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No. Might be a general calm over the world, but people will always find ways to bicker. But maybe if people didn't exist?


There's a political theory that society (and politics) follow 3 stages over and over again. I can't remember who's theory it is but the stages are unrest which leads to reform then peace then back to unrest again and so on. I think we're in the unrest/reform period now.


Yeah, I think it's also like part of "evolution" mean factories and such were blooming during world wars and new inventions etc, so while it sucks some fields make progress during darker times


The 80yr cycle or Generational Turning. interesting theory although it seems solely focused on US history


The day that the world is at peace will be the same day the world ceases to exist


When there are no humans left on this planet anymore.




No. There will only be complete peace when we'll be completely gone.


As long as humans seek advantage over one another there will always be war.


Maybe, a long time from now. I'm 60 and I thought by the time I got to this age the world would be a better place. Alas, things seem to be regressing. I only have 20 years or so left on this earth so it won't affect me too much, good luck to the rest of you.


Thanks, we'll need it


Next Friday, between 1:45 p.m. and 1:47 p.m.


If we can overcome certain death and all we need for a satisfying survival (resources/knowledge/suppo) is constantly provided (as needed) for free? Ps. Minor conflicts could still be ongoing, since socio-/ psychopaths would still be around searching for sick ways to feed themselves by sabotaging others. Unfortunately.


No, but there will be one day when man will regret its decisions after they've destroyed the world (which is in process actually).


Living things will always kill other living things. As long as life exists on earth there will never be world peace.


Human life. The animals will get along just fine without us...


If you seriously think non-human life on earth is particularly peaceful I've got a bridge to sell you.


Yes. When generalized violence manages to destroy everything Ang humans go extinct. That'll be peaceful


You must be new here


In your dreams dude.


You my say I'm a dreamer...


I think if we discover aliens and they are violent that is when we will discover World Peace.


Here’s a hypothesis I’ve always thought could be correct: Throughout history there had been an astonishing amount of kingdoms, clans, legions etc. and yet, EVERY TIME, when a bigger enemy came, all the little guys bonded together to fight the bigger threat, and then slowly, after given the chance to experience life and death together, they sticked together. So my hypothesis is: If there’s even gonna be an alien invasion, then perhaps all humans will stop fighting and bind together to fight off the bigger threat


A common enemy causes people to form bonds. That's sadly why it's so popular to make a (usually) small group the one who's the enemy to hate on together. So yeah when there's a really big threat it might cause people to hate and fight against that enemy instead of eachother. But it's unlikely that it'd work 100%. Realistically there will always be some people who are rich or something and can hide in some secluded bunkers or fly to space or whatever. And even if you forget about those I doubt that all people will actually set aside their fights. Maybe if everyone knows for certain that their life is in danger if they don't work together. Because if you can somehow distract yourself and think "Well it's not my problem, let others handle it" it probably won't work. And even if we actually set aside every differences as humans and fight side on side of eachother until the danger is defeated, maybe the peace will last for a while. But after at least 3 generations it's nothing more than history and some story. And why would you let some old story dictate if you like that person or not? It wouldn't last, because we humans always start fighting again. We would need to stop what's causing us to start fighting. Why do we feel the need to be bether than others? Why do we want power and money? Why do we hold ourself more important and think we deserve something others don't? We do we feel the need to argue and fight and try to win arguments? Why do we not care about the means if the ends justify it supposedly? Why is it much easier to destroy than to repair and heal? And whatever else is leading to bad stuff when it's in the extreme.


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When we remove all humans. Than finally there will be world peace and nature will heal it self too.




No. Humans are selfish creatures. There will always be someone who wants "a little more". Doesn't matter the price, doesn't matter how many people they're willing to screw over, or their circumstances.


Yes when humanity is wiped out


No. And nevever


When our species becomes extinct there will at last be world peace. Creatures will hunt and die but there will be no malice, no agendas. Nature will run it’s course free from human intervention. We could have built a utopia but the most selfish of us have the call to positions of power, corruption rules us. If only we could have been more.


So long as peace is understood to be the absence of war achieved by the threat of military force, it will remain elusive. When peace is understood to be about universal empowerment and freedom from exploitation, then the conditions for peace will be present.


When aliens invade!


We will never have world peace if we keep voting for idiots who make money out of conflict.


At the end of the day as long as there’s two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.


When all humans are dead.


Not as long as humans are around…


The day after nuclear armageddon


No. We might "have it" or we may have had it already, but when we do, we won't know. We'll push things out of balance again.


When Jesus rules on the Earth for 1,000 years


Humans are too inherently greedy to avoid conflict. If there were 2 humans left, they'd fight over something


Define 'peace'. Can a tiger still torture its pray before the kill?


I think so, but not for hundreds of years and honestly maybe not ever. The answer also depends on what you mean by the question. If you mean by world peace the absence of all conflict then no, I don't think so. Individuals will still hurt each other. But widespread conflict by countries might be a thing of the past at some point in the future, but the reason for it might be bleak.


When corruption, money laundering, or governing action is traceable by the public (hello blockchain adoption). When every single human born on this planet is ensured basic needs like food, healthcare, and a safe place to live. We'll probably normalize space travel and inhabit other worlds before achieving any of that though. Self-preservation is just a human trait that even nature follows.