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Link to original drama summary here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/s/9IqIBW2b0R TL;DR: BCB got involved with another company’s customer on the other company’s fb group, ended up reporting the customer for threatening her (BCB) but then refused to produce any proof and it seems highly likely she lied, then went radio silent for a week until she posted this.


wait whaaaaaaaat. this is what i was looking for so thank you! but also wtf. this has got to be some intentional drama to get people talking about the brand cause that is nuts...


commenting on highest comment, here is my post as an update to the original summary post: it contains katie's (swamp gloss owner) apology and statement which was a ~week ago https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/s/ua2l98CpXr since there are people judging me for sharing katie's statement i would like to say: i asked katie if she wanted to give a statement to the subreddit and discord, she sent me her statement, i double checked that she was okay with the content and got a yes. i am tired of people conflating me "breaking privacy" of various persons, which i have not.


There's a blaming tone here that I don't like. Putting it on the mod for "escalating" things feels really unfair all things considered.


Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be because she overstepped, doubled down and then lied. She’s still lying now, no, definitely it’s the Mod. I’ll never buy another polish from her.


How to not take responsibility while apologizing


Too bad I liked her polishes. Eta: so it's only me but I personally would have been willing to look the other way and chalk this up to a huge mistake in judgment (I don't think at this point it would be credible to call it a misunderstanding) had a genuine apology been issued. None of the hallmarks of a genuine apology are present here and many flaming red flags of an insincere one are here. Most notably, she pretty clearly continues to lie and try to make to sound like a misunderstanding where she didn't truly do anything wrong and poor her. Even taking what she says here as true though: She doesn't take real responsibility for what she did do. Apologizing to someone that they were hurt or upset when your actions are what hurt or upset them is not a real.apology. A real apology apologizes for your actions not for others perfectly justified feelings. She needlessly adds a sob story about alleged family medical drama to try to make people feel sorry for her. This is totally irrelevant to anything she did. She tries to justify at least some of it by citing her mental health. Mental health can sometimes be an explanation but it's never a justification for behaving badly unless perhaps one is certifiably insane and can no longer tell reality from fiction or right from wrong. Anxiety seems to be closest to what she's describing. Anxious people absolutely still have morals and common sense. I won't order from her again unless a real apology is issued where she takes full responsibility.  It's a pity as one of my fave polishes I own and one of very few I've worn more that twice is hers.


It’s really unfortunate how awareness of mental health needs (which is a very good thing) has turned so quickly into people using “mental health” as an excuse for poor behavior. Sorry, but “keeping yourself healthy” is not an excuse to treat people like crap or avoid accountability for your actions.


She easily could’ve said “I want to deeply apologize to the customer. I was not in the right headspace and I was completely in the wrong. That is not an excuse for the way I handled things. I will be making this right by the customer and I sincerely apologize.” No. Instead she continued to blame others and the only apology was being silent over the issue for so long.


If she would have responded in that manner then I would’ve given her the benefit of the doubt and try her polishes.


Exactly! She’s going to keep losing customers over this the longer she pushes it off. When you’re a small indie brand, you can’t exactly afford to lose customers. She’s not Sally Hansen who will keep making sales because they’re in just about every chain store. But honestly, if this is how you react, you deserve to lose customers. If your customer service skills are abysmal, you’re in the wrong business.


Good analysis on the non apology. It sucks. >I personally would have been willing to look the other way Not me, though; too many big red flags for me to trust someone who runs a business this way. Making up non-existent threats is a pretty serious accusation. Doubly so when you are making this accusation while in a position of power (aka a brand owner, who has access to customer sensitive information) over the accused. Triple so when you think you can accuse someone of something while also not allowing that person to know about the accusation or tell their side of the story. Quadruple so when you get called out for it being false and then continue to perpetuate the idea that the threats happened. So now you have a brand owner dragging a customer through the mud with no credible proof of it happening and expecting people to just trust that she won't go and do it to another customer when they get fed up with her behavior? IMO, that's straight up someone who shouldn't own a business bc they have no idea how to properly behave.


I always find it so disingenuous when people bring up a family drama or sob story conveniently when they're being called out for something, when it's never been mentioned before and isn't relevant to the situation. Like, has the unwell family member consented to have his personal medical issues spread all over the internet as an excuse for someone's poor behaviour? Tacky and gross.


This is how I felt too. I'm super sad about it because I love her polishes. I really wanted the new flakie collection too.


It’s so….. hollow. Especially her excuse on why she deleted messages. That part stood out to me the most. She’s trying to justify her means of being nasty and saying she’s protecting her own mental health from the shit that she caused. Wild. Take accountability and quit crying about what your actions, bullying, and behavior did to your own mental health without regards to the customer that was clearly attacked.


