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Pee wee big adventure - one of my favourite childhood films and such wonderful creativity from tim Burton and Paul Reubens.


I feel like this one is almost guaranteed to happen, maybe even in the next few months. Given Jay's love of Pee Wee, and sort of as a tribute to Reubens. In fact I'm kinda surprised they haven't done this one years ago


I love this idea!


Highlander 2 would be fun.


I've always wanted to hear them talk about Lethal Weapon. The franchise is great, but the first one is so fucking good.


The Batman Because they'd hate doing the video as much as I'd hate watching the video


Boy, do they have a *lot* to say about that movie


As always - Galaxy Quest. How has this not happened yet?!


So the movie opens at a con- You and rich went to a lot of those right? Yes jay let's get it out now I was the Justin long character


Damn, you're so right


Prime Re view candidate I’m always wondering how Mike and rich haven’t done it considering their Star Trek love/hate


Beyond the Valley of the Dolls A deeply fascinating movie that takes all the camp trappings of the original Valley of the Dolls and enhances them in the depraved, mind-blowing way. A film that could only be made just after the Mason murders. A film co-written by Roger God Damn Ebert. One of the few times where someone tried to be camp and actually succeeded. A film that starts with a woman unwittingly fallating a gun, and smash-cutting to a band performing at a school dance for gas money and weed. There's a *billion* things to appreciate about this movie. Dense and rich in all the best ways.


It’s so dense


Maximum Overdrive


Steven King's greatest triumph.


The 1997 horror film Aberration, just so I can hear someone else talk about it. I rented it over a dozen times from Blockbuster as a kid, and then I bought it when they went out of business. It's a solid horror movie about mutant geckos in a cabin during a blizzard. I don't think I've ever met anyone who's ever even heard of it.


That sounds absolutely amazing.


Deep space 9 top ten episodes


I wouldn't mind this. I've heard it gets good, but I quit after I think the first season. There was an episode where they seemed to make some consolations to religion, which was too far a deviation from TNG for me. Plus I've seen clips of Sisko raging like a maniac while committing what seemed to be human rights violations, and as he says, himself, to Q: "[He's] not Picard." I like the idea of TNG's values being tested, and I'm sure that's what's going on, but yeah, after the religion stuff, I bowed out.


I made it all the way to part of season 3 and still actively disliked the show, most of the characters, and the heavier religious aspects. TNG took 2 seasons to really get good, so I wanted to give it the same chance. I really like Sisko and Jake (or at least, the uncomforrable positions Jake often found himself in were interesting), Obrien is always Obrien, and loved to hate Quark, but found everyone else borderline unbearable. My partner always insists it gets good eventually, but 3 seasons is more of a chance than any show really deserves.


Yeah... it was on my "haven't given it enough of a chance, I should get back to it eventually" list, but I have a feeling I might feel the same way you do. Thanks.


They must be doing this eventually. Once they’ve done everything they want with TNG I’m assuming. Also I bet a series where they make Rich watch enterprise and then he and Mike discuss it may happen at some point.


Electric Dreams (1984). It's a love triangle between a man, a woman, and a personal computer. One of my favorite guilty pleasures. Also, the soundtrack is amazing.


Orgazmo. Everyone has done reviews of trey Parker and Matt stones other movies but this one is always overlooked.


I'm that same vein, Cannibal! The Musical is my favorite thing Matt and Trey ever did.


Have they talked about Grindhouse? Maybe they can Re:View it when Thanksgiving comes out. Why did Grindhouse flop? Was it too niche of an idea for the general audience? Just not a good idea to begin with? Not enough feet shots from Tarintino?


I took my mom to see Grindhouse (it was actually her idea) in a tiny theater in Philly (The Roxy) that was basically a grindhouse. Probably my best theater-going experience ever. Sadly, the theater was almost completely empty.


I saw it opening weekend. I enjoyed it, but I can see why it didn’t have mass appeal.




I think from a marketing perspective, it’s an interesting film. Considering it was the Weinstein Company’s first “big” movie and being like “We’re here, motherfuckers!” only for it to flop. It had everything going for it: Robert Rodriguez was still a name director, it was Tarintino’s first movie after Kill Bill Volume 2, Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson was a recognizable name. I forget if Josh Brolin was heavily featured in the marketing. I’m not sure if the general public knew Rose McGowen. Charmed was on TV, and she was in Scream, but I’m not sure she was “a name” by then.


Blue is the warmest color. I want them to be as uncomfortable as possible together


River’s Edge. It’s one of my favorite movies, flaws and all. Peak so-bad-it’s-good acting from Crispin Glover and Keanu Reeves, but some really unnerving stuff from Daniel Roebuck and Dennis Hopper.


Motherfucker! Food eater!


They've done so many I *would* have chosen. It should be a light hearted comedy. Let's say Sophie's Choice.


The Big Lebowski.


Tequila Body Shots. Joey Lawrence wincing through a late-90’s boner comedy about demons and reincarnation… in Mexico!


Bad Boy Bubby


Perfect Blue, because I know Jay would absolutely love it but will never watch it on his own because it's animated.


Redneck Zombies since it’s one of my favorite cheesy movies one of my friends and I would watch together.


