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I am actually disappointed when Mike isn't in an episode. I love the whole cast, but Mike's demented sense of humor really gets me cracking up.


You just like laughing at old people.


You're not wrong, sir.


So many things wrong with her!


Anyone remember which episode this is from? I want to rewatch


Best of the Worst: Black Spine Junka 3


The hero we need


Mike would’ve picked the Kid with the X-ray Eyes for BotW.


Mike is my spirit animal for sure, as a fellow trek fanatic. His insights are great. I’d kill for a whole show of him talking about trek seasons


Like old Trek seasons? Cause we pretty much get what you describe for the new ones!


>demented sense of humor What if I tell you he doesn't try to be funny. That constantly miserable look on his face is because nobody takes him serious.


I also enjoy having a drink or two while I watch new episodes and mike makes me feel unjudged for that as he’s usually struggling with basic sentences by the end


Yeah maybe an unpopular opinion but if Mike isn’t in the video I’m not watching it lol


Oh no no, that is literally the majority opinion lol


I usually assume he is behind the camera when he's not on screen.


I totally thought he was going to be in this most recent episode because during the intros the camera zoomed in on that Star Trek figure!! But no!


Jay leaned over at one point and there was no fart. Mike would never allow that.


Same! Jay is just picking up some of mike’s habits apparently.


I think of it more as I like when there's variety on the panels between episodes. It was easy in the older episodes when they could rotate through six different people and have various combinations on the panel. Once Jesse stopped appearing in videos and Jack started working for Escapist and appeared in a lot fewer episodes, you essentially had the core reviewing group of Mike, Jay Rich and Josh that didn't change with each episode, outside of some spotlight episodes where it was just Mike, Jay and Rich because I'm assuming Josh wasn't free on those days. Getting Tim into the fold helped with mixing up the panels but he's probably not always free either based on his appearances so you still have that same group of four in each episode. We haven't seen this combo since Spoopies and it was nice to see them again.


Yeah, this is probably the truest answer. And I mean, during COVID what else were they going to do besides use the core 3 exclusively for a while? Of course the stronger personalities might start to get a bit old for some of the audience after a stretch like that


I have an idea: Whenever Mike is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking: "Where's Mike?"


Mike also needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.


I think when there's not enough elderly people to laugh at onscreen, Mike gets up and walks the streets of Milwaukee to do it in person.


he just goes to the bathroom to laugh at his reflection in the mirror


I kinda just like all the episodes tbh


So do I :)


I feel the other way I prefer mike on BOTW I feel mike and rich balance each other out. I think jay takes the lead better on re:view. I watch of it tho it’s a fun channel no matter who’s there


Best of the worst is replacing Mike Stoklasa? Rich Evans is replacing his diabetes medicine with M&M's?


Mike is my favorite personality on the channel, but I did enjoy the new ep and find that if Mike isn't there, there is far less focus on making fun of Rich. He feels more elder statesman than punching bag. Both dynamics are enjoyable.


"Elder statesman" 👌


I like variety. It's nice when Mike is there, it's nice when he's not there. Although I do like when sometimes we get a bonus person who just shows up in the intro/viewing room.


Ok, bill shatner. We know it's you.


I just hope Mike enjoyed the week off. https://preview.redd.it/d00sjeqxt50b1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad50c8aeca155f10766ddc6189f280e85b6370c


His cheap replacement really dropped his peepers


I feel guilty for saying it because Mike has given us all so many amazing moments over the years, but you're right. And some of my favorite BOTW episodes are without Mike (Spoopies/Action USA/Alien Private Eye especially). Without Mike, Rich had a bit more freedom to spread his wings in this ep, and he did not disappoint. Also nice to see Jack back in the fold again, finally!


>Spoopies/Action USA/Alien Private Eye I guess I never really noticed he wasn't on the panel because he was in the screening room so we still got some good mike reaction shots. Ryan's Babe is a good one without him in it too.


Definitely. Jack and Rich freaking tf out during Ryan's Babe still cracks me up, and I must've seen that one 20 times now 😂


omg, Ryan's Babe. that edited montage of them all saying "wait, *what?*" over and over again is an all-timer for me.






Oof, yeah, coming back to this post to see I've been downvoted, but thanks for backing me up! I really, really do love Mike (I think the majority of the clips I've posted in here are of him), but because he is so great and takes up so much energy on the episodes he's on, it's a treat when he's absent now and again. I'd feel a whole lot differently if he was gone all the time... I actually kept up with Jack over the Escapist for a little while — content didn't keep me for long, but it was neat to see him in a different context anyways


Escapist really struggled to find a place for him and placed him in content that just didn’t work for him. That being said once they started having him be a d&d dungeon master it’s been the perfect role for him. But having him talk about gaming topics he clearly didn’t care about just didn’t work so I’m glad they pulled him off that.


If it makes you feel any better, I like to think Mike would upvote this post just to troll people for being all precious about him.


Lolol oh for sure, I'm not too worried. This community seems to be made up of a pretty odd subsection of the RLM fanbase, weirdly sycophantic sometimes (but that's okay! I love y'all anyways)


I think that everyone brings something different to the table personality-wise and I think it's great when they mix up the people who are on the panel because each of them brings out something different in the others. RLM has done a really good job of bringing on people who have really distinct but interesting personalities and senses of humor who all look at this stuff from different perspectives.


