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Nice but the universe doesn't give a flying fuck about humans


I like that. Not that I believe in actual ghosts, but I like the possibility of glitches in time.


Earth revolves around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour. The sun revolves around the Milky Way Galactic Center at 450,000 miles per hour. The Milky Way Galactic Center is moving as well. Relative to what, doesn't matter, but it is moving. I read something just now that says 1,200,000 million miles per hour. So, if things were happening all at the same time as you say the ghosts or glitches would be happening billions of miles away. Unless of course the ghosts or glitches are somehow bound to our physical Earth. If so, we might say the spirits are affected by gravity and never left our physical planet. They would need mass for that. Meaning mass is coming into and out of existence, breaking the first law of thermodynamics. So either your friend was hallucinating or just a classic brain misinterpretation of which there are piles and piles of evidence for (google any optical illusion) or all of physics is completely wrong and we have to start over. --- Ignoring all reasonable thoughts, yea sure. Cool idea. Maybe a good book can be written about it.


Time and space are always together. A glitch in time would cause the same glitch appearing in space. Move one, you move the other.


But how would a random glitch in time cause the perfect glitch in space for it to overlap perfectly with the present Earth


this is not even wrong


This guy physics 🤘


I am stoned and reading your headline just blew my mind




Kinda reminds me of the "stone tape theory" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stone_Tape_Theory&diffonly=true


Maybe. I have thought about this too after a loved one dies. I like to think that if ghosts exist then they aren't bound to the physical universe like we are. The house I live in had a couple people that used to live in it that smoked. One a cigar, the other cigarettes. I don't smell the smoke residue because it was like twenty or thirty years ago, but sometimes it smells like someone is smoking a cigarette or cigar near me. It comes and goes real fast. Other people have also smelt it. It's my wife's grandma's house that we purchased. My FIL thinks it's a time loop or glitch that we get glimpses of. I like ghosts more, because it implies we live on.


You know what. Coolest idea for ghosts. Putting it in my next horror game


If you're seeing a ghost, that means it's either emitting or redirecting photons to your eyes. So uh... no.


That’s what i think ghosts are. Not physical but something that is embedded in the subconscious from times past. Kinda like deja vu maybe? Nobody knows. I’ve never seen one personally. Just my opinion.


My theory for ghosts too.


There was a Doctor Who episode that was kind of like this idea and it was one of my favorite episodes


I've got books on that very theory! It's a very interesting one. That and the Stone Tape theory are my favourites.


I still like the idea that ghosts are souls of the dead, and the variation of it that the ghosts are conscious. Makes it acceptable in various interpretations of ghosts.


This concept would make for an intriguing sci-fi movie. But I think the explanation for ghosts is far simpler in reality; they are products of cognitive human errors and imagination.


I've actually heard this idea/thought brought up before. I don't remember where I heard, or seen it.


Then why are ghosts seen only at night and just a quick glimpse when you’re alone? Never while your walking along in broad daylight or in a business meeting or in a crowd.


I’ve heard stories like that of “non-scary ghosts” it’s just that most people like to tell the scary ones because that’s what’s popular with ghosts. Stories of people who interact with someone only to realise later that there was nobody there all along. It’s just that the interaction wasn’t scary and the ghost didn’t look like a ghost.


That's just not how the universe works. It's the human mind playing tricks on you. If stuff like ghosts exist, then they will use our mind as vulnerability to "seek" into "reality" or at least what we percieve as reality. The actual reality doesn't change.


Y’all are all saying ghosts are impossible but people are energy - and energy never goes away. The possibility of ghosts (or something along those lines) isn’t impossible, just unproven.


People are composed of energy - true - but we are not reducible to the sum of our parts. It is your particular arrangement of matter and energy that makes you “you.” The individual components of you are as unremarkable as the atoms and energy that make up a rock on the side of the road.


Sure, why not? All of this is entirely fictional so you can make up whatever you want.




Says the guy who's never seen a unicorn


So you say that over 90% of male ghosts watch porn? I didn't know they were like that.


Ghosts aint real wtf u all on abt???