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Looking into it…


Big if true!


Psilocybin is the new 18 holes……in Billionaire alt reality


I don't care what things people do in their private lives, including which drugs they take, *as long as it doesn't interfere with their work*. In Elon's case there IS a problem with his work. His drug use is no longer 'controlled'. He has a problem, and his companies have a problem too.


You can't blame drugs for him being a cunt.


If I were a billionaire I’d be doing high end mescaline crystal.


That’s a captains choice round for sure.


I'm shocked. *Shocked* I tell you.


Same! I expect the hardcore legal team to be on this any minute now…..yep….any minute now!


They still have to finish few lines first.


The problem was he asked X.ai/Grok to recommend a hardcore lawyer, he hired Johnny Sins.


“I didn’t say a hard lawyer” Musk, Ellison, and their lawyers, Alex Spiro and Christopher Muzzi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider.


Oh, no. They typically don't do their business *inside-her*


You know these are the exact jokes he makes during board meetings that everyone is contractually obligated to laugh at.




No fucking way. Source?




Definitely not a cult.


Quick, time to throw some minorities in prison for crack for 20 years!


I'm a little shocked actually. I figured ADHD drugs, mild stimulants, coke at a party. He seemed to struggle with smoking weed in the Rogan show, showing his nerdy chess boy interior. This makes it sound like drugs are a significant part of his life. Also, as another part of this thread picks up on, is this a liquid form of regular ecstasy or is "liquid ecstasy" a sedative known as GBH? If he's mixing sedatives and ketamine? I blame Grimes, btw.


> I blame Grimes, btw. Musk is a big boy, one of the richest big boys in the whole world. His actions are on him.


> I blame Grimes, btw. he was annoying but somewhat had it under control while married to Justine and Talulah (both times). then later there was 'private at 420/funding secured', 'pedoguy tweet', spacex sex harassment incident. What was in-between those: dating Amber Heard twice. Rumor has it she'd get him pretty fucked up and video tape him saying bizzare stuff as a leverage later. Later: she unfroze his sperm and had a kid (via surrogate).


Fair point. I really was mostly saying that tongue in cheek but if I recall correctly, Grimes had some tweets kind of boasting she had gotten him into marijuana, and he was doing acid with her when he did his taking TESLA private tweet. I agree AH's kid is his. I assume he's financially supporting both, maybe in exchange for an NDA?




It all started with AH


GHB isn’t the same thing as liquid ecstasy/molly water/ mdma water, and while k + mdma is fun at a rave, even I wouldn’t do it at fucking work if I wanted to be functional and productive. It’s also an intense combo, and him forcing likely drug naive folks to do it with him is unethical as fuck. Not to mention irresponsible


>The "volume" of Musk's drug use has created a culture wherein his closest business associates fear losing their wealth and social status by upsetting the billionaire if they refuse to use drugs with him, The Journal reported. Imagine an entire company where all the executives are strung out on drugs because they didn't want to upset a manchild who acts like Kim Jung Il.


Sounds fun for a while until it isn’t. My mind immediately comes up with “games” A new name for something has to be decided. The intern prepared a sheet with printed names, neatly spaced apart. The sheet is placed in front of Elon. All the suggestions are covered with coke. Executive A: we need a name for a rocket. Elon, at random, goes for a line on the sheet and uncovers the suggestion. The game is played until he finds a name he likes.


> My mind immediately comes up with “games” BOAR ON THE FLOOR!


Ha, just watched that episode yesterday. Pretty insane.


"but sir, why are all the lines in an X shape?"


Yeah sounds awful. Where do I sign up?


Right there with you


Nazi Germany arguably fits the bill considering how many from the leadership were addicted to heavy drugs.


Elmo starts resembling Jordan Belfort more and more.


Jordan Belfort at least had charisma and was self made


Well the fanboys are going to start using drugs too now because if Elon does it then it must be the only way to be successful at creating hype for something then delaying year after year. Then once its out and still has many major issues just blame the fact that these are the first ones off the line and haters


So he isn’t slowing down. How long until he just crashes? Because it will happen.


It's like drinking with Stalin.


Literally fucking peer pressure


As if this isn't the case everywhere else...


Talk about a toxic work environment.


Literally toxic if true.






He's not doing a good enough job sucking up to the Murdochs if WSJ is publishing this, lol. Maybe Murdoch is the board member plotting the coup. He's gotten in bed with short sellers, lol.