That's true, I especially love it when Freddie, Len, or Jim come on, because their quieter personalities are a nice contrast with the main guys


I'll say this: I do take some small comfort in knowing no one will fuck up the voting segment just to be a contrarian. It's led to some great moments over the decades, but as they themselves have said, his antics are getting predictable.


I love Mike, but he clearly likes to be in charge when on screen (his work made RLM so fair boss man).


Yes, exactly my thinking! Kinda part and parcel of being the lead guy


>some of my favourite classics are ones where he's gone and everyone else's personalities get to breathe and relish in a new dynamic amongst the group. I pretty much agree, I think different lineups can create different dynamics that can be fun for the audience. However, for the specific BOTW they just filmed, I kind of wish Mike had been there, if only because so much of the discussion during Slaughter Day centered around things like editing or the way older equipment worked. Because of that, Jay and Jack were basically dominating most of the conversation, while Tim and Rich kind of stepped back and didn't have much to contribute. I thought it would have been nice if Mike was there to contribute, since he's more familiar with that kind of stuff.


We might have gotten to see more from Mike's bin of VHS tapes labeled "Rich Evans Blackmail Material", too.


Oh sure, that makes sense, I haven't finished that new one yet


You know what I love best about Mike is no matter the public dynamic he and Rich present as entertainment; Mike's body language always defers to Rich. It doesn't matter if they have a celebrity on the show, his shoulders always turn toward his childhood friend. He continuously glances ( I think subconsciously) to Rich to make sure he's included and approving and to see his take on the conversation. At the same time, I can understand what you mean ,OP, as it shakes up the normal roles they take on.


When Mike is missing from a BOTW, means they’re watching shot on video garbage, and he can’t be a contrarian


I've never said to myself, "This video needs less Mike."


I have definitely said “this is entirely too much Rich Evans”


Rich Evans says that to himself every video.


Really? Sometimes he swings preeeettttty wide with his humour, though, and he is notorious for famously missing sometimes, sometimes to the detriment of the episode...


Like when? (I didn't down vote you)


You know what, I'm realizing I can only think of one instance, the elderly massaging episode — with the 10 minutes of Mike bunting at (and missing) jokes, while the other three patiently keep a bit of banter going for Mike to keep floundering upon. Admittedly super funny in concept and in retrospect, but at the time I remember feeling like it wasn't landing for me, and it just kept going, lol


Fair enough, to each their own. I am a easy audience because I love when he bombs almost as much as when he lands his wonderful 9/11 jokes.


Love the three main guys.


I like it when Mike and Jay are in all vids, otherwise it just doesn't feel right.


I think any of the videos need one of those two guys, and if any video had only Rich, they would have to play it up like it's some like behind-the-others'-backs, chaotic kind of thing. Like Gremlins


I really liked this ep. Tim is always a great addition, Jack is Jack, and once in awhile Mike not being there gives Jay and Rich some room to shine.


I've said this before to a friend, I love Mike..I love all the boys but it's just a different vibe when he's gone, they are more carefree? Hard to describe but I very much enjoy it.


It’s like the 90s Bulls when Jordan(mike) was gone and Pippen (Rich) stepped up to be the top guy


I could watch Mike filmed by Mike, edited by Mike all by himself. He's my favorite Internet personality. Rich by himself, without Mike harassing him is ok every once in a while I guess, but I don't even remember if he was wearing an embarrassing shirt.


I’ve gone on record as saying that while I love the whole cast, I really only like Josh and Tim. Great guys I’m sure and I’m still watching because what else am I supposed to do. But I can’t do much about my nonsense preferences.


josh can be a bit uptight and hates when anyone even suggest a joke at his expense


My only real complaint is that he seems overly politically correct, and always feels uncomfortable, and compelled to frown and try to negate things when they get too dark. He can sometimes suck a lot of the humour out of things as a result. Especially when the rest go off on amazing riffs, and he manages to prematurely put a halt to it with his disapproval. He's the most knowledgable about music though, and the only other who can keep up with Jay for talks about obscure horror, kitsch, and avant-garde stuff, so he occupies a valuable space.


I've never noticed this, what video are you thinking? The Shaq meat thing didn't seem like a big deal in retrospect, more like he just wanted to get the fuck out of there


when mike suggested that lem lezar might have cum on josh in his sleep


Oh, no no, he's taking a scolding tone because Mike [breaks](https://youtu.be/FT5D7rJ8TPQ?t=20m55s) the rule that you don't refer to later tapes before the discussion gets to them - Josh scolds him, Rich reassures him.


Oh I completeley forgot about THE RULES :D


Rem Lazar's coming, whether you like it or not


oh, I DO like it


I don't understand, Josh is by far the worst regular.


Exact opposite of me. I usually don’t watch if mike isn’t on a BOTW discussion (with a few exceptions)


Not related - My watching of best of the worst has really ramped up as of late. Was mostly only about HitB, re:view and would listen to commentaries when folding laundry. Enjoying BotW, not sure why I skipped for so long.


I think all three mains occupy a valuable role. Jay's the straight man (the Manhole nonwithstanding). Mike's the comedic oaf. And Rich is the fall guy. Take any one of them out, and the dynamic suffers.