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2,000,000 pre-orders they assure me.


Yeah, so they collected $200,000,000 in deposits… you would think with all of that money to spend on research and development they could have actually delivered a decent product. Just smells like incompetency to me.


Legacy automakers budget more than a billion dollars when developing a new car that’s as simple as new bumpers and an updated powertrain, clean sheet design in todays era is likely in the $10b range to execute properly, that $200m doesn’t really affect the outcome unless the engineers are given more time to develop prototype and test. https://www.autoblog.com/2010/07/27/why-does-it-cost-so-much-for-automakers-to-develop-new-models/ Edit: lmao this comment got me perma banned from Teslamotors sub


They have a bot set up to auto-ban anyone commenting in here or r/EnoughMuskSpam. Including people defending Tesla or Musk


I mean you gotta be either a child a moron or both to support either Elon or this piece of shit “truck” so their reaction 100% checks out. Edit: I got banned from r/cybertruck seconds after posting this. Oh no what will I do now?


Praise Muskovite and order 2 cyberrusts. Maybe then they will forgive you.


They are speed running to make an echo chamber. Screw them Tesla sucks and so does musk.


Run out buy a CT and apologize?


When I got the modmail I literally replied not to contact me but obviously they keep harassing.


~~Drink verification can~~ Buy redemption truck


Waiting for my ban... I'm not a member but it might not stop them?


No, it doesn’t matter. I also got a 3 day ban for harassment (appealed but no dice) for asking if they were insecure in the ban message. Clearly a troll move on their part, 100% abusing resources Reddit should have spent on real abuse.


Free speech lovers when someone else says something they don't like:


I got a 7 day full site ban for saying you get shit behavior when certain groups or people are not allowed to be criticized so to me tracks


Well at least that should stop his cultists coming here defending him.


Nothing I've seen suggests they've told their subs it's being done this way but it's extremely obvious when we're all getting banned instantly after posting in here, from subs we've never ever been to. Already this weekend a few pro-Tesla people got caught out by it and you could tell it was making them think about things a little differently. This is going to backfire HARD on the subs


Free speech, baby! Edit: In less than a minute I was banned from /r/elonmusk and /r/cybertruck. Thanks, guys. This was comedy gold!


Insane 💀 Edit: 20 goddamn seconds and I was banned from r/elonmusk


I've got to test this.


Commenting to get banned Edit: lol


Elon is our Lord and Savior!


xD totally works


Yeah, extremely efficient aswell! Mods will probably be employed by X to ban whomever shits on Elon.


Commenting to get banned.


Wait where do I comment? Here or there?


Here, it seems that they have bots screening the comments in these subs. If you have joined then you get banned. Not sure if they can ban users who aren’t a part of the sub.


Me too, just for the fun


Report the ban message as harassment. You didn't break any rules directly on their sub, so their ban is a form of targeted harassment and intimidation.


Sounds like you’re no longer free to love the dear leader.


No I’m not, my life is ruined, what am I going to do now?! /s The worst thing is that I actually liked Elon before he went all crazy and bought twitter and started acting out. Tesla too before they decided to remove essential parts of cars. The Tesla subreddits are just going to turn into echo chambers now for those who have invested in the stock.


Damn those mods must be insecure


Echo chambers gotta echo.


FrEe sPeEcH!1!


Lemme try it out Esit: Lmao got banned from 3 subs


What would their ‘free speech absolutist’ hero think of this I wonder?




eh, i'm not that bothered, we can still view the posts. They just want to stop their members from posting about issues here and finding out hey these guys are actually friendly and helpful I didn't know so many were current/former Tesla owners - it's a reaction I've seen many times. They could try, oh, I don't know, actually allowing people to talk about issues and not immediately leaping into blaming the poster for whatever problem it is they're talking about. I don't know anywhere else Musk-related on the internet that's like this, to this extent - which makes this whole thing look even worse. We joke about Musk being a mod but this shit makes me think he could be...


LOL that’s so precious! The snowflakes need a safe space!


