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There would be twice as much work to do tomorrow. 


Pick a Friday, then. Preferably during a weekend with a Monday holiday. Put it off as much as possible


Whew! So like when all of the nurses and CNAs come back to work after that four day weekend, all of their patients are in that good and stinky phase of decomposition.


I didn't say it would be perfect, just try not to get sick or die during the Global Holiday. Stay at home, it's safer there (for the most part)


The smartest comment


More like for weeks if not months.


48 hour break then.


a ton of deaths due to doctors/surgeons/nurses not working 


At first I was like: "Well it would minorly inconvenience people", then I thought about it for a few more seconds and then thought: "Well except for doctors, that would be bad".


Or people that work at power plants, potential for nuclear meltdowns, and how about the potential for being invaded by a foreign country? There would be massive widespread blackouts, many people would die, there would be looting to the extent we’ve never seen, uncontrolled fires, the country would basically be in financial ruin and societal chaos would ensue. This, of course, is a worst case scenario.


Weil, I guess the soldiers wouldn’t work either


Nuclear power plants are actually relatively stable when left on their own, especially just for a day. It's better if they're constantly monitored, of course, but i'd say the probability of it immediatly imploding is... Low. Depending on whether the people manning them turned them off before they left, every other factory ever is potentially at risk though


Well that’s good to know, since there one like 3 miles from where I live!


Some of the safest places on the planet. Bomb Resistant, Earth Quake Resistant, Flood Resistant, Armed Guards up the wazoo, heavy physical security, back ups for the backs ups for the back ups. etc. Nuke plants really, only have issues when people fail to follow procedures. iirc, Fukushima was a result of a door not being sealed properly and water got in. If the door was sealed it wouldn't have been nearly as bad.


Can't het imvaded if no-ones working...


That’s true, I was thinking it was just the US.


Bruh, it doesn’t matter if the whole world except the US, stopped working, there would still be wars. lol


Nuclear plants would just shut down on their own after the grid goes down. At least in the West, Russian power plants probably explode ig If the grid doesn't go down for some reason they can keep running for years


Internet services would be a big one, 24hrs of NOBODY maintaining ANYTHING at all, and EVERYONE using it b.c. they aren't working? Those things don't run themselves, and definitely don't like having use surge like that.


My thoughts exactly. It could be the worst one day ever in everybody's life.


Now I'm picturing a doctor in the middle of a heart transplant going "oh would you look at that, time for my 24 hour break. welp guess this one ain't making it, someone remember to bury them tomorrow".


Would be a shitty day to live in a nursing home 


Yea, but after a cleanup day your workload just got significantly less.


You talking about the purge? No cops means everything's legal right? But Christmas is a major holiday in most places. Not everyone gets it off but majority of the places shut down for the day and there's no issues. If the essential services are off for the day then worst case would be every single one has an emergency. Places on fire no one to put it out, nuclear reactor about to blow and no one to stop it, the dead are rising out their graves and the graves keeper has the day off so they just wake up and hug everyone.


I’ve always said one day of the purge would have effects that last for years. I think it’s literally impossible to contain it to 24hrs. Rules, laws, and fear of prison is the only thing that keeps us as a species in check.


No, you’re forgetting two major things. 1. We all cares a lot about what others think, judgement would be crazy if you murder someone. 2. Human’s own sense of moral


no cops just means that nothing will be enforced for 24 hours


If they gotta go try and enforce stuff starting 24 hours after the fact, coupled with the increase in crime, it's basically gonna be a triage. Chase the murders, then the violent crimes, and work your way down until you run out of resources. And given the sheer number of domestic calls that I'm sure every police department fields each day, I'm going to say they'll run out sooner, rather than later.


So who will stop crime? Another criminal or no one.


No no no, criminals would have the day off too


LOTS of people would die. I mean... * no police? Criminals go free/ don't get caught * no doctors? Infectious diseases could spread. * no firefighters? An entire neighborhood (maybe even most of a country) would burn, resulting in massive deaths * no people to watch the inmates? they'd escape (24 hours is MORE than enough time to allow them to do so) * no grocery stores? Someone's going hungry. If the person has something like diabetes, it could be deadly * no hospital staff? People will die from stuff that's curable or at least treatable.


No sports. Death from boredom.


No TV, no youtube, no utilities (water, gas, internet, power)


Debt would mount.


