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We would normally remove this kind of thing (one of our rules: "[No links to YouTubers' reviews of RedLetterMedia's reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/about/rules/)") but I know this is going to be posted again and again so go ahead and get it out of your system here. It has been pinned so that people will see it and hopefully not feel the need to post it as well, just comment below :)


everyday ends with a tums festival!




>they have a show making fun of bad things Yes, but they get joy out of dissecting what makes something bad. Just like certain people on the internet watch bad things so they can make outrage bait video content and get money, which brings them joy.  >You guys are famous for the memes  Well, now Mike is just suicidal.


This is the key. If something brings you *joy*, watch it! Mike is only suggesting that you shouldn’t watch things that make you angry and bring no other benefit to your life. It’s a straightforward, easily understood point, but it seems that’s too much for some of the other “critics” out there.


Plus they follow their own philosophy they’ve been saying this since Transformers 3


Tbf they did bring up Picard here which RLM seemed pretty depressed by and yet they kept watching it.


The difference is that they said they gave those seasons a shot said they sucked why they sucked and didn’t cry that the woke leftists are destroying society 


Did nobody actually watch the Picard videos? They ended up loving the show in the third season.


And i doubt they would have watched it if Kurtzman had written it


The "anti-woke" brigade doesn't see anything that way. They are a very black and white sort of crowd that sees everybody as for them or against them. Everything is this strange all or nothing and they need to be hateful and angry for some reason.


It’s because outrage is their brand. Like I said in another post, their outrage of media isn’t a byproduct of their reviews. It’s what they set out to be. Social media taught us that outrage gets clicks. They made that the identity of their whole channels/businesses.


but they loved andor and praised the shit out of it


Yeah they do occasionally like stuff, but it feels like they’re more often than not just doing the “it wasn’t that bad” for stuff that’s good. The whole “I’m smart because my standards are high” attempt at garnishing authority when in fact they really don’t have a lot of substance to say about much. They’re not wrong in the fact that RLM opened the door on YouTube videos being critical. The difference is that RLM actually explains in depth from a lot of movie making positions why stuff sucks, but they tend to focus on more shallow stuff that just doesn’t resonate as well. Primarily, they’ve built a brand around “anti-woke”. Sure, it will get clicks for now, but that’s a trend and has nothing to do with actual film review. RLM has done a great job not stepping on that land mine.


But that's simply not true, people assume that just because they invite anti woke people on their streams, but they are open to inviting anyone They spent 7 hours breaking down andor and then 4 more covering a content creator that called it woke and dismantled all his claims They've spent 12 hours of streams going over synthetic man calling god of war woke and completly clowned on him They've spent 16 hours praising arcane, 8 hours praising EEAAO Their brand is analysing things in hyper detail, that's why they are called every frame a pause, you can disagree with their criticism but they put a lot of passion into everything they cover whether they like it or not and they definetly look at more than the movie being "woke"


>The "anti-woke" brigade doesn't see anything that way. They are a very black and white sort of crowd I've always thought the "anti-woke" brigade tended to be an almost exclusively white sort of crowd


I don't know who these guys are besides Mauler but I remember seeing a clip with them talking with critical drinker and that's enough for me to throw their opinions straight in the fucking garbage 


I listened to them talking to YMS for a while related to the Critical Drinker. I found them excruciating. Just dragging over the same thing over and over and over to try to get someone to be wrong in some slight way. I'm not even saying they're totally wrong about everything or never make a point, but Christ, they're so pedantic and annoying about shit and I'm someone who listens to YMS! There's a reason they can have 9 hour discussions, and it's not a good one.


"They are a very black and white sort of crowd" Pretty sure just white, otherwise it's too "political".


Dammit I made that joke before seeing you got there first!


No worries. Reddit is objectively terrible for that.


Were they also getting joy out of Picard seasons 1 and 2? No, Mike made some very poor arguments here.


Is there a reason we care about these random people's opinions?


The only thing I care about here is them ripping off [Every Frame A Painting](https://youtube.com/@everyframeapainting), which was a great YouTube film dissection channel. Their video on [why Jackie Chan's fight scenes are great](https://youtu.be/Z1PCtIaM_GQ) still pops into my head every time I watch an American action movie - even if it's not an action-comedy. These whiny grifters essentially stealing the name of a good channel is pathetic.