But Elon once said that developing new ev cars is much cheaper cause of the modularity. They could just put a new shell on an old platform etc


Chrysler tried to do that back in the day to save costs. Consumers eventually caught on that they’re buying a luxury car built on a K-car chassis.


I'd be ok with it as long as there is a difference in interior


Yeah but you’re essentially paying double for not much of an improvement.


So they didn't even put on better suspension etc?


Everybody - even Rolls Royce - build cars on a mass produced platform these days. Nobody is going to spend a few **billion** dollars R&D for a car that sells a few thousand units.


Isn’t that called “putting lipstick on a pig”?


$39,999 Cybertruck because of the simplicity in design, exoskeleton, no paint would all make it so cheap.


Probably done you a favour


Well, ICEs are much more complicated to design and build relative to an EV.


Guarantee the cyber truck cost less than $200M to develop. It’s basically an SUV with a whole mess of bells and whistles added to make headlines. “We’re gonna disrupt the truck market because you know… disruption!”


lol $200m at $100k/head/year (being very generous there) over the five years it’s taken means they only had 400 people working on it with zero leftover for tooling and prototype hardware. Each gigacast is $4m IF they got it right the first time, they’ve got at least 4x for the cybertruck, if they’re even 10% serious about producing one every minute that would be over $100m on gigacasting machinery alone. Absofuckinglutely not. Minimum $1b.


10bil is more than needed to execute IMO. The RnD would be meaningfully less for what you're describing. Some of the CAPEX on tooling/robots/dies could drive it up, but still not 10bil unless you're pretty inefficient in the spend/workforce.


>Just smells like incompetency to me. It's just another one of Elon's rip off style scams. He tricked people into paying up front for a product they never saw and then delivered a turd. It now should be clear to everyone that Elon Musk can not be trusted. Some of those people didn't even get to drive their trucks home before they broke... Is that the kind of experience that you want to pay a lot of money for? This is why executives of companies aren't suppose to run their mouths. Elon Musk looks like a clown and the problem he created is going to bankrupt his company because it's not "fixable." He is the problem... It's also too late. The problem is continuous and can not be turned off because the damage is already done.


$200 mil is extremely underfunded for vehicle r and d. You get what you pay for and Tesla r&d had paid for a fridge, so they got a fridge.


I mean, with the design that Elon committed Tesla to with the cybertruck, engineers could only polish the turd so much. It is a *hell* of a turd though!


>incompetency *well Elon has to pay off X somehow*


The fact that People that ordered in December got their car in February told me the 2 million was a complete fabrication


Well yeah. In no world is a $100 fully refundable deposit on an $80k truck a "preorder".


and now no one is getting them with this hold going on! What a lovely day for a CT buyer.


OTA pedal fix


You can almost hear the deposit money getting sucked back out of TSLA's coffers.


I would love to see statistics on how many of those pre-orders have been canceled. Since its debut and all the videos of it having critical failures pulling off the lot probably made the number look vastly different. And to the people saying it’s normal for a new platform to have problems, it’s not the issue that there are problems. Yes. New cars from established manufacturers have problems stemming from manufacturing failures all the time. Even with long running platforms. It’s the *volume* of the cybertruck issues that’s concerning.


When Mercedes launched the new SL line they flew about 40 real pre-production cars to the US and sent them to various tracks around the country along with a group of very serious engineers. You’d be given a car, take it out and drive it like you stole it and if something wasn’t perfect, or there was a rattle or noise you’d drive into the pit area and tell the engineers what you’d experienced. They’d solemnly look at you and take your car and off you’d go in another. This would go on few a full day, sometimes more, then the cars were sent to another location for more use and abuse. Thousands of miles were put on this fleet in the US and on another in Europe. Non of these cars were ever delivered to a customer. But very few reported issues have been found in these cars once they did start being delivered to customers.