The president would increase the debt cieling


Debt to the US doesn't matter, it's a fictional number that no one cares about.


*of the US. Debt TO the US matters a LOT.


Power stations, especially the Nukes. Various production lines that can’t sit down easily (furnaces)


Well, do power/water companies require 24 hour maintenance? If so, no water or electricity for you. The police wouldn’t be working, so I can imagine a Purge situation happening. People who require continuous medical surveillance would die, too.


Police? Fire Department? Hospital workers? It could never happen. I’m pretty sure everyone else could take a day off and we’d be fine.


Millions of people in hospitals and nursing homes would die for starters


Lots of jobs it wouldn’t matter but there are also lots of jobs eg medical jobs, care homes, fire and police couldn’t do that


I think this hypothetical already found its answer. Whatever happened during covid. That minus delivery drivers. But honestly we should as humanity pick a day when no one can work, make it a global holiday "a no work day" Although I do wonder what will happen with all the grounded aircraft


Even during the pandemic there were still people working. Many jobs switched to remote, and essential workers still went to work but while taking precautions to not get sick. This hypothetical would mean no remote work and no essential work either. No police, firefighters, delivery drivers, home office, etc.


I worked right thru the pandemic . I do concrete . Somehow we wereconsidered essential, it was great , downtown in a mixer, almost no traffic.


Yea, home improvement was for some reason essential. One of my retail coworkers found some contractors and joined their team for a while


Yes. This is what I was going for. Btw I couldn't do college remotely ( blame them) or work ( I did retail) I didn't feel like getting another job so I waited and waited ( I have rainy day savings) until phase 3 or 4...I live in good ol USA and then back to retail I go, mask wearing and all


This was exactly my thought... We've already had it. And the world did not end.  Precious few things actually can't wait for a day.  Yes a person that's having acute surgery isn't going to make it without help. But acute surgeries are most often due to trauma... Which doesn't happen when people aren't out and about.  People that require daily assistance however will not fair well. But as for "the machine"? (The economy)... Oh, there will be disruptions of course. And there will be some "lost revenue" and "supply chain problems". And we know from experience that they will not be the end of the world and things will carry on afterwards. Precious few things can't actually wait a day.


I did not take one single day off during COVID and I’m not an essential worker, it’s just not comparable…


If you need a 1:1 example, good luck. You could however chose to see the similarities and, frankly my point... but you've instead chosen not to. That's fine... but realize that it's you who's chosen this. Cuz if you think that it was just another Tuesday, I can't help you.


This is what I think of whenever there is a crappy day and I can't get to work. The world's not going to end. If the weather's crappy the students won't make it because the busses are running off schedule or they dont want to bundle up I mean I work in a community college, you got all types here if it's bad maybe not even the profs will make it So whatever. I'm on summer break so I got time to have discussions on reddit


There'd be Backlog and Catch-Up


Theres already backlog at dmv. There's always backlog at dmv. Put more dmvs if you dont want this


I'd be bored, what are ya gonna do on a day nobody's working? Socialize with neighbors? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


One maybe nothing. But a week, then the fuckers who run the show would shit their pants and we'd have leverage. But I believe people are too trapped to enact this en-masse. I don't know where the quote is from, but I read somewhere ''people can envision the end of the world, before they can envision and end to capitalism'' and everything I'm seeing right now proves this to be correct.


Let's try it tomorrow? I'm in.


The Purge, plus a lot of people in hospitals/assisted living dieing. Probably a lot of problems


No law enforcement. No nurses and doctors. No social care staff. No firefighters. No coastguard or rescue It'd be like a thanos snap by the end of the day.


Lot of people would die. You have no idea how many hospital staff, nurses, doctors, etc... are saving lives on an hourly basis.


If this includes the non-paid work of stay-at-home moms, society would collapse.


Everyone would have to stay home and good luck in case of an emergency


All the bloody micro managers would have an extra day off.


Chaos, people stealing things, murdering people and being harsh. I'd say head for the hills


That just wouldn't work


You mean like every Sunday?


Do you actually think no one works on Sundays?


This happened back when a Star Wars movie released.


Round our way something close to this happens for TWO whole days ...every weekend. They have been doing it for ages and I don't think there have been any negative impacts.


