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Always when prompted.


Yes. And then I check for ReaPack updates at the same time.


Do you manually check for ReaPack updates or is there a notification somewhere that I'm missing?


I manually check. It's just become a habit after updating Reaper.


I'm relatively new to ReaPack (had to install it for ReaKontrol). How do you update this?


from the top menu / Extensions / ReaPack / Synchronize Packages




I like living on the edge


This guy edges


lol I check for the betas like every day 😬


Nothing kills the stroke of inspiration like a software update.


Entire update process is like twenty seconds, even my trash attention span is safe here


I would update immediately, if it weren't for the fact that usually I open Reaper within existing project. So when all the vsts are loaded, the last thing I want to do is close it, install an update and reopen it all again. Time is short when I get to work on music. I just download the update to my download folder and get to it in a couple days.


Write a song about it!


That’s not a bad idea


..Those are the only kind I have! 🦸‍♂️


This. I just have a script that auto updates all apps at 11 am daily.


I can’t remember the name of it off hand, but I installed an extension that turns the update prompt into a single click and restart feature. It does everything really quickly behind the scenes, which is nice.  I still only update every couple months though. 


Can you please look up the name of the extension? Much appreciated!




MVP, thank you!


This is amazing, thanks!


Can anyone confirm that this will work with a portable installation? Thanks in advance.


from the forum link: >I tested it on a Windows portable install and it seemed to work just fine.


Thanks so much!


Thanks so much!




**Extensions > ReaPack > Import a repository** and paste **https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iliaspoulakis/Reaper-Tools/master/index.xml** into box Hit **OK** Then **Extensions > ReaPack > Browse Packages** In **Filter** field type **reaper update** It should be the only thing there




If you're on a PC and kept things at their default, the folder path is C:\Users\\*[your username here]*\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\UserPlugins




It seems kind of complicated, but it's not too bad. Just follow the steps. All that you will find is pretty amazing.




Tbh, I have no clue how it works. Computer magics? I have no idea. That's Ok though. Because whoever wrote the code for this "repository" wizardry does know how it works. And so as long as they know what they're doing with the thing, it's functional, therefore, it is usable by some stoopy like myself.


See my other post for the WingetUI method, it's amazing.


Reaper Tips talks about it on his YouTube channel. 😊 Check him out!


Would love that as well please :)


As soon as prompted, honestly, the whole update process takes less than two minutes.


Usually whenever there is an update prompt, unless I'm in a hurry to to something. It takes like 3 minutes total and has never caused any issues for me.


I upgrade it when prompted. I never had any issues. It literally takes me 10 seconds just opening the site clicking download and installing. I dont see why people make such a fuss. Its not like we have to take 2 hours to update


I upgrade 2-3 times a year.


You are missing out by not having FOMO!


I have GAS, that's bad enough! So please stay away and don't also infect me with FOMO!


Every time a new version come out.


I simply could never.


I love new features and bugfixes.


The bug fixes are always these arbitrary edge-cases that next to nobody runs into. Bless Cuckos for staying ahead of even the vast majority of users. But please Cuckos can I adjust multiple send levels at once, edit multiple take envelopes at the same time, and have video items solo defeat when soloing items.


Cuckos is crazy


There's this fear that software updates will destroy your computer or your reaper projects. I mean, even large companies mess up. Reaper on the other hand, is surprisingly reliable. Updating every time means you'll know what's added, fixed, or changed in a way you'll easily absorb. I don't wnat to jump from one major version to another and read an entire bible of changelogs lol. I could never get everything in my head all at once.


Why is this so troubling to you. Like others are saying, it takes literally 60 seconds...


Whenever the update prompt comes up. Only takes a minute and then I am able to carry on with my project tabs from the previous session.


never have






As soon as updates are available I apply theme. 60 seconds for downloading and install.. never had an issue


An update takes less than a minute and offers bug fixes and new features. It's much appreciated here.


Every update. It's fairly easy with the update extension.


Never updated it, never will. It already does everything I need.