Always amusing when our oligarchs fight each other


Let the gamed begin. One rich asshole fights with another rich asshole over overpriced hot garbage


This is the second WSJ hit piece on Musk in what, the last week? Two weeks? The BOD is laying the groundwork to replace him as CEO?


The money is reminding all and sundry it is not to be fucked with.


Man should have all govt contracts voided. Unstable and dangerous.


NASA investigated him after the Joe Rogan incident, seems they should look again.


How often were the tests? He claims he cleared them all.


"Didn't fail any drug test" means he hasn't had any. This is Elmo being "smart" with words.


Musk is in denial.


Most drugs are out of your system in 48 hours and most of the drugs they test for aren't ones he's using.


Cocaine main metabolite (which is what is tested for) is about 4-5 days for occasional use, 1 week or even 2 weeks for extremely high daily use. Not sure if coke is one of his main drugs though. If it's more ketamine, mdma and psychedelics then 100% you're correct, rarely tested for and do not stay detectable for more than maybe 48 hours. There's lots of other drugs that are popular, commonly tested for, and can stick around for 5+ days or even weeks. But none of those were mentioned (other than weed, which I don't actually think he does often based on how he hit that joint on Joe Rogan that time lol).


A just released from prison felon knows how to pass a drug test. A billionaire like musk could easily have more sophisticated methods to pass.


Sounds like NASA needs to start watching him pee and ramp these up.


There is a new drug test that will be required in the future. Its called a Rectal Spectroscopy scan. It is impossible to cheat and thats where he will fail. It uses a special 6 inch probe that emits a narrow Xray beam to detect xray fluorescence generated by drug metabolites.


Hair test


There was a comprehensive post about how a Redditor bleached his hair repeatedly until it was no longer detectable. Followed by re coloring the hair to look normal. Admittedly it was bad for his hair, which was the goal, to break the hair open and clean out the drugs. Worth it for his job.


Was gonna say this. With hair, you can see if someone has EVER taken a specific drug


Get your own employees to test you, and have the authority to fire them and dox them if they fail you


Don’t think they looked very hard


Nice PFP, nice username.




Yes, good thing. Idiots that love trump would welcome him too


I mean we can hate all we want but the performance of his companies say otherwise




I know this is Reddit and Reddit has a strong opinion about him, but Tesla disrupted the EV market, and SpaceX had made achievements no other comparable company has been close to. Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink for starters are arguably the best of their kind, Elon aside. Either way, I don’t think any person here could do any better imo. We’re all sharing opinions here, I’ll take the downvotes for mine.


Give tesla a few years and then it will be judged like all other automakers and it will fail or be on its way. Profits only happened this time due to a massive one time tax benefit. They are declining.


Who would want to work with him without taking a bunch of drugs?


> "The agency does not have evidence of noncompliance from SpaceX on how the company addresses the drug- and alcohol-free workforce regulations." LALALALALA I DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING I DIDN'T SEE NO DRUUUUUUGS 🙉


I like how they spent 5 million dollars of tax payer money giving space X employees anti drug seminars. I can pretty much guarantee musk didn't take the seminar. And if he did it certainly didn't work I dislike musk but I think he should be able to do what he wants in his free time. As long as he's not pressuring other people to do it. Which unfortunately it sounds like he is. I don't feel too too bad for them though. They can say no. It sounds like it's his friends who are hanging around for hand outs. It's not cool to pressure people for sure, but I think a lot of people would be pretty down to do drugs at fancy parties with Elon and get paid lots of money to do it But Elon pretty clearly has a problem because it's effecting his work. It's bad for any CEO to be this volatile because so many people are effected by it but it feels especially shitty that someone with governments contracts would be this fast and loose with rules A good CEO needs to hold themselves to higher standards not lower standards. Unfortunately the vast majority of CEOs do not see it that way


Our national security is tied to this drug addicted lunatic. The government needs to do something about it


This this is what I’ve been telling people for a while now. No one understands his genius..they simply misunderstand the verbal salad vomit that seeps out of his mouth. They make fun of him because he asked engineers to print their best line of code..what he asked for was their best line of coke! Muskrat just going through the Classic glass of juice situation that his role model the fuhrer went through


Dang autocorrect


Some directors even feel under pressure to procreate with him.


Almost makes WeWork's management retreats look healthy by comparison.


The press cover up machine he has working for his benefit are amazing. He manages to cover up every time his stock tanks with stories of drug use, antisemitism, or demands for him to be compensated even further. When in reality he is just a stupid tool who was already too rich to have real drive and lacks actual vision or innovative capabilities which is what investors really want from Tesla or whatever he does because otherwise he potentially could be genuinely disruptive. Flush him down the toilet, along with the sedatives, to help people get out of this A-hole's K-hole.