Their name also makes no sense. Every Frame A Pause. Pausing every frame? What does that mean why are we pausing every frame


This is actually accurate, they constantly pause the media they watch to bitch about it, and it takes them hours to get through the original material. Another YouTuber once spent 20 minutes saying why she didn't care for the Joker, and these guys responded with a 9 hour marathon complaining about it.


Oh shit! These are the "we didn't talk about jenny Nicholson in our video titled 'we talked about jenny Nicholson for nine hours". guys? How embarrassing 


Don't get your phrasing there, but yeah they make long responses to videos - "Long Man Bad" etc.




Amusingly incompetent? That's how I'd describe movies like The Room, Troll 2 or Madame Web (shh... don't tell the Morbius subreddit, I'm deeply closeted over there)


probably why they didn't make it to the part where they specifically addresses the star trek crap


Hm gonna watch that episode soon


Isn't that a reference how fim projectors work? -- The duration of each frame pauses for typically around 1/24th of a second for traditional 24 frames per second (fps) film projection. \* Not that I agree with anything in that video.


The projector doesn't pause, it's in constant motion, at a speed of 24 frames passing through the projector per second. The name is a joking reference to how often they pause a video for "analysis".


I know, the projector doesn't stop lol. But the motion of the film comes to a halt inside the projector. This means each frame is displayed for approximately 1/24th of a second before the next frame takes its place.


I've seen that before, I think they do it to get around content matches.


i assumed it was a mental "pause"... like "wait a minute... wtf". but it's still stupid


It really sucks that the last video Every Frame a Painting put out was 7 years ago. They were so good. And now we're stuck with Mauler and his sycophants.


Not anymore! Crazy the timing on this. https://youtu.be/mSlZKdApob0


I loved that channel


>The only thing I care about here is them ripping off Every Frame A Painting I mean it’s obviously a satirical reference. 


[we're so fucking back, baby ](https://youtu.be/mSlZKdApob0)




What do you mean? Artificial internet drama is what the internet was invented for.


Well, Mike, Rich and Jay are random people too. I know this is a redlettermedia fandom but in the end there is no difference.


Their video showed up in my front page because of the algorithm, prolly like others here. I reckon RPM will continue to ignore internet drama and move on


Is there a reason we care about RLM?


So what and who cares?


mike is saying "don't watch something if it doesn't bring you joy" but they're hearing "don't watch something if it's bad."




I bet he looks at himself in the mirror when he does it https://preview.redd.it/fj63tdasew9d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e45f298a12480f0e9ad5f6ecf881aaadf9b810


Uh oh, the smug cartoon character avatars are upset!


Chronically online personas discuss opinions and are outraged!


That guy's voice is fucking insufferable, you can tell he thinks he's the smartest cunt in every room.


Couple that voice with the Dunning-Kruger effect and you have a storm so perfect that Roland Emmerich couldn’t envision it.


When does the whacky scientist guy and the divorced dad come in to fight nano technology?


One scientist guy and one dad? Ha. They’re putting together a team.


They all think that and they're all completely fucking wrong.


Don't talk about rich Evans like that


Who, Rags'?




>are they really suggesting that the general audience should keep watching things that they don't like? I saw this in the Wheel of Time subreddit when the show came out, and people were criticizing it for being A) bad, and B) deeply unfaithful to the source material. There was almost like this... I can't think of a better word than "panic" around, "But it might be the only show we ever get, and if no one watches it, they'll never try again, so you HAVE to watch it!!!" There really is this subset in a lot of fandoms that you're not allowed to dislike *anything* related to that media (whether it's a book, album, tv series, etc), lest you undermine *all* of it. As if it's a house of cards that will collapse if any piece of it doesn't hold up. I think it's where you get a lot of this, "X ruined my childhood," shit from. Oh, the Michael Bay TMNT movie was bad, so now *ALL* TMNT is retroactively ruined forever! A lot of people obviously don't hold with that way of thinking. I think the Wheel of Time show is unbearably awful, but I'll happily just re-read the series if that's what I want to do.


