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Because there’s no one interrupting me when I’m trying to say my point


Oooohhh yes this is such a good point! I actually find that the more I argue with strangers, the better I am at expressing my point of view in real life when the pressures on. It’s like expressing your viewpoint with training wheels - much easier, slower, and very little risk of real world consequence.


Exactly this AND it gives me time to realise and reflect on what Im saying. Just reading it over sometimes makes me feel like an asshole, so maybe I explain it differently to the point to get my point across, realising Im changing my opinion to be right. Its an incredible filter, I dont like arguing online, but if I do, I often learn something about myself as well


Well put, I've had similar experiences. When I look back on an argument with someone in real life I know how I felt and what I wanted to say and I don't always know how I said it or what the other person was focusing on. Online, I know that they can study what I've said and vice versa. You can pay full and repeated attention to every sentence and consider ya response carefully. Internet arguments rightfully get a bad rap but I think if people are careful about who to engage with and take a bit of time with it you can have some good conversations. Thanks for your time :)


Also, it makes you realize how your viewpoints come across to random people with no filter and no obligation to be nice to you. I have many minority stances, and when I post them in here, I'm not under the illusions a bubble or an echo chamber might provide (while also being low-stakes since it's anonymous)


Everyone's opinion must be heard but accepting is where the problem lies. 


Truer words have never been typed


Thank you mate. I always speak from the heart. 


This. I find it has actually improved my articulation when I discuss/debate in real life. It’s like you get to take some practice runs before applying it for real.


I have anger issues




Because I am right! LOL


No! It’s because I’M right! /s


y'all both wrong losers. I'm the only one who is right here!




No you aren't!


I'm right, how did you not see how wrong you were all this time?


I'm choosing to completely ignore your reasoning and logic and come back at you with my same original argument worded in a slightly different way. I'll probably completely miss the point of what you said.




Yes, he is


It is a small grab for power and relevance in a world where people feel disempowered, overlooked and worthless. If we felt more belonging, more purpose and more valued in our 3D world, we wouldn’t need to find such tiny victories in establishing our feelings of self worth.


Good perspective


This is really interesting to think about. Thank you




Oh no it isn’t !!


How are you doing hon?  I see you and you matter.


Gee thanks




This reply was not fun at all, but I suspect it's much closer to the truth.


Going for the Jagular


Ain’t that a hard truth


Now you’re being serious…


Hell of a viewpoint. 🤙🏻


i think arguing is an excellent way to learn. When you have an opinion and someone argues differently, is shows you a new perspective, and forces you to evaluate why you think what you do. Also teaches the art of rhetoric which is a very valuable skill


Yeah, that's how I see it. But sometimes I think the person In arguing with thinks that too, and when they ask a question I think it's in good faith, so I answer in good faith and with nuance, only for them to insult me and double down on their initial position, lol


I don't mind a good debate with an open mind, but most of these trolls are just spitting out insults. Not worth engaging.


That’s the downside, they can just disrespect you with no repurcussions. There’s no consequences for verbally abusing strangers.


Adrenaline. Also the consequences are a lot less severe than when you do it face to face. Online with a stranger is just different and safer in a way.


I remember I went through a really bad period of time when I started arguing with people on Reddit constantly. I think it went on for a good two weeks and I got banned from a few subreddits. I was actually shaking with rage and furious as the arguments went on and the adrenaline rush was intense. I started snapping at everyone, even in person, and was shocked at how much it had affected my attitude in daily life. I finally decided to just stop doing it somehow and managed to quit it while I was still ahead. It was a horrible, horrible time. I can’t believe how much it infiltrated my daily life despite being something completely separate. I’m a very social person who’s constantly interacting with others yet I was suddenly suspicious of people and very cynical. It was insane.


Happened to me on TikTok. It got so bad that I just decided to delete the app and have not since downloaded again. It's been a few years.


To be fair there are quite a few reddit channels where people are just continuously wrong about basically anything and just go to get a pat on the back by equally stupid people who spout the same nonsense. 


...and if you don't have the exact same opinion as everyone there, a self-righteous mod swoops in and perma-bans you immediately. That's generally what makes my blood boil. The kind of mods who facilitate closed-mindedness under the guise of going after the "toxic people".