My point exactly. Now, I don’t know what kind of feedback real world testing the cybertruck did (it clearly can’t be much at all) before release. I’ll just say I really haven’t heard this done at all. Tesla likes to use customers as testers and the results are very clear. They look and feel like prototypes but are being delivered to the customer as complete products. It will absolutely bite them, it already has. Again, I’m a manufacturing engineer and statistician. I’m lean six sigma black belt certified. I understand the concept of scrap, fail rates, and the idea that no matter how hard you try, a customer will receive a faulty product. My parents in fact had a Mercedes drop a valve at 50k miles. Sh*t happens. But it’s all about fail rate. It is clear the cybertruck has a higher than average fail rate, even for a new vehicle.


As someone who also is an engineer, Ive been in prototypes with better QC then the CyberDump. I also got the chance to ride in a Trabant, it was better, by alot, and thats fucking awful car. The only public beta that really worked with cars, might be the Chrysler Turbine car, but Chrysler paid for everything in that. And it was a cool looking car.


Absolutely loved that concept. Stunning and pushed engineering limits, Also, weren’t the people involved with the public beta like connected to the company somehow I thought? I could be absolutely wrong for sure but I thought it was like a friends and family thing.


They were not, a person or family could sign up to drive the car, they would pick them, sign a 1 page contract and hand them the keys. They were encouraged by Chrysler that every licensed family member drive it, including if you just got your license. And then Chrysler encouraged them to show off the car and drive It everywhere. Probably the only time that will ever happen. [Hagerty](https://youtu.be/fOIrB1fwVPc?si=2fy6LBcCeDBkZlBw) did a doc on it that goes in depth with the engineers and public beta testers. Including rebuilding Lenos, cause the engine blew up and no real documentation exists on the turbine anymore.


Love this. Thanks for the info, really cool. Added to my watch later list! Thanks again!


So you mean all the folks chiming in on Tesla subs saying “My Model Y is great!” aren’t understanding that their experience doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things?!


Some manufacturers send their car for winter testing to Levi, Finland ice tracks in extreme winter conditions. I remember Porsche Ice Experience is in that location also!


I’m hoping for an invite to this.


A few years ago I toured Wolfsburg - they explained the extremely anal QC process VW has on the Golf. If so much as a pin sized paint chip is detected, they fail it. They also explained some of the torture tests they do on them, not just before production, they will pick a car at random off the line and run it through all the torture tests to verify that it holds up and correct any issues. I imagine most if not all automakers except for Tesla do this, for example Range Rover tests ~~that it breaks down when you drive off the lot~~ that it can actually drive through deep water without leaking. Porsche does the same with the Cayenne, including making sure they go up a huge sand dune in extreme heat with the base engine, despite knowing that the target demographic will never do that. VW said they sprayed the cars with salt water for days and then let them dry, to verify the rust proofing works. On a BMW tour I went on, they put it in a chamber and measured the frequency the door made when you closed it, and then adjusted it until it sound "correct".


I’ve seen people in the other subs saying things like “how is this bad news?” “They’ve streamlined production” “they’re just reducing launch day overtime hours”. Edit: Jesus Christ. I just got permabanned from another sub with this comment.


Welcome to the club.


thanks for having me




Its automated. The BanBot works a hell o9f a lot better than FSD ever will.


The cope is real.


It’s always mind blowing to me how they will take just straight up bad news as “this is actually good, because…”.


What sub was it? Wow just for asking this question I was banned from 4 subs instantly. r/cybertruck r/teslamotors r/teslalounge r/elonmusk


Cybertruck and Teslamotors. Two at the same time.


Oh boy! I want to play! Elon Musk is both a congenital idiot and a gullible moron. Also his cars are terrible.


Just keep going to see if you get the full house lol.


Lol oh noes


I commented in another sub and was automatically banned. I have a model 3 and love it. WTF is wrong with those admins?


The whole house of cards is coming down


Making cars has always been a race to the bottom on price. It’s kind of just the way the industry works but a lot of people were convinced for a bit that Tesla had changed the equation. Tesla isn’t going anywhere but eventually it’s gonna look more like a regular car company than it does today.


