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Phantom Menace Plinkett


It was top ten on r/videos back in the day


Yup, watching it in those 15 minute chunks when YouTube was but a pup. Edit: lol thinking back about this reminded me of another popular video from around the same time that I thought was the BOMB. It was the “Amazing Aliens Rap” which was a rap about the movie Aliens. Took me a minute to find it on YouTube. The original link was taken down by George Lucas’s sugar daddy. It had over 1 million views by that time, but probably had less than half that when I was watching it, but those were huge YT numbers back in 2010. Here is the OG link for those curious: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xcLTaMpRl2o%5Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxcLTaMpRl2o And for all the zoomers who missed out on the glorious geriatric days of YT, here is the active link that creator robomayhem reuploaded last year with some minor changes to subvert content flags, but the heart of the original version still beats strong: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HvMA9OyfJ4g


Same, except it was even before it was on Youtube. A lot of people assume that review came out in 2012 because that's the date on the Youtube video, but it was actually uploaded in 2009 to some other video sharing platform (I believe it was originally self-hosted on their website, but the bandwidth got too much so they found a different video host before uploading to Youtube). How did I hear of it? Well, this'll tell my age here, but... Slashdot. Yep. Not reddit. Not digg, fucking Slashdot. I watched the whole thing and holy shit it was cathartic. I'd never been able to express into words exactly what felt wrong about that movie, but goddamnit, Plinkett did it so well.


Yeah I saw it back in 2010. That’s how I found out about RLM. I just have no memory of what site I used to watch it.


Wayyyy back when my older brother showed me the phantom menace reviews. We loved them so much our whole family used to watch them at Christmas. Then like 6 or seven years later I watched a best of the worst and showed it to my brother and he realized it was the same channel. Now I watch all their stuff religiously


I bonded with my father over the prequels reviews. He was hooked by the breakdown of the wordless opening scene of the original SW. Great example of show don't tell.


Same - the Plinkett voice is hilarious and the shit he said was both funny and insightful and then gradually branched out more and more into their other content and now it’s always a must-watch when they drop a new video


Star Trek Insurrection sucks my balls


The worst parts are the ones with the kid trying to teach Data how to play.


Earth tones, people! Everyone wears earth tones!


Browns and beige!


That was my first as well!


I'm embarrassingly late to the RLM party. I only discovered them around this time last year. I got really sick for a few weeks, so being at home a lot, I started watching more movies & youtube than usual. I re-watched The Exorcist, then searched youtube for any analysis videos I could find about it. Jay and Josh's re:View popped up, and I really liked their kind of awkward humor. Then I watched the re:Views for Eraserhead, Dracula, Freddy Got Fingered, and was hooked. I thought, boy this Jay guy is kind of cute and really knows his movies! I also loved Mike's quirky sense of humor and his great chemistry with Jay. So I had to look into who are these movie review guys who sit in front of the red curtain? It was like Christmas morning when I realized they had like 600+ more videos to watch. I was like, "Holy shit, these guys have been at it a long time!" I have no idea how they eluded my algorithm for so long, but better late than never!


It would be great fun to discover them for the first time again


Out of nowhere YouTube bombarded me with short clips, the first one was Rich screaming AIDS like a maniac, I thought he was a cute diabetic sex symbol so I instantly subscribed to their channel.


I discovered them when Watchmojo mentioned them in a top ten video.


What was the list about?


Top 10 movie critics


Top 10 hack frauds, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO #1 IS.


Depending when the list was made, I'd bet money Doug Walker was on there lol


It was 2015 when they made the list


A random Best of the Worst episode showed up in my feed. I watched that one episode and then proceeded to spend the next few days watching all the rest.


I randomly stumbled across the Hackers Re:View video with Jack and Macaulay Culkin and I thought "Oh cool! Macaulay Culkin has his own Youtube channel now! That's kinda interesting". Then I watched the Warriors Re:View with Mac and Jay and though "Yeah, I could get into this channel. It seems like Mac is getting a different person on each time. I dunno who either this Jack or Jay are, but they seem alright. This is kinda cool!" Then I saw another one with Mike and Rich and thought "*who the* ***fuck*** *are these two*?? Where's Mac??" Glad I stuck around and learned the error of my ways lol


I like to think he's still there, just off camera.


He's the big spoon


That's hilarious!


I discovered them from a YMS review of Neil Breen movies.


