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According to the mods in that other sub, the drivers are purposefully curbing their cars to tarnish FSDs reputation.


Yes, someone is gonna damage their 50K car to make a Reddit post.


Well with deprecation they aren’t worth north of $30k…


It's an appreciating asset, come on now...:)


They are buying 100k ct to make posts.


Good god, what stupid fucking thing to think. FSD does so much to make self bad, and it makes so much more money simping for Elon. It’s like they have no awareness of the influencer ecosystem.


Which explains why Teslas have such a thriving aftermarket wheel cover industry….


It’s half of the Reddit adds I see


For real tho.


I had not thought of that.. good point


The Muskcuck is strong with this one.....


That makes sense. Sounds cheap too.


It's a cult at this point.


Oh damn. Guess the other sub mods will have to start sending the optimus bot to hunt down all these posters now. Good thing optimus will probably just trip on all the curbs so we are safe.


The good news is that it takes three people to hold up Optimus to keep it from falling over.




I’m not surprised OpenPilot did that. It’s very impressive for what it is, but still just an ADAS at the end of the day. It is only as good as the sensor suite it taps into. Unless the car has sensors designed to prevent it happening, ie LIDAR to accurately register the curb and measure the distance, it can only work with what it has. Tesla included.


>but still just an ADAS at the end of the day So is FSD. At least according to Tesla's government filings.


Indeed. Unlike Tesla, Comma AI have always been crystal clear upfront about its capabilities and have never oversold it.


Tesla very clear with California regulators that’s it’s just fancy drivers assist and never will be self driving.


It’s a far cry from [what they were selling](https://web.archive.org/web/20161020062540/http://tesla.com/autopilot/) 8 years ago (check the bottom). It’s amazing the farce has gone on this long.


you don't hear that much about Waymo vehicles crashing though. I'm not saying they are perfect, but they seem to be a level above everyone else.


There is a big difference in approach though - they use super detailed maps to achieve that. Teslas approach is far more scalable, if they ever manage to work out all the issues.


Not necessarily. If anybody can map the entire world, even super detailed maps, it's Google. Waymo can scale fine. Edit: this comment got me banned from 4 different Tesla subs lol good lord


Mine too, didn't lick enough boots I guess


And Google does their own mapping while Tesla uses customer cars to do it.


Of course, this means that the moment some workers dig a hole in the road, it'll fill with Waymo cars..


Of course no Tesla has ever gotten confused about road work. Or parked cars. Or the moon.


yes, but one approach works now, and works well. they are starting service throughout Los Angeles this month, a county of 10 million people. Meanwhile, Tesla has been promising FSD will work soon for over a decade.


I mean sure, but there are only 10m people in LA. I am not in LA. Incant use xpengs map based self driving either, because I am not in china either. Meanwhile I can go out and buy/rent a Tesla with "self driving" tomorrow and it's going to work quite a bit better than my comma. Google has been working on their self driving for much longer than tesla and it's still much farther from benefitting me in any way.


They’ll probably be deployed to most major US metro areas by the end of the decade. Meanwhile Tesla will keep telling you FSD will work any day now. But the reality is it will never work the way they say it will with the hardware they have.


I am not in the US and I am not in a major metro area. The chance of me getting access to waymo in the next 20 years is not great, but it's there. I can access comma and Tesla L2 today. Both are pretty amazing. You just gotta look at what they are and not the marketing.


Last time I checked FSD isn’t legal yet in Europe, UK and Australia. It should be this year maybe ? If I recall it’s possible in Norway but you need some kind of permit


Yep, just enhanced autopilot which is closer to what comma does. I don't believe there is a legal issue with the full FSD package in Norway - it's just a better version of cruise control and lane following, so I don't see why it would be.


I’d pay $100k for that. Edit: and apparently now I’m banned from r/teslamotors?


You have wrong-think, so you are unworthy of their big-brain club.


They have a bot that bans anyone that comments here due to it "violating" their "health and safety". Mostly a mod having a power trip which the rest are just going along with.


Can’t Reddit do anything about it?


Nope. Technically not against any rules as far as I'm aware.


