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If Phil pays for the beer.


So no.


If the Reds win the WS I’ll drink a beer with anyone, been too long to hate!


Sure....I mean, where ya gonna go?


Best answer right here.


If we win a world series it will be accomplished in spite of Castellini...but I'll drink a beer with just about anyone. So, yes, I'll drink a beer with Phil and tell him he's an asshole


I’ll do you one better! How about we win a World Series, and Phil fucks off forever while I drink beer with fellow fans?


This guys gets it


We win a world series in this scenario? You bet your ass I'm downing a beer bat with that old bastard.


The cringe that he had to clarify that he’d drink a ginger beer out of a beer bat makes it a no for me…why are you the way that you are?


Seriously. Why is it so hard for these people to just be like a normal guy just once? Just say you’ll drink a beer dude. Even if you don’t drink, just lie lol.


It’s because they’ve never been normal. Granddaddy made all the money, and anyone around today has only lived a privilege life.


It’s hard for many people who don’t drink to refrain from constantly reminding people about it


Being a normal guy means drinking shit beer?


Who said anything about shit beer?




We just won the World Series bro idc who im downing a beer with


No. There will be plenty of people to drink with, why the fuck would I choose him? If Marge Schott were alive I would rather have a beer with her, and she's demonstrably a worse person. But at least that would make for a crazy story. Phil is the most milquetoast wealthy bro imaginable, and I don't want to have a sody-pop with him




Sounds like we need a cardboard cut out of phil in a bikini sent to the locker room


Man I love your reference but I don't know how many people on here are going to get it. We're old I mean when the hell did that happen?


Hey if anyone’s going to get it my best bet is on one of the baseball subs


Yup Actions speak much louder than words. He's said some stupid and antagonistic shit the last few years, but if he was able to cobble together a WS winning roster so they finally win one in my lifetime? That's acting, and winning while doing so. I don't hold grudges like that, and would happily drink that beer and shake the man's hand.


If the Reds won a World Series it would be despite ownership, not because of it. I wouldn’t


Short answer, no. Long answer, if he pays for it, still no, fuck that guy


Well at this rate I'll be old enough to drink by the time that happens so sure


No. Phil actually picks cocaine over the reds winning. If bob dies or steps down they are in a ton of trouble


Mmmm…. For me it’d be like that scene in Major League were Roger Dorn punches Ricky Vaughn in celebration.


A beer! I was prepared to go much further than that lol


No. If they win it would be in spite of the Castellinis, not because of them. Sell the team, Bob, and take your assclown trustafarian son with you.


No, he has done nothing in life except half of his genetic material came out of Bob’s dick. It is a tough life being born into wealth with no desire except to be a smug douchebag.


Phil is not what you'd call eloquent when it comes to public speaking. His answer to the sell-the-team question was awkward. But it wasn't as thoughtless as it sounded. What he failed to put across is this: Nobody in the world who can afford an MLB team (I e. billionaires) will vow to keep them in this city in perpetuity. The only people who would make that promise are already in the ownership group. I would really, really hate to wake up one day to news about the Las Vegas Reds. (Or Nashville. Or New Orleans..Etc)


The terms of their lease make it very difficult to leave both in terms of what they pay (basically nothing), and what they would have to for leaving. For me, "where are you going to go?" was less offensive than him showing a powerpoint presentation to a group of fans about how it was impossible for the Reds to do anything and they shouldn't expect to keep any talent, so enjoy them while they're here.


If a billionaire wants to buy the team and move it into a Top 10 market, buying out of a lease and wriggling their way out of Ohio’s Modell Law is collectively a far smaller challenge than getting the votes of the other 29 MLB owners to move into the new market. Both can be accomplished with enough money, enough lobbyists and enough lawyers.


As it stands, the Reds pay $1 a year to lease GABP. By comparison, the Lookouts pay $1 million a year for a AA park. The amount of money a new market would have to generate compared to the increased operational costs and the massive financial outlay required to get everything done would be very difficult to justify compared to staying throughout the remainder of the lease at the minimum


This is such a red herring. Billionaires don't buy teams to move them, they literally commute to work every day in private jets, they don't care whether the team is in Cincinnati or Iowa. They buy teams because they're competitive AF and owning a professional sports team is the ultimate status symbol. Milwaukee is owned by a hedge fund guy from NYC and they've had a hell of a lot better past 10 years than we have. It's frankly the provincial, small-town thinking that says our team needs to be owned by locals when we'd probably win a lot more if we weren't.


The issue is not the convenience or location of the owners. It's the size of the market. Bigger market = bigger profits. Especially if the local government will open the public treasury for a shiny new stadium. That's what motivated people who buy sports teams.


I hear you, but why are the Brewers still in Milwaukee? Heck, why are the Rays still in Tampa Bay? These guys are already billionaires, I don't think moving teams for more profit is the motivator everyone thinks it is. We have to get out of this mindset that we're going to lose the oldest professional baseball team if someone from outside the area owns it - otherwise we'll always be stuck with cash poor local owners who don't want to invest and use the team as a profit-generating ATM machine.


Nah fuck him


Will he inherit the Reds or how would that work? Bob only owns like 16% of the club doesn’t he?


Hell no


No, he’s even more of an ass off the camera.


Depends. Is he going to do a Florida Marlins and fire sale everyone on the roster after the season is over?


No Way. Hands down my least favorite person, not counting the horrible people of the world.


Bob? Maybe Phil? Not a fucking chance


Only if I can beat him with it when I'm done chugging


Absolutely, and I don't even drink. You guys are lying to yourselves if you think winning won't fix things.


Sure, if this jabroni by some miracle wins a fucking World Series I’ll drink a beer with him and forgive him. This team hasn’t won a playoff series since like 1995… I’m not holding my breath. Teams are out there spending $700 million on a single player


If only Phil wears a pete rose jersey while we do it then yes


No, but I would spit on him given the opportunity.


I'd drink a beer with him now because I have the ability to understand what he was trying to say despite the poor phrasing. I also am not easily offended and this affected my Reds fandom none.


If he pays off my mortgage. Which he could easily do, I'm gonna guess for the amount he spends on dinners in restaurants in a couple of weeks. 


The hate boner for Phil is going to end at some point right? It’s getting cringey.


He’s an asshole nothing cringey about calling him out


Shut up Phil


Are you joking? He basically have the middle finger to the entire city and was smug as fuck while doing it. If the Reds win anything it will be in spite of him, not because of anything productive or efficient he’s done. God I can’t stand the boot lickers.


If he pays for me, and gets me a ball signed by the entire team and Krall, sure.


I’d make his ass drink six of them with me.


Trophies live forever. Of course


If it means a WS win, I will eat crow all day long for Phil C.




Krall jersey and bobble and we'll talk.




Yes, that's his only job and something he promised years ago


Nope, he's a bitch.


No, but where am I gonna go, oh I know home!!!




Nope. Because the Reds would have won in spite of him, not because of him.


I would and then bonk him on the head with it and say that Krall saved his ass