What really gets me is the fact that this was originally, like. Idk. A non issue? Not in the sense that it wasn't tacky, but it started as simple bad customer service. It could have been a three sentence thing, like "Sorry, I handled that badly. The poor communication on my end was frustrating for all involved. Here's what's going to change/what to expect going forward." Right at the beginning, as soon as she learned that people were upset. You know. Like a professional. I know that these indie stores are like, one person and maybe their spouse, but so many of them (in EVERY field: nail polish, crafting, anywhere people are starting their own micro businesses) are run so terribly. Every customer interaction is personal for them. Like, you're not my friend, you're taking my money and providing a product. I will never need to hear a thousand sobbing words about your mental health and your sick dad and your car that caught fire and your puppy who just blew up. I just feel like Bobby Hill every time I see something like this. "This is a business interaction, I don't know you!"


Yeah, the nonprofessional aspect STOOD out to me. I will say I get the psychology of it though. I have a fortunately never sent email that looks awfully similar because someone accused me of cheating (which I had in fact kinda done) in an MMO (lmao). I was so defensive that I basically wrote a page exactly like this in spirit: I didn't, how dare you, here's five paragraphs about how I couldn't have and even if I did it wasn't a big deal also my life is bad and you're a bad person to not be understanding of me. SO embarrassing, fortunately I slept on it and when I woke up was just like: haha oh that's embarrassing. And just never actually responded, which in my video game case was much better. I was also 19, living in my parents' home, and jobless at the time... not a great look for BCB to be relatable to then!me.


The whole post is trash. 🚮


I find the disclosure of someone else's medical shit in distaste. I live with heart failure and none of my chosen family would do this because they found out


I'm glad it's not just me because I've seen so many people fall for that kind of story on this and other sites. I would never consent for any of my relatives to put my personal medical details online in any capacity, let alone to use me to gain sympathy, and I don't think I'd be able to forgive anyone who did.


My mother is a diagnosed narcissist with factitious disorder by proxy. I always wonder if they're accidentally revealing they are also a narcissist or other low empathy person and if their relatives are safe. I am. It took going no contact.


I find it embarrassing as fuck when people use those things as an excuse. I did use my dad's death as an excuse to dump someone once. However, he would've 100% approved. Lol. Thanks dad.


As long as he approves! I am sorry you lost him and that one makes sense to me vs the use in the post here. That one is "I can't cope with your shit" not "Don't hold me accountable"


This “apology” tells me all that I’d need to know about this brand. There are too many indie brands with beautiful polishes for me to choose a problematic brand like this over any of them.




I was shocked when I saw all of the comments saying they felt so bad for her, blah, blah, blah. Immediately left the group and washed my hands of BCB. Left such a bad taste in my mouth.


It reminds me of the drama that hand dyed yarn companies went through on Ravelry in the 2010s, down to the blaming mental health and having an attitude of “oh I’m such a small business please understand it’s just lil ol’ me!” So that people who were fans would attack the customers who were clearly treated unprofessionally if not worse.


This was not an apology. She didn’t once mention the customer in any of this. No “I’m sorry for the way I handled things” nothing. It was “I’m sorry for the long silence”. That’s ridiculous.


She did, she continued to claim she was threatened by mentioning deleting shit. This wasn’t an apology to that wronged customer, this was a “forced to put out a statement” apology and it stinks.


I wouldn’t even consider this an apology. She said sorry once at the beginning and it had absolutely nothing to do with what happened.


Well, rats, I just got my first BCB polish from PPU (Dance By The Light Of The Moon), swatched it yesterday, & couldn’t wait to wear it. Now all I’ll be thinking about is this crap response. Kinda takes the fun out of the nail polish for me! There’s too many good nail polish makers out there to spend my time/dollars on companies that don’t know how to treat people, or even to make a sincere apology. Thanks for keeping us updated.


Thanks for this update. I’ll definitely be skipping her at Polish & Beauty Expo


If, after reading an apology, I ask myself: "What is this person sorry for? What action did they take that they don't think was appropriate and would do differently?" and don't have a good answer, then it doesn't feel like a satisfying apology. I've read it a few times and the only thing I can see that seems like an action that she's sorry for is the delay in responding. The words "sorry" and "apologize" are used quite a few times, but other than the delayed response, it's so vague and non-specific, that I can't tell what she's apologizing for.


That’s a good way to view apologies, wow. I’m gonna have to remember that. And I agree, I couldn’t tell what the apology was for either…


None of this feels genuine and sounds like a lot of excuses and deflecting. Also quite vague. This is worse than saying nothing. Yikes. Will never buy again.


"To avoid damaging my mental health further I delete messages... it is how I best protect myself" so basically she's acting like it's a *good* thing to be shitty like this? Yeah no, I'm not buying it. Will be putting all of my BCB polishes in the destash pile now!