I think the WoT series was damn cool and the best they could have done with the source material to a TV series..but sadly, ever since Jackson adapted LotR to movies, I learned that people have a hard time understanding what adapting actually means...and that books and movies/series will always be different from each other, and not just due to "bad writing"... but a multitude of concessions one has to make if bringing written stories to the big pictures


At least two of them are Mauler (gas mask PFP, who makes excruciatingly long videos dissecting almost every frame in a movie because he is apparently unable to edit or communicate concisely) and Ragz (furry PFP). Both are alt-right/chud ragebait channels. They're the stupid person's idea of a smart critic.


They’re guys that only ever had more than three people listening to them because they licked their tongues raw on Critical Drinkers balls until they could get on some of his content. Not saying he has much going on either, but he gets a lot more views.


> They’re guys that only ever had more than three people listening to them because they licked their tongues raw on Critical Drinkers balls until they could get on some of his content. Not saying he has much going on either, but he gets a lot more views. Think Mauler became famous for TLJ&TFA way before Drinker did.


Mike was saying the tried and tested, Don’t watch so it doesn’t get a 2nd Season argument or it doesn’t keep going. Vote with your dollars/ views. Or So I thought that’s what he was saying. I think some of the guys commenting on the video have said similar things themselves . RLM for life.


Also, I think: you don’t need to obsessively be angry at a piece of media just because it exists; you can also just stop watching it instead of throwing a tantrum.


But are they angry at it? To me it seems they are enjoy talking about how bad it is. They are enjoying themselves. Same way I enjoyed the videos talking about how bad the last jedi was or how bad the phantom menace was. It's weird that these people are angry but the others are not.


Exactly which "they" do you mean? It *seems* like you're referring to RLM, but I wasn't referring to RLM directly in my comment, so "they" doesn't really follow directly from what I wrote...


They have 100%. It was the argument used against “SJW” crowds constantly when they complained about things being offensive or problematic. I’m not taking a side in that particular debate, but it is just silly to think that doesn’t work both ways.


It doesn't work for the right-wing channels because they need "woke" shows and movies to make money and I can assure you that they're praying for the Acolyte to have a season 2


They aren't saying they can't watch it. They are saying if a show is shitty and wasting your time, move on to something else. Don't let it ruin your day.


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


"What happened to you guys?" RLM didn't change their style at all. Media just got worse.


That’s the thing, RLM has never been these vindictive assholes who are trying to stick it to the people ruining their favorite franchises (women and minorities). They actually have, like, things to say. Something like their Picard coverage wasn’t done to generate clicks or spark outrage, they were genuinely kinda hurt by how the show was treating the characters and wanted to process it. Going back to the Prequel Plinkett reviews, they weren’t mindlessly going after George like everyone else. They took the time to study his brain and dissect why he made those choices. They’ve never wanted to foster hate, they just like talking about movies on the internet.


And they reviewd Picard Season 3 ... and were quite possitive about it, liked a lot of that season. So they can actually change their minds as well, or at least do not keep their hatred just for the sake of it.


Sitting around dissecting an RLM video is some sad shit


They spent three hours talking about a 30 minute Jenny Nicholson video about how she didn’t like Joker.


They did that to her last Jedi video as well. They’re embarrassing themselves


They also broke down RLMs kenobi video recently, and suddenly I see a bunch of people who years later have a huge problem with their lukewarm take on kenobi. Surely unrelated


Not recently, it was right around the time of the Kenobi videos.


What? Really?


Actually it's not surprising to hear this from RLM if you've been watching them from the beginning. They've kinda always had this mentality. And it's not hypocrisy at all, because they're not talking about people who do this for a living, they're talking about keyboard warriors who just watch stuff and go online to type shit. People like us in reddit lmao. They're not talking about people who provide educational value with video essays and analysis. They reviewed Picard despite not liking it because it's their job, and they need to pay the bills. Also they said "if you don't like it", as in "if you aren't getting some kind of enjoyment out of it". The point of BOTW is that they're having fun. There's value there. It's like there's no sense of nuance or finesse whatsoever on the EFAP panel at all. Also, fuck Mauler anyway.


