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Is it a love story between Alex Kurtzman and his own ego?


I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any gods or heaven or hell. I hope Alex Kurtzman burns in hell.


Huh, kinda the inverse of my thoughts on Mr. Rogers. Alex Kurtzman being a reverse Mr. Rogers works well enough, I guess. Edit: I'm confused by the downvotes for this non-sequitur. Edit 2: Still very slightly confused, but no longer negative at least. Such is life.


Getting downvoted for hoping Mr. Rogers went to heaven even though you don't think it exists, huh? Typical Monday on Reddit. I brought you up one at least. Cheers


Thanks! I was just hoping I wasn't being misunderstood more than anything.


Are you just a soul whose intentions are good?


> Are you just a soul whose intentions are good? I recognize a quote when I see one, but I hadn't heard the song before. Thanks!


Nah, his ego is being held captive by Alex Kurtzman. His ego is like “Please, just let me go.” While he’s all like, “It’s really a love story, I love you and therefore you will be with me like it or not.”


Probably between his bank account instead


Caught me unprepared, stream of consciousness, bullshitting response. How did "love story" turn into "professionals with mutual respect doing their jobs?"


Star Trek is really a gory horror story, because the passion with which the crew does their jobs is similar to the passion of a psychotic murderer going on a killing spree.


Star Trek is a fable about Spock, Kirk and McCoy spending their golden years unwinding in a Florida suburb with Spock’s whacky elder mom


> Star Trek is really a gory horror story, because the passion with which the writers do their jobs is similar to the passion of a psychotic murderer going on a killing spree on the fanbase.


I know this sounds crazy, but.. what if it's just the incoherent rambling of a coked-up hack?


They tried that tack in Star Trek V in part due to Shatner also trying to go for over the top egotistical sentiment.


What a talentless shithead


He may have gone a little far in a few places.


And in other times, he hasn’t gone too far enough in those same places.


Guy Fleegman: Did you guys ever WATCH the show!?


We have to get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!


Where is the Re:View on Galaxy Quest?!?!


I know! You construct a weapon; look around you, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?


"Guy, you have a name!" "Do I? DO I???"


Is there air? You don't know!


My absolute favorite part of the movie hahaha!


I always just thought the enterprise crew were really good coworkers


Bingo. Professionals that happen to live in the same area. I'm rewatching again (while playing Minecraft) and it's neat that Worf brings is up rank while playing poker to basically say Riker is bluffing. He's not actually afraid of offending Riker, but maintains a decorum.


Imagine a similar poker game on Discovery. Everyone would be crying, swearing, praising Michael, or asking where Michael is when she's not there. Because that's true love. It's important to love your coworkers like family.


You nailed it! Where's Poochy? Imagine a similar poker game during an episode of Strange New Worlds. Strip Poker! Nurse Chapel is down to her bra and space underwear. She is annoyed Spock is fully clothed, sexual tension is high. The alien diplomat is down to his last space sock, he goes all in and loses to Spock. The diplomat is insulted and challenges Spock to the ultimate game of wits. Spock accepts thinking he means 4D chess, but turns out he meant space skateboarding. Now the new Engineer that grew up on the Redbull GoPro colony must teach him how to thrash and Spock learns the true meaning of being Radical! ![gif](giphy|SFp9RLto964Ew|downsized)


...Not saying it would be good, but I *would* watch if they did that.


Live long and Cowabunga!


"As the human aphorism goes...totally tubular, my dudes."


That line alone deserves a fan letter writing campaign!


How jaded do you have to be to interpret a pretty decent professional relationship between coworkers as a "love story"? Not that this wouldn't be fully in line with the context collapse that is going on right now (everything is "trauma", everybody needs to have their own self-diagnosed mental health issue, "you can't be mad at me, I'm on the spectrum", etc.) but maybe - just maybe - spend some time with normal people. I don't live in a love story with my former co-workers, doesn't mean that we still don't meet up for drinks, food, watching games. That's just normal behaviour of decent human beings.


Dude says this about every project he does. I remember him saying this exact same thing about Fringe. Ugh.


In the end, it's about family.


Remember when stories would tackle big philosophical concepts in unconventional and creative ways? Now, everything is about family, and thats what's so powerful about it.


Fringe was the love story of Walter Bishop and Red Vines


Don’t forget Gene!


except fringe is awesome and the love story parts actually played a key role in the plot 


Tbf, he wasn't actually in the writer's room (Until s5, which is the worst season). He was the idea guy and an entire team of writers was responsible for turning those ideas into actual cohesive plotlines. You know, there's this almost universally accepted belief that you can't just be an idea guy, you need to be able to pair that up with multiple skills at once, writing, directing, hell, STEM and trades, etc... But you know what? Alex' entire career spits in the face of that concept. And I'm not entirely sure if I find that impressive or not.


>really there's nothing that's outside of my experience. >as a Hollywood screenwriter, i possess a unique gift of understanding. >it turns out there's actually nothing in the human experience that can't be boiled down to a three act structure, and no meaningful situations that don't revolve around young people who look a certain way, or old people who used to look that way feeling sad.