Found the Windows 7 user. lol


I also got annoyed with the almost constant updates, so I turned the check off and nowadays I upgrade once per month, give or take.


Best I could ever possibly do would be once, MAYBE twice a year max.


But why? The updates never cause any problems (for me at least) and bring improvements and fixes and take about five minutes. So yeah, I update everytime there is a new release.


Download WingetUI and leave it running in the tray, it updates everything on your system for you in the background (if you want), or notifies you. Works with Reaper. I set it to install in the background and it leaves a notification in the tray. Amazing tool, never have to search or update anything manually again... and you can find all apps in it too instead of having to search the web. [https://github.com/marticliment/WingetUI/releases/tag/3.0.2](https://github.com/marticliment/WingetUI/releases/tag/3.0.2)


If it's annoying, why haven't you switched it off? 🤔 In preferences > General, if you uncheck "Automatically check for new versions of REAPER on startup", you won't get the update notifications anymore.


I've had version 6.66 for a while now 😅


The devil's version! 😈


Me too!


Every time, except when I have an urgent recording, then the update is next day. I never feel the need to skip it, because it's only max 35 megabytes and downloading and installing is just a matter of 2 minutes. But, like I said, if I have an idea that needs to be recorded, I need to do it the same moment, without any delay, not even 30 seconds.


Every time pretty much. It takes less time to update and open a session than it ever took pro tools to just open.


I use Reaper Update Utility, so I just click "update" every time it pops up, wait 30 seconds and when it's all done it opens up Reaper again for me. Easiest and fastest update method I've ever experienced for literally any piece of software.


Once a year or so


Before it was in my distros repo practically never. I switched to Arch and it is in the repo. So daily I guess.


In my decade plus of use, never has an update hindered me in any way. I update instantly unless I'm in a rush. It takes 1 minute to do. The longest (and best) part of the process is reading the patch notes.


I treat REAPER like a web browser, always updating immediately LOL


Sure, the updates are deployed often, I even get mildly annoyed when i see the prompt again, but with such a well described changelist, such a lightweight download and installation and such a quick program to load. It's probably *the* program worth doing on every update. Now, do I often check for updates on my Reapack, though .... that's a different story, haha


Immediately, when alerted of a new version. Reaper devs aren't like most software teams. The updates never break anything.


Do you check what the update consist of before updating?


Yes, usually I do, more out of interest than concern.


That is great news, I didn’t know they had such a great dev team. Thank you!


Every time there's an update. It takes about as much time as it takes to open a session at all. This is the only program I know of that has the privilege of being more or less completely trusted to never break when a new version is released.


Depends purely on how busy I am when prompted, or how intent on my goal of the moment I am. If can't spare the cycles, I'll skip it and think nothing of it. If I can spare a few cycles, then (1) if it's been a while, I'll update, (2) if I updated recently, I'll scan the release notes and see if anything interesting is among the new stuff. > it's good Cockos is constantly keeping Reaper up to date They do more than keep it up to date, they're constantly adding new *features*, some of which will change how you use Reaper. > it do be a little annoying It's annoying to have to hit cancel on a dialog? [A dialog that you can opt out of with a mouse click?](https://i.imgur.com/M6ur8NO.png)


Every 4-6 months


I'd look at the release notes and make sure there isn't some major security update, but other than that...


I got my version as like a Christmas present and haven't upgraded it since I got it. My first daw was a cracked copy of nuendo 2 which I used for 15 years, so I have no problem using the same unaltered version of a daw for years and years.


Whenever I have enough downtime to be able to troubleshoot if something goes wrong. Which is generally never.


Barely updated to 7 this past few days. Still got 6.xx on my everyday driver laptop.


Only on major updates or if I see something in the release notes that affects me


I'm on V 6 and scared to update in case some plugins stop working (maybe I'm being silly). More importantly I feel that I under-use the product because I'm overwhelmed by the interface. So I rely on basic functions and don't think I would benefit what the update brings.


