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So...um...when will there be any kind of consequences? This isn't the first time.


What? Consequences? We don't want captains of industry to be dissuaded from doing crime! /


Never? America is a judicial oligarcy where the rich have no consequences for their actions.


Exactly, this guys has been doing this for many years, and I literally can prove it if necessary later on the process of the investigation. But as far I am concerned, he has been deceiving people, taking money from everybody, including his employees and so much more…


No more tax dollars to this lying immigrant. He wasn’t even honest on his immigration paperwork and now he gets to lie his way right to the top of the money pile. Fuck you, Elmo!


Something not covered here is that SpaceX is a major asset to the US space program and DoD. The people signing off and helping SpaceX avoid issues are not working at SpaceX but the Gov itself.


The US needs SpaceX. We can’t get anything to space on NASA rockets. Blue origin and other upcoming companies are so far behind. There isn’t any other company as reliable or cost effective as SpaceX.


Here's the thing, lots of people don't mind not getting stuff into space if the alternative means enabling an environment-destroying asshole.


You forgot political asshole who makes crappy cars


Cost effective means subsidized by the government to undercut competitors. They do seem to have energized the space industry though. Not clear how that’s helpful to solve any of humanity’s problems but it helps with escapism fantasies.


>it helps with escapism fantasies. It's another figure at the altar of technoevangelism.




Blue Origin has a reusable rocket and is not far behind. If SpaceX dies everything will be fine.


Blue origin has a design for a rocket but has literally never put a single object into orbit themselves. Edit: I didn’t realize this was “real Tesla” so we’re going to ignore some really important facts because Elmo bad. I get it, trust me, but there really is only one organization to ever even come close to the launch cadence that spacex has, and it was the Soviet Union in their prime. (And spacex still wins hand over fist) Anyone saying rocket lab, ULA, blue origin, or any other launch provider is “getting close” is living a naive fantasy.


Considering Spacex is the only company certified to fly astronauts to the International space station from US soil I wouldn’t say everything would be fine. If spacex does die we would have to Rely solely on Russia to man the US side of the International space station.


We'll be fine. The last launch to the ISS from Russia was September 15, 2023--less than a year ago. Don't forget that Boeing also has a crew capsule that's human rated. All of the media speculation about Boeing's capsule is overblown because the Astronauts used it as a life raft in an emergency a week or two ago--it's fine. Finally, dozens of companies (not just Blue Origin, but Sierra Space for example) have capsules in the works. Again, we'll be fine.


Spacex has launched 35 governments astronauts to the ISS since being certified in November 2020. Not just US astronauts this is also including Russia astronauts. Boeing does but it’s not certified yet this is a Demo test at the ISS currently. NASA has also purchased more crew launches from Spacex so NASA is not really alined/supporting of your argument.


To date... You forgot that part.


You’re assuming the other option currently in space doesn’t make it back down


It will be a while before Boeing is certified for human flight. Even after the human demo flight for spacex they weren’t approved until November 2020 launched in May 2020. Spacex has been certified since then. NASA has also been transferring astronauts from Boeing over to Spacex because Boeing is so far behind on certification.


Let's just ignore the other dozens of space companies then because SpaceX is clearly the only way to ~~put money in Daddy Elon's pocket~~ get to space.


Just goes to show you have no idea what you’re talking about. Boeings awarded contract was worth more than Spacex. Spacex- 2.6B. Boeing- 4.2B.


SpaceX is funded by the richest human on the planet, bud.




I love how everyone forgets about the Saudis, who Enron owes money to, by the way! lol


Hey man, if you don’t know anything about space or cost plus contracting then why are you making so many comments about it? The cost per launch is drastically lower from spacex and you’re saying that’s being… reverse subsidized internally to hide the true figures..? What a dumb comment


Remind me how many have they have sent to the international space station. Aren't they also the folks who have the contact to remove the ISS from space making that a moot subject? Please explain!


lol what that’s like saying because USA left part of the moon lander on the Moon as trash they never went there.


Not true at all. BO hasn’t even made it to orbit yet. Let alone have a program that is suitable for taking humans to the ISS.


Let's just ignore the other dozens of space companies, like Sierra Space or Rocket Lab as well, because we know SpaceX is the one and only solution.


List the ones with the proven launch capability matching SpaceX. Then point to the ones with the proven launch *capacity* of SpaceX. Musk is an insufferable, bigoted fuck-wit. SpaceX has people whose job is *literally* to keep Musk away from important decisions, and let him think the engineering decisions were his idea.


SpaceX is not the only way. It's not hard.


Your inability to list any actual functional alternatives is noted.


Right now? None. I'm the future? At least a handful.


So, in point of fact (and contrary to what you just claimed), SpaceX *is* the only one, and none of the others you initially put forth as alternatives can do what you claim they should be used for. Ok. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Hmmm…. He doesn’t seem to like the fact that reality disagrees with his claims, and has blocked me in response. Oh, well.


Who cares? They had deadlines and contracts, they didn't deliver. Cut all subsidies and take away their special privileges. Who gives a crap about a rocket, they had to be on the moon right now and planning Mars missions.


Fucking cult and it is wild.


