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Lol. Lack of people willing to work means he can't get the labor as cheap as he wants.


Yet won’t do it himself


Landlords just aren’t willing to work these days


But being a landlord takes so much effort. It's a real job! /s


My landlord just gave me a rental increase notice of $800. He also just bought a new truck.


Depends on what state you live in they can only raise the rent a certain amount with a new lease. California for us is 10% total in 12 months or the average amount raised in the county. This year for us was 9.3%


There's zero rent protections for where I'm at. They only require a 3 month notice of increase if not on a lease. If on a lease they can raise it any amount only when you sign a new lease.


Oh goodness yuck.


Start to pour oil down the drain.


It does if you do it right. This guy clearly doesn't


No it's not lmao


No landlords want to work.


You do not want an incompetent person repairing a safety critical structural element like a staircase.


He probably can't, in my city that would be illegal for a landlord to fix. I have been waiting 5 days for a company to come look at the fans on my roof. It's hard af to get people to show up to work.


my mom had a cleaning company that works with apartments to clean them and started going into repairs as well. Now, she doesn’t charge an arm and a leg with her prices but she also doesn’t give the cheapest, bottom of the barrel labor cost either. You would not believe how many apartment complexes and landlords will ask her to bring down her prices. For example, back in like 2018ish this one new property was wanting her workers to come by and clean the office, the clubhouse, model units, pool, gym and outside area for $200 a month. Okay, not the best price to haggle for but not the worst, until they revealed they wanted workers to come 4 times a month. She tells them that would be $800 then and they say no! They wanted it to be $200 for all the cleanings so $50 per clean! She had to drop them after they wouldnt stop trying to essentially pay $5 per hour for intense labor (minimum wage was double that too)


Landlords are the height of the concept of "just collecting a paycheck".


There is a place in society for them, but the market is saturated with shitty ones. I got lucky and I absolutely love my landlord. We exchanged holiday cards and he brought my daughter a birthday gift when I asked if it was okay that I had a large birthday party for her this year in the back yard.




I ended up moving before the place even got the new roof that was already over a year overdue. You could see the black stuff growing in there from the chunks of rotten wood as they would fall out over the years. That mf was giving bids so low I seen contractors laughing at him telling him “that wouldn’t even pay for material” He ended up hiring the cheapest people he could find, and they literally only changed out the two boards that ran the overhang around the front of the apartment complex, just the stuff you could see from the road. Disgusting apartment complex and disgusting human being running them. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.


I had a landlord that would let things stay broken because all the local repair companies blacklisted them for not paying. Even day laborers knew them and wouldn't do work for them. One floor guy quit in the middle of a job and left the hallway tile where it obstructed the front door from closing after covering everything we owned in tile dust. We called the landlord at 10pm saying the guy left it so we couldn't close our door and she asked if it could wait until tomorrow.


its him, hes the landlord that wont fix the steps, he isnt willing to work lmao.


“There’s a shortage of people willing to do work for how little I’m willing to offer.”


Typical landlord mindset. "No one wants to work. Everyone wants stuff for free. The economy is in the shitter. People are so lazy nowadays.", as he sits on his couch all day doing literally nothing


"SuPpLy AnD dEmAnD."


"Also, I should get tips." \*scratches asscrack\*


Yeah, “a shortage of people willing to work” for however little he’s willing to pay.


Or maybe its a fairly serious issue that they want to ignore, maybe an call to the city inspector about a collapsing stairway.


Yep. I mean, if it were me, I would offer to fix it myself for a discount on this month's rent. But, I don't have the skills or the tools.


Landlord would rather go for the funhouse stairs….maybe they like being sued?


Nuclear Option: Call the fire marshal If that is the main route to get in and out of the building for most people, and that collapses during a fire, then bad things will happen. Fire Marshals can put an insane amount of pressure on the land lord, to the point they can condemn the building until this is fixed.


If they condemn the building, they won't allow them to stay in their apartment though, some people have done this without thinking it through, and they couldn't find another place quick enough, and ended up temporarily homeless.


Aren't there laws in some places where landlords are forced to pay for temporary housing? Even if it's a hotel?


Yes and laws vary state by state, I think it’s reimbursed though, and not sure for how long. So they legally can claim that money back when this scummy landlord welches, but they still need to pay up front, not like they have the landlords CC or get to choose which hotel.


Furthermore, while the landlord is obligated to pay, the landlord isn’t stupid and you are renting from an LLC. Should the LLC go bankrupt, the landlord will be off the hook for all these charges. In short, just because someone legally owes you money does not mean you will get it when you need it, nor is there a guarantee you will ever get it as bankruptcy provides certain protections. Yea the landlord’s LLC rental company is bankrupt now, but you are still screwed.