Same here. Though I'd heard of them several times, this was the one that sent me down the rabbit hole


I was over at a friend's place and someone put on the Episode 1 Plinkett review. We were dying laughing watching it. This was also when they were just starting but I subbed to them after that and have loved what they've put out.


I was perusing the Rolling Stone article *2010's Most Beautiful Movie Critics* and wanted to find out more about their number 1 choice, and I subsequently discovered he works with a couple of other guys called Mike and Jay on RedLetterMedia.


I watched Welcome to the Basement for years, and RLM were always in the related videos


Did you also recently stop watching WthB?


No I still watch it, but I miss Craig


Jim Norton mentioned the TPM review in an old O&A clip. I saw it in 2014/2015.


Mentioned by CGP Grey in Hello Internet podcast


He specifically recommended the Plinkett reviews as one of his favourite things on the internet very early on in the podcast. And he's mentioned them a couple of other times when discussing the "two dudes talking" genre - sometimes you don't necessarily care about the topic in a podcast or in a youtube video (e.g. you might not have seen the movie they're reviewing) but you just enjoy listening to certain people talk to each other.


I knew about them for years, but mostly because my friend, who is a massive Zack Snyder fan, talked about how shit their takes were. Then I (who loves B-movies and such) watched BOTW and some similar content and fell in love.


>massive Zack Snyder fan I'm worried about your friend


I am to. I like Zack’s movies for what they are, but my friend is squarely in the “everyone missed out on these 10/10 classic films because they were too thought provoking” crowd, and it’s a bit much.


For sure, I don't want to come across like I hate Zack Snyder. I thought the Watchmen was about as good of an adaptation as you could do of the source material, I was 13 when 300 came out so part of me will always think that movie is pretty rad (if also pretty problematic), I liked his take on Dawn of the Dead, and Rebel Moon actually looks pretty cool. But I don't think anything he's ever done has been close to 10/10. Who knows, maybe everything will finally come together on Rebel Moon. He reminds me of a better Michael Bay. He knows how to create striking and memorable visuals, but he shouldn't write any of his movies.


I can see why people don't like them. I understand. People have the right to be dumb and wrong.


No joke: I was looking up hunting videos andi stumbled across their Exploding Varmints best of the worst.


Freddy got Fingered review, then I think I watched another half in the bag where Rich was included and I was hooked, binged the whole channel and it became my go to feel good content. Not a week goes by where I don't watch one of their videos at random.


A friend sent me their Star Trek Galaxy video.


I used to watch Movie Buzz in the very early days of YouTube and he talked about the Plinkett reviews of the prequels. Hooked ever since.


Honest trailers


I watch a guy named Richard Lewis that is the preeminent esports investigative reporter, won esports reporter of the year twice. Most famous for the Phantomlord skins saga. One day he was talking about movies and mentioned the main three, then again on the deadmeat Psychogoreman killcount I heard my first rich evans "OH MY GOD" and I looked them up shortly after.


Back in 2009 or 2010, a friend of mine in High School who was a big Star Wars fan (read a significant portion of the EU and loved modding Jedi Academy) recommended the Plinkett Phantom Menace reviews since he also hated the prequels. I went through all the stuff they had then and continued to watch them to this day. It's kind of amazing how I've stuck with them through the years while I dropped all the other YouTubers I used to like at that time such as AVGN, Doug Walker, and Brad Jones.


I don’t remember exactly, they were just always there whenever I needed them.


Rogue One half in the bag. I remember that was the 1st side movie Disney made after EP7 and I remember all the star wars nerds in the theater were cumming in their pants and I was like "what a pile of dogshit, surely I can't be the only one who sees this", looked up online reviews and everyone said it was "good, not great" RLM were the only ones making fun of it so it was instant subscribe


Was looking for gay porn on youtube and i found rich evans, needless to say I’m ruined for all other men now


He turned me gay


Saw a clip from Jurassic World where they mocked Joss Whedon by calling him Sensitive Joss Whedon. Watched the episode, agreed with the episode. Watched another and was entertained. Then I watched the Phantom Menace review and that's when I proposed to Red Letter Media to be my favorite YouTube channel. I've watched every episode at least twice, bought Space Cop and Feeding Frenzy, and I'm pretty sure I'm a fan.


some geek blog i read posted about the phantom menace review when it was new


My partner made me watch the Phantom Menace review, which was long and boring. But then we started watching Best of the Worst, which was brilliant.