I speak my peace and keep it moving. Most times I don't even comment. Ppl love to argue back and forth. I take that power away by not participating. Also blocking ppl if they tag me to try to pull me back in. Once they are blocked, it's like they don't even exist.


For the dopamine. Same reason kids pick fights with siblings when they're bored.


Oooh, big-time adrenaline junkie.


Lol, got a funny idea for a Gus Fring meme: You feel Adrenaline, I feel nothing while sending death treats. We are not the same.


It’s for the dopamine rush. It’s fun. Why do people watch horror or action films? Why don’t we wear all the same outfit everyday to increase efficiency? We aren’t robotic productivity machines. We need to feel. However, I do believe everyone who does should be asking themselves the same thing. I’d you’re doing it to feel superior, to win, to change someone’s mind, you’re going to have a bad time. If you know you’re doing it for fun, nothing is ever really that personal. You can accept that you don’t know, and you can see from a point of view that would never have crossed your path outside of the internet.


I've never found it fun, I've realised I've got a super different outlook to a lot of the posters on Reddit. I can't handle the hive mind lol. Even when I back down in a jokey way, comments get super serious and sweary. I wish people would actually realise it's not that serious and joke back, but no one ever does 😅


Ahhhh yes I understand that frustration. Like, I want a serious argument that isn’t taken seriously. It reminds me of a podcast I used to listen to that ran a forum called “strong opinion about things that don’t matter” where people can argue their hearts out without anyone taking it personally.


>It’s for the dopamine rush. It’s fun. Yeah I think it's partly this. Also, however, sometimes I see someone express an opinion that is so mind-numbingly idiotic, that I simply can't stop myself from responding. Especially if it's on a topic I feel strongly about.


I hate this reductionist ‘it’s muh dopamine and serotonin!’ shit. So why choose social media and not some other thing? It’s such a stupid idea.


It’s fun being a hater but also I’m stubborn and want the last word usually


I like to oppose people who can only see black and white. I also like being the devils advocate for a similar reason. If everything turns into a circlejerk we loose the ability to accept that there is more than one answer.


reddit is circlejerk in itself friend. Especially regarding topics like geopolitics,religion,policy,the class war,the culture war.


That's just all of social media. Especially Reddit because of the separate subs. But i still like to be the hair in their soup regardless. I also believe that even if they don't question their own at that moment, it might be enough to induce more awareness in the future. Those who react with the most aggression in a discussion often react like that because they actually *did* lose some confidence into their own stance subconsiously. So it's not really important if i change their mind or not. What matters is that their opinion is opposed in atleast *some* way. People slowly stop to actually think once enough other people agree with them. So you have to make them feel like they are wrong for them to start thinking again. I even do that with people who i actually agree with. What matters to me is *why* you have an opinion and how you formed it. Not that it is the same as my own.


i agree that there's usually more than one answer, but people engaging in these types of arguments are the exact types who are too stubborn and hateful to ever admit mistakes, and need to keep arguing even if they know they're wrong i should know, i'm stubborn as fuck lmao


I'm also stubborn. But i only drive it as far as i fell like it. My main rule is just to keep it civilized and to actually consider their arguments. I usually do it just to disturb their bubble. Especially if their main argument is: "It's just wrong/disgusting." In personal matters feelings are a valid enough reason. But not if you are talking about legal definitions or laws that restrict others. Also most of these people get the hiccups if you, for example, don't agree with them that all confirmed pedophiles should be burned at the stake even if they didn't actually do anything. A lot just jump straight to the conclusion that you defend child diddling or are a diddler yourself because there is *absolutely no other* explanation for it. Like wanting to treat people like people or the fact that by that logic you would have to imprison every psychopath or sociopath for crimes they are *more likely* to commit than others. People who are *guilty* are guilty. Not people who didn't do anything even though a mental disorder urges them to. There are several other good reasons not lynch everyone of a certain group, but many people seem to have a one track mind. I basically talk back to "force" controversial view points onto them and those who read it.


I appreciate your honesty


I don't argue. and tbh personally i have a life outside of the internet not trying to be rude to anyone who doesnt do other stuff tho


You have like 20 comments in the last few hours, how is that different from calling someone wrong?


Well I'm pretty sure they're referring to people being insulting and rude.. simply saying someone is wrong is a different story.


For entertainment. Duh.