>Actually it's not surprising to hear this from RLM if you've been watching them from the beginning.  Exactly. Endeed up watching all RLMs Star wars reviews yesterday and the mention the fandom divide in nearly every single one and how people are taking it all too seriously. RLM have never not said what they said in the Acolyte video they just never went as in depth with it before outside of a few minutes of taking the piss out of people like the EFAP crowd. Also, Fuck Az , at least Mauler used to put in some time and effort in.


Those guys sound like someone who would give a movie 14/88 rating and say it was a joke when called out.


There's a big difference between so bad it's good movies and disney TV show bad.


Not to mention too, they’re not all bad. BOTW is 100% built on watching shitty movies, but it has also turned out such gems as the whopper button, REM Lezar, etc.


And importantly they always mention the good things about the movies they watch. Sure, that cheap 80s Mad Max rip off had an incredibly boring plot and wooden acting, but it also has some beautiful cinematography and great sets! Or they'll give props to something that's genuine and trying to help like the JJ Bittenbinder video. BOTW would be such a worse format if they only talked about how bad the things they've watched are.


"Why use fewer words when you can use many!" Mauler on his way to make a 4 hour video with about 20 minutes of real content in it


Never heard of these Every Frame a Pause people before. They sound like the most boring douchebags imaginable. Say what you want about RLM, but at the very least, they're smart and entertaining. Who cares what these other idiots have to say about anything.


The difference is that despite popular belief, they *don't* hate-watch the things they watch. Both sides like to put their own bias onto RLM's opinions, but generally speaking they will give credit where it's due and they're always hoping to be surprised. They didn't like season one and two of Picard, but they did like and enjoy season three. They didn't just blindly shit on the entire show for being a progressive nightmare with "forced diversity" and "leftist agenda pushing". Yes, RedLetterMedia enjoys critiquing movies. They're movie lovers. They avoid low hanging fruit (e.g. Emoji Movie) and do their best to give things a fair shot, and their panels usually allow a bit of push and pull. For example, the general consensus is that they disliked The Last Jedi, but there were times when Mike disagreed with Jay, Jay disagred with Rich, etc. They didn't just bury it under a stream of anti-woke nonsense. It's very difficult to put into words why they're not being hypocritical, because when you boil it down, both derive entertainment from laughing at stuff when it's a cosmic failure, but the difference is that Rich, Jay, Mike and everybody else at RLM don't immediately pan a show when a black Captain walks onto the bridge. They're not "Drama React" channels. They love movies. They love critiquing movies whether good or bad. They don't just sit there looking for the next thing to rant about. If you were to consume ALL of RedLetterMedia's content, there's a healthy number of glowing reviews, both from weird old movies that Jay likes, to even movies that have just come out. If you were to go to Nerdrotic's channel, all you see are bright yellow thumbnails and every single one of them just says "WOKE", "CANCELLED", "TRASH", "LESBIAN AGENDA", "RUINED", "LGBTQ", etc. There's a *massive* difference in their output and they're being intellectually dishonest if they genuinely believe that they're the same based on circumstantial and simplistic reductions of the intent behind their content. If Mike dislikes a movie I like, I usually at the very least understand and agree with his reasons. Because he's not a raging bigot and he's capable of justifying his dislike in a way that appeals to me as a film buff. If Nerdrotic dislikes a movie I like, it's usually for very nasty, very alt-right and very bigoted reasons and I've yet to hear him articulate a review that shows he has a seated understanding of filmmaking. TL;DR: RLM is talking about edgelorded bigots and ultra-progressives on both sides looking to intentionally stir the pot and drum up views. Just like these guys. RLM stirs the pot, but it's usually as a byproduct of making a solid, thought-out video about stuff they give a shit about that then gets a lot of attention and usually after they've spent some time thinking about it and writing notes on their thoughts.


Extra TL;DR: When they say "don't like it, don't watch it", they're talking about people who clearly viscerally hate something on a deeply personal level to the point that they have to rant about it angrily online. I highly doubt, despite all of their bluster, that RLM give that much of a flying fuck about the stuff they make fun of, once they're off-camera. These guys on the other hand take it personally, seem to feel that they need to change the world and that there's some higher systemic conspiracy to the media they watch. They're very call-to-arms types.