This is why a good renters insurance policy is a must have.


This is the way


Yeah, it's not worth it to die in an apartment fire/other disaster, because your land lord was too cheap to fix one of the major exits.


Tell the landlord you’re going to call the fire Marshall unless something is done asap


It’s not even there nuclear option it’s what you should do immediately. Landlord is dumb for not minimizing his own liability. Someone gets hurt on these they have a huge easy lawsuit


Commenting to try and get this to top. Only good answer here.


Property manager, CA. Call your city code enforcement. This is an obvious hazard. Best.


I did just that for a 22-unit apartment building that the code officer could only get access to 4 units of the 22. They found two pages of single spaced typed code violations. After they were done with all the repairs, it cost 200k to bring the building in compliance. What I got out of it was a completely renovated apartment with 3 months free rent, and if they didn't complete it by the deadline, I would have had another month of free rent. They finished on the last day. Needless to say, the owner and the property management company didn't like me. 😷 I guess that makes me a person landlords hate, but tenants love.


Nice work! Fuck slum lords.


As a PM for 25 years and a consultant for 10, I hate these bad apples! I have to go around calling out their illegal activities, overcharges on deposits, and overall shitty behavior! And it makes us all look bad!


They should thanks you. You just save them from a Hugh lawsuit


They’re full of it. I’m a landlord in chicago and there are certainly people he or she can call to make it happen. If the takes collapse on you and you brake a leg the good news is you’ll be able to buy your own building with the insurance settlement!


Tell him there are plenty of lawyers willing to work


There’s a shortage of people wanting to work for what he’s wanting to pay.


I offered $40 *PER DAY*!


Of course the price of materials comes out of that too!


If you fall through, he’ll be paying your hospital bills


Hopefully a lot more than that.


Plus triple in damages, and court costs and fees, plus attorney's fees.


He's talking about himself, obviously


for the last 50 yrs it seams


Fire Marshall will take care of that with haste


No, there’s a shortage of people willing to pay people decent wages to work.


This is the real truth.


Option 1: Call code enforcement / fire marshal. Option 2: Jump on it til you fall through and enjoy the lawsuit.


LL is wrong, there are plenty of people in the construction and in carpentry. He is not willing to put out the money. This is a safety hazard and needs to be report to housing codes department. Someone could get serious hurt walking on those broken steps.


There is no shortage of people willing to work. They're is a shortage of landlords that are willing to pay workers what they should be getting those landlords are known as slumlords and those stairs are a perfect example of a slumlord that's not willing to pay someone the right price to have them fixed.


Steps should have been fixed years ago.


I'm no stairologist, but I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to look like that.


When you fall And break you leg you will be the new owner of the building or could be. Lol


But there’s not a shortage of people willing to trip, fall, and sue.


In Chicago we have good tenant protections. Look at your lease as there should be a clause regarding those protections and then dig into the code. Effectively, if you submit in writing that you'll be withholding rent unless a condition within the apartment which goes against the municipal code (which it appears this does, as it can be argued to risk life and limb) is resolved, they then have 14 days to resolve the issue before you cease rent payments. I recently had to do this as my apartment was leaking - it led to a very speedy resolution within a matter of days. Good luck and other Redditors can call BS if I'm wrong in this case.




Lack of them paying decently to get it fixed


Tell him there is no shortage of lawyers willing to work?


Go down and open up an escrow account for your rent. You might need to get a third party to document the problems but it'll prevent eviction and require inspections to make sure the landlord fixes the issue.


He means he can’t afford to pay people why they demand, because he needs to cover his Bentley’s monthly payments


No… there’s a shortage of people willing to fix steps for barely any money


I’ve seen this before in another building and it definitely needs to be fixed. However, it’s not really going to collapse like it probably looks and feels. These old buildings used to put the stair treads into a notched-out stringer in the wall and then there’s one in the middle and on the left. The treads slipped out of the notches on the right and so if the landlord wants a cheap fix (still not ideal) but he can put reinforcing brackets either underneath the stairs or on top that connect the tread to the stringer on the wall.


You can see right into Harry’s bedroom!


Nobody wants to work = I don't want to pay what they're asking.


I’d kill to know what the fire alarm situation is like in this place. Report this slumlord to the fire marshall and i bet he gets stuck on fire watch


Workers shortage smh. Theres no worker shortage, theres wage shortages


Sounds like your landlord is the one who actually doesn't want to do their job


How much you paying for the place?


We’ll just call it well below market rate


If that was his house he lives in the stairs would be fixed day 1 lol


Go stomp up and down on them so they finally cave in. At least then it happens when you expect it to. Then they have to fix it.