Well, just like Apple - who for a while were introducing a new revolutionary device every couple of years - their have to transition from being a disruptor to being a solid manufacturer, because they otherwise won't sell enough to keep their factories busy. Apple at some point transitioned to the iPhone basically being the VW Golf (or Toyota Camry) of mobile phones. Not the cheapest, not the most innovative, but you know you're not doing anything fundamentally wrong when buying one. Thing is, with Tim Cook, Apple had just the CEO to shape that transition from exciting to... Well, somewhat boring.


Being boring but reliable is successful. Tim Apple doesn't need to buy social media websites to control a narrative when the products actually speak for themselves.


Precisely. I mean... I'm really not a fan of Apple as such for various reasons, but they mastered that transition perfectly and are still doing everything pretty much right to build on the success of the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac laptops, including of course that ecosystem, and I respect that.


Its why they are doubling down on everything else, ai, bots, etc. Unfortunately, Musk got his hands on great engineers and an incredible number of GPUs, so it might work.


Concerning. All the preorders won't convert to a wanktank purchase? Who could have known!




everyone that has/had a preorder and still didn't cancel watching this shitshow must be out of his  mind. the battery thing alone should be reason enough to cancel lol


What’s the battery thing?




So much for sleeping on the assembly line, eh?


Oh there'll be plenty of that I'm sure, Musk is a proper George Pullman. How long before Tesla, TX?


https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-texas-town-52386513 About negative one year :)


I'm surprised he didn't call it Musk tbh


He’s too humble.


The holding lots are filling up with CyberStucks and the fanboys scream “they are just waiting for the pedal update!” Whatever that is.


There appears to be a stealth recall/sales hold on CTs due to either a physical or software issue causing the pedal to behave badly. At least one owner said his truck continued to accelerate with no input causing him to hit a sign - of course everyone tore his account to shreds when he posted it.


Like the X plaids with their half shafts… should be a recall…


Must be great sharing the road with these monstrosities


In the [video](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/04/tesla-stops-cybertruck-deliveries-accelerator-pedal-may-be-to-blame/) I saw, the pedal came apart edit: I was just permabanned from the lounge subreddit within seconds of commenting this? I didn't know that was a thing lol


Get ready for automod to tell you to refrain from commenting on that last part.


I deleted the subreddit link, is that what you were thinking would flag, or merely the discussion of another subreddit?


Maybe but the bot seems to be targeting the b word specifically because I didn’t mention another sub and got scolded still.


Hmmm, no warning yet, but I'll let you know if I do


It's literally just checking user accounts. They aren't subtle.


Pedal update has a hole in the floor, Fred Flintstone style.


What the fawk are shorter shifts going to do? The CyberBrick’s problems are not assembly, they are design / engineering and rushing the thing into production while it’s still a beta. Speaking of beta, what beta behavior by the Tesla forums to auto-ban people for speaking their minds…


Production cuts. If people aren’t buying them they have to slow production down to keep inventory levels under control.


You don’t say? /s Sorry, I was choosing to act like my username and leave the easy obvious open to interpretation. Teslas are trash built on top of a decent motor and battery setup. Now that all the hype has worn off, people are choosing many other vehicles.


Damn, I never realized their shifts were 12 hours at a time. No wonder there are mistakes and QA issues. I hope they are compensated well for this at least.


They're built by Optimus bots, they do 56-hour shifts per day!


12 hour shifts aren’t out of the realm of normal in manufacturing especially for crunch time. In non-union shops I’ve worked 5 12s for months before we finally reduced back to four 10s with an optional fifth 10 for OT. The kicker here is you need proper manufacturing engineers and a quality control dept that ensures your operators can’t make mistakes, a practice called poka-yoke. Tesla probably has people on their ops playing pokemon and thought close enough.


12 hours is WAY too much, there's a reason people fought for 8 hours work, it's much healthier for the workers, they are more efficient and brain sharp and companies can have 3 shifts for 24 hours work when they need to, this 12 hour 2 shift thing is absolutely awful for the workers.