I don't see any problem with a lesbian agenda.


The average person is wasting their time and money if they don’t enjoy it. Unless you are a YouTuber. 




Ok I can't help myself. The BOTW is literally talking about basically one offs and random movies they find that are garbage. And, they actually make fun of the outright poor film making and silliness. They watched Picard for the one season it was on the air. Mike even says it he does not care for strange new worlds and does not want to cover it. I don't think they covered the last couple seasons of discovery. Don't watch it is quite literally the easiest way to tell companies you don't like it. Companies grow from viewership and dollars. People not watching = loss of both. People watching but complaining about things like children online still gives companies both. RLM as a whole jokes and makes fun of movies. What they do though is actual criticism that is also in a humorous fashion. Go watch the Last Jedi review, or Ghostbusters. They did not like those movies cause of the stories being told, nothing to do with the childish garbage online. These man children complain about "lesbian space witches" without any actual complaints about the quality of the show. I'm shocked these idiots don't even realize RLM makes fun of them just as much as they make fun of the Disney shills. Grow the fuck up lmao.


They’ve effectively personified the outrage culture into their opinions/brand/whatever. The outrage is not a biproduct of bad media. It’s the main dish for them. They’ll seek it out and talk about it constantly because that’s their brand.


Bingo! I mean the Acolyte is like the most mediocre show ever. The last episode was good ol fashion lightsaber fun. But they don't make money if they just go, ya it was fun but still not the best!


Efap have rated all kinds of things as either bad or good or mid, so you're probably talking about sb else here


And once they’re done being outraged at a piece of media they’ll switch to being outraged about someone else’s opinion on said media (like that Jenny Nicholson joker review). It kind of comes across as desperate tbh.


but they also spend hours on things they like, one of their arguments is that if they didn't try Andor for themselves they would have missed on a great show


I watch a lot of their stuff and I’m a fan of both. They do have legit criticisms. They are very ingrained in the culture war aspect though and I usually roll my eyes at this stuff, but their reaction, and more so their fans reaction, to a light ribbing from Mike has made me rethink their whole deal. This is the thinest skin I’ve ever seen all bc RLM made fun of them when they run a podcast making fun of shows, and more importantly, YouTube videos from people they don’t like. I was sure they would be able to take a joke bc a lot of these people for years have talked about how RLM is one of the best, but I guess that only lasts until they make fun of them as well


RICH EVANS LIVE REACTION https://i.redd.it/4iy89u7nfu9d1.gif


These miserable debate nerds are like the bastard children that RLM accidentally made. They took all the wrong lessons from the Plinkett reviews and now they think they have to outsmart every movie.


So badly wants to call Mike an F slur, I'm sure.


Fat lard?








Is that Every Frame a Painting with a white hood?


Yup, it's Every Frame a Piss-takery.


Right wing incel wranglers that wish so hard they had what RLM have...


With no one in the same room in their postage stamp picture-in-picture overbooked videoconferences.


There is this weird collection of toxic rage bait channels. Everything is about wokeness destroying everything , hating everything and just generating clicks via outrage. They are just outrage machines. RLM watches bad movies because they themselves do those bad movies. They rip on them but they also know what causes them to be made. But they find them entertaining and get a fun time out of it. Those channels are just negative rage over something which in the end is irrelevant because we all usually do just consume entertainment to pass the time. Of course, it is sad if some adaption is not good, but that has been the case for decades. Just do something else to pass the time.


So, the response a mauler fan will tell you is “MAULER DOESNT DO THAT” and in general he does tend to seemingly consciously stay away from that. The issue that comes up that his fans like to ignore is that every single other person on EFAP and everyone he collaborates with does infact to that


skipping through the Fallout review of his he may be more eloquent but he does precisely that. Ok, he might not be on the anti woke bender, but he is on everything is bad bender.


The antiwoke thing is what I’m talking about I wasn’t clear. He’s kind of the shield for them to say “we don’t talk about how it’s woke” even though every single person he does the podcast with does and even he implies it a lot


I really like most of Maulers videos but I can't stand EFAP. "Rags" is the most insufferable mf possible and I don't really understand why maulers associates with him.