Ummmm sounds like there is a shortage of people ( slumlords ) that want to pay , just saying


"No one is willing to work for what I am willing to pay...not even my tenants who couldn't afford to live here if they accepted such low wages"


Tell them you found someone willing to work...a premises liability attorney.


Thats bullshit. Needs to get fixed extensive damage .


Tell him there's a lack of people that want to pay rent if they can't access their apartment.


I'm headed to Chicago next week. Gimme the address and I'll break my ankle. The lawsuit will get that shit fixed


My smart ass: "Looks like there's actually *not* a shortage of workers, there's just an abundance of cheap employers. Glad I could help :)"


short of people willing to work for what he is willing to pay more like . THIS is ALWAYS the case , pay the tradesman what he should be paid and you will get it done .


Sounds like he doesn’t want to work


This makes me want to scream. The only one who doesn’t want to work is the LL. Providing safe housing as spelled out in the contract is their only job!


If no one is else wants to do the job then do it yourself.


Ask him if he wants to sell it and dm me


There's a shortage of people willing to work for what your cheap landlord will pay.


Can’t you call the city it’s an accident in the making


Jump on it, fall through, sue, buy the building, fix the stairs, fire and evict your landlord.


He is right. In every industry there's a shortage of workers. Especially construction, repair and electrical.


He's not lying, it's tough out there If it's not solved within a month or two then he's taking out of his ass What I would do is get a couple quotes myself and send it over to him. If one is reasonably priced he has no other option then to accept.


Obviously he isn’t either…


Sounds like he just needs help finding someone. I'm sure you can take a hlf hour to call a few people to get him quotes. And ask who he chose at the end of the week


Time for a good ‘ol Slippin’ Jimmy special.


Haha, looks just like our old front steps in an apartment in Chicago. That landlord was a nightmare


There’s a shortage of rent until you find someone


Bout to have a lack of renters willing to rent too


In Chicago. No one who can fix this.


If I trip on that, I'll bet I can find a lawyer who's willing to work.


Throw yourself down the stairs.




Put it in writing to the landlord as a formal work order then ask r/legaladvice how to escrow your rent


"I offered $0 but there was no takers"


Correction shortage of ppl willing to work for free.


Well he’s right. He’s not willing to do the work.


Shortage of people willing to work for what he pays.


Since 1920?


Oh hey that’s my old apartment and unit! The stairs were shitty but structurally OK at the time (few years ago). Not sure if it’s the same landlord that bought shortly before I moved out but they’re all fucking goon “investors” and that building is a hazard that’s fully falling apart. The winter I was there, massive icicles took down the eaves, part of the roof, and my AC bracing, in a fantastic huge “boom” just minutes after I walked through the alley it all fell into, literally filling the entire space. They dragged their feet and threw a stink about replacing my AC bracing when spring rolled around and the new landlord asked me to sign a ridiculous lease that tried to make tenants responsible for issues with the building which is clearly falling apart. I told him I’d been renting in Chicago for a decade and his lease was insane and the building needs massive repairs, he could change the lease or I’d move out. He refused and I was out of there very fast. Sorry you’re having to deal with it now, but Chicago is quite tenant friendly. I’d recommend talking to and sharing photos with the fire marshall first, and if they can’t twist the LLs arm, get help from one of the tenant groups as far as drafting a formal letter to the landlord and what concessions you can demand.


That’s a translation for “Landlord doesn’t want to pay the new/current price of labor” and the thing is he doesn’t have a choice. Definitely report this to code enforcement


than wont even survive moving thing in2 apartment!!


There’s a shortage of landlords willing to pay


Fire back with, 'I don't know, the lawyers seem willing to address it'.


Jump on it until you fall through then sue the ever-living shit out of them.


seems safe


Pull a “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up” and cash in on his insurance policy


Doesn’t mean he can’t be sued for a personal injury when it happens due to his own negligence of maintaining the safety of his building.


I'd bet there are plenty of lawyers ready to sue!!! LMMFAO 🤣 🤠 😎 🤣 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🐊


May be true, but not for the entire 50 years it took for that to happen.


Fire department would condemn building for these stairs. Call em


Thats a failed stringer. If you fall through or even down those stairs you might be able win some big money


I would go ask in r/legal


Trip down/up the stairs. File suit for injury and tel the landlord since they couldn’t find a carpenter who wanted to work, you found an out of work attorney instead.🤷🏼‍♂️


I would fall then sue


Yeet yourself down them stairs. It'll hurt. But money.


more like there's a shortage of landlords who do their jobs


Call the fire marshal, cos how are the firemen going to get up the stairs if they rot underneath them. It’s a hazard and they will light a fire under your landlords ass


Where’s slippin jimmy when you need him!?


Lack of people he’s willing to pay Mao was right


Translation: he can’t find someone to work for pennies and is willing to risk all your lives the save some cash.


