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Is that even legal in America?


Well, in a country where there are no laws preventing the Cybertruck to be street legal, I guess you might as well attach blades and spikes to your wheels.


I actually meant the truck, but yeah, the spikes also look kind of fishy.


Plausible owner explanation: "This is needed to safeguard the structural integrity of the wheels, as they otherwise might desintegrate spontenously"


cybertruck does abide by legal standards. putting something the romans devised to defend chariots from infantry on your truck is probably not


Very good question. In many states, its illegal for the tire to protrude past the fenders - because they could fling rocks high up in the air. I'm not sure how those spikes would be handled. Another aspect is the overall vehicle width - most states max out at 102", so with a 78" Cybertruck, if those spikes are more than 12", its technically illegal. There's an entire genre of these types of modifications in the US - trucks slammed to a millimeter off the pavement, hydraulics spinning truck beds around, etc. Generally they don't get ticketed for this stuff and most people just roll their eyes at it. Now 99.99999% of people who do this type of stuff will hit a curb and bend their rims. So I'm quite confident these will break of in around a week.


Boudica spikes are legal in Texas, it might be the only 'civilized' place left on the planet to allow something so stupid and dangerous though.


If the shareholders allow Tesla to domicile in Texas this is exactly what the future of the company looks like


Goes good with Musk's backwards cowboy hat


How is that allowed on the road? It has to be illegal, right?


Well there's nowhere else for it to go because the cyber truck can only handle smooth roads. I've seen rougher forest roads and gravel roads than all of the "off-road" videos people put out with that heap


Let's chat for minute about why Elon insisted on calling this pile of crap a 'truck'. Trucks in 'Murica are driven by salt of the earth working class people with dirt under their fingernails, and thus have special rules and dispensation from the government to ignore things that cars must abide by - fuel consumption (which obviously doesn't apply here) and most importantly safety features to protect the driver and passengers. By calling this pile of crap a 'truck', Elon was able to bypass installing expensive items mandated by car safety regulations that protect his buyers that he doesn't give a shit about. I'll note that in the EU, he has been informed in no uncertain terms that the piece of shit is in fact a car, and thus is not certifiable as roadworthy since it's safety features are, ahem, lacking. He has no intention as of now to fix the many things that need fixing to allow for EU sales, and so he has no EU sales. I always find it amusing that the 'Murican government looks out for the safety and income of manufacturers while the commie socialists in the EU care far more about their citizens not fucking dying due to a lack of safety features on cars and everything else. There's a reason American life expectancy is slipping below that of some really poor non-industrialized countries - 'Murica's governmental regulatory bodies are owned by the corporations they 'regulate' who are only interested in profits.


"I like that everything is straight and sharp on the cybertruck. Only the wheels are round." "Hold my beer"




Those are swanga rims (aka elbows or Texas wire wheels) that are common in Houston slab (slow, low, and bangin’) car culture.




Saw this on an episode of "Idiots in Cars" #238, starting at the 8:06 mark here: https://youtu.be/AFPGGr_8fQw?si=hJ6Fx7EbBPsrcc1z&t=486


That will teach those pesky raindrops that make the Incel Camino rust.


If he clips the wrong person's car in Houston, he'll find out quickly that the CT isn't actually bullet-proof.


I 45 between Tidwell and Parker… to be specific


Never thought I’d see a production vehicle uglier than a Pontic Aztec


I wish I came across this on the highway. I’d drive right into those and then call my attorney.


Thought I'd never see the day -- the H-Town cycle is complete.