely in the right to be grossed out


My mum, grandmother and grandfather all died from smoking related illness. It is heart wrenching to watch. It's a perfectly fine boundary to not want that in your life. Even if it will be later in life. No one is immune to illness, but smoking increases chance of basically every illness and cancer out there, dental impacts, fucks up your eyes. I smoke on and off and am currently not smoking, it's a horrible thing


Quit a few months ago and I really notice the smell now when someone else is smoking. I don’t find it disgusting, more like it makes me really want a smoke. I wouldn’t date a smoker as much as I wouldn’t date a heavy drinker or drug abuser - they are all unhealthy addictions that people use to cope because they haven’t gained enough self-awareness to love themselves.


I was a smoker for 40 years, quit 2 years ago. I would never date a smoker.


God gave us free will, do not decimate but you have the right to separate


7 billion people in the world and blud thinks they're the only one.


Cig > vape. Vaping just makes you look like an ass.


Smoking is for morons. Why continue to date someone who's a moron?


As a smoker... I get it! And I wouldn't even be mad at you. It's ur choice at the end of the day like it's mine to waste my money on smoking. Me and my wife both smoke and have both quit a few times, too. I plan to quit again soon (like every smoker). I know every time I quit how revolting smokers smell. It's amplified a hundred compared to what the smoker can smell on themselves. Smoking dulls our sense of taste and smell so we just don't realise how bad we can stink after smoking. I agree... its very unattractive to a non smoker in general. Not including some of u mad fetishists that are in to that lol no judgements!


I never would date a smoker. 100% a deal breaker for me.


Steve Martin has the perfect reply when somebody asked "Do you mind if I smoke?". It was "Do you mind if I fart? It's a habit I've had that's hard to give up."


As an ex-smoker I can tell you it's a big deal. It's a nasty, expensive habit and I could never be with someone who smoked. I sat outdoors today near some smokers. The smoke would come over every now and again and it's just disgusting.


I feel seen. It’s not just the grossness of dating a person who chooses to smoke. It’s the long term affects it has on YOUR health (since second hand smoke is unfiltered). Plus you are investing emotionally in a person you may be tied for life to - and that person will likely die a long, lingering and painful death. No thank you.


I'm kinda the opposite. One of the reasons I smoke is to deaden my sense of smell. If I stop for even a couple of days my sense of smell comes back full force, and everybody stinks.


Sounds like something you should go the doctor for.


Most people don't like smokers. I've always presented the information upfront as it's a deal breaker for many. Having said that, it seems like you may not have a consider smoker yet. I smoke outside so my apartment doesn't smell like smoke, I use the same clothing items to smoke in if I can help it and change afterwafds to avoid smelling like it on my clothes, I usually pull my hair up as well, I brush my teeth afterwards too. It's still gross but I'm just saying I think some of these stereotypes are of people who smoke indoors and in their cars etc. You don't have to date a smoker, I was never offended if someone didn't like it from me. I tend to date other smokers though.


This was a very insightful comment, you might be right, I don’t think I have met a considerate smoker before. Cause nobody I’ve gone out with who smoked was that self aware and understanding.


There's plenty out there. Not that you have to date a smoker but I'm just saying suppose you meet someone you really like and they are a smoker, maybe it doesn't have to be a deal breaker. But it's also ok if it is. But I do prefer smokers because I think non smokers judge me.


Smoking is disgusting. Instant deal breaker. I'll even turn down some jobs if I have to work in that environment, never mind relationships


Nope. I immediately cringe if I smell cigarette smoke. Like, full-on body shudder and all. Smoking is nasty 🤢


After my relationship with a smoker ended (I’m a non-smoker), I was diagnosed with asthma. My ex still smokes like a chimney.


Yes you’re the only person on the planet that hates smoking. It’s definitely not a wildly popular trait to have.


Yes you are. We all, collectively, love it. You are special


Smoking is turn off. You aren't alone. There are many others who feel the same. It was much worse before smoking was banned in many public places. Then, smokers tried to make non smoker's feel uncomfortable as if the non-smokers should go somewhere else. Now, smokers are made to feel anti-social.


You should ask yourself why you're so judgmental and not empathetic when it comes to smokers. There's a tendency to use medical guidance to shame people. Yes smoking is bad for you but people are going through all kinds of struggles in life, sometimes a few ciggies is their only comfort! It's reasonable to ask a partner to clean their teeth before kissing you if they smoke though. Or at least chew gum. If they insist on getting close to you just after smoking, and you've expressed dislike of the smell, then that's a potential reason to break up.