Imagine graduating top of your class at high school, going to your first choice university and working hard, graduating top once again. There's been plenty of sacrifices along the way but you feel this overwhelming sense of pride at what you've achieved. Then you get a job as a PA to Elon Musk. You think to yourself that the world is your oyster. Then you spend your days doing Ketamine with a barrel chested racist and handing him his phone whenever he wants to tweet some mad nonsense.


Let’s be real - many of these people are silver spoon born, legacy admissions kids.


Might get a horse out of it, though?


Sounds better than my current job tbh


True, but at this point most people know he's bonkers


Somebody should plot his worst tweets to see if the bad ones are midweek. It’s well known side effect of MDMA that you get the midweek blues. I wonder if his tweets could show a correlation to Tuesday or Wednesday.


Mondays.  It's called The Mondays. 


Not for me or anybody i know. They are midweek. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg15420870-300-after-the-rave-the-ecstasy-hangover/ Maybe if you drop on Friday.


Happy Mondays. Terrible Tuesdays


It's no accident all this stuff is coming out about Elon. Somebody on the board is plotting a coup. They'd better know what they're doing. If you aim at the king, you don't want to miss.


I feel like this is the case too. This behaviour has been going on for years and no one batted an eye. Now it's a problem? The reality is that Elon has had so much control that even if they did raise this issue, they probably would have been laughed out of the room and lost their board seats or w/e. Now that Elon's image is tarnished and he is bleeding pretty bad after his comp package was voided, suddenly there is blood in the water and people are seeing opportunity. Perfect time to dump this too. Also, I am totally of the opinion this drug use has been the problem, and a major one this whole time. Drugs are funny like that, as a former drug user I can attest to how they can unlock parts of your brain that can conceptualize these insane ideas. On the other hand, you pay for all of that with your mental health 10x later on and you lose your ability to even function if you go too far.


I can’t remember the full story, but basically the twitter buying fiasco kicked off at like 3 am on some party island. I am 100% convinced musk decided to buy twitter in a drug fuelled manic episode. It was entirely what led him to make an offer that outlandishly high, and his subsequent attempt to back out was when he sobered up.


Honestly that makes a ton of sense considering how stupid the entire thing has been for him. That's the kind of purchase a company like Microsoft would make not Elon Musk...


Amazing how negative it’s been for him too. I didn’t really have an opinion on Musk until Twitter. Since I heard Musk’s views, I don’t use Twitter and there is no way I’d buy a Tesla.


I was a big SpaceX fan and their accomplishments still stand but their CEO spends all day on Twitter bantering back and forth with Proud Boys, incels, and neo-Nazis. How am I supposed to still feel good about SpaceX?


He's going to fall, surely?


No one batted an eye because the line kept going up. Tesla’s latest quarterly earnings call was an unmitigated disaster and outed Elon for the incompetent buffoon that he is, so the shareholders are pissed.


Yeah I think after this latest round of crap, this will be it. He's now badly damaged on top of it and in no position to negotiate. It is amazing though how money clouds people's judgment like this. Then everyone wonders how we got here...


>This behaviour has been going on for years and no one batted an eye. what


His drug use. It's no secret this guy is high off his ass most days. This has been going on the whole time but now it's suddenly an issue. Money, they did not care till this started to cost people and the company.


Business insider is on a tear - another article! “Former Tesla director Larry Ellison invited Elon Musk to Hawaii to 'dry out' from drugs, report says” Musk, Ellison, and their lawyers, Alex Spiro and Christopher Muzzi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider.


It's WSJ.


It's no accident all this stuff is coming out about Elon. It's a day ending in -y.


Ooooh they'd better know what they're doing, or Drugsy Malone ... he'll git em!


Isn't it SpaceX's mission to get people high?


If only there were signs pointing to this in the past years! /s


Man you really gotta be a sour, toxic pick for folks closest to you are reluctant to take free rich people drugs. You know that blow is top shelf.


He’s unhinged, racist and unfit to lead. He’s losing it.




He's losing it. Suits anyone for him on X? His tweets are straight up lies or twisted nonsense. Like Trump 2.0


Our very own Howard Hughes! And with his Twitter obsession, we get to watch the descent into madness in real time.


Why the stock does not trade at $50 is a big big big mystery to me


Musk just completed a 29-hour straight marathon of tweeting, exactly 100 posts in total, interacting with radical accounts, airing his many grievances. https://i.imgur.com/OQxUH9V.jpg It would be hard to look at just this past day of tweeting and not think that he's high as a kite.


