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I mean, kinda. It’d still be infinitely more replayable with a random level generator. I’d also like more outfit sets for stuff to work towards.


Yes but it needs more dynamic AI and random mission generator like SWAT 4.


I mean I keep replaying f*cking Neon Tomb trying to achieve S so I’d say yeah, probably /s (Real talk, any tips other than pepper ball/wedge/CS would be dope)


On neon tomb use the beanbag shotgun. The suspects wearing the vests aren’t very responsive to pepper balls. Aim center mass or lower. Shotguns can incapacitate or kill suspects if you headshot, losing you the S rank.


Remove pistol ammo from AI and only equip them with pepper ball weapons, this will prevent them from killing any suspects. Equip yourself with the beanbag and never go for headshots (my preferred method) or use a pepper ball gun to stun them, then the taser as your weapon to make suspects surrender.


Dont the bomb vest go off if shot?


No. Only civilians with vests will detonate if shot. Suspects manually detonate themselves if given the opportunity.


It does, but for S rank your weapons shouldn’t activate the bomb vest, at least it never did for me In all of my 100+ hours in Ready or Not, a noteable amount of that spent in Neon Tomb because it’s among my top maps, I have only ever had the bomb go off once, and that was because I was playing carelessly and he rushed my AI team while I was trying for S rank so nothing we shot last second could kill him.


Not at all. The amount and type of suspects doesnt really change, and they are almost always in the same spots. The removal of gamemodes doesn't help either. I havent touched the game in months


if it didn't I wouldn't be playing it anymore


Yes, I think so. It has so many details and you can try out many different load outs. You can also challenge yourself with the game.


I believe so, definitely. There are a LOT of mods to play with the AI and add new levels (though quality is hit or miss on those there are definitely a bunch of great ones)


Bring a taser just in case, sometimes the bomb guys only get staggered by everything else non lethal. Give ai heavy armor and ballistic mask and vks. Take it slow and try to wedge as much as you can. Save the dance floor for later after clearing around the bottom and top first so you don’t end up walking in and getting pinned down from above. I constantly yell for compliance to hear where enemies are around the corner, with a pacifier or two on your team you can shoot the ground while they are behind cover and once they cough you know they will surrender


I was playing it today. I think it's an "little bit every now and then" kinda game. Can't wait for the DLC, mainly for the patches that are planned.




Damn did you try replaying it 💀


Yup. Replayable. I'd like to see a patrol mode where you start the game with random bots from Commander Mode. Just getting used to one perk combination (for me its Veteran + Intimidator + Negotiator + Paramedic) makes the RoN too samey.


Yeah it is but I’d appreciate more maps, and more quests/achievements to work toward. This is what keeps me grinding a game


Also we need to make our squad AI more meaningful, one dies and you just slide a new one in. There are no strong emotional ties or anything to these characters, this would make the whole trait system more valuable, needing to keep their mental health in a good spot and all


If you're a perfectionist, lots of replayability since you can't nail these things perfectly first try. Otherwise, no.