Exactly this. And only this


I was obsessed with that during the pandemic. Now I don't see the point.


I feel like your answer is basically because you were bored.


Because they're wrong and I'm right, dammit. And I'm gonna prove it to them!


It’s fun proving people wrong and sometimes you can learn something new or at least hear a new perspective


For a lot of people it's just a form of entertainment. They can't do it in person because it could end up in confrontation. Online however is relatively risk free, and if they get a rise out of someone they see it as a win. Also some people are just built to argue or be controversial, even in person, which then translates to online as well. And then there's the group of people who have to be right just because they can't see anything from someone else's point of view or haven't had the experience someone else has, so therefore their statements must be wrong. I try not to argue with people on the internet, though every once in a while I fall into the trap, so I've not got a flawless record. So you also have people like me, who overall try not to get into an argument but it occasionally happens. Multiply that by millions of internet users and you'll come across many people who overwhelmingly don't argue but you just happen to come across them on the day they are arguing for whatever reason.


To create data that can be later collected for LLM pre-training. If I am loud enough then the model will show bias towards my opinion 


Because I enjoy it. Simple as.


It helps me write down my thought process and crystallizes my beliefs in ways that I can use in real life during discussions. I love arguing with friends and coworkers lol


Because everyone formulates their opinions based off of what they perceive online. Countering misinformation could prevent many people from falling for said misinformation because everyone reads the top comments. It has literal influence.


To see if my mind can be changed with good arguments


Because I think if just one other person reads the exchange and learns something from it, I will have made the world a little better.


Because it’s fun and anonymous. How often do we get the chance to argue properly in real life without having to worry about life changing consequences?


Out of boredom, sometimes I see a post about complaining stuff or post about a question, asking help. Sometimes I have an answer, experience or also a question regarding that. It doesn't really hurt to help. And if you're angry you could simply stop using reddit for a while.


Change arguing for talking - and you are fine. And, yes, talking might involve disagreements. Disagreements are fine, too.


Social anxiety training, to be honest


It's surprisingly fun to argue with someone about bollocks online. A way of intellectually testing yourself. The problem I've noticed with age is that; 1. You don't typically win when you win, because the opposing party rarely concedes. 2. You get things wrong a lot more often, probably because your mind is slowly turning to pickle juice. Hence why, despite feeling the itch on occasion, I rarely engage these days lol.


Idk dude, there’s so much ragebait online it’s insane. I spend half my waking day either arguing with or getting mad at ragebait or actual dumb people. Then I spend the rest of my day being depressed that I spent so much time doing useless things


Because it’s fun


Shut up. It's awful and you know it.


No, *you* shut up!


It’s my favorite part about the internet and I’m willing to go back and forth on here until my thumbs fall off


Connection We want to connect to other people. In real life outside the internet you have to be polite and cautious with how you express yourself. There are social consequences if you don't. Online you can act more freely, giving more of yourself, for better or worse. It is liberating.


Because it's the internet. People will fight you online about anything. mainly because they wouldn't do IRL.


Even in language learning subs people are arguing lol Now seriously that's one of the best questions to ask nowadays... I'm not an English native speaker, I often lurk on the English subs and my mother tongue subs (among other language subs too). The subs I see in my mother tongue are full of people asking for advice (often really serious situations or really dumb situations) and people giving really bad advice, by bad I mean over simplified, like the person didn't even read the whole post... This leads to many arguing and discussion on the posts... I don't really know what people get from it... Sometimes I can't read. I find it interesting that there are many communities with rich discussion where we can learn a lot, it's just sad that there are many many more full or pointless discussions.


It’s because all of us have different perspectives 


Going outside or exposing yourself to new people is a high stress situation. Writing a lot of things online fills our emotions so we get an array of satisfaction from serotonin from success to adrenaline from anger. yayyy arguments make us feel smart or energyyyy :v


One of the reasons I used to enjoy tiktok but that got boring and I found Reddit is so much better if I feel like letting my frustrations out at some random people I just go on fightsub, but the amount of different communities U can be a part of on Reddit I don't bother with it that much anymore it's good to know I can scratch that itch when I want to though


Depends. Sometimes it can be an opportunity to counter a terrible opinion and serve as an educational experience for others, But yeah, most of the time it's like punching a wet turd with your fist: Even if you win, you end up dirty and feeling like shit, and it's ultimately not worth the aggravation.