Empathetic? I do feel sorry for them but it doesn't mean I have to be around them.


If you smoke you’re an idiot. It’s as simple as that. Doesn’t make you a bad person, just an idiot.


There’s a difference between being judgmental and having personal preferences for someone i could potentially spend the rest of my life with. But yeah sure kid


I don't like being around anyone who smokes anything, and it definitely would be a deal breaker for dating. It is just so repulsive.


Why the hell would you think you’re the only one? It’s 2024 and vaping exists because, idk, people don’t like cigarettes or being around them.


No you're not the only one. I hate the smell and it's a deal-breaker for me.


You are not the only one. When I was single I flat out refused to date a smoker. Besides finding the habit disgusting, I am sensitive to cigarette smoke.


Nah bro, cigarette smoke is disgusting 🤢 You’re justified in everything you just said.


Nope. I 100% feel the same. I don’t tolerate smoking. 


I am allergic to pollen and hate the smell of flowers. When I ask people to keep them away from me, they shame me for not getting flowers for the women in my life or bring me flowers because they "thought I was kidding"


That's perfectly reasonable. What the hell is wrong with your friends that they're being so judgemental? Are they smokers or dating smokers?


Kissing a smoker tastes like licking an ashtray. Nta


It wasn’t a hard core thing for me but I didn’t want to be with a smoker either. It stinks and its suuupppeerr unhealthy.


It is disgusting! I’m a former smoker and I hated it when I smoked.


Nope Dated a chain smoker from my first serving job. She was a line cook and we got along really well at work, she would take smoke breaks but I didn't realize she was a chain smoker until we went on our first date to a carnival and she would leave me alone after every game and ride to smoke, she would be gone for 5-15 minutes and eventually ditched me to party with some friends she ran into. On a field research trip for my current job, I got partnered with a smoker to do some sampling in a wooded area. We got lost and within the first twenty minutes she smoked her last five cigarettes before screaming at me and sucking nicotine out of her finger nails while I tried to retrace our steps. Another twenty minutes later she broke the quadrat we were suppose to use for work and insisted that I had a vape on me that she needed to use. I let her look though my bag for one and she cried when she realized I was telling the truth. Between those two experiences, I'm not fond of smokers.


You are definitely not the only one. I can’t stand the smell or the habit.


Absolutely not. I see someone light up and they instantly are unattractive to me. My wife doesn't like smoking, either. Funny thing is, we met at a bar & grill type of place when smoking was still allowed in most places :) That was over 30 years ago.


So disgusting...and idiotic lol


Yeah I think you’re the only person to ever not like smoking, brave to post this


It sounds like you live in a country where smoking cigarettes is still a normalized thing. Where do you live, if I may ask?


Smoking has always been a hard no for me. I grew up with chainsmokers. Everything smelled and was yellowed.


I agree! Smoking is so gross. So is vaping 🤮


My grandfather was a heavy smoker from the age of 15 right up until his death. I absolutely hated going to his house because of the smell. He also insisted on smoking in my parents' house and was the sole reason we had an ashtray in our home. Whenever I walk past a smoker I get this sickening feeling so I try to hold my breath until I've passed them. So smoking would be an absolute deal-breaker for me


Did you honestly think you were not in the majority with this opinion? It’s very obviously an issue with a lot people.


I can't take a smoker seriously. Be it cigarettes, weed, vapers, whatever, it's all the same shit.


I never dated a smoker and have never let anyone smoke in my home. My husband is the same and told his mother she would have to smoke outside.


I can’t stand it. Ever kissed a smoker? Even if they brush their teeth and shower, I can smell it on their breath. Gross.


There are few things I despise more than smoking and the smell of cigars and weed; so no, you aren't the only one, thankfully


I’m an Ex smoker and I don’t like the smell, some cigarettes are just bare able in passing but my neighbours chain smoke together, atleast 5 an hour and the stench of foreign cheap tobacco fills my garden, hovers under my pergola when I’m trying to enjoy the outside with my children and it absolutely pisses me off that I can’t open my windows because it seems like the smell just sucks through my house. I was sat in my front room and the smell came through from the back and I purposely shouted “I can’t have a a fucking window open without the smell of fags in my house” just loud enough so they could hear me saying it


Smoking is disgusting. No, you're not the only one.




As a smoker, you’re 100% justified in your opinion.


