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Thank you for all your hard work /u/DBrady 😢


This app is a school example of how the app should function. 10/10 Much love for the devs and good luck.


Fuck u/spez


Yeah I second that, #fuck u/spez indeed.


###Fuck /u/spez


Fuck u/spez


I'll keep watching this sub in case dbrady discusses a future project, even if it isn't related to relay. This is actually kinda sad I've been using this app for so long I got memories associated with it's quirks. Hell I remember what I was doing when I saw it's first redesign.


I remember the first phone I downloaded it on. I also have a really old version on a Galaxy S3 in my drawer. Edit: forgot a word


Remember the weird hidden search subreddit we'd land in?


I'm honestly looking forward to seeing how far Reddit can fall. Fuck /u/spez.


So long, everyone. It's been great




Lol I get instabanned any time I login to the normal app. With no actual explanation. I have no idea what got me on the ban list. I think it was something fucking dumb like, I delete my account periodically cuz I like having a fresh slate. I guess if you merely comment on a sub you got banned from you're just permabanned forever. Very silly shit. And you know for a fact half the sub bans are over the dumbest shit


I have the same problem on my personal accounts. Instant permaban. The way I've found to get around it is to create a new Google account, delete relay, download a separate browser, then download relay again. Sign up for Reddit on the new browser and confirm email and all through it, then log into relay and you should be good. At this point I delete the extra browser and swap back to my normal Google account. This same method should still work if you swap out Relay for the Reddit official app, I've done it that way too. I think bans are somehow tied to your Google account, or possibly your phone. Because I've done this method, then cleared all my cache and cookies on my PC chrome browser, then been able to log in no problem with no ban. Just make sure to not accidentally log into an old banned account, or you'll have to delete the cookies and cache and all that stuff again and then log into the new account again. No guarantee that this will all work for any others, but it works for me.




That's not how cookies work


Possibly device ID


> I guess if you merely comment on a sub you got banned from you're just permabanned forever. That's the reason, yes. Getting around the ban by creating a new account is a violation of reddit's rules, so they ban you immediately. Then creating a new account after getting a permaban is a violation too.


PSA, this user is a poster to politicalcompassmemes. The bans were likely justified lol


Very nice hot take! Laughing at political memes = automatically ban worthy. I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to the world views on that sub. But I think it's funny and almost wholesome to all come together regardless of political views and roast each other. You sound boring af lol




Thank you /u/DBrady I'll seriously consider paying a monthly fee if that's what it takes and you decide to go that route.


The moment relay can't connect, I will stop using the desktop site as well. It's been cool.


Goodbye and Goodnight all. It was a good run, a relay if you will. Obligatory Fuck /u/spez


Will all third party apps not work from tomorrow?


RedReader will still work, as will Narwhal (iOS) as well. The former got an exemption, and the latter has been given a grace period so that they can implement a subscription model to pay for API access.


I believe revanced is coding a patch to make them work again, not sure if it's out or if we have to wait


Technically. Some devs will enforce it by deleting their client_id keys just to make sure they don't get charged.


Thank you /u/DBrady , it was a great ride


I have had an account on Reddit for 13 years. Hard to believe it has been that long. I have had Relay for maybe half that long, and it has been fantastic. Without it, I will be done. Even the browser version will suck without RES. I will miss this place. Thanks /u/DBrady for all of your hard work.


I've have only accessed reddit through relay for longer than I can remember. If it goes away I won't be searching for a new way to access reddit. Once it's gone, so am I Bye all.


Goodbye Relay, you will be missed. :(


When will it stop working?


It has been an honour, thanks u/DBrady for making one of the smoothests apps I've tried. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.2.33 Pro Phone: Google Pixel 6a (Pixel 6a) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): bluejay (bluejay) Rom: TQ2A.230505.002


This is probably my last comment from mobile. Great to spend so much good time with you all! **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.2.33 Pro Phone: Google Pixel 6 (oriole) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): oriole (oriole) Rom: TQ3A.230605.010


I have this terrible feeling, the kind I felt when Stray (the game) ended. Will miss Relay. Nothing on Android comes close. edit: Alternative Lemmy and Kbin Apps list: https://lemmy.world/post/401441


Such a good app died for nothing. Literally the most enjoyable to use app across all phones I've used in the past 10+ years. It didn't have to be this way. I tried the official app out of morbid curiosity. It sucks ass. Scrolling is slow and laggy. I have to load the entire comments section to even see the post's image or video and suddenly it's 3P developers who are wasting API calls. Out with that shit. I'm really flustered by how crap the official app is.


So long, and thanks for all the fish


Goodbye everyone, it has been a good ride. I wish you all the best o7


Thankyou /u/DBrady


Bye relay


Farewell everybody!


Yep, this is going to be my final time on here. This Reddit API drama is was the final straw for me. I'm only here to check how the protests are going. Kbin, mastodon and pixelfed have completely replaced centralised social media for me and made me realise just how toxic those sites were


To the devs of Relay, thanks folks, best app on my phone for years, so glad I invested in it! Best of luck on your next venture!


You will be missed, Relay...


Thanks /u/dbrady for all the hard work over the years. This was an awesome app. The official app is a shit show.


Bye 🥲 Old Reddit is all that's left now...


Nearing 3am. Posting from Relay. Is this it? :(


I thought things shut down on the 1st.


Question: (besides the moral shitty behavior of reddit) - why is it not a possibility to just enter your own API keys? Why does relay have to use a singular API key for everyone?


It's theoretically possible, but as I understand it, reddit is also going to make getting an api key to do such a thing impossible.


/u/DBrady MVP


I have moved this app many times between phones. This is honestly so shitty. It's been real.


Fuck /u/spez


Relay has been the best way to browse reddit. It will never be the same again. I'm not even sure if I will continue to use reddit on my phone at all now.


Looks like it's not going away after all!


I just saw, holy hell!! 😁😁😁


I've been on Reddit since pretty close to the beginning. This was the best rated app when I decided to try it on my phone. Shoot I think it was 2011 or so, on my Motorola Droid 2? Worked great on my Casio Commando, Samsung Galaxy S3, S5, S6, S8, and the S10 I'm using now. I've never used another app, I've never needed to. It's always been the easiest smoothest, I'd guess most stable. Every new feature just made life so easy. Good luck and Godspeed /u/DBrady /u/Spez if you're listening (which we know you're incapable of doing so at all) Way to tank your daily user "growth" you know, that thing Pao said was the reason she resigned as CEO? Looking like you're dumping reddit on top of the already dead Tumblr. Fuck you Spez.


Fs in the chat, boys




Than you guys, since I tried this app I fell in love


If you want some help cutting reddit off, you can really wear down the reddit reflex by using block element on the entire site with your ad blocker.


Goodbye <3


If /u/DBrady creates an app for Lenny, I'll buy it without hesitation!


Goodbye ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




Goodnight everyone, new day tomorrow and strange new world after a decade of reddit.


Same, it's been good. Not sure if I'll bother moving over to the official app either.


Awwwwww. Bye lol


Yeah, my last comment. Fuck you u/spez you absolute cunt of a man!


This actually made me really sad. Been using Relay daily for longer than I can remember at this point, going to genuinely miss it. Thank you for everything /u/DBrady


I seriously can't believe this. Farewell everyone




I tried many third party apps, for me Relay was easily the best.


Remember when people used to post on Facebook about how they're leaving Facebook? Pepperidge farm remembers