I mean, if the rumour mill is to be believed (and that's still all we're going off with this), drug use has been a feature for him since at least 2018 when it was modafinil (the 'Limitless' pill) and then Adderall, to keep him awake and productive, presumably to get through the model 3 production hell. Then while with Grimes it was psychedelics (LSD, shrooms, MDMA - yes it's a psychedelic). He didn't actually inhale that blunt on Joe Rogan so idk about weed Unsure when and how ketamine became part of the picture - he tweeted about having a prescription for it for depression and preferring that over SSRIs and everyone kind of went mental, pun not intended, about it bc it's still a bit mysterious and exotic as a recreational drug, at least in the US (ask a Brit or Aussie about it though, we're no strangers to it lol). I personally don't believe it has anything to do with any of the events of the last 18 months but I'm one of the very small handful of posters with extensive experience of it In any case - C-suites being places where flagrant drug use happens? That's not news and shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. The fact that it IS being pushed and gathering momentum as scandalous news? Someone(s) behind the scenes are doing some plotting, guns under the table... eta: Reading the article, it's *definitely* a clickbait headline, as the real story is about the board completely lacking in independence. Drug use is only mentioned a few times (and ketamine only in the context of using the nasal spray a few times in an evening which is just like...regular dosage lol)


> and then Adderall, to keep him awake and productive, presumably to get through the model 3 production I think it's coke, not Adderall. He's been caught with coke nose a few times and coke is 10x stronger and faster than Adderall (also, much easier to get).




Here is the full WSJ article without the paywall: https://archive.is/8o6Az


They feel the obligation to do drugs with Elon… Just say no, leave and sue Fuck this honestly. These people are delusional. Just fking not comply with elons bullshit


And still the Stans believe he will be continuing with the massive government contracts and continued support for blowing up rockets


That's like my old job. If you wanted to be involved with the decision making you had to go drink with the President (owner) at lunch and dinner.


Reminds me of working in the UK.


You know what creates a healthy work environment? Feeling too afraid to upset your boss that you must accept using random mind altering drugs whenever your boss pushes them on you. /s


Why don’t the cops just raid him? Are they stupid? Or are you saying that there are different laws for rich people? 🤭




Putting it up on a flashing neon billboard . If you aint rich tough shit peons ! Amirite S/C ?


No matter who you are, the cops need more evidence than some news article to raid you. Especially for personal use. He’s not running a drug trafficking operation lol.


No such thing as liquid ecstasy. I wonder if they mean GHB and it's a serious drug that can cause death with the wrong dosage.


There is if you put it in a drink.


Interesting! Will look into this


Don’t give us hope!


subsequent lunchroom far-flung grandfather follow jar chief abounding gold entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is GHB?


I thought it was MDMA dissolved in water, its much easier to dose 1/4 cup than 80mg let's say, so you can weight 0.8g on a 0.1g scale, dissolve in 2 1/2 cups of water, and you have 80mg +- 10mg in every 1/4cups. I don't get why a billionaire would do GHB, or not have the money for a good scale though lol But you do end up kind of bipolar when you abuse GHB, it could explain some things with musk...


MDMA is water soluble, no?


I mean, basically all drugs can cause death with the wrong dosage…


Not trying to argue or disagreement but a lot of drugs to overdose you would have to use an extreme amount. Not many deaths from real MDMA or ketamine. But you do the wrong dose of GHB and it doesn't take much causes death


I remember reading about two kids who died because they smoked 200 cigarettes for fun. 


Putting in an application today


The owner of the company I used to work at would do coke in the office and not even hide it. Created a very toxic environment.


Drugs really explain all the crazy manic decisions he's been making. Buy Twitter! Fire everyone! Sell the furniture! Change it to X! Giant flashing sign on the roof!


Dude just hasn’t been the same since that first puff of a blunt in the JRE podcast.


It was spiked with something.


I guess the judge that reversed the 53b pay bonus was right. These directors are indeed yes men to musk and there was absolutely zero representation from the company to negotiate in good faith. Seems like elson said i want 53b and the board said sure.


Well, that's exactly what you don't want to hear as an investor!!


Nothing of importance should be entrusted to this man.


Reminds me of a similar point: Weren't Hitler and the Nazi leadership a bunch of speed-freaks?


Looks like Elon is trying to get “forced out” before Tesla collapses


That’s actually very plausible! He’ll get a golden parachute. Or in his case little baggies


He's like a cartoonish caricature of the worst despots, tyrants, and creepy cult leaders.