I wouldn’t date a smoker, precisely for all the reasons the OP mentioned, and also: - It’s like a kissing an ashtray - Least important reason, but it’s a huge waste of money (cigarettes are very expensive in my country)


Smokers are disgusting


I don't understand why people dislike who smokes, but they don't who drinks...


I would rather not have second hand lung dieses


Cigs are bad…


I find the whole thing disgusting now. I grew up with smoker parents and grandparents. Grandma died of emphysema. Mom died from lung cancer. I even smoked for a minute. Would really like to slap every person I see with a cigarette but don’t want that heat.


Wife and I are both ex-smokers. We connected via smoke break. When she quit, I essentially had to quit to keep the relationship together. Best thing she's ever done for me. That being said, I sympathize with all smokers. Most of them don't want to continue to smoke, other than the smoke they must have right now. Nicotine is fucked. Oral fixation is fucked. Combining them is downright evil. Including vape pens.


Wait for it. I 100% would not date a cigarette smoker. I definitely don't want to be around it. All that crap like you're talking about with itching for a cigarette. The smell. I'm not kissing a woman who smokes. Yet I smoke cigars. It is different. Of course I stink after I have a cigar. But it's not a habit. If we had to go to a wedding for a weekend or something and I just wasn't having a cigar for the whole trip that wouldn't be a problem.


Grew up in a house with pack a day smokers. Since moving out my tolerance level has dipped and sensitivity has risen. I can smell cigarette smoke in my car when the person at the light next to me is smoking even when both our windows are rolled up. Can't even set foot in my parents' house. I can't even imagine how I smelled as a child. I understand why I had few friends and no interest from girls. In answer to your question, no, I don't think it's that rare at all. I would never date a smoker, or even spend time with one.




As an EX-Smoker, I personally would prefer a prospective partner not to smoke because of, Health. Expense. Smell.


I rather avoid Nicotine smokers. I'm the son of a dentist, so teeth are important to me.


What smokers dint realise is that even if they had a fag 15 minutes earlier, most non smokers will smell it. I detest smoking, oddly enough vaping smells mostly decent to me and pipe tobacco is the only from of traditional smoking which is appealing to me.


No! I have been cursed (blessed?) With head-splitting migraines triggered by a variety of things, two of which are cigarette smoke and cigar smoke.


I think it’s valid, for me I cannot stand stoners though 😭 a lot of them also can’t do anything without smoking first, and I get anxious just being around it (also hate the smell). But every time I tell someone it turns into the whole “but it’s a plant it’s not addictive” rant-then why can’t you do anything without it 😒. I don’t mind the smell of cigs but if someone is a heavy smoker no thanks


There are probably few less intolerant of tobacco smokers than a former tobacco smoker. I’m one of those, who quit 25 years ago. Now, I just HATE everything about. I can’t stand being around smokers. Travelling in parts of Europe where smoking is still sadly common, especially among the poor (who would be less poor if they didn’t spend money on cigarettes), is pretty smelly and disgusting.


If you still haven't found out someone smokes, you barely know them. So no, it's not unusual.


As a smoker, I get it and can’t hold it against you. I’ve been trying to quit, but for my benefit and no one else. But I get how it’s unattractive.


I hate cigarettes, the smell makes me cough and I can't stand it, I could not date someone who smokes, it's horrible and I resent my risk of cancer from passive smoking even when I smell it in the garden from neighbours, I would not let anyone smoke in my home.


Nope, you're not the only one. The smell is disgusting and it lingers.


Pretty sure the people who get lung cancer from it struggle to tolerate it too


Nope thats a deal breaker for me as well. Luckily smoking isnt very common in NZ these days, especially since vaping has basically replaced it


Date? I would not even be friends with anyone smoking, it’s disgusting.


The smell makes me nauseous now that I don’t smoke. I would not be able to thrive if I had to come home to that everyday. 




I'm a current smoker and I hate other people smoking lol... Smoking is disgusting. (I'm in the process of quitting don't come at me)


I wouldn't date a smoker, personally. Being around cigarette smoke isn't a new thing for me since my whole family does it, but I'd still prefer to keep my distance.


Once I found out that a certain actress that I liked smoked and had evidence of it. I immediately stopped watching the show. Immediately. The intolerance I have for smoking is definitely on a psychotic level.


Nope you are not.


Nope, auto deal breaker


Me too


No you aren’t the only one and this is very common, hence why on almost every dating site you can adjust preferences based on smoking.


I like a good Brisket.


I absolute can't stand smoking. It's my number one turn off and I thought I'd never date a smoker. Yet here I am 4 years later still dating a smoker.