How many units in your building? There are tenants rights in Chicago but some rights depend on number of units.


How many units in your building? There are tenants rights in Chicago but some rights depend on number of units.


Theres gona be a shortage of stairs pretty soon i can say that


There’s also a shortage of people willing to pay


what he meant to say is he is struggling to find someone who will work for peanuts.


Yo momma so fat she slipped and fell on the steps and broke the steps


Time for a slip and fall lawsuit!


No shortage of workers, just a cheap landlord.


That looks like my old stairs in Bridgeport.


*Me getting three quotes and sending them to his lazy ass*


Let him know there is not a lack of lawyers looking to sue


Yikes! That whole stairway is compromised, it's gonna be a LOT of money to repair, and probably not be usable for a week or more.


Trust me he’ll care once you break an ankle and hire an attorney.


Very large safety concern there. What does your lease say about landlord responsibility and uninhabitable unit? Call Illinois HUD and report the unsafe conditions. Definitely do not use that entrance/exit for anything. Is there another staircase or elevator that you can access your unit by?


send it to the city or the rental board


That may be true, but that’s his problem, and his responsibility to figure it out. He doesn’t get the real the rewards of being f a landlord then say “ too hard “ when he has problems with the property .


For the past 50 years?


Safety first!


With steps like that , it would be a lack of funds to pay the rent.. sorry guy 😂


Well there’s no shortage of lawyers so he should probably fix that asap before someone gets hurt and he gets sued


Would be unfortunate for the landlord if you "tripped and fell"....


Call code enforcement. Or your city's housing authority. That looks dangerous.


Call 311 and report the issue to the city. They'll take the complaint and then send out a city inspector to check for the vary obvious code issue here, and anywhere else in the building.


My landlord said the exact same thing almost verbatim when my stove died and I couldn’t cook anything. I had a new stove within 24 hrs when I mentioned purchasing one and paying him the difference for the next month’s rent.


it's gonna be amazing how much more expensive a lawsuit derived from injuring yourself on those steps will be


Some of the Landlords just do not want to fix anything or pay people


Parasites the lot of em


Submit this photo to the city’s permitting office, I think it’s a 311 submission. Flag it as building code violation / safety issue. I did that a couple years ago in Chicago related to my LL’s electrical shutoff location. Submitted on a Thursday they were out that following Monday to inspect.


Looks like a lawsuit if you’re willing to fall through them


Just needs paint


Sounds to me like it’s the manager who won’t work.


Chicago is full of migrants who would work and do a damn good job. I'd call the city that's a safety risk


Your landlords an idiot. Look up which to call but the housing board or fire marshal should take care of this


… for the price that he wants to pay.


Fall down Get a lawyer But keep records of time you complained about it


I will work. I have plenty of construction experience to fix that. But I still need to earn a living... How much is the landlord willing to pay? I think that might be the real problem here.


it’s more a shortage of money he’s willing to part with


He means there’s a shortage of people willing to do it for 50$ under the table.


I just settled a lawsuit (Illinois) for a woman who fell on steps with similar (but not as bad) damage in a public building. $300K. Make sure you document that the landlord is aware of the condition. In the law there is "actual" notice of a dangerous condition and "constructive" notice. Insurance companies will ALWAYS try to argue that their client had no notice of the dangerous condition. If one can show that they had actual notice, the chances of success and fair compensation for an injury are much better.


Yea, including himself


Then you have a shortage of rent money.


I bet the building inspector is working hard, I bet if you give them a call It'll get taken care of.


Dang someone might see that as an opportunity for a lawsuit. Like a wet floor with no wet floor sign. 👀


lol. Including him apparently


Fall down the steps and sue. I bet his tune changes real quick.


No shortage of lawyers willing to sue 😁


There’s a shortage of people willing to work for shit money. You offer a fair price, shockingly people will happily take the work.


I bet his insurance will love these images


kill your landlord


Hopefully the shortage isn't doctors, so when you fall and break your ass, someone can help you.


Looks like your landlord is short on cash


Does he feel that turning his tenants into quadriplegics will help somehow?


Dude, if it wasn’t torn down I’d tell you I know where this is. Looks EXACTLY like the staircase in the building I lived in on Western and Hirsch. (Humboldt/Wicker border) if your landlord’s name is Eddie… run. Either way, too answer your question about what you can do? Absolutely nothing but save up to move or deal with it, sadly. Call the building inspector on your way out tho.


Trip fall sue


Report this to the housing authority where you live - who is going to pay your medical bills if the steps decide to collapse when you are on them?


Lol a shortage of people willing to do skilled labor for minimum wage more like


then there’s a shortage of payment too..depending on severity of stairs safety hazard for sure.