Nope. This is supposed to be a professional business owner and she’s accusing someone else’s customer of something so serious, it’s actually illegal. She accused someone of “threatening” her over the internet, without ANY proof to show, claiming she just deleted those threats for the sake of her own “mental health”, threats she felt so serious at the time that she reported this customer to the mods, is the most manipulatively duplicitous “just trust me, bro” garbage I’ve ever heard. The lie about the threats alone are enough to make me NEVER do business with this person, trustworthy people don’t do these things to theirs or anyone else’s customers. And then she doubles down in her supposed explanation/apology, she’s still not fessing up about her accusation of threats being a horrendous lie, just instead claiming she deleted those threats for her own mental health, but guys can we please just forget that ever happened? 🙄 There are a billion other indie brand business owners whose owners won’t lie on someone’s name like that, go support them.


Yuck. This should have stopped at “my sincerist apologies to everyone”. It’s a shame because she makes really creative polishes, I’ve absolutely loved everything I’ve gotten from them. But this is awful behavior from a business owner. It’s so unprofessional.


can someone explain what's going on in the least "he said, she said" way possible? what's the TLDR for those of us that struggle to process info? i saw that massive post a week or so ago but honestly that just confused the heck outta me.


This is very basic. BCB responded to a customer post on SG's Facebook page, offering customer service help. She gave an email to reach her. She provided no help. It has come out SG kinda sorta endorsed this initial message but not to the extent it was taken. BCB had SG's permission to respond and ask the person to be patient because SG was going through some personal stuff. The customer was not happy with BCB's lack of customer service and escalated appropriately.  BCB sent a message to a discord mod that the customer had threatened her over FB messenger.  The mod told her they'd have to discuss with the customer. BCB told them not to. The customer denied. BCB can produce no proof despite screenshots being a very basic tool business owners are well acquainted with. SG had issued an apology and action plan most are happy with. BCB had issued this shit above.


oof thanks for taking the time to explain that


But... it wasn't a "mistake." She lied about a customer threatening her. That's not an oopsie my tone was off. That's a malicious accusation that goes above drama.. this doesn't do anything.


Literally the only specific thing she brings up re what happened is “I can’t believe my personal slanderous accusation against a customer got aired publicly bc they took it seriously!!!!!!” 🤡


And protect her from... what exactly?? She was believed until the customer came out. And truly this must be a freaking nightmare for that customer. No one is really helping them wade through this shit show that they never asked to be a part of. And I really don't like the throwing of her dad in at the end. Bc then we are the AH if we say anything against it. But at the same time... that's not our buisness? It doesn't change anything? Is he cool with you blasting his medical stuff online? Why is this a part of your notes app explanation to get the heat off of you?? Did she EVER apologize to that customer even in private? That seems like the bare minimum here but what do I know


People have sued over shit like this, I can't believe she had the audacity to LIE then double down on it.


What a sob story


hi. said mod here. id just like to clarify that BCB only told me not to say anything to the customer when i said to her that i would have to bring this allegation up to the customer. BCB did not open the conversation with asking me to keep it in confidence. i did not out BCB to the customer when DMing said customer, and also did not publicize it.




First and foremost I’m sorry for her father, that’s hard. And the only part of her post that I believe is genuine. But secondly, this is a non-apology. The beginning was extremely insincere and didn’t even address the person she hurt— who, by the way she still insinuated sent her threats— so who was the apology even to in the first place? People who saw her when the mask came off? 🤨 But think of this logically: BCB sends this out of pocket public reply on FB that strongly insinuates SHE will be helping and packing orders for Katie. Why would the customer threaten someone who theoretically has her *actual real life address* and is currently, presumably, the only person who can help her? And then the proof is conveniently not there when people ask for it because “oopsies I deleted it”. 😐 When I was sent death threats I kept them for three years. I only deleted them when the people who all demanded to see them got their proof, and everyone knew the truth. (And btw I shouldn’t have deleted them at all. If this happens to you, never delete shit like that. Make backups. Learn from my mistakes.) I, of all people, know what it’s like and I don’t believe she’d delete it immediately if that actually happened mental health or not because it’s a **big deal** to accuse a customer of that AND you want proof for the police. 😬 I get high stress emotional states can alter your logic but the situation doesn’t add up given this would screw the customer over far more than help her. I don’t believe BCB. I just don’t. Anyway it doesn’t matter what I believe honestly, but I do know I’ll never buy her products. Not from her personal site, PPU, HHC or anywhere else. I don’t like liars, especially not on things like this. Thanks OP for sharing the message for those of us without FB. ❤️


Maybe I'm just a particularly jaded person, but the whole "father in heart failure" feels manufactured to garner sympathy. I've seen too many people lie online about shit like this when they find themselves in hot water. Anything to deflect blame.