To be honest, I can't remember. I think it was either one of their videos about the 2016 Ghostbusters, or maybe it was a Nerd Crew video (I know their Last Jedi "review" was the first one I seen of those).


When I was stuck in my apartment during covid, I caved to the YouTube algorithm and watched some of the re:View videos…that’s how the addiction began


"What's Prometheus?" Guess that's means I've been watching them for 11 years.


The BOTW episode that featured Eloise Cole


The demon Eloisecole


stay away


About 10 years ago, I liked to watch YouTube videos while eating on my lunch breaks at work. I found a video making fun of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull and when my coworker walked past, he heard it and said, “Hey! You like Red Letter Media?” This was in like 2013. He told me about their Phantom Menace review, and when I watched it I became instantly hooked. I know I’ll never meet them and if I did, they wouldn’t want to know me, but I can’t help but feel like they’re my own friends and I would like them even if I didn’t know who they were.


I thought everyone discovered them via the phantom menace plinkett review


I was new(er) to the concept of YouTube and good, creative content when I found the Robocop episode, watched it and said, yeah, I can listen to these guys on repeat for about 9 years. And… here I am.


I went to a friend's house for a D&D session, which got derailed when one of the people pulled a "dude, you gotta see this" and put on the Plinkett Phantom Menace review. Then later, after I went home and looked up the channel, and watched the TNG movie reviews, I found someone who hated them as much as me, and I fell in love with a fictional homicidal pizza roll aficionado.


Mr. Plinkett Tpm


My brother showed me the plinkett prequel reviews like 10 or 11 years ago


I think it was a Plinkett TNG movie of some description for me, too. Not Star Wars. I was late to the party. Started watching in like 2017 or so.




"Fuck you, fatso!" I think of that every time she's in a commercial now


I kept hearing about these amazing reviews/deconstructions of the Star Wars prequels and finally sat down and binged them all. Was instantly hooked.


YouTube autoplayed a Half in the Bag episode after a Lindsey Ellis video I was watching and I thought Mike and Jay were likeable and vibed with their absurdist and nihilist sense of humour.


In college there was a Moviebob (lol) review about Pixels that went viral (probably found it on reddit) and when I watched it the phantom menace reviews were in the suggested videos. I watched those first, then I gradually started watching hitb/botw with my friends. I didn't really watch those until 2015-16 though.


I also found out from Movie bob, in an article he did for The Escapist around 2010 he linked the phantom menace review, which was the funniest thing I had ever seen.


I have vague memories I don't remember if it was a video or that article you mentioned but movie Bob describing The phantom menace review as basically the first year of film School


Some friends of mine showed me the Plinkett reviews in 2012.


I discovered them when they did a cameo appearance on Honest trailers for The dark knight rises. I was the phantom menace review and instantly became a fan.


Their "Ten Things You Didn't Know About Darth Vader" video. A friend sent it to me, and I almost clicked off when I heard Mike do that stupid voice. But I gave it a shot and to this day it's one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. I watched a few Half in the Bags and Plinkett reviews, but it wasn't until Best of the Worst that I got hooked.


The YouTube channel "Two Best Friends Play" would bring them up a lot. Specifically the Plinkett reviews. I started there based on their recommendation.


Around 2012 or 2013 just browsing videos through YouTube. I believe the first RLM thing I saw was the Plinkett review for Revenge of the Sith. I was curious about what was the consensus at the time around the movie (since I liked it enough) and I stumbled upon that. Frankly, I didn't take very well at first. I wanted for Plinkett to shut up about it, but not enough to not keep watching. And so I did. Eventually, by the time the video ended, he won me over due to the whole infotaintment value of it: hard-hitting and nuanced film critique (for the most part) mixed with off-the-wall NSFW comedy, which was kinda my jam. And from that moment on, I watched everything these hack frauds made around that time and I basically fell into this rabbit hole that most of us are right now. BTW, can someone please tell me how do I get out of here? I've been stuck for over 10 fucking years!


After a decade, you've just got to accept it. You've been marked by Rich Evans.


I got into them when the Phantom Menace review was first getting buzz


I discovered them sometime in 2010 either through the algorithm or 4chan. So I'm guessing that was still part of the buzz from the Phantom Menace Review (Dec '09). I distinctively remember telling disinterested people about the reviews in late 2010, and eagerly waiting for the release of the Revenge of the Sith Review around the holiday season.


