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Chicken Soup for the Soul owned Redbox??? What the fuck?! Damn, learn something new every day.


They [acquired it in 2022](https://deadline.com/2022/05/redbox-is-acquired-by-crackle-parent-chicken-soup-for-the-soul-entertainment-streaming-1235021010/). Well after Redbox's heyday.


I'm more amazed that Chicken Soup for the Soul still existed in 2022, let alone had enough money to buy an Arizona iced tea.


They also own Crackle and a dog food company apparently 


Hearing that name again was like awakening some kind of visceral primordial ooze whiplashing across my conscience.


Redbox was dead to me the moment moving companies started naming themselves Redbox and not getting sued. They basically abandoned their own trademark.


It's still not clear to me if their parentcompany makes chicken soup or just has a stupid name.


They're books, and they were a big thing in the late 90s/early 00s. Every demographic had their own Chicken Soup book aimed at them, filled with bullshit feelgood stories meant to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Here's one that I think Mike would enjoy: https://preview.redd.it/swdtj7svzj9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1d6c409f40135ad8de64c94bee06c68df364b9


Chicken Soup for the Soul was middle aged suburban white woman crack in the 90s. No one ever talks about that epidemic. Chicken Soup for the Soul not even once.


I associate it with like, being home sick from school and your mom is watching Regis & Kathy Lee.


[Our Least Viewed Episode Ever Part 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chicken_Soup_for_the_Soul_books)


* *Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cat Did What??* (2014)


They were kind of the first wave of mainstream "self-help" horseshit that has continued to be a plague upon humanity since.


Believe me, they were far from the first. Self-help books have been around a looooong time. The Chicken Soup books sure were ubiquitous, though.


Self help books were around in the 1980s.


How to win friends and influence people was 1936. And people still read meditations as a self help guide... it was written AD 161.


Now that I think about it I would love to see a Chicken Soup for the Soul written by Andrew Tate. "Chicken Soup for The Alpha Male's Soul" and "Chicken Soup for the Hustler's Grindset Soul" would be amazing bestsellers for 13 year olds.


Its a series of inspirational "reader's digest" type books that are essentially just collections of reader submitted stories bound together by sone vague theme. They rose to popularity amongst the typical folk you'd expect to gobble that kind of shit up. Also as a resource of slightly religiously themed reading material that was just subtle enough for public school teachers to push it constantly without getting called out for it. But as you can imagine, subtlety was not enough for their largely christian audience, so eventually they started releasing all the same titles with the word "Christian" inserted. Like "Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenager's Soul." Really stretched their shelf-life with that move.


Thank you.


Holy shit how are you that young and watch RLM?


I'm from the EU, we didn't have redbox and videostores aren't as dead here yet. Small ones are making a comeback and R rated stuff still exists as walk in store...even in the digital age. RLM might be partly responsible for the returning demand in dvd and vhs or remasters of classics in general.


they're confused how you don't know what chicken noodle soup for the soul (self-help book series) is, not redbox.


Being European is probably part of that too


I'm from Australia and don't know the brand. But also everyone I know IRL who watches RLM is in their 20s.


Could be both


Could they have even successfully sued? Trademarks aren't universal.


Because they are in different industries there was no risk of mistaken identity. You’ll see it with other brands that share a name but don’t compete.


Redbox wasn’t losing stock worth since streaming services took off at the start right before Covid started.,,, it took off during Covid and has surged since. DVD use is going down.


How am I supposed to get my weekly fix of geezer teasers now?


Amazon prime video has got your back. They buy up nearly anything that is bad.


You should see the Plex streaming service. There is literally not a single good movie on there.


I just learned that’s the parent company for Redbox, and their business makes more sense now.


Since 2020


For a second I thought this was a cross post from r/titlegore


the headline gets pasted by the link and i'm usually too lazy to edit more than a few words. i assume headlines are intentionally edited to be clickbaity so they have this effect of wtf am i reading.


Almost all headlines are copies of one another nowadays. I use Google News sometimes and it shows all the headlines for a recent event. Most newspapers and online outlets are just clones of one another. And yes, everything is made into a clickbait.


With the amount of information and printer ink in must take to type and print that company name I'm not surprised. 


Sounds like a prequel


The last remnants of video rental. I used rebox a lot for a bit, but then they stopped getting new stuff. The ones by my house are still promoting Dungeons and Dragons. It's a fun movie, but it came out like a year ago.


He’s still got Vudu, he’ll be okay.


Vudu doesn't exist anymore. I personally hate that they changed the name into something worse.


yeah chicken soup for the vudu doesn't roll off the tongue as well 


It took a long time for them to go under. Whenever I saw a kiosk at the local Piggly Wiggly, I always thought to myself, “hmm they’re still around??”


that's one hell of a sentence wtf


Definitely rented from Redbox maybe 30 times. Means they got a whole $50-100 ish of my money. Loved it during blu ray times. I can see how that's tough now. Good idea, good service for the 10 ish years it was viable. Hope they made money during that time. I remember when the app kept suggesting streaming their stuff - umm nah. This is a company who is too late to transition away from physical media. Netflix beat them to the punch.


But what of Crackle? Is she safe?


The Kiosk just left my grocery store front this week. And it's 100% less trashy now.


I always felt bad for the cart wranglers at the Kroger that had one when people would bitch them out for problems with the red box.


I actually needed Redbox Yesterday as my Internet just decided to be down all day. The only two machines I knew of in town were both unplugged.


How Chicken Soup..... became as huge as it did is just baffling to me. It was just a few books. That somehow spun off into an empire with a book for every topic imaginable. And then to buying Redbox. It's like Hallmark movies' appeal. Evidently there is a massive group of dip shits who just want the most surface level 'fee good' slop spoon fed to them.


They are in debt to the tune of 1 billion dollars! Now they want relief! Like fuck no! There so many of these BS cash cow businesses who start something, then rapidly outgrow themselves while sucking every penny out of the business to show no profit while continuing to borrow money while not paying their bills! F%#k them all!