It's like shouting into the void sometimes—pointless and draining.


No doubt. The whole social media thing is a cowards platform. You can be a total shithead from 5000 miles away with invisibility. It’s just worthless.


I had to stop reading comments on my local Facebook newspaper page. My kids, 30ish, kept trying to tell me I won’t change anyone’s minds nor will they change mine.


This! I have a finance question I genuinely want to ask but I'm so afraid to ask it because I know people will not know how to express their opinions without putting you down. Like I don't want judgement, I want help from internet strangers! 😂😂😂


I once tried to call my boss, I was working late, alone (gym). I don’t remember what for. Every time I tried to call him someone would call in on the other line. I kept just missing them, like I would wait to see if he would pick up (he never did) then try to quick switch over but it was too late and they hung up. This happened maybe 5-6 times, was really frustrated.  Next day I realized I was calling the gym. I was on the other line and getting really pissed that I was hanging up on myself.  This is what arguing on Reddit is like. 


I like arguing.


No, you don't.


Yes I do


yes you do


Why would I? I can’t believe you would think I like arguing? Where would you even get that idea?


no! you are


It fun


Fuck you! (Just kidding, of course).


Because we want to influence others


I'm often online when I'm stuck in a hotel room, can't fall asleep and nothing much better to do.


Mmmhmm dopamine....


We? Who the fuck is "we"? You mean we in like "wii-u" or smt?


Other people are wrong so they must be defeated. This is the most important thing possible.


Because it's fun, what else?


To kill time?


![gif](giphy|JrqWcXPJDybNU0vxiG|downsized) Because Colin Robinson got a point.


when i've got nothing better to do, it's kind of fun lol. but only when it's a 'heated' discussion and not just flat out insulting one another. i like to see both sides of the argument, even when both sides are getting frustrated lol


We're bored and American cities are fucking trash at bringing people together.


Because when somebody has different views from ours, we feel threatened; so, we launch an utterly pointless counterattack. The weirdest thing about that is that the threat is never real, and in any case, our ability to counter it online is always illusory.


Boredom generally.


I don't argue, I say my thoughts and then tell them they are wrong when they fight me on it


I operate under the delusion that people might actually change their minds when presented with facts and logical arguments that contradict unexamined points of view. I also appreciate having my mind changed when presented with facts that contradict and challenge my beliefs.


Cause fuck you! That's why


'Cause I like arguing, and people online are the most avid debaters.


There are emotional trigger points which does not involve us thinking. So yes you are correct there are better things to do than argue. Let's leave arguments to lawyers.


Need something to do while on lunch break.


disagreement on personal belives is like virtually attacking that individual is what I saw in an online documentry on toxic internet also over the years I have seen some healthy arguments that goes point to point explaining deeper reason why they disagree on both sides so to me i think that healthy discussion requires everyone involved to understand that all belives can be false and true with enough evidence and fact checking on a spectrum that isn't binary


What are you on about?! Nobody argues with complete strangers online!


People want to convince others with what they think is right.


I don’t, as a general rule. I think I’ve gotten cross once on here and told the person she was rude. But that’s as far as it goes. Kind of don’t see the point because we all have different perspectives on life based on our own experiences and trying to change that in a few sentences or getting arsy is just not productive.


I only argue while at work so it's not like i could be doing something better anyway