Your plugins won’t stop working! Even if you use reaper very minimally or ‘barebones’, you may still benefit from the updates because sometimes they’re QOL related, so certain things might be easier to do or certain functions might be added that you like more. I think it’s worth an upgrade! I always go back to my own theme though that’s for sure


Thanks, I'm currently working on a project but once done I might try to update. And yes first thing is to reinsta!l my theme ;)


If it works for you then great, although I had no problems with anything not working when I went to 7.


Great ! Reaper is an awesome product


I have an action that prompts me, when I start Reaper that there is a new version to install. It's quite handy, cause it let's you download and install it directly without going to the website. You even can install dev beta versions or go back some versions if needed. If you want to check it out: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=242922


Love the updates even though I don't look at all the new micro features


The less a man updates Reaper, the more I want him.


Very rarely tbh. Maybe like once every 6 months.


I upgrade like 2-3 per year, I m affraid to loose everything when i do that


If not anything else, I like updating Reaper because it feels great that it just works. :) Jokes aside, never had a problem, if anything, I skim through the update list to check if I can use anything that will help with my workflow. Imo, every update has something interesting that I can work with. In comparison: I never update Adobe or Davinci software.




I upgrade every time as soon as I end an ongoing project. I faced no problems with this approach since the day I installed Reaper for the first time.


Pretty frequently. If not immediately when the popup.... pops up..... then no more than a week after. Rarely longer. It only takes a couple minutes at most to update, but sometimes I just want to pick up my guitar and play. Rarely does an update affect that in any way, so I'm not usually bothered by putting it off for a little while.


Every single time. I never update my phone or windows machine, but I update Reaper and linux as often as possible because I know it's for my own good.


I watch TheReaperBlogs videos und the feature list, decide if I want/need them for my workflow and then choose.


me too


My DAW is not usually on the ‘net so updates are only every few weeks when I happen to connect.


I used to every version. Now I read the changes, and decide based on how much I want those changes.


Depends on the projects I am working on. Sometimes instantly, sometimes I won't update for weeks. After trying out some other DAWs I am extremely happy at how efficient and painless the process in Reaper is.


I update every time.  I use Reaper update utility (script available on the Reaper forum) for 1 click update


In between projects cos I'm not a lunatic. 


Yeah I pretty much update it whenever there is a new version.


Once a month


I use Version 4 on my studio recording PC (no internet). I just updated to version 7 on the office machine a months ago, really liking the new features.


I read the change log and if there's anything that I want or affects me, I upgrade.


With the MPL update utility, much more often than before. It installs for you and you just restart reaper, and supports installing the dev releases. I like to do it often to keep abreast of the changes because there are so many and habits die hard that sometimes I find it hard to get started using new features


It takes 2 seconds to update...


Same here. I purchased mine a year ago and still am happy with it. I am running it on MacBook 2008 OS 10.8.5 which by itself is very old but this is separate issue altogether. When and if I decide to upgrade my hardware I will definitely keep my soft up-to-date. P.S. I think mine is 6.3 or something like that.


Every time it says there is a new version. It's not like it's a pain in the butt to do. And it's not like it takes forever. Do you hold off on MS updates too?


It's in my software updates so any time I run some system updates.


I update once every two months.


Same lmao. Once every couple months


Everytime it literally takes 30 seconds


For me the updates usually drop on a day when I need to quickly setup and record. So I usually install the updates like a day or two after they drop.


Really? "CANNOT be bothered"? Your time must be really valuable! It takes less than a minute to update to the latest. When Reaper starts up, it can check for new versions. There are bug-fixes and improvements in every new release. I fail to understand the inability to keep your tools sharpened! If updating required some effort or time on the user's part, I could see your point, but when it is basically just clicking an ok or two, for a few seconds, on startup, not interrupting any workflow, I say you're just lazy.


Depends on album/project cycle. If it’s working, I’m not messing with it until there is some down time.