In like 2010 it was posted to 4-Chan and that’s how I found it.


I'm fairly certain I found it linked in the AV Club comments section. Shame what's happened to that site


I watched the prequel reviews, but didn’t realize that they had a regular webzone. Then I saw the Prometheus bit where Mike was along a bunch of questions to Jay that made me realize they had other stuff.


My boyfriend. 🥴 I’ve missed out, and binged everything in the last two years.


My cousin told me about it


The Star Trek Insurrection Plinkett Review. Then I forgot about them because youtube wasn't quite the thing back then that it is now. Then the Phantom Menace review came out and I was 100% in.


I had seen the original Plinket Review right around the time it was posted. I then lost the video for a year or two because I couldn’t remember the channel name (and the search on YouTube sucked back then). I heard Mike on Opie & Anthony (on XM radio) talking about it and found them again. Been subscribed since. That was probably 2009-10 ish.


An old friend suggested RLM's multi-episode Star Wars reviews, which absolutely tickled both my wife and me to the core. From there, we began watching Wheel of the Worst, BoTW and other RLM shows. We both get ecstatic whenever a new episode drops.


discovered the OG reviews right as they dropped the first Half In The Bag.


Star wars Plinkett reviews through my brother


Simon Pegg tweeted about the Phantom Menace review, baby!


I can't remember the exact video(s) but it was through a Mega64 podcast where they mentioned people kept comparing them to RLM. I never heard of them prior, so I checked them out and became a fan!


I'm friends with them.


Every face punch in Roadhouse!


I was on Youtube and a video was recommended that had just been uploaded: Star Wars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones Review Part 1. I watched 5 minutes and laughed, figured out there was a review for Episode 1, and the rest is history.


One of the hosts of Internet Today mentioned them in a video.


My friend recommended the Mr. Plinkett reviews. He wasn’t really into them, he didn’t even know what BOtW was. But I was intrigued by their other videos and fell in love with the BOtW/Plinketto/etc. series and the characters of Jay, Mike, and Rich.


Honestly? Vinesauce. The Vinesauce Stream of Vinny playing the Star Wars and Star Trek games and seeing which was the worst led me to the Plinkett reviews. After that, I just fell in a deep rabbithole and loved RLM after.


Slash Film posted an article titled “Watch This: 70-Minute Video Review Of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” and the rest is history.


The Phantom Menace review. Just a masterclass on an utter turd of a film.


If I remember correctly, I was trying to find the source of the annoying voice that said "AIDS".


I was at a LAN party and around 2am, someone showed us all the Phantom Menace Review, and it changed my life


It was from the clip of the boys losing it to [Wesker from the Resident Evil movie](https://youtu.be/ZPUPaxgIo98?si=6aMsU3jpFnEl1r8a)


I watched Chris Stuckmann and I wanted to watch the guys that almost made him cry.


I’m a support worker, and one of the residents I support (a man in his late twenties) showed me the Titanic review several years ago; we have very similar senses of humour and he likes sharing stuff like that with me because he can’t with anyone else.


I don’t know really


Bingewatched a ton of Cinemassacres Monster Madness while i was unemployed. Somehow ended up bingewatching BotW shortly after, because the YouTube algo decided i was ready.


Rise of the jedi review


Phantom menace back in the day


I came across some random Half in the bag video and vibed with Mike's weird humour, been obsessed since then.


Came late in 2016, my digital video professor showed Plinketts Phantom Menace review in class. Then later in the film club he hosted he threw on the BotW on Double Down with Max Landis. It was love at first sight.


YouTube kept recommending their Jack and Jill Half in the Bag and I kept ignoring it for awhile until I finally gave in and watched it. Once I discovered Best of the Worst there was no looking back.


A random BotW in my recommended videos. It ended up being the episode with Turtle Dreams, and I was hooked immediately.


I heard them mentioned on an episode of the podcast Radiodrome, back when it was hosted by Brad Jones (Cinema Snob) and Josh Hadley. I didn't seek them out right way, but caught a BOTW ep8sode when it popped up on the algorithm and was hooked.


My first video of theirs I encountered was the SW: Episode 2 Plinkett review right when it came out.. I remember the specific moment was the segment evaluating Anakin's actions courting Pad-uh-may: "I killed them" BZZZZZT "The women and children too" BZZZZZZZT "They're dead" BZZZZZZZZZT. It still makes me laugh to this day.