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For a guy that was making "an unbridled rage" videos in response to game of thrones I have trouble saying mauler consciously stays away from that.


Their "careers" depend on stirring up rage about shitty comic book movies. They're a bunch of miserable cunts. And I know there's been a lot of astroturfed "the fans are misogynists" going around, but this specofic crew is legitimately the type who will complain about Game of Thrones being unrealistic because "women shouldn't fight with swords." RLM enjoys terrible things and seems to earnestly want to enjoy movies. These guys, on the other hand, get off on being angry and nitpicking about everything and will spend 9 hours raging about a single movie. Their jokes come from a place of hate and their content adds nothing of value.


This comment right here is exactly why I’m frustrated with the Nerd space critics. You absolutely hit the nail on the head.


I kinda see their point but at the same time RLM are talking more about the current state of streaming shows and algorithms associated with them, rather than movies, there is a pretty big difference there. If you stop watching a show the system knows how many people never got to the end and it effects the profit margins for these companies and that's all they really care about anymore, but if you walk out of a movie theater they still got your money and there isn't a new movie coming out next week like there is for a show on Netflix or Disney. Companies get better raw audience feedback with streaming, people who really don't like something will just stop watching it, the hate watchers are still profitable for them so if anything it's profitable for them to continue the way they have by being unapologetically progressive they incite the extreme right to hate watch and the extreme left get a culture win.


There’s no hypocrisy here. Rich and Mike carried on watching Picard despite how bad it was because of their specific love for the TNG characters, and were rewarded with season three. They watch bad, under the water on the Bad Movie Iceberg movies because they get drunk with their friends to do it and that’s the fun for them. But where’s their Strange New Worlds or Discovery reviews? They don’t watch them because they don’t like them. The whole course of Half in the Bag recently has been talking about things Mike and Jay do like or, at least, had enough interesting to say about them. Similarly to Picard, Jay was drawn to The Exorcist: Believer because of his love for the original. I got ahold of the 4K fan restorations of the original Star Wars trilogy and watched those one last time and now I’m done. I don’t like Star Wars anymore and so I’ve turned it off, I haven’t watched any of the Disney+ shows and I’m not going to. It’s okay to leave things behind, have fond memories of them but move on.


How does one get a copy of the original edit SW trilogy in 4K?


use a search engine. "4k77" "4k80", or "4k83"


EFAP: https://preview.redd.it/tdx4cnavsz9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc0bc62d387d72bbb23387712cd9cf9c1d39ae8 Their opinions are useless.




Putting it into Star Trek terms, you could look at Red Letter Media as the progenitors from before YouTube who led one way or another to giving birth to all these channels and many many more of many different types and political alignments. The Last Jedi did lead to a massive explosion of them, many of a particular slant.


Every Fart a Poop


I don’t post in here much, but I’ve been watching RLM since Mike did the original prequel videos. I think old him might have disagreed with that statement too. But he’s older now and like him, I’m exhausted of trying to convey how they butcher IP. So, like he said, I just don’t watch shit I don’t like anymore. Complaining will not change anything and it just worsens your life.


I think that's the real point. It is true that RLM guys spent lots of time making negative videos about series they used to like going to shit, but they simply got bored of it and focused on other kinds of videos. Which is for the better - I like those videos but they've really said all they had to say about this topic and anything more would be just repeating themselves. It's obvious they have more fun doing Best of the Worst than with newer Plinkett reviews or HITB, and that's a big part of what makes it fun to watch.


I think the difference is old Mike never complained that Star Wars was bad because of diversity and wokeness. He would mock performative diversity, but he didn’t dismiss The Phantom Menace because Ahmed Best is Black or because Queen Amidala was emasculating the male characters. With Ghostbusters 2016, the RLM crew made it clear they hated the movie because they didn’t think it was funny or well made, not because the Ghostbusters were women. So much reactionary film criticism today is angry dudes yelling about wokeness and how much they hate diversity, reframing every piece of media they don’t like as an attack on them. And RLM doesn’t do that.


https://preview.redd.it/ibu61lma4x9d1.jpeg?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2711a537e9a8b42e769258c88d172f701cfdc60b i’m so tired.