It's not just Tesla other subs that have the same mods running multiple subs will ban you across all of them. Kinda scummy reddit allows this but the. Again reddit mods do have a reputation.


I commented on a post in another thread not even related to Tesla and I got banned immediately from teslalounge and teslamotors lol.


Btw ironically I just received a ban from teslamotors for saying something positive. So fuck tesla regardless of v12. Haha


Well you see you dared to interact with the untouchables so you are also now cursed. 😆


Yeah I told them to fuck off and I wasnt interested in being part of an echo chamber anyway. Just ironic given I actually was being complementary of tesla with my post. But I guess thats the difference btwn me as a regular tesla owner and the kool aid drinkers.


And that’s the thing that I find so weird about it, they have basically cut out most of the activity for their subreddit. And a lot of people get recommended this sub and others just for showing interest in Tesla and related enterprises. They say they want to ensure the health of their community but it seems like they want to kill it if it isn’t in their image.


Id go a step further. So I mean at this point idgaf what happens to Tesla. I have one, its been a decent car for me, but at this point there are better choices for an EV. What I DO care about is the long term viability of EVs. And tesla producing a subpar product hurts that goal. So the best thing that could happen for tesla and evs in general is to take the criticism to heart, fix the issues, and voila- tesla improves their sales figures and reputation, and EVs dont have a black eye due to their market share leader. But nope, instead lets bury our heads in the sand and pretend tesla vehicles are perfect, and refuse to hear, acknowledge or consider any relevant criticism. And instead, keep producing a vehicle that has obvious, fixable flaws.


I just got banned from 4 Tesla subs simultaneously lol


Insideevs.com just got banned


1. This never happened. They’re all lying. 2. It’s the drivers’ fault for idiotically believing that “full self driving” means the car fully drives itself. 3. No other brand of cars drives itself into curbs as well as the Tesla does. 4. Why do you hate free speech? 5. I think you’re a pedo guy.


Someone ought to introduce these people to Occam’s Razor. On second thought, they probably shouldn’t be trusted with sharp objects without supervision.


Can we now trust this when there is more than 1 who has posted same thing? This only tells us that camera placement is not good or there is not enough cameras to see surrounding.


I think there could be many different reasons but either way Tesla is selling a product they are calling full self driving with out it being ready using the users that pay for it as guinea pigs. If this isn't the biggest class action lawsuit in waiting I don't know what is.


FSD = Full Self Damaging


Think of it, the damn cameras can’t see the curb, can they


It seems like removing lidar was a bad idea, Elon


Tesla never lidar. Not even close


My bad. Ultrasonic radar. I remembered something about Musk having those sensors disabled or removed from vehicles being brought in for unrelated service because he wanted full self driving to operate mainly off of cameras using visible light, but I didn’t recall what kind of sensors they were.


yeah that was just radar


According to the cultist mods in other four heavily censored subs, this is clearly FUD and should never be allowed to be posted. This is completely normal, after all, it is their dear leader who is a free speech absolutist.


"any criticism is FUD" is their go to in pretty much every situation.


I've never seen a Tesla that didn't have curbed wheels. 


I get ads on Reddit for Tesla wheel covers. Never heard of getting covers for non-steel wheels. Must be a Tesla thing.


I’ve had mine for 30 months and the wheels are spotless.


Bullish for service revenues this quarter. Mark my words: Q2 service revenue will be insane!!!


Getting rid of the USS leads to this. The vehicles without USS can’t detect curbs accurately enough to keep safely away.


There is no such thing as a full self driving tesla.


Inside EV’s? Get that ass banned! - Low Tier God If you keep talking about Tesla, we’re just gonna ban you for 24 hours. - Wingsofredemption Anyone talking bad about Tesla, expect the ban hammer lol.


Isn’t there someplace to complain to reddit management about those mods or even outside reddit since they are now a public company.


Some dude called it out as harassment, because he was banned from a sub he never uses and the msg just spammed his inbox. Maybe that’s it?


Be wary wary quiet… Don’t want to upset the dick riders


Muskcucks are the world's biggest snowflakes


Quiet, you are going to get us all permabaned. /s


Bad drivers confirming their shitty driving skills by letting Full Shit Driving crash it for them.


Neural Networks testing physical limits, everything is working as designed.