Only when I see a serious new feature has been added


Honestly, I stopped updating since they changed how REAEQ works. Not sure why when I'm hi passing it's now peaking at like 8db at the cut. Enough for me to go back to the old version. I don't have time to re-learn something I already knew personally, regardless of how simple it might be.


just need to save your default preset with the Q you want to start at for each band. Even the window size is saved.


I haven’t upgraded mine in like almost 2 years I stg


Usually update every time. It's very quick.


I update every time. It really doesn’t take that long


I never left v6.66




Nah, I just like having a small laugh before I start fooling around with Reaper, no need to update neither for same reason


infrequently. i use it professionally, and 99% of the time on site at an event where internet can be sketchy, and access to my cloud backups is limited. i can not afford for it to be the one reaper update that breaks connectivity somewhere. i use reaper instead of protools because i need it to work everyday. i'd say my main rig gets updated about once a year (all software, not just reaper), when i'm at home, and have proper time to test everything and fix it if something did go wrong.


I update whenever it says there is a new update, except the one time I read on here that an update was crashing computers. Then I waited a few days before I updated.


probably like once every 1-2 weeks, most of the time I take a quick glance at the changelog and see if there's anything relevant to me, if not I'll probably put it off a bit longer


Probably once per month. It takes so little time there not much reason to not, I could do it more often, I just don't.


The longest I will leave before updating (if an update has come out recently) is a couple of weeks, but I usually either update as soon as I am aware of an update, or within a few days after that.


I stopped at 6.66 \m/ ;-)


more or less everytime. I'm on Linux and updating takes like a minute at most.


Every time I use it.


I'm using Reaper 6.83. Will return to regular updates when I renew my personal use license.


You can turn off the update checks. I update almost every time. Takes about 10 seconds. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like once a year, maybe 2 years.


I'm still purposefully using 6.47 even on new devices I purposefully download that exact one


Why that one specifically?


i think that was the version i used when i initially started using it so i just stuck with it


before then i used AUDACITY to make music and i now hate everything about using audacity as a daw


Maybe once a month, sometimes even less. I usually just want to get to work. While nice, the updates usually aren't gamechangers.


Monthly at best


I use reaper on an old think pad through Linux (only way I could capture 10 wav files on that piece of shit. It's kind of a chore to update anything with Linux in my opinion. Needless to say, as much as I appreciate the constant updates, for what I use it for (Just tracking and light mixing) and for how seldom I use it, I don't update it much. Everything always works regardless.


Updating on linux is pretty easy actually. The download archive extracts with an installer script and all you have to do is run the script in a terminal. If you feel like it you can make a note of what the flags are for your selected choices (the script asks a couple of questions) and save your install command in a text file for use next time. There's also a .lua script extension you can put in your actions that will give you a one-button install, telling you about a new version, doing the download etc. I haven't tried it in linux but it's working smoothly in OS X. You can set it up so the action window will pop up automatically when you open Reaper and a new version exists.


Frequently, because I'm also trying out the pre-release features. BTW we can always use more people testing and trying to break the pre-releases.


I always download the update into a sub downloads folder I have for vsts and music apps, but then I continue in the Reaper I already opened, since it probably opened a project file automatically. Then the next time I'm in my downloads I install the new version. But I do keep updated regularly, usually within a few days of an update. I don't think I've ever had an issue in all these years of an update breaking things for me, so they have my trust.


When I hit what I think is a bug, that’s when I do an update lol


Unless I have something I want to do right away in REAPER, I always update just as a regular matter.


When Kenny shows something my version doesn't do


A few weeks ago it was having an update like every day, but since then I havent been prompted again lately


When I see something beneficial to my work flow or something cool in the update notes.


It takes like 2 seconds bruh.


Every time there's a notification ... No big deal ... A whole 2 minute pause If an update can avoid a crash, then you've already saved a bunch of time being proactive !


Usually when ReaperBlog posts a video


Every time it asks


Only when there is a reason for it. A pc upgrade, or a major feature i need, otherwise if is not broke ain't fix it


I usually put it off a few weeks