Go woke go broke but also go woke get rich because every fuck boy hate watches it


oh my god these people are idiots that love the sound of their own voice


The arrogance in that podcast is astounding lmao. They aren’t able to tell the difference between criticizing something or analyzing why a piece of media is bad versus RLM criticizing outrage culture.


Continues to be ironic and disappointing that for half this sub the takeaway from RLM’s anti-toxicity video was “let me seek out voices I don’t agree with so I can spew my own toxic comments”.


The discussions that spawned on twitter from this is really depressing. I kinda hate how on the internet, everyone hates everything. RLM are so inoffensive and reasonable, yet somehow they still have haters. Embarrassing


The difference here is RLM **enjoys** watching shit that they dislike. Mike is advising if you don't enjoy watching stuff you dislike, don't watch it. RLM gets off on watching stuff they dislike. EFaP doesn't seem to get that, then they continue watching RLM, so clearly they enjoy watching stuff they dislike. Therefore the advice is not to them.


They're critics. Its their job to watch movies and comment on them. That's why this argument doesn't apply to them. The advice of "Don't watch something if you don't like it." applies to people in general, it doesn't apply to critics.


If anything critics should be made to watch more stuff they hate, no positive Ebert review had a line as good as "ukulele picks for the poor"




Are these profoundly boring idiots actually taking exception to… to… not watching something you don’t like?


How else you gonna make them rage reviews? Gotta make that money, son!


That’s good point. Do you remember when people used to be employed at jobs?


Of course these pedantic dilletantes don’t like this opinion, if they stopped watching the things they hated, their livelihoods would disappear overnight.


I believe they did a group chat about the South Park episode with Kathleen Kennedy in it taking about how awesome the “put a chick in it and make her gay” part was. They completely missed the second point the show made about the folks like themselves being assholes. I tuned out of their stuff about that time. If they’re that unaware of themselves then they truly are idiots.


Mike has a point. If you think a show is abysmal and shitty, don‘t give it views. Don‘t let negativity rule your life. Sometimes people want to hate watch stuff… I get it. But you should always ask yourself if that is what you truly want. Does it make you happy to be outraged? To see your favorite characters destroyed by bad writing? No? Then do not support it with your eyeballs. I think what we are seeing in this video - this gutteral negative reaction to the argument "just don‘t watch it", is born out of frustration. It is an argument that has been used as a weapon to shut-up critical fans, for some reason… But, it is also the right thing to do. I have stopped watching that crap a couple years ago, and can safely say that Disney will never get my money again. And I‘m happy.


O upvotes 148 comments ![gif](giphy|yqXJ1KVEwrpSw)


Yeah I didn't expect this to happen xD


Wow, not even 30 seconds in and I can tell that guy is full of himself, plus a huge nitwit.


I had literally never heard of these guys up until maybe 4 months ago. Now, all I hear about them is that a) they are unfathomably popular and b) they're bad at understanding the things they're criticising.


The only other time I heard about them was in relation to... I wanna say Rise of Skywalker? One of the Star Wars sequel movies where they made an 11 hour response video to somebody's one hour review. I could smell the Hitler particles radiating off them in pretty much an instant the second I looked into it, so I've since avoided anything any of them touch.


I’ll admit, I don’t hate mauler. I watch a lot of his stuff bc it can be funny. My jaw dropped when I saw EFAP and more so their fans reactions to a light ribbing from RLM. On their sub, a sub for a podcast about nearly minute by minute breaking down and critiquing everything from movies to YouTube videos they don’t like, they’re talking about RLM having a “superiority complex”, and I even saw a post about how they’re Disney “shills” who shilled kendobi because they’re “infuriated” people like the prequels more than the sequels. They’re particularly losing their mind over the “they’re are people starving” JOKE mike made that he soon after even explains and talks about how the same can be said about them. I genuinely can’t believe this community of all don’t have a thick enough skin to take some jokes. The podcast does hours long breakdowns of YouTube videos where they critique and make fun of the people making them bc they disagree with them. I’ve see tons of comments talking about how they should “flood” RLMs comments talking about people starving in all of their videos. It’s absolutely manic.