I was in some Myspace group and somebody was like, "This is amazing, you have to watch it." It was the Phantom Menace Plinkett review. I thought, god damn, 10 minutes? 1 of 7? This guy's fucking crazy. So, you know, shortly after I was telling my friends to watch it.


I was really into jacksfilms a few years ago and he mentioned RLM once in a JackAsk from like 2018, around the time when Infinity War came out. Their review of that movie was probably the first video of them that I watched


I discovered them when I randomly stumbled across their short video about Prometheus where Jay didn’t speak and Mike spoke the whole time. Thanks Ridley Scott.


Father fell asleep, I was trapped on the recliner as to not wake him up, the robot in the family BOTW came on Fell in love ever since




I watched the plinkett star wars reviews, and then stored them in my head as the plinkett channel. Then I started watching half in the bag a couple years later. After I watched all of half in the bag, I watched all of best of the worst.


weirdly, half in the bag on everest 2014.


My buddy Bob and I had just gotten back from watching Prometheus, and I was looking at reviews on YouTube when I stumbled across Mike asking questions at Jay for, like, 7 straight minutes about Prometheus. My buddy and I laughed out asses off, were instant fans, and I've watched ever since.




I watched the Plinkett review back when it was first popular but then didn’t watch anything else for a good while. I would get suggested videos in my feed but would skip them because I was afraid they were just crazy Star Wars nerd videos but Best of the Worst eventually won me over because I love horror/b-movie schlock and now I love all of their content.




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The star Wars plinkett reviews. I can't place it in time exactly, and my memory is fuzzy, but I'm sure I was started following somewhere in episode 1-5ish of half in the bag.


I watched the Phantom Menace review several times, but I didn't think anything of it until I coincidentally stumbled upon the Jack & Jill Half in the Bag that I realized they were a thing.


They’re popular on the Something Awful forums, that’s where I first heard of them years ago.


The Grabowskis


Jacksfilms mentioned them in a Jackask video


I knew of them but nothing more than references and memes on certain sites around certain movies but the first piece of content i ever watched was the HitB of the first Suicide Squad shortly after they published it.


Plinkett but then a couple years not paying any attention to them. Found they were really good to help me feel mirth in a really, really dark period of my life.


I can’t remember for sure, but I think I was trying to find the Roger Corman Fantastic Four and discovered the BOTW episode with it.


force awakens plinkett


my roomate and his buddy were drinking and watching the jack and jill half in the bag. I remembered the name and looked it up when i needed a laugh one time and the rest is history


Via my yearly medical exam. Caught it just in time, too!


There was this new guy on the Escapist whom Yahtzee was excited to meet. I said to myself, why is Yahtzee excited to meet him, I'll have to check out what this guy does. That was Jack Packard, and the rest is history.


During my bday party like ten years ago a good friend put on the Plinkett prequel reviews. I didn't pay much attention because someone gave me an adderall that night and there were a lot of guests to entertain, but I noticed how enamored the three of them were while watching it so had to check it out later myself. Didn't take long to get through the rest of the catalog. Then would discuss new eps with that same friend. Later found out other friends were already into it too.


I was suffering a crisis of faith after watching episode IX, asking why a just god would allow for such mediocrity. Then I saw the 70 minute HitB, enjoyed it, and kept watching their stuff


Vinesause brought up the Phantom Menace review when Vinny was playing the original FF7.


YMS Breen video. Adam clipped the Double Down BOTW, was curious and have watched ever since.


I used to watch the Nostalgia Critic a lot in the early 2010’s and a comment led me to RLM.


A friend of mine happened to find Plinkett's review of The Phantom Menace and loved it. At the time, the final part of the Attack of the Clones review wasn't out yet. When it came out he invited me over and we watched both reviews back to back and I laughed my ass off and was hooked. Then we watched the Star Trek Insurrection and Nemesis reviews for good measure.


For me it was the Prometheus review that made me take note of the channel. I resisted watching the back catalogue due to listening to other podcasts until I found BOTW, then it was all day everyday.


I was watching lots of nostalgia critic when I started to realise how bad his takes were and how insufferable the sketches were. Luckily my roomate at the time steered me in the right direction


They appeared on my recommended. I think because I follow Brandon Tenold. I also like WMWM.


