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Definitely a good move, this team isn’t playing well enough to warrant sacrificing sleep on a work/school night. I made the mistake of staying up for the game last night and found myself wishing I would have just went to bed. I lost 2 hours of sleep to watch little league base-running mistakes and a damn Kevin Newman walk off. The way I see it, it’s a win-win to not watch unless they start turning it around. If they get a W, you wake up and get some good news. If they lose (especially in a heartbreaking way) then it’s no skin off your back, and you wouldn’t have wasted your time late at night.


> I lost 2 hours of sleep to watch little league base-running mistakes and a damn Kevin Newman walk off. I fell asleep in the 5th, woke up at 1:45, saw the '2' in the bottom 9 in the box score and spent the next 45 minutes pissed off until I finally fell back asleep. Not worth it, IMO.


This is one of the most fundamentally unsound reds teams I've watched in the past 30 years. The idea of being "aggressive" on the base paths has become us forcing everything and running ourselves out of innings. Guys like Will Benson look absolutely lost and we keep throwing him out there against lefty pitching because depth is nonexistent. Call us unlucky, young, on the verge. I call us not good from top to bottom.


it’s the dang injuries. if we were 100% healthy we would have some good depth. but we aren’t, and man is our lack of depth showing. not really sure what the fix is for us


Nobody is ever 100% healthy. Injuries happen to every team every season all the time. Good teams find ways to manage it.


i know that’s literally what i said.


Yup same boat. Done staying up late to watch this team. I’m fine waking up and seeing they lost and getting my sleep


Oh I’ve quit watching. I watch my fantasy ⚾️ pitchers instead. Going 5(?) games with a total of 1 run to start this terrible stretch broke my spirit


I’m so glad I’ve got the nhl playoffs to keep me happy.


My brother and his family moved to San Diego 8 years ago, been going out there for Reds games/vacations ever since. They’ve had some heart wrenching losses at Petco in recent years. Still, it’s hard to feel sad when they lose, I’m still in beautiful San Diego with family. I’ve also developed a mild crush on the Padres as a result, they aren’t playing much better than the Reds so far, but they seem closer to righting the ship, than us right now. Hope our Reds figure this out soon, it’s no longer early.


I’ve stopped watching.


Pitching sucks. Same again.


Yeah, they are playing the Dodgers. They are going to get spanked