I agree! Both those shows could have been good - I would have loved an understated, wholesome show about Picard's twilight years, coming to terms with age, learning to let go of command and pass on the torch to a new hopeful generation.




Yeah, season 1 was ok - I enjoyed most of the cast - I wish they had let things breathe more and explored how each of the character's behave in circumstances where the stakes weren't always related to massive superpowers vying for control.


He's special. The enlightened one.


>as a Hollywood screenwriter, i possess a unique gift of understanding. how do you poke a sentence in the eye?


I hate Alex Kurtzman so much. Such a twat.


It's about family.


That's why it's so important. Alternate joke: Robot in the Family ![gif](giphy|rIq6ASPIqo2k0|downsized)


Alex Kurtzmann is the Robot in his Family


That is rather profound. Constant noise. Enough to make Jay yell Shut Up!


I saw this gif and immediately heard sitcom music in my head


Makes sense on a few levels. Often TNG was lit like a 90's sit-com because they didn't have time to change lighting set-ups.


Clearly doesn’t get it. This does explain why his characters are so unprofessional


Why does Alex Kurtzman think he’s viewed positively?


TV producers have a love for themselves that is unrivaled.


Yes men (and women).


We love the bridge crew because they are well thought out(for the most part) characters. Who act and respond in reasonable ways for their characters, while being entertaining and enjoyable to watch. We see them win, fail, and grow from those failures and wins.


Kurtzman, spin it all you want. Give Trek to someone and stop saturating the market with multiple ST series in hopes that one or two work (and even then, they work because one of your underappreciated, underpaid underlings actually knows they’re doing).


So I suppose he is playing a large role in the demise of Paramount, not that he would every accept responsibility or learn from it. And he got paid of course, so it's all good either way for him. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Spot on. As someone who skipped season 1 and 2, I was astonished that season 3 got rave reviews, especially from Rich and Mike. I watched it with very low expectations and it still fell far short. It was such blatant fan service, it felt like Star Trek pornography.


Kurtzman is an idiot


Nerd Crew Rich Evans: "\*\*\*\* off!" Mainly for humor. At this point I go with the Addams Family movie: "Are they dead?" "Does it matter?"




Well, this does explain why everyone of the attempts he is personally involved with miss the mark completely.


Ah, so that’s why new trek blows. They have a guy who has no idea what star trek is at the helm. Explains all the butterfly tears.


>fight like family members This guy has never seen a single episode of Star Trek in his life.




It also happens a lot more in the films. I feel like these new writers and producers only watch the films. I just finished Star Trek the Motion Picture and the first thing that struck me is how emotional and argumentative people are compared to the show.


How did he get where he is? Did he have some hit movies or shows or something? The more I hear from him the weirder he gets.


Hollywood nepo-baby handed a lucrative career. Same with J.J. Abrams.


Funny because I remember RLM praising JJ’s Star Trek over the prequels.


Go back and watch the first ten minutes of The Rise of Skywalker Half in the Bag especially after the seventh minute. They definitely have some buyer's remorse over saying that.


Zero gag reflex and a willingness to please.


Give it another ten years and Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc will have dropped sci-fi completely and will have been turned into reality dating shows.


>*Star Wars...will have dropped sci-fi completely and will have been turned into reality dating shows.* Tonight, ten Luke Skywalkers will compete to date one Princess Leia! The twist? One of them really is her long lost twin - tune in tonight to find out if they accidentally wind up together! ![gif](giphy|Z0DWVSgaZRubLZfGqp|downsized)


> As the father of a 17-year-old boy, I see what my son is feeling as he looks at the world and to his future. I see the uncertainty; I see all the things we took for granted as given are not certainties for him. I see him recognizing he’s inheriting an enormous mess to clean up and it’s going to be on his generation to figure out how to do that, and that’s a lot to ask of a kid. My thinking was, if we set “Starfleet Academy” in the halcyon days of the Federation where everything was fine, it’s not going to speak to what kids are going through right now. This is the most frustrating part of the original interview. Like…what do you think was happening in the world when TOS was on the air? Ever heard of Vietnam? Civil rights? Oh, but the kids of today have it really rough. They can’t have an optimistic show. It wouldn’t be truthful.


"sure, I got to have optimistic media in the face of a cruel world. But for my kids? Fuck em. They'll get nothing but nihilistic, pessimistic crap. Enjoy your depression, son"


“Your future is nonexistent. The planet is already dying and even if you manage to survive a gunman will shoot you in your classroom. Life is meaningless and I, your enlightened caretaker, am just so very sorry that other people (but not me) have ruined you so.” “Daddy, I just asked why we were out of otter pops.”


So very lame lol but it's the inevitable byproduct of a structure that squeezes the juice out of every commodity until they're drawing water from a stone. Same goes for mike's complaints about Acolyte. You can blame the creators, the culture, the fans, but the fundamental problem just happens to be the most boring and cliche one to critique. It's the system.


There is a reality in which Alex Kurtzman, not Tasha Yar, was killed by the entity Armus.