I personally think it just share idea and the insight on how other side think. It could be useful to improve your argument skill and also how to handle people. Although, I don’t like argue with online people, Because many would go down in the line, where they don’t want to argue anymore and accuse other side to be dumb to make other stop them arguing completely without trying to understand others. Some even ‘support’ their side, even they are wrong, without saying why and it becomes 1 vs many. Internet became the place where you can be the ‘might make right’ and use their power to overwhelm other, regardless of where they stand and point. As long as they think they are on right side, they are okay to support regardless. The group who can’t gain people to support them would have to silent, because they see ‘people are already agreed’ and it wasn’t worth to talk through. Although, it is probably just 1 guy vs 5 guys and there is many could point out why they are wrong. But, the way comments/replies construct on many platform make it seen like the bigger size already wins. (You have to go through 5 comments of another side to read. It doesn’t sound like much. But, there is the big gap.) They might not intend to do, or aware of their action. But, I found that it was hard to argue people online, because of this for me. Even the sound good people would were in detail why, but, sometime, I found out they are very out of track of what I actually pointed. Even though, it was somewhat similar. However, to go against the long text, you had to point every single one of point they made, which was also very tiresome to go through. Even though, I do know the context at the time, but, I missed the chance to explain, because I thought they should know that I too know from what I pointed out at the first time. So, they explained again in detail and made it sounded like I was dumb without realizing and it’s because they explained in detail, I can’t really prove myself that I know that too. Saying “I know that” or something similar would only counter by ‘you only know because they explained to you’ and some among other line. I can see that they aren’t aware of their exhaustion and they mix “prove them right”, “try to understand others” and “try to explain” together and it became one big mess. Well, the long argument like this probably fit better to talk face-to-face or in chat. Well, I only had met bad experiences so far. But, that is just probably me who doesn’t really take a look at good side of internet where they DO understand the context. Also, keep in mind that it is just my assumption from what I have been seeing on bad side internet. It doesn’t really show the whole internet. There is always blind point in thought and arguments or so. Also, I could be wrong in some level I wasn’t aware of. I only explain in the long text, because I didn’t want to get arguments and I want to share my mind. Beside, I’m not good with reply-to-reply, because I also get sidetracked often and lost my argument every quick in heat moment to prove myself ‘right’ and it doesn’t help that many people like to see my word in the other way. Even though, I could stay off online for while. But, my mindset won’t be the same anymore and might have completely track of thought, which can be both good and bad, depending on the context. You probably see why I pointed out on both side and they are aligned to each other in somewhat level, Even I can see myself in this. It is very ironic, isn’t it? Or maybe, you only see this as a rant and mumble-jumble. But, that is fine. I want to get this out of my chest to share idea and continue to observe people to see in deeper level and explain better in future. If I did have the chance to do so.


For the entertainment ✨ I'm doing this for 10 years now 😄 now less often, tho..


No we’re not!


I don't know you tell me.


I don't argue, I just say the truth and correct the people who are mistaken.


Because I am bored as fuck


It’s often an intellectual chess game between angry disillusioned randos. Their self esteem is at stake.


We’ve had the argument, goodbye.


Honestly? I seek greater understanding and to impart value where I can... Apparently I'm the only one though lol


I picked all the dog turds out of my yard, now I’m bored.


Because I'm right, and my ego prevents me from tarnishing my victorious streak by throwing in the towel... But actually though, I hate when people spread misinformation, especially in topics they aren't knowledgeable in. Most of my arguments are in aviation related topics since that's what I'm most knowledgeable in. I just want people to have accurate information that is purely based on facts.


Settle down.


For fun


Gives a sense of purpose. Ppl like to jse the strength they drive from anonymity.


Boredom. Easier to find someone who disagrees with you about something than find something to do.




Because it’s funny to get a reaction out of them. I don’t care about arbitrary points on a random website. It’s fun to open this website once or twice a day and watch people actually get upset lol


To save one person is to save the world.


Because English is not my main language. Whenever I "argue" I *am* learning a new language. Win win I guess... it also entertains me...


Just for shits and giggles really


Stress relief. A lot of people build up stress from little things in their lives that they can't vent out at that moment. Once the moment passes, the aggravation is gone but the stress remains. And so, the solution is to find something else that frustrates you that you can actually do something about, like someone on the internet with a wrong opinion to yell at. Honestly, arguing on the internet can be quite the symbiotic exchange, even if neither side realizes it


For the same reason we're answering this question. We all think our thoughts/ideas are worth sharing, and everyone else should hear them. Like "look at this cool thought I made! Pretty neat, right?" Then we get butthurt when somebody comes, looks at it, and says "that is the stupidest shit I've ever seen in my life. Look at my far-superior thought. I'm so smart." The cycle continues.


I used to and now I’ve stopped. Used to argue with people I know online and stopped that. Waste of time as you said.


Lack of consequences.


Two reasons 1 it's fun 2 im right


it's fun. also i can vent my opinions with less ppl i know judging.


Because I want to know if I'm wrong. 


I don’t argue with strangers online.


r/fightsub . Don't tell anyone I told you because it violated the first rule.