Well luckily Tesla doesn't have one of those pesky unions


I do my best work when I'm in the zone. I hate regulation that try and pigeon hole me into X numbers of hours per day/week. Usually when I'm in the zone, I want to keep working for as long as possible, which can span multiple days, weeks, or even months. Luckily I work in a environment without hard hours. 


QA needs to be really on the game, and it's just not if they are failing on the first drive


Did you work in tents like Tesla worker do?


God no and any workplace putting me up in a tent is not a workplace for me


Knowing how Elon operates, probably not lol




Fark may as well go full ford company town at this point


I’m surprised more muskies aren’t buying the cybercuck


They can’t afford it. Tesla is selling these things for above 100k currently. Most Tesla owners have leased Model Y’s or 3’s, the early adopters that bought brand new S’s are bailing out.


These people cant afford to put new tires on their base models, opting instead to trade in and keep the endless lease payments rolling.


it's so fucking ugly, i'm surprised anyone buys it at all. if i had the cash and a passionate love of Elmo, i'd get a Model S before getting that hideous low-poly junk box. ​ lol: banned in less than a minute for violating the standards of a group i didn't post in. yesss.


Teala is perfect and nothing they have ever done is bad. Plz don't ban me God bless Elon musk


So he had them working overtime? That would explain the higher rate of errors


In a proper manufacturing environment your quality control team and manufacturing engineers would ensure that you as an operator would find it more difficult to make a mistake than to install a component properly and ensure you were safe and consistent the entire time, regardless of operator awareness or fatigue. But at Tesla? Who fucking knows.


I saw a YouTube video that said the Texas factory averages a 911 call a day


Who's going to post this in the Cybertruck subreddit so they know they will have to wait a bit longer? Oh, wait


By 15 mins only


I've waited years for Musk, Tesla and the cult to get their just desserts. That includes their employees who've been willing participants. Zero sympathy from me. 


Some of employees are trapped there though


I feel like I am missing out not getting perma banned in the other subs. Seconds after I posted I was banned from two subs. They have to be using bots


This is where Tesla becomes valued like a car company and not a tech company. You can only push promises off for so long before people actually want results.


And that is not going to be pretty considering the company is laughably overvalued, slashing the ASP of all products and still selling less cars.


This means that they’ve achieved highly efficient production of the Cybertruck earlier than anticipated, likely due to increased contribution from Optimus. Highly bullish. 


I like that "full tilt" has just resulted in a bunch of CTs in parking lots not going to customers.


Yea that is what happens if an issue occurs that doesn't have a fix yet...you keep building since you have to pay the workers anyways, and store them in lots to repair once the fix is determined


This is what happens when you don’t have a quality product or a quality manufacturing process or both.


The lot hold order would be coming from its quality team.  All manufacturers do it, looks bad...but it's normally a good thing for consumers at least we get confirmation they have a quality team that has the authority to do their job


We don’t know that. It could be the legal department understanding their liability. Or it could be a material failure that we don’t yet know about too. It doesn’t have to be just one thing.


I'm guessing it's the accelerator failing


Optimus! Optimus!


Optimus paired with the finest engineering minds… via neurolunk…


This is satire right


You saw Optimus right?


The robot looking shittier than the 24y old Honda Asimo? The one that’s definitely not actually being put to use in actual production environments? Yeah, I’ve seen it. Not impressed.


Haha yes that was the giveaway to satire from OP


Can’t be too safe these days


One shall stand, and one shall fall. Do not grieve. Soon, Tesla will be one with the matrix. Till all are one.


This is the beginning of circling the drain.






The fact that Model X is a better tower due to a more aero design and not much less battery means this has been all a disaster.