It's a preference at the end of the day I went on a date with a woman and got rejected because I smoke , I didn't take it personally tbh bonus was she was actually heavily racist so I guess we both had traits we disliked about each other. But as a smoker I get that some people really don't like it .


Smoking would be a deal breaker for me. Luckily, my wife doesn't smoke 🙂


It's disgusting and unbearable. Whenever I see someone smoking, especially if it's a woman, I get deeply disappointed in that person.


Not at all. It’s an awful smell and I’m a smoker. It’s actually something that you’re probably allergic to and you know it’s a deal breaker for you!


Yes. You are the sole person in the entire world to whom this applies. Congratulations on being an entirely unique being.


Well I’m not the biggest fan of smoking either but I often do it to relax bc I got massive troubles with my back, if I take meds then I can drive for 2 days bc of side effects so smoking is the second best thing to do


I get so insanely angry when I want to do something with my friends but whatever activity I choose it gets delayed 10 minutes because two people want to smoke. Even worse if it's inside and the group constantly gets separated because people go outside


Yep just you


For me it is not simply the smell of the cigarettes but further the disregard for their own health, the effect that the second hand smoke has on those around them, and what life their loved ones will have if and when the health issues creep in. I’m an icu nurse and took cake of a 28 year old who had a throat tumor obstructing his airway and we were about to put him on a ventilator and he kept asking me to pray for a miracle for him so he could be around for his three children. He most certainly was not going to around for much longer and his kids were crying in the waiting room. The lack of accountability and respect for his family. Another instance is when a patient in his thirties …from both chewing tobacco and smoking had a hole in his cheek…and also a tracheostomy put in and was facing now chemo possibly was adamant to let staff know that healthcare failed him. Did it? Healthcare did this to you? Ok. Surely. Yup. If and when I find out someone is a smoker…I’m so done. They will not be a part of my personal life. I didn’t used to be this way up until a few years ago and I wish I had this stance sooner in life. The information has been presented in every language at every grade level in all formats possible. If you’re willfully choosing that much of a riskier life…it’s not going to be around me. Second hand smoke has so many detrimental effects changes to children and their development long term. Another instance is when pregnant women who know they are pregnant are personally smoking…but that those smoking around women who may not yet know they are pregnant. Whatever dopamine hit smoking gives a person just simply can not be justified to me vs the health issues to themselves and others long term. Let this get downvoted if it may but my stance will not change.


Nope, I can’t either.


I would never even think about dating a smoker. It's not only disgusting, it's a red flag on so many levels.


Nope, you're not the only one. The smell disgusts me whenever I smell it. It's not even healthy to be inhaled. 


My lungs hate smoke so I can relate


I would not date anyone that smoked (that includes marijuana, and that smells worse) or vaped. Instant relationship over.


No I’m the same. I don’t even like people, characters with white or grey hair because of the association. Anything that reminds me of smoke and it’s an instant put off. I hate it so much.


thats not picky at all. I wouldn't date someone who smokes either...everyone knows full well by now their not good for you and their basically self harming...I see it as self harming cuz their actually taking time off their life. Its a cancer stick. Makes them stink, I don't want to kiss someone with smokers breath, clothes stink and well it will age them quicker as well. I had friends who smoked all the time and I remember going to mates every few days for long gaming sessions but my clothes just stank everytime I left...when the smoking ban happened, I noticed a huge difference with going out as I no longer had that smokers smell on my clothes


Smoking stinks. Apart from the smell of smoke, it makes the smoker smell like raw meat. Also, it's normal to want to be with someone with a similar lifestyle, with a similar level of health, who can keep up with you and your activities, and who won't end up with cancer and turning you into a nurse.


nope.... DISGUSTING and no idea how these people live with themselves?!?!? That includes weed which smells worse!


I know many people that dislike smoking. As a matter of fact, as a smoker myself, I dislike going to bars or areas where people smoke inside.


Smoking is an absolute dealbreaker. I ask before the first date. I do not date smokers. Period.


Nope, can’t stand it.


No. I have migraines. I grew up in California , a non- smoking state.....


Nope it’s just you, no one else in the history of humans has disliked smoking before.


For me I avoid people that smoke cannabis, it goes against my values.


You can choose any reason to appreciate or avoid anyone you want. I personally can’t stand smokers; whether it’s weed or cigarettes I’m turned off. Be with who you feel a loving attraction toward. The less compromise the better. True love requires deep appreciation. The deeper that appreciation, the deeper the love.


Your choice, dont let anyone discourage you from it