Entertainment and knowledge? I like to talk to people and need to understand opposing viewpoints to make arguments against them.


Why did you write this post instead of learning a new language?


I agree, but at the same time, I understand why it happens. Someone posts something stupid/incorrect, and you correct them, cus what are you gonna do? Be complicit in spreading missionformation? No, you correct them, but then they start arguing with you, and it turns into a whole thing you get cought up in, it's all abut knowing when to stop, some people are just too stubborn.


it's fun


I like to test thoughts and arguments. It is also an outlet to get my ideas out there. It is not as if I have ever been all that good at talking to people irl and frankly, they get sick of my unhinged rants after a while.


Because you won't accept that I'm right and you're wrong


What do you have against people who want to fight online, huh?!? Fight me! (/s this is a joke.)


I don't think it's about arguing with strangers, in and of itself, as much as it's wanting to argue against certain ideas and viewpoints.


I’d rather argue with strangers online than pick up dog turds if I find any.


Are you sure? Picking up dog turds is more useful


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/386/)


Tell that to Twitter users


You're right. I just fought with someone yesterday... They probably will respond one more time but damn I don't wanna fight no more. I don't do it often and I hate doing it. But they attacked me for saying the truth and my opinion so I fought back. 😶


Every time I post. Even when I'm not arguing. I got the app just to look at investment communities and I'm doing this. ![gif](giphy|vqKlNf8jpBB7O)


I don't want to argue. I'm lonely and want to talk about fun stuff like Pokémon and Doctor Who.  Assholes ruin it by being bigoted pieces of shit calling people n××××× and f×××××× every chance they get. Shit posters are ruining social media with their antisocial behavior. 


I used to argue on the internet a lot as a teenager because it was funny af to piss off random strangers twice your age online, especially when they have no idea that you're just a schoolboy. I think I might have learned something aswell digging through contless Wikipedia pages in a guest to beat them with facts and logic.


I write a lot. Engaging strangers in topics that I'm not too familiar with gets me some interesting perspectives which help me design more believable characters. And sometimes people are stupid and unhinged when I didn't expect them to be so that's funny and interesting too.


For my own amusement honestly. There are times that I just feel the uncontrollable urge to piss someone off for no reason.


Because opinions and online interactions inevitably still affect the dispersion of information. People learn things through other people even with the internet as their medium, so of course, we'd be compelled to try our best to correct misinformation and bad opinions (as gatekeepy and obnoxious as that sounds). The only way this becomes completely pointless is to either bar every single person online from making a useless comment (basically almost defeating the purpose of online interactions entirely) or to forcefully inject every single online person with enough critical thinking to know how to filter out bad information on their own.


Totally agree! Wish I could stop myself but sometimes the pedants of Reddit are too much and I relent.


I have thought about it, but this is what I live for


Dopamine spike when I'm correct and when I fight with randos


Sometimes it's because ppl want to speak up for what they believe in, interrupt streams of miscommunication, point out things that they view as immoral or bad to take part in the development of a "group opinion". Although in my experience it's more often because for some reason A LOT of ppl feel the constant need to "be right" about smth. Which, yes, imo that's a waste of time and energy. But hey, whatever floats your boat I guess


because its cute.


Because we live in a mass psychosis, we are all in some form schizophrenics, but its so wide spread, everything seems normal


>Why are we arguing I've told you once.


It's a waste of time, tbh.


I’m not arguing!! You are!!


I ain't gonna learn a foreign language while I'm on the clock at work


Usually it’s in the comments section on the local or fox news fb post, with comments that are either genuinely harmful, bigoted, or made overly political for no reason whatsoever. It’s not always for funzies, but much of the time I am just out for a cheap dopamine hit. Not to mention, in some cases it gives me a chance to think through, and research my responses without being cut off mid sentence. Sort of a practice sesh for when the arguments come up in the irl, if you will.


For fun


Did I hear... *foreign language?*


I disagree


I am doing it to practice my English skills lol


Absolutely not. If you feel like you want to express your feelings on any topic, go for it.. that’s literally what THIS is for. As far as arguing about it or trying to defend my opinions… no way. I’m not here for a debate. This is just opinions on a topic. I read yours, and even if I don’t agree with it, this is not a debate forum. We’re all just trying to get different perspectives. 🫶 to all!