Who do you think design and build the rockets at SpaceX? Former NASA employees. It’s not that NASA doesn’t have the capability, it’s that our government doesn’t want to fund NASA properly and would rather “stimulate the private sector”.


Contrary to popular belief, NASA has never been in the business of launch vehicle design and manufacturing. Launchers have always been contracted out to private enterprise under NASA oversight. The difference now is that SpaceX operates with less NASA oversight than previous contractors. Note that NASA was heavily involved in the development of Falcon 9, Dragon and Crew Dragon, so there really is no change when it comes to SpaceX' functional projects. HLS is demonstrating what happens when SpaceX is left to their own devices.


You’re right, I oversimplified. NASA doesn’t “construct” launch vehicles, but they do most definitely research, engineer, and test components that are then awarded out as contracts for construction.


Cost isn’t that big of a deal unless you’re constantly launching thousands of your own satellites that could be better served by a much smaller constellation.


That’s only because SpaceX have leeched away the government money that should have gone to NASA. They did this by lying about costs and failing to deliver; they claimed that each launch would cost $2 million, with a massive cargo payload and that by 2024, they would have landed on the moon. As of now, the moon program has been cancelled, the vehicle intended for the moon will never be certified for humans because of fundamental, unsolvable safety issues, payload is now a third of what was initially claimed (but no payload has ever made it to even low earth orbit) and the launch cost is orders of magnitude more. On top of that, SpaceX have jest been awarded $843 million to de orbit the ISS… based on past promises and deliveries, this will not go according to plan and it will cost more and bits of the ISS will make it down to the surface… I mean, what could possibly go wrong?!


Stop publicly embarrassing yourself 


Federalization, then. Ditch the clown and keep the tent.


We keep putting our eggs in this assholes basket too


# "Elon Musk's SpaceX Used Trickery" This seems so out of character for Elon.


I’m shocked I tell you shocked


Will look into it.






Is "trickery" the new, hip way of saying "fraud?"




Why is it this stuff always comes out after the fact? The facility is built, and running. It's not going to be shut down. If there is any sort of fine it'll be a drop in the bucket compared to the earnings it has brought in. There really isn't a way to stop this kind of thing during the fact? I guess fraud is hard to discover during the fraud.


Because successful trickery, pretty much by definition, isn’t discovered until after the fact?


Are you joking? He’s a billionaire, if he was just a jobless guy who owes 1k of tax they’d come and take his property and charge him multiples more for it. But since he is a billionaire they will give him more billions in grants, that’s how world works today


Anyone that has been to that coast knew it was a delicate ecosystem. Shame on TX for allowing Elmo to destroy one of the last untouched coasts where birds, crabs and reptiles called home and breed.


Now Elon calls it a rocket factory and breeds


I totally agree with that, I guess always greed and be ahead of everybody is always a fact.. They don’t have to really investigate or anything before they accept somebody moving a corporation whatever here in the state of Texas; there is the answer there are no regulations for that! And that is taking place right now..


I'm convinced Elon used trickery to become a citizen.


Maybe, however the immigration laws and procedures have enough flexibility built in, that most people who ultimately qualify for some visa, will get it approved even if there are few technical issues along the way. At least that’s my experience of how that system works.


Starship will never carry passengers.


Especially if you define "me" as a passenger.


It will. Completely delusional take. It won't be carrying commercial passengers but it will definitely be carrying astronauts. Even NASA signed a contract for it already FFS


Wait. A thin skinned billionaire is actually just a fraud? I’m seeing a pattern but please let it be prosecuted because the pattern also dictates that the billionaire gets away with it.


Shocked Pikachu face...


Nooo? How's that possible. A serial liar is caught cheating?


This man and SpaceX is so intertwined within the national security and military - Industrial complex, along with reliable and continued access to space, global communications and with the current successes of the starship test flights also affecting future military logistics, SpaceX is going to get away with this and so many more violations it might have already committed or will commit in the future. The best place to stop/avoid them will be to enforce studies and affecting studies before they're permitted to build/launch. National Security and Military applications of their technology will ALWAYS ALWAYS trump environmental disasters and their lying and cheating.


Trickery, you say?


What a piece of shit


How is this related to Tesla ?


It is related because is the same guy that owns space X , Neuralink , Tesla; and he is in default with all of them; that is how related it is!!


/s everything is related to everything else because we are all in the same universe ! But seriously, there are other subs dedicated to these topics. BANNED


ahh the subtle yet beguiling trickery of the multibillionaire set, vox DEI, err MEI y’all 🤠


Trickery my foot, they were legitimately planning to use Boca Chica for Falcon 9 for a few years, but eventually their plans shifted away from Falcon 9 to ITS/BFR/Starship. That isn’t trickery, it’s a change of plans, and this propaganda piece of nonsense is misleading its readers on a grand scale. Also, those birds and everything else of any consequence there, are not endemic to the acres surrounding the launch pad - so what if a few of them are disturbed. You can’t do anything without breaking a few eggs (and yeah that is a pun), and despite what the readers of this article may think, the advancement of the state of the art of rocket technology is worth these broken eggs.


Not a Tesla article. Or does all Elon Bad articles go here?


So the Genius Elon fooled those clever government employees. Well done Elon showing yet more govt incompetence.