Well the Cybertruck is built on a proper truck chassis so it can tow more, it’s not a unibody like the Model X, which would severely limit its payload and lowing capacity. /s


Not capacity. Range. And the bigger the weight of the payload, the more aerodynamically challenging those are. I have a 5000lbs RV and 2000lbs RV (teardrop) and a few hundred pounds utility trailer (hauling drywall, wood, and such). The 5000lbs RV is towable by both, but due to the aerodynamics, it is meaningless. I have a Model X and a BMW iX. I have towed plenty with Model X btw, with those RVs specifically. Also a utility trailer. The BMW iX have almost the size of battery of cybertruck, and I scheduled it to have tow hitch installed as I believe it can tow way farther. I am looking forward to dragging the teardrop around with that thing (unfortunately North America do not get the tow hitch option).


Yeah. This is a good thing. Continuous 12 hour shifts can't be good for the mind.


Tesla is going through hard times. Reminds me of the DeLorean. Oh well.


At least the DeLorean is an icon.


It’s like the DeLorean saga but without the cocaine… perhaps.


No coke, but there is ketamine Also, how is coke tied with delorean?


Read up on it it's quite a story


How long until they inform those same employees to not even bother coming in? Edit: Banned from r/cybertruck and r/elonmusk within seconds. How pathetic do you have to be as a mod to ban people from other subs? Edit2: Mods at r/cybertruck, r/elonmusk, r/tesla went as far as to give me a 3 day ban yesterday that was rescinded last night. Could they be anymore insecure?


They do love their echo chambers and circle jerks. It really is a cult with Tesla and Elon. What’s the saying? Something like “if you think something or someone can do no wrong, you’re in a cult”. I understand being blinded by fan hood of someone or something, as that’s what everyone does sometimes. But to never see things objectively? That’s a problem.


There are a couple liberal subs who have bots scouring Reddit for posts in conservative subs. Make just one post on the conservative sub and the bot will ban you on the liberal sub.


3x8h is much better than that 2x12h bullshit 


Amazing how they are able to meet that demand for 2+ million orders on short shifts.  This is a really well-run company. 


The wheels are coming off at Tesla, literally and figuratively.


Wow. Demand issues already. Who’d have guessed it? Oh that’s right. Everyone with eyes and a brain.


This looks like the pedal issue: https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/nationwide-hold-on-all-cybertruck-deliveries-accelerator-issue-possible.14595/post-284385


If I were a gambling man, I'd bet that the entire line is cancelled within the year. Newly launched product, huge amount of pending orders, and you're cutting shifts? That's not a good sign. Any other product, that'd be the death knell right there. LOL, autobanned from /r/elonmusk and /r/teslamotors for this.


So I left two comments about general manufacturing practices on this thread and got banned from /r/Teslamotors and /r/cybertruck… what the fuck?? Not that I would ever consider buying these absolute dumpster fire of a vehicle but do the mods really feel it necessary to ban people who didn’t even participate in your subreddit because you don’t entirely lick the boots? It said I broke rules but I didn’t even post in their subreddit so how can a post outside of their “jurisdiction” break their rules?


Yup, as we say in the south “a kicked dog will holler” The shine is rapidly coming off the brand and there are a lot of people who latched onto Tesla as a serious part of their identity. It’s pretty freaking sad.


The bans are automatic if you post here. Everyone who posts here will be banned and will be spammed by up to 5 subreddits informing you of such. You can appeal the bans and if your post history has proper good-think you might be unbanned. But you must also promise to never post here again.


For people that bang on about free speech, they really don't like free speech..


Anyone know how many they need to make to make it profitable


This is what infinite demand looks like. Anyone saying otherwise had been infected with communist woke mind virus


Who Would have thought that free speech could ruin a company or even a country. Free speech - baby!


But I thought demand was 2 bazillion units - enough to run for 20 million years.


Luiz  , Matthew,  Emmanuel , Jeremiah if you're seeing this let me know if ur still working at the gigafactory this is Carlos and I done just got layed the fuck off ayooo


Now is a great time to join United Auto Workers trade union, if you havnt already. The way Tesla, Felon treats workers is insane.


It's less of a Gigafactory and more of a Kilofactory now