If it started immediately without warning there would be millions of deaths. Just think of all the planes and cars and buses that would suddenly drive around driverless, especially planes (btw big win here for trains, they stop automatically if the driver is unconscious, or in this case not doing anything, before anything happens) But if we had years to prepare it we could probably make it work without too much damage, given that people don't go raid things.


Probably a massive death wave, and it would stir up a major infectious disease outbreak. The majority of emergency calls are responded to by paid first responders. Even if we say, okay, all the volunteers are volunteering, it's not work, how do you think they're getting called out? A paid 911 dispatcher. So we're all out. Even if the volunteer firefighters get to the scene, they aren't providing medical, let alone advanced doctor-level care. Even if you have a volunteer ambulance, you still get to a hospital full of sick and dying people, who will get no intervention. The sheer number of people that are required to keep that place living is astounding. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists. Some otherwise healthy and recovering people will probably die in 24 hours without their meds. And then the wall of death happens. These corpses will be everywhere, with no one to pick them up. They'll just collect. Rotting corpses aren't great for healthy people, let alone immune compromised. And quite frankly, no city, as demonstrated in COVID, can handle a major uptick of deaths. Cleaning them up will take days, if not weeks. And then the infrastructure. Power, water, sewer, these are automated to an extent, but all it takes is one funny thing to happen, and it goes down, and the grid with it, and before you know it, there's none of that for anyone. And even when it starts up, there's gonna be a lot of issues. A widespread outage like this might cause significant problems with start up and handling the increased load (backlog, pun intended). The inability to wash hands, clean up, or even flush away poop will lead to even more people getting sick, and all kinds of messed up things. But the biggest thing I think we need to worry about is lawlessness. If the cops all stopped working, and didn't go back for 24 hours, even if you committed a crime, you're not the only one, and it'll take a minimum of 24 hours to respond. Evidence gets trampled, lost and screwed up. And we're literally like one coordinated gang all getting busted and demanding a jury trial before the system just straight up collapses. Seriously, look up why pleas are so important to the system. Anyways, all this will result in lawlessness, and people, from violent to poor, from rich to greedy, will grab, hoard and hurt whoever they can do. Traffic laws likewise won't exist, people will have places to be, and speed limits will be in the way. This will result in a lot of the first paragraph. If we all just called it quits, it'd take months, if not years to fully recover


A lot of people would die


Most likely "nothing".... Millions in potential revenue would be lost but it comes back tomorrow. Big businesses can last a month or two of lost sales without worry. The small businesses and us the workers would hurt the most. Many rely on that income and work to eat and survive. Could you break an economy? Yes, but you'd have to carefully craft that scenario to happen.


Nowhere near “everyone”, but World Cup final could give a glimpse of the impact that would have. It’s scheduled and well-anticipated, however.


Tight lipped smiles to people with diabetes who will no longer have access to Insulin. "Sorry, buddy."


Why has no one mentioned we would have no military and we would all be very vulnerable to attack...


Modern economies run on Just In Time deliveries, if everyone stopped for a day a fair few people would die, anything more than that and those deaths would skyrocket. Logistics, healthcare, infrastructure, emergency services, essential goods providers, are the big industries we can't really do without. Just look at the COVID-19 effects around the world when lockdowns occurred, there were some professions that had to keep going. Your grocery is stocked and supplied daily with fresh produce and essential goods. Give it a day or three and see what is available. Doctors and nurses keeping people alive Power generation, some of it is automated, some requires manual control. No power, no freezer, no fridge. no air-conditioning, and that includes at the supermarket. No fire department, no police, no prison guards, no ambulances. No fuel distribution The majority of the core Internet will keep running, data centers have backup generation, so do many cell towers and other communication gear. But power at home, unlikely. Waste collection and sanitation is going to probably have some issues. And eventually things will fail, servers and data centers will run out of power, things will catch fire and burn down, and it'll get messier after that.


If everyone simultaneously took a 24-hour break from work, it would certainly be a unique global experience! Imagine empty highways, quiet offices, and closed stores. While it might cause some disruptions initially, it could also serve as a powerful reminder of how interconnected and reliant we are on each other's contributions to keep society functioning smoothly.


Entire countries do it. General strikes. Shareholders lose money, but for ordinary people it's just a day off. That's why it works. It hits the big guys a lot harder than the little guys. General strikes are how we got weekends and 8 hour work days and annual leave.