And their fanboys ('cause we all know there ain't no girls in this group) are brigading this post as we speak. It's truly one of the most pathetic things I've ever witnessed and I have to look at myself in the mirror every day.


It's simple, if you think show is boring and u feel like you're wasting ur time, don't watch it, but if your goal is to hate watch it, knock urself out buddy xD


Every single frame had so much going on


Every pause is so dense


Of course they're not, they make a living hate-watching stuff and making rage-bait videos talking about "wokeness". Why would they agree with a nuanced take


It *is* the worst argument. And you always hear it from Fanboys defending their fav YouTuber, show, franchise, doesn't matter. But if you just blindly accept anything and weren't allowed to criticize, there also wouldn't be any progress. Also criticism doesn't mean you hate something, you mostly complain because you care, otherwise you would in fact just move on.


Every Frame a Prick


is the audio that shitty all the time? my fucking ears are bleeding after just one minute


Bro is speaking like everyone runs a podcast or youtube channel, Mike's comment is for the everyday person, not the people who rely on clicks to pay their bills.


The avengers of conservative grifter channels


Who the F is Every Frame a Pause?


I love to emerse myself in stuff I don't like that makes me angry. How else would I motivate myself to complain about everything on the Internet?


It's more fun to complain without the knowledge though.


I never would have thought acolyte was gonna bring this much drama, I mean I figured there'd be some drama over it because lol disney star wars bad but this show is making nerds eat each other alive, literal death threats over Wikipedia edits, people need to chill, it's a bad show, move on.


I'd just like to say it's wild that this thread with 0 upvotes is filled with 300+ comments of lively discussion about the topic presented 


It's a tough one. It's true that there's a lot more activist writers self-inserting a lot of ham-fisted politics and social commentary into works where it doesn't belong. But Mike and Rich are right that the best way to combat it is to just not watch it. And fortunately, for most people, that's exactly what they do. These shows and movies haven't exactly been bringing in fat stacks for their respective studios. Sooner or later, someone in this industry is gonna want to make money 😁. Yes, there's a lot of immature and inexperienced talent shoving a lot of their politics where it doesn't belong. And it doesn't make you some far-right fascist to point it out and criticize it. But you also can't let your judgment get so clouded by zeal that you scream "It's WOKE™" every time you see a woman or a non-white person on the screen.


These morons are completely compromised at this point. They treat "turn it off" as a slur...because they know if nobody is watching anymore, they have no audience to complain with at all anymore. Normal people don't watch shit they don't like. That's why Star Wars is as irrelevant as it is today. ...they're also just pissed that they were called out almost directly by name in this exact video.


Show me a video of these guys liking anything. They just make rage videos for clicks.


How about when they broke down and praised the LotR trilogy extensively? Or when they praised The Descent, and Bly Manor, and Spiderman: Homecoming, and The Haunting of Hill House, and A Haunting in Venice?


Bad Boys 4, Fall Guy, Iron Claw, Dune...


Very lucrative these days.


Extreme loser shit


Like children, they can't seem to tell the difference between "This thing isn't for me" and "This is poorly done."


i do not care about these nerds


I would rather shut my hand in a door than listen to these chuds.


God, their profile pictures are so cool, I'm swayed without a doubt. Can't believe Rich Evans would break my heart like this.


"they have a show making fun of bad things" in that show they watch films that are (usually) so bad they're good. They enjoy watching them. The advice they give is stop watching someone if you're not enjoying it. They also bring up them hate watching Picard but haven't they paused it just before Mike goes on to use that show as an example of someone they gave up on That crew are Critical Drinkers friends who are the type to do the anti-woke videos that RLM have made fun of like in that Acolyte video so I'm not surprised that they're not happy.


The YT comments on that video are a trip.


I don't think the picard thing is the own they think it is. They watched Picard... so what? if Picard continued along the same path and was entering its 5th season and Mike and Rich were doing weekly low effort unedited 4 hour streams of them on discord crying about each individual episode you could say that but a lot of us who generally bailed on star trek gave Picard a chance. 30 years of good will to a show/character will do that.