I feel like it doesn’t even matter whether or not it’s real. That shouldn’t have been in an apology to customers and is so unprofessional. I love buying from small businesses, but some of the makers get way too personal. Adding this to their apology was so distasteful.


Honestly that very well could be, I wouldn’t be surprised given the rest of the post if that was a lie too. 😔 I’ve never seen her FB posts so I wasn’t sure if her father having health issues was mentioned before (probably not) but also I’m a little weak for family stories so that is probably just me being a softie lol.


Don't be sorry. It's just not relevant to the situation and sharing someone else's personal medical info publicly without their knowledge & consent is disgusting in any context. Highly doubt she asked her dad if she could tell all of her customers and anyone on Facebook how ill he is to try and garner sympathy.


I think I would still be willing to buy them secondhand but never ever new. I’m kind of glad to have reasons to exclude brands to reduce the shopping, but I’m also careful with my personal boycotts. I basically never go back once I start, so I try to be careful with what I add to the list lol. It’s interesting how much brand drama exists in this space but I think that’s true for most communities. My only activity that isn’t filled with drama is jigsaw puzzles lol — I think people don’t end up getting closer enough to the brands or artists for things to get messy.


I understand! I do the same with indie perfume honestly, I’ll buy from destashes but I’ll never support that company directly if they’ve done something bad enough. This is the first nail polish brand so far that I’ve been like “yeah I’m never trusting this person with my personal info” 😔 Unfortunately I think nearly all communities have some element of drama at some point. My other hobbies all have had really strange drama go down too at one point. I mean hell, even knitting/crochet communities have had some insane drama happen. It’s bewildering. Bless the jigsaw puzzle community though tbh, the seemingly only safe beacon in a world of parasocial relationships lol ❤️


I think jigsaws might have fewer parasocial relationships — I’m not really into influencers generally, the culture just doesn’t grab me mostly. So I am kind of shocked about how I actively _need_ the swatchers to see the polishes on. And they administer fb groups and do destash sales, and it is a bizarre amount of Internet personality contact for me.


I count 30 variations of I/me/myself. Just sayin…


I wish we'd stop with the acronyms. What is SG and BCB? I assume brands?


Hi friend, not the original poster but SG is Swamp Gloss (the owner is Katie) and BCB is BCB Lacquers (the owner is Brittany). I’m not sure if BCB stands for anything or is her initials, but that’s the company name.


Thank you! I was also confused. Stating names once then using acronyms after is always the best way to go about acronyms IMO because not everyone follows every single polish brand


I still get confused a lot of times too honestly! ❤️ there’s a lot of brands I don’t know well. I’m glad I could help on this one. :’)


Thank you!


BCB Lacquer is a full brand name. SG stands for Swamp Gloss, another brand.


Swamp Gloss and BCB lacquer


Kelli Marissa had said a couple months ago that she was testing a new-to-her brand & a couple weeks later had a bcb polish on her What I've Been Wearing YouTube shorts... But, then never posted a full length video. Guess now we know why.


You think it was because of this fiasco or has there been other previous drama with BCB?


Yeah, I won't be purchasing from SG or BCB.


Same! Just not worth it when there are so many great indie brands out there!


typically for something to be considered an apology the person has to say what they're sorry for


Welp glad i passed on that bcb color from HHC this month .This seems soo messy


I don t know anything about BCB polish or what but I had very negative experience with Swamp Gloss shipping taking ages and the owner being completely unresponsive so I decided not to buy from them anymore.


Swamp Gloss did address the delays in her fb group (though she should’ve proactively emailed all her customers too) and actually took ownership of her screw up and apologised. Unlike BCB….


From what I understood, and correct me if I m wrong and misunderstood, SG asked BCB to apologize on their behalf, BCB took all the negative criticism for having SG s back and then SG also blamed BCB for something that wasn't t BCB mistake after all. Do I get it wrong? Either way I was not happy with SG s service months before all that. I only found out about the drama today 


That’s not what happened. BCB is entirely in the wrong here. Swamp Gloss responded within like a day of what happened and SG also got ghosted by BCB (their irl friend). https://imgur.com/a/3iMJFnT SG publicly apologised to the customer BCB messed around with. SG’s only mistakes were not communicating re long shipping and possibly somehow telling BCB they could hop in on SG’s customer fb group. BCB is deservedly getting the negative pushback they deserve. Please educate yourself on the rest of the situation at the link my other comment included with a drama summary.


Thanks for the update. I will. A drama summary for dummies would be good 


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I’m sorry but if you look at her profile picture and see how poor quality her MAIN picture is and how successful her indie brand is, everything makes sense 😅 she has the money to put up a nice quality, professional photo to represent herself and brand. Then she’s taking this picture on a Nokia on the carpet and edited it in Microsoft paint. Jfc. Maybe I just expected something more from someone with a good business. Also yes the above post is not an apology, it just screams lack of maturity or narcissism.