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I really hope for dwarves


yes I would very much like to see the Kharadron added, I’d just hope their ships don’t look too goofy getting into melee combat with sword people


That’s a good point about melee. I guess the easiest way would be first the ship rams into a group sending some flying and then it could start blasting out that poison gas from the TT upgrade rules so it could “fight” by just rocking back and forward pumping out clouds and some crewmen poking down with sky-pikes. That’d look a bit more decent than the janky stop-and-ram the steam tank does in TWW for it’s melee.


I suppose that could work


Deepkin for sure just to see some of those models animated


Yee, plus they, as a faction, are just awesome


i hope for seraphon :)


as much as I’d love my Dino Bois to get in I personally don’t see them getting in for a long time, hope I’m wrong though


with 4 factions at launch idk if they will make the cut but hope devs support it for a long time...


oh yeah I have faith this game will get creator love for a good while


Have they confirmed they're even adding dlc factions? If so, I would hope for some kind of balance for factions, where storncast eternals can be tanky, add an order faction that is horsey to compare it to, maybe fyreslayers or daughters of khaine? Add some ossiarch bonereapers to compare to the nighthaunts super ethereal vibes.


they kinda teased that they will at gamescom, and let’s be real unless this game utterly bombs, which it won’t, they’ll have dlc horsey? like cavalry heavy? if so I’d say there are few better Order options than the Deepkin


Sick, I could also see them adding soulblight gravelords, khorne, and maybe bone splittaz as well just cause then there'd be some real variety between the grand alliance factions


maybe not the Soulblights or Bonesplittaz for a while, I’d imagine they’ll prioritize factions fully or mostly fully new to AoS factions, well, as much as they can anyway, they don’t have that luxury with Chaos


I'd love to see Ossiarch Bonerippers and Idoneth Deepkin. The Idoneth seems to be one of the most interesting races to see animated in the game. The devs seem to be doing a good job on this department. Although, i am a litte bit concerned abou the DLC model they are going to adopt. The two DLC included in the deluxe edition seems to be about units/heroes. I hope there are a big DLCs with new races and constant improvements to the conquest mode.


I wonder how they would go about incorporating the Ethersea, would they have all the maps a bit changed whenever Deepkin are in the battle? well yeah it makes sense that at least to start they’d focus on expanding on the starting factions


super excited about this game but not really excited by factions except for Tzeentch. I hope they add more chaos factions (especially slaves to darkness and blades of khorne). Also sylvaneth and soul blight would be cool. Hopefully they add Beastmen but as AI on the map that attack and kill anything.


they have a lot of options for cool future factions


Lumineth Realm Lords, Sylvaneth, and Slaves to Darkness are the factions I look forward to playing the most!




Well they just announced the first dlc hero pack and it’s only for the factions already in game…


well yeah they already confirmed it would be, but what’s in it?


Well I was hoping they were different heroes from new factions but the two they announced are Yndrasta the celestial spear and Mouth of Mork Gob-something


oh I thought when they said new heroes I didn’t think they meant names characters, damn I was hoping the Kruleboyz one was gonna be Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker, oh well


Wish you had kept it open. Personally my wishlist would be Gloomspite Gitz followed by Maggotkin of Nurgle. From your list though, Kharadron Overlords, even though I’m not sure they would really work in this game with their huge ships.


I had it open as long as it would allow me, and I’m sure for their ships I think the developers would take some inspiration from the Total Warhammer games on how they make vehicles work


1. Skaven 2. Gloomspite Gitz 3. Slaanesh Im quite excited for the game but the biggest worry for me are the 4 starting factions. To be honest I don't like any of them as it stands so the only reason I'd get the game is to just support the devs in hopes of having a faction I could enjoy.


yes I wasn’t too big on any of the starting factions either but they’ve started growing on me


Reopen so I can vote for Ironjawz lol


how do I do that?


It was more of a joke, I believe once it's closed you can't reopen it.


oh, damn


Necrons!.... Oh wait wrong franchise