Grandmas Boy. Just a mid-quality 2000’s movie but watching it really drove in the idea that I want to make games as a living, so I’d like to see them either trash it relentlessly or talk about how it hasn’t aged well etc


There's a fascinating sidebar where I always mention Grandma's Boy. Its on how DVD sales were once a huge revenue source for movies that they don't have anymore. Now, movies have to make all their money and potential profit at the box office on opening weekend since streaming services pay pennies on the penny. Grandma's Boy was a flop at the box office, only grossing $6 million. However, it hit big in DVD sales and made an additional $36 million. At the time, it was a second and potentially massive revenue that filmmakers don't have today.


This would be a fun one


The Grey. I imagine Jay would appreciate it and have some interesting things to say.


There are very few movies that move me on an existential level like it does. Liam yelling into the sky is so pained and real. The soundtrack is great. That mantra. The only gripe for me was the very end. The wolf sound effects when they cut to black were cartoony to me. Would've been much better to cut to black without the wolf sound effects


The first scene, where he puts the rifle barrel in his mouth, and you can almost *feel* how ready he is to pull the trigger. It’s unmatched. That sense of all-consuming despair is incredible, and I don’t think any other movie has made me feel something so intense. On the topic of the final scene, I know it was very late into the editing process that the Joe Carnahan realized he needed to delete the fight. *very* late, to the point that the CG was finished. Maybe removing that audio cue would have improved it a little more, but I’m more thankful that the director got away with axing the sequence.


Oh wow. Yeah, that would've been awful


Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans I would just love to hear Mike and Jay try and make sense out of the otherwise prestigiously known Werner Herzog's film here. Jay would observe the only silver lining which is the lighting and Mike would have some contrarian take about how the genre leaping and absurd tonal shifts are actually genius. But this movie contains one thing above all I never tire of hearing the boys talk about - Nicholas Cage


Oh yes they should do a whole Nicolas Cage episode


The Tomorrow War. It's not good, but it's a fascinating mess of a movie. It feels like 3 different scripts that they jammed together. Everyone is an idiot, the plot is illogical, they constantly set stuff up with no payoff, they can't seem to decide how time travel works in their universe. The whole movie I was waiting for some big twist that explains why nothing makes sense, but it just doesn't come. I always enjoy the reviews of stuff that has a budget, has real actors, even has an interesting concept, but it's just an absolute mess on screen.


Spirited Away, Watership Down, Secret of Nimh It’d be nice to see them review more animated movies. So far they’ve only done Who Framed Roger Rabbit and that movie’s like 75% live action. Animated movies can be real movies too guys!!


If I remember correctly, they avoid animated movies because they don't have anything intelligent to say about the actual animation aspect of it. I think their love for animation is apparent, though. Secret of NIMH was great. I remember them showing that to me in school. Maybe middle school. All things considered, I was surprised they were showing something so brutal at school.


Animated isn’t as funny bc there’s no people with huge egos being awkward and failing


LOTR trilogy directors cut Preferably in one sitting to really suffer if they don't like it


Technically speaking,the theatrical cuts are the directors cut.


One of the Bionicle movies, preferably either Mask of Light or Legend Reborn. Just cause I like Bionicle and I'm curious to see what someone with a knack for movies and a lack of nostalgia goggles would think of it.


Most people want to make them suffer. If that's the goal, I'd make them watch *Empire* by Andy Warhol. They have to watch the whole thing before discussing it though.


Space Cop. They should make a honest straight faced review of Space Cop as if they were not involved in any way and it was the first time they are seeing it. In the middle of the episode Rich Evans comes in, who was absent at the beginning, and they suddenly stop berating the movie and begin praising it and actors' performances.


Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Because I can't even imagine what they'd have to say.


Oscar with Sylvester Stallone


RLM starting a quest to watch everything produced by George Lucas and covering Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


That one art movie that is just the color blue for like 8 hours, just because.


There's Nothing Out There. Terrible movie with a leading man that you will absolutely hate.




The Forbidden Zone, a really weird movie by Danny Elfman while still in Oingo Boingo


One of my favorite bad movies is Bunnyman(2011) I would love to see them try to make sense of it.


Gigli. Regarded as one of the worst big budget rom-coms movies of all time. It's a genre the guys never talk about, so it would be hilarious to see them have to sit through and critique one of the worst.


Solarbabies. It’s a cult 80s sci fi teen flick that had Jason Patric, Jami Gertz, and Lukas Haas chasing an orb around on rollerblades. When I saw it as a kid I got emotional over an orb. https://youtu.be/Rw4GR_byjEE?si=52KUDo_Vxxh2fofs


[Earth to Echo](https://youtu.be/YJgIv_hrjdg?feature=shared) must be the newer version of that. It made me cry too


A review of Salo would be hilarious


Australian horror film “Razorback”


I've been wanting them to do the Chucky franchise. I know Jay has said a few times he's a big fan. And Curse of Chucky and Cult of Chucky were made after Half in the Bag started, and now the TV series is about to start its third season. And it's a franchise that's managed to reinvent itself with the times, going from straight slasher in the 80s to horror comedy in the Scream era of self-aware horror, to more of a moody horror in the 2010s, to the TV series which is a little of all three. All while staying under the creative control of the same couple of people.