It’s so weird that so many Hollywood execs never got that people liked Star Trek because it showed competent professionals being good at their jobs. They all had flaws but overcame them against the monster of the week and you could look up to aspire to be them. Every series of discovery I watched just seemed to be them constantly getting Deus Ex Machina’d. Never felt like they earned it.


That's because most of them are not competent professionals. They got their job because a relative was already in the business. I know Kurtzman and Orci were highschool buddies and they become part of Abrams posse. But I'm not sure how they actually got in the business.


“Star Trek is really a love story” - man who has never watched Star Trek


I mean, it was the original slash fic


shut up, kurtzman


„Jar Jar is the the key to all this.“


It’s stylistically designed to be that way


I fucking hate when this shallow marketing speak finds itself coming from the mouths of some hopeless cunt who wields ultimate power over a project.


He’s not wrong. Kirk, Spock, and Bones are more like friends than Picard, Data, and Riker were.


He's not right either. He's just blasting wind.




Indeed, and sometimes that miracle solution involves ordering your friend to their death. Happy Hanukkah Alex!


That there is some real butterfly tears shit.


It's a story about family


And that’s why it’s so important 


Alex Kurtzman says a lot of things.


I always felt it was a military story at its heart.


It’s about family and that’s what’s so powerful about it


Alex Kurtzman failing upward, and killing the Star Trek franchise along the way, is proof that there is no God.


“Did you guys ever watch the show?!” —Guy Fleegman


Man I can't stand Alex Kurtzman. I just wish he would fuck off and go ruin some other IP.


It’s a love story between Mike and Rich and William Shatner.


This motherfucker plainly hasn’t seen much Star Trek. Certainly nothing before DS9, and definitely failed to notice why DS9 and VOY had conflicts (that is, primarily due to non-Star Fleet personnel)


That's so true!


“Kurtzman is really a dumb POS” says all true Trek fans.


I always thought Star Trek was a comedy, but since Kurtzman has been running the show I've come to realize it's a tragedy


All memes aside, how likely is it that this man has not seen all of TOS? Or, at the very least, has seen TOS in some capacity but misremembers all of it.


I thought it was about 🤌 🤌*fAmIlY* 🤌🤌


It’s a love story… about family!


this reeks of “It’s about family..and that’s what’s so powerful about it” on the death carrie fisher. Is this Patrick Stewart’s for whom the bell tolls perhaps??


If you like someone else, if you respect them - you’re actually in love with them. Signed, A. Kurtzman. We’re all bisexual now, baby!


You'd think they'd have handlers that would be paid to make sure that something as deeply and profoundly as embarrassing as this never saw the light of day but that would assume Kurtzman had a level of self-awareness that he simply doesn't have. But it does at least explain why Nu Trek is the way it is - it's all about those butterfly tears. Even the occasionally good "Strange New Worlds" has to have everyone from the Captain down be goofy chuckleheads in every scene. I can't help but think of the scene in TNG's "Penpals", the senior staff all sit around to discuss the morality of violating the prime directive to save a planet full of people from a natural disaster. There are several different perspectives and none of them is presented as inherently right or wrong - they might not agree but they're all professionals. It is impossible to imagine anything like that sober and thoughtful exchange happening now. Michael Burnham would make a half-whispered, half-shouted, tearful speech to convince everyone that we had to save them (because everyone would not want to save them because they are not Michael Burnham) and we'd have the big swell of emotional music to tell us how to feel and then the best CGI people in digital sweatshops can conjure up for a pittance.


It's about family


I didn't believe you at first but it's an actual quote. https://screenrant.com/star-trek-is-really-a-love-story-relationships-alex-kurtzman/


I'm actually appalled he managed to say at least one thing that is true to ST: "If there’s some weird problem, and the answer’s not immediately apparent, each of them brings a different skill set and therefore a different perspective; they clash in their debate on how to proceed and then find some miraculous solution that none of them would have thought of at the outset." I mean, it's literally like discovering boiled water, but still, good Job Alex! Now you can have your chicken tendies. It also doesn't apply on Discovery and SNW, jesus fucking christ.


Romeo and Juliet is technically a love story


Is it the love story between Alex Kurtzman and Rick Berman?




So, by these standards, every movie where people work as a team and care about each other’s well being is a love story? How would Avengers/Justice League not also be a love story?


I say let fascist Spock deal with him!


It's sort of like a cosmic gumbo.


It's about family.


It's a love triangle between three dudes, and that's what's so powerful about it


It's strange how Nu Trek has characters saying "this is our home" and "you are my family" every freakin episode, while in OG trek they just seem to be at their jobs, missing their homes and simmulating nature in the holodecks all the time.


Kurtzman, if Trek ever succeeded, it was despite you, not because of you.


No, Star Trek is about exploring the unknown and dealing with moral dilemmas. A love story? Fuck that. That's star wars bullshit.


It's a shame Mike can't give Prodigy a proper chance. It's the closest thing to the ethos of Trek he pines for in their various trek vids. Sure it's a kids show but it has good trek content and is a fun continuation to Voyager to boot. The writers clearly love and understand Star Trek......and have actually watched it. Plus they brought back Jelico, the most badass captain in Starfleet.


And that's what's so powerful about it.