SpaceX has federal-government contracts which means regular drug tests for the CEO. That’s Elon Musk. Same guy that runs Tesla right?


So what drug are we guessing spawned cybertruck. Ket?


first thing I like about him lol


Haha tough crowd ay I laughed but still wanted to downvote you lol I would have gone with - this might be the least worst thing I've heard about him so far haha


I just find it funny to think of nerdy greedball corporate sycophant board members feeling pressured to take drugs. I mean "his closest business associates fear losing their wealth and social status by upsetting the billionaire if they refuse to use drugs with him"... sounds like total sleazebag people, and it serves them right to get treated like that


must be a plot to discredit Elon Musk and Tesla's board over Delaware court ruling


Regardless how this sub feels about him, we should all be concerned that the only proof it takes to put out a WSJ story like this is "someone said so" and "someone saw him with nasal spray and a water bottle".


To believe anything WSJ puts out is like saying “I love reading lies about famous people because it makes me feel good.” Attitude problems there..


funny how people gobble up stories like this, bro , TMZ level gossip, for a take over






Return to the office 😂 For some lines


So why didn’t three years of NASA drug tests expose him? Does he use some kind of unknown alien space drug?


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-12/nasa-says-there-s-no-evidence-of-drug-use-at-musk-s-spacex https://archive.is/amCba > The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said it isn’t aware of drug use at Elon Musk’s SpaceX that could jeopardize the rocket launch and satellite-service provider’s government contracts. > NASA said in its statement that it enforces and verifies compliance with alcohol- and drug-free workplace contract clauses that mandate contractors maintain a “robust and effective” corporate culture and safety program.


Jeez , another hit job


Musk, Ellison, and their lawyers, Alex Spiro and Christopher Muzzi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Business Insider.


I thought drugs was one of the concerns the Feds had with partnering his company.. and thats why he stopped?? 🤔 Forget which podcast he mentioned this on.. but wow


Really is this true or huh???


Got to be mellow, y’all Got to get mellow, now Pusherman gettin mellow, y’all


LOL yeah thats *exactly* the kind of company i'd expect that bonehead to run. bad investment.


Maybe there’s such a dust cloud that being in close proximity to Must ensures drug taking?


An interesting parallel to Adolf Hitler, and it's not the first.


You guys are all crazy out of your minds 🤣🤣holy shit.


Sounds like Elon is. He’s not unleashing his hardcore legal team on these umm “false” allegations. He’s busy tweeting for 24 hours straight tho!


Probably because they are unimportant and false 🤣no one reads these other that you mentally unstable mfs on Reddit😂


Business insider 🚩


Mafia vibes


Well that’s something. Rumors of Elon using recreational drugs have been around for a while, but this is the first I‘ve heard of him pressuring other executives and directors into doing it with him.


Vince mcmahon is that you?


Who needs drugs when hearing him speak publicly feels like you're taking crazy pills


Another stupid business insider FUD and gossip 😂


How much does he pay for someone to do drugs with him? I’ll step up.


And all just so he can do a 420 blaz it joke


Totally sustainable


This must be where all those good ideas are coming from


Prolly discrediting disinformation, he's is a big problem for a lot of people that actually do have substance problems that are not happy with the knowledge of the public sphere aviostly


Concerning, especially since he's a government contractor.


Is that a big institutional share holder lawsuit I hear off in the distance?


Free drugs?  And you guys are complaining?  Geezus man. 


If drugs aren't detected in his system then he is probably just doing psychedelics. Pretty common for silicon valley folk. Years before this article came out it was pretty obvious he was trippin. His ideas are out there but he seems to pull through and make it happen. I think his use of psychedelics is a double edge sword. On one hand it can be very productive on the other he's gonna shoot down norms and not answer to others.


So that’s how they came up with the cybertruck


What are you? In junior high school? No adult will make you do anything you do not want to do except your job. Watched that WSJ RAT REPORTER all excited about telling everyone about it. You heard second hand from someone. You did not see him use anything. He did not inhale on the Joe Rogan podcast. I watched it twice. This genius is creating exciting, save the planet vehicles, building rockets and humans replacements. He is like Uber genius that has a hard time around normal iQ people. Who cares if he is on meds for mental health. The ketamine is prescribed. Mushrooms are legal in some states anyway. All the government problems and stealing going on in stores, her biggest article will be Elon Musk uses drugs, I heard. Sorry dont mean to rant but that just passes me off. Send her to the Enquirer. Pos CNBC RAT