That can't be true. Elon says FSD is worth 100k


Here's the solution! [https://www.reddit.com/user/Teslaunch/comments/1c22tl9/the\_most\_effective\_wheel\_rim\_protector\_for\_tesla/?p=1&impressionid=4329140128430905798?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/Teslaunch/comments/1c22tl9/the_most_effective_wheel_rim_protector_for_tesla/?p=1&impressionid=4329140128430905798?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I've created a dedicated sub for that! https://www.reddit.com/r/CurbStumpers/


They learned from the drivers ...


But the robotaxi is coming in 4 months 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


They know, they always listen


When it vers its , getting musked


Visually impaired autonomous cars on public roads




Full self crashing! Either that or it’s a conspiracy to sell more tires and wheel refinishing kits 


What a shame. Vapourware manifest.


According to Elmo this is unbeatable technology that will power humanity to travel the stars.


Good thing they’re not an “ai compan—“ oh no! Can’t wait to see that robotaxi in a few months!


Someone is going to figure out true FSD eventually. Maybe Tesla, maybe not. But it's gonna happen. But it won't happen unless someone pushes the boundaries. That's just how technology works. I'm sure when elevators became automatic there were some accidents along the way. Now we get on an elevator without giving it a second thought.


I have been plenty critical of tesla despite owning one… However, I did receive the 30 day free trial of FSD and its honestly pretty amazing with the new software version now out (v12 or whatever). Just for the hell of it ive been using fsd the entire way to work and back. Zero disengagements so far and nothibg close to hitting a curb. Ive even let it parallel park me at work nearly everyday. So take that for what its worth. But they made some huge strides toward true autonomous drivinf in the latest software iteration. A good thing for all of us too. Eventually getting to autonomous driving, whichever company gets us there, will be huge. Humans suck at driving and tons of needless death and injury every year as a result. So for what they’ve done in the self driving arena lately deserves applause not criticism. Dont just blindly hate, there are plenty of legitimate criticism to levy at them…


It's a shame that it seems so wildly inconsistent. The gist I've heard is that it seems okay for what it is, and people either seem to have terrifying or acceptable experiences.


I think the % of this is minuscule. Not acceptable how much ever small the % is. But all the people I know who own a Tesla got a free demo last month and have been having best time with it. No issues highlighted so far. So yeah, when we see news like this, it’s better to take them with a grain of salt as they could just be outliers, which will soon be fixed with the amount of data coming in. If Tesla is 10% of its way to real FSD, other manufacturers are probably at less than 1%.


>If Tesla is 10% of its way to real FSD, other manufacturers are probably at less than 1%. I'll take features I can trust over ones I can't. Kudos to Tesla for trying new things, but maybe get auto windshield wipers working right before trying to have the car drive itself. Also, Teslas lack some useful safety features, so in that sense they're behind other manufacturers. Like not having a front bumper camera, which hampers the camera-only approach. And not having rear cross-traffic alerts, because they took out all their sensors. And so on. They might be 10% of the way to something interesting, but that something may not be what's really needed.


But that 10% does the 99% of the driving for you. Yes that 1% interference is still annoying and the need for monitoring defeats the purpose of “self” driving… but long journeys and driving in the city can be incredible relaxing if all you have to do is monitor for when to interfere, once you get used to it.


>But that 10% does the 99% of the driving for you. Debatable, especially if you have to be vigilant 100% of the time anyway. The issues we keep seeing after all these years of development suggest that people aren't good at intervening fast enough when the car makes a mistake, which is a known problem with partial self-driving technology.


You're suppose to supervise, dorks. When I let my son start playing sports you think I let him leave the house for 3 hours all by himself? no I go and sit with the parents or coaches and we communicate. Y'all are insane for letting a computer drive you anywhere.


Well then call it driver assist not FULL SELF DRIVING


It is capable of full self driving with supervision. It says so before you even use this feature you have to ACKNOWLEDGE this information. Read the whole script.


So it’s not full self driving then…


the car makes less errors than humans.


Just not around emergency vehicles with flashing lights


Or rain, fog, curbs, parallel vehicles, etc. Just a couple things!


Other than that it’s stellar