Wonder if that already happened at the height of COVID


80 percent of all millennials would starve because there's no fast food open


Why? And there are already examples of that happening from time to time. New Year's Day around the world. Or, when COVID lock-downs brought pretty much everything to a stand still, so much so that even the water in Venice's canals cleared up because of lack of boat traffic. Wars do the same thing, albeit on a much smaller scale and much more brutally. Natural disasters, like hurricanes and earthquakes. For your thought experiment, were you looking for something bigger than these examples?


I haven't worked for months and the world is just fine. Wait...


They would figure out a way to tax the people who didn't work by... I don't know something like maybe increasing inflation without increasing wages?


Might turn into a global version of “the purge” if everyone knew law enforcement emergency and medical personnel would be off duty for a day.


Many would go hungry. The infrastructure for power and water could have issues. People would die due to lack of firefighters, doctors. People wouldn't be hurt by chiropractic and homeopaths.


As long as essential workers go to work, it will be just like covid lockdown.


We had a taste of it during the lockdown. 1/2 the population is not working and there we have it. Now imagine what happens when the people who were working during the lockdown did not work


No Police, no healthcare. Basically the Purge. Add in all the nuclear power stations that are now unmanned. Do all the pilots of aircraft currently in the air stop flying their planes?


Chaos. No law enforcement means the only thing stopping a crime is another citizen. Everyone who has an emergency health issue needs to suck it up or die. Then there's the things we do every day without thinking about people working. People need to be at the power plant to produce the electricity.


Covid_19 happened


Covid_19 happened it was so quiet in my town. I heard my neighbor fart. 😆


50/50 some shit breaking and society completely crumbling.


I think Covid was a great example of what would happen if everyone stopped working for a while.


Alot of money would be lost


It would be very bad it would likely take years if not decades to recover from the damage to infrastructure such as power plants and stuff maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure a lot of that stuff needs to be monitored 24/7


My face when I'm on a flight and the armored door opens, and the pilot walks out going "Pshhh, I ain't flying this shit anymore, I quit"


Many many deaths.


Already forgot march/april 2020?


They would immediatly legalize slavery to get their profits.


We've done this, it was called COVID


Nothing will happen. We saw than during corona time.


A HELL of lot of people were working through Corona,not just in healthcare - also agriculture, mining, manufacturing and utilities. Why do you think you still had food, water and full shelves in the supermarkets?


Shit, I had to work twice as much during the corona time. Never got a week day off and accrued so much sick leave I'll never use up... Also was not allowed to work from home - go figure.


Most likely just like Christmas Day I’d imagine, bugger all then straight back into it like nothing happened. Granted, many people do work Christmas Day but I’d say a larger proportion of people are off work on Christmas Day than actually at work so doubt it would make that much difference if those Christmas Day workers also took the day off.


I'd say it really depends on the work. Firefighters cannot take day off, policemen, doctors, all kind of emergency ones as well. Workers on gas-stations also are welcome in that day, especially for those who drive a lot during christmass.


Yeah of course but in the main most people are off on Christmas Day so we’d be at least 2/3rds of the way there surely?


Probably? I just wonder how many jobs are there that we are not aware of that are really important to do every day in year. Like farmers who have animals and such.


A lot, a hell of a lot. I mean even something like air traffic control to just stop for 24hrs, where do you park all the planes that are in the air at any one given time because there certainly isn’t room on the runway and you can’t exactly land them in your local 7/11 car park. Yeah ok during Covid we did exactly just that and parked them in dry climate conditions but they went into long term storage and it just wouldn’t be worth doing this for just 24hrs. Dead bodies would be just left to rot for a day, laying where they die, no one to come take them away, just because we are all having a day off around 150,000 people will still die in that 24hr period as they do in any other 24hr period. I just think Christmas Day is probably the closest we will get to an annual 24hr shut down in terms of numbers downing tools so to speak.


True, and the more I think of it the more horrible this vision gets. It would cause a big mess and wouldn't be worth it for many.


Who knows, the whole of mankind might one day celebrate all at the same time an annual day off, it could be the exact day we deflected a giant asteroid or overcome an alien race but I think even then, during all those celebrations taking place in every capital city in every country throughout the world there’ll still be people doing a job to make sure the celebrations go off smoothly, after all, how can you celebrate anything without someone pulling me a pint of Guinness!!??? ;)


It's called new year.