I was very disappointed with The Last Jedi and my buddy showed me their review which was very similar to how I felt about it. Then I saw the Suburban Sasquatch BOTW and was hooked when the Sasquatch threw the arm at the guy and knocked him out and Rich couldn't stop laughing.


The Phantom Menace Plinkett review. Inspired me to become a hack fraud.


I started watching because of Mister Plinkett, but now I’m all about Best of the Worst and Re:view.


It was Jacksfilms. He recommended them at the end of one of his videos like 6 years ago and I wanted to check them out


From Rebeltaxi's Pizza Party Podcast around 2015-2016. I don't remember the context, but they talked briefly about the Plinkett review of The Phantom Menace and inserted the opening quote in the podcast. I thought it was the funniest shit ever and began to watch all Plinkett reviews. I didn't watch any of their other content until much more later though. I remember that the first Half in the Bag I watched was the Maze Runner one back when it premiered. I was so fucking lost...


They uploaded half in the bag episodes to the machinima YouTube channel. I've been a fan ever since!


Right around the time Star Trek Discovery dropped and they were one of the few big YouTubers at the time calling out how terrible it was.


Plinkett prequel vids


It was the video of them watching the first three Transformers movies simultaneously. I think it may have made it to the top of Reddit. Checked out a couple of more videos and ended up watching all of them.


Back in 2014 I watched Yahtzee's Let's Drown out of San Andreas where they briefly talk about the Phantom Menace Plinkett review as if it was a masterpiece of video making, and I was just like "I'll give that a look", and I remember hearing the "especially if you have a cartoon rabbit in it, that steps in the poopie", I could not stop laughing. Then some months passed where I had only seen the Plinkett reviews (remember, back then no one really cared about HitB or BotW) and I saw some comments talk about how their Jack and Jill review was just as good as the Plinkett ones, so I gave that a chance as well, and slowly got hooked on the non-Plinkett material. The rest is history as they say.


i watched the twin peaks fire walk with me review in 2017 because of prepration of tp season 3. then went on with my life. sometime in 2019 i suddenly remembered their tp review video that i really liked then checked out the channel, found out about botw and all the other stuff and booom: i'm an rlm ultra since then :D


Random YT suggestion of Rich Evans laughing at something, which led me to Mike's mental collapse during Christmas or Cats. My life changed that day.


A streamer on twitch (Vinesauce) introduced me and his audience to it years ago, haven't stopped watching RLM since


My old college roommate showed me the Surviving Edged Weapons video. We were both living in Milwaukee at the time, so it was almost more of a local time capsule for us.


Plague of gripes' animation for Dan/Don Wilson


Friend came round for a Weekend and showed me the OG black spine episode (with Partners replacement), think it was the newest episode. Hooked immediately.


One of my friends told me he was going to send a tape to them and that I should check them out. Fast forward about a year, that tape won its respective Wheel episode! It was the school bus crossing safety video. My friend was a bus driver and had to watch that for his training.


TPM Plinkett, but really I got into them from the half in the bag for The Last Jedi


Way back when the Super Best Friends were still around, they would bring them up from time to time, and after one of them made a reference to the “Fuck you it’s January!” video I finally went and took a look for myself and I’ve been hooked ever since


One day, for some reason the all mighty Youtube algorith popped out in my suggestions the '' the top ten things YOU didn't know about Darth Vader's suit!''. I was amused enough (''although that rich evans guy sure has a weird laugh, doesnt he'' said young innocent me back then) that I checked out some of their other stuff. A few videos in the Best of the Worst and I was immediatelly hooked.


An old friend showed me the Phantom Menace Plinkett review some time back in 2010. Though for some reason, I didn't start watching their stuff regularly until a few years ago.


My friend sent me the link to the Phantom Menace review many years ago. I think the AotC review was out at the time but not RotS.


The video where they watch the original transformers trilogy. First time I heard Rich laughing and saw the chemistry the three of them have. Just the best.


Plinkett. I used to watch it on repeat.


My favorite Let’s Play channel that I had followed from the beginning had just ended, Super Best Friends Play, and I needed something to fill the void. Had the Darth Vader’s Suit video pop up in my recommends and the rest is history.


I was looking for videos on Vanquish, one of my favorite video games, and discovered PreRec, finding that Rich loves it as much as I do. From there the algorithm started recommending RLM videos, and I was like "Wait two of these guys look familiar."


An online friend linked me the Star Wars reviews back in like 2009-2011 when they were still in several parts.