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I'd literally go crazy if that happened to me


Although it is Chanel, it is always a leather goods, except diamonds, nothing is eternal, and it is bad. My wife's CF23 skin is frayed


These pictures say it all really... (all authentics) https://preview.redd.it/e5xn2y5pob7d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7698366cd5dd56b74d8841ac3f883de123319f6a


So hilarious that if you posted these to be QCed they’d get ripped 💀


Can someone please DM me where you got your rep WOC? Thank you!


This happened to my rep woc and I glued it back on. It was a boy bag so it had some hardware to click into and more surface area to glue. I was at an event when it fell off and felt embarrassed though. Another time I was at a minor celebrity wedding trying to make besties with a reality TV fashion design competition winner, a legendary drag race queen, and a media mogul and my VCA bracelet broke while I was gesticulating wildly. Good to know it happens to the real thing too because I was like “this is what I get for pretending I’m fancy”.


Oh my God I love the story. Did they say anything when they broke off because jewelry can break real diamonds can fall out of rings and who was the reality TV star lol


No one said anything and I just slipped it in my rep gucci bag. The reality star is a formal gown/ wedding dress designer. She did win her show but she’s been forgotten in the 2010s, her fashion line is gorgeous though but since everything is bespoke it’s not a big brand. Oh and when she won the competition her prize was a Gucci mini cooper. Even the seatbelts are GG monogram patterned.


replicas are better than a lot of the auth, that’s why they are going hard on the rep sellers They are easily passed off as authentic. The whole Dior scandal and LVMH investigation just goes to show that the quality is not in the bags it’s all about profit for them and that the bags alleged are being sold to Dior for around 57 dollars while they sell them for over 5 thousand dollars each. We know that bags are amazing and we love them but this is such a joke to make them with such low quality and have low quality control practices.


I saw this too, so messed up!


My sisters strap broke on her authentic Chanel bag. Chanel told her it would be 6-8 months for repair!


It is ridiculous. I had a problem with my limited edition LV never full. Took it back to LV and they tried to get me to take a credit toward another bag instead of having to send it off. I wanted this bag though, as it was an anniversary present form my husband, so I pushed for repair. It was gone for about 10 months. The date kept getting pushed back every time it got close. I realize it was a free repair but still, that was crazy.


I think they are still using Covid as an excuse. It’s ridiculous


Oh no! So sorry ❤️ For how long did your sister had her bag before the strap broke? I bought a Chanel brooch for $650 few months later two pearls fell out, Chanel charged me $85 and it took them 2 months to repair it!


I would have been so offended and mad it’s they’re poor quality pieces why should we have to pay when the prices are getting outrageous!


I couldn’t believe it! The brooch is sentimental to me, otherwise I’d probably wouldn’t have it repaired…. Tiffany & Co. charges for the repairs as well 😩 the clasp on my daughter’s gold necklace broke and we almost lost a heart pendant, I took it to Tiffany’s they charged me $175 to replace the clasp. On one of my Tiffany’s pearl earrings one of the prongs came off, repairs cost $150. Both jewelry pieces are very sentimental to me otherwise I wouldn’t have paid that much money for the repairs. Now I’ll think twice before purchasing from Tiffany’s.


They charged you!? I wouldn’t have been so mad! I think she has the bag for at least 2 years BUT when you pay $5k+ for a bag the strap shouldn’t break


And the way they went about it was even worse! The SA took the brooch, filled out my information, then said sign here for the repair charge 🙄 and yes, I agree with you, for that price point the strap definitely should stay intact!!


What… for a strap????


Yeah! Isn’t that crazy! She was so mad




Newbie here. How do I find the rep bag I want? Interested in Lady Dior and LV.


Hi! I’m a newbie too - do research and find a good seller you can trust


My mom gave me a black coach bag (don’t make fun pls) for my birthday a year ago. It’s a decent every day bag and can hold a lot of stuff. (It is a similar style/size as a birkin.) The body of the bag is fine but the handles look like complete shit. The material is peeling off and the handles look like they’re about to break. They’re only held together with a piece of “fabric string”. It’s only two years old and it was a few hundred dollars so I was furious that it’s falling apart. I’m going to see if coach will replace the handles but I am really annoyed that it I have to do this at all. I’m looking for reps of a chanel or another designer bag as well. I remember I got a really nice faux Chloe bag like ten years ago in NYC and it held up nicely for years.


Coach quality from before the 90s was reaaally nice. The leather was so hardy and thick. I've bought probably 8 ish vintage coach bags and backpack on ebay over the years and *loved* wearing them. The quality in the early 2000s was probably the worst as far as leather quality and unimaginative designs. I bought a $350 leather bag in 2014 and it was honestly crap and the hardware scratched like crazy after one wear. But they've been putting out some bangers recently! The leather isn't as nice as the original vintage but they've def improved. I agree the hardware can still be hit or miss.


I love Coach! I have tons of Coach bags. They aren’t too expensive and last a long time.


I like them too! This last bag is the only one I had an issue with. I see people making fun of coach all the time so I was expecting the worst but I’m pleasantly surprised.


Nothing to make fun of. I absolutely love coach. I feel like their designs these last few years have been amazing!


I agree. They put out some nice timeless bags that never really go out of style. I had a similar coach bag prior to the current one that is falling apart. It was in great condition even after a few years of frequent use. Unfortunately my car was stolen and that bag was in it which is why my mom bought the newer bag for my birthday. Despite being almost the same style, the quality difference is night and day. I feel like the quality is tanking in clothes and accessories across the board— from high end brands to more inexpensive ones. It’s very frustrating. Nothing lasts anymore. I’m trying to teach myself to make my own clothes with patterns I find online like other [creators](https://youtube.com/shorts/crnI5wN4ZIE?si=qAxz8JezvDtlqSoy) I follow.


You can bring your bag into a boutique they’ll send it out for repair. It can take up to several months but quality of repair is not guaranteed. I had a metal CC come off a ballet flat and the initial repair was bad, had them do it again and second time was laughable. I wasn’t able to wear them again.


This happened to my rep. I had to order a new CC from the factory and get a local cobbler to repair.


I think my replicas are better than my auth. They take a lot more abuse and look the same. Versus say my speedy 25 or 30 auth where I’m worried about getting something on the vachetta leather or scratched.








I hear about the absolute most egregious quality issues from Chanel buyers. It makes me so happy that I don’t like their designs at all.


i've heard the same from L.V


I love their designs and my reps are incredible quality... Chanel can go kick rocks. 😂


I searched my closest Chanel stores on Google when ISO the ballet flats (went for Ferragamo in the end) and the store reviews for one branch were shocking. Google reviews were that store staff were swapping out reps for gen - and then selling reps in store. When a customer tried to return with proof of purchase after having issues - the store refused and accused her of being the one to swap with a rep. There were 2 separate reviews like this for the same store, relating to a bag and a pair of earrings.


That is ridiculous. I see no need to get a real bag when factoring in the quality control issues and the fact that you could get a rep in the end anyway.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/z7DYiN11JzcdcK8H6?g_st=ic Seriously check out the reviews on Google maps. And it’s like it for a large number of Chanel branches. They treat people - even loyal customers - like utter cr@p


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/12xypu1/on_the_heels_of_yesterdays_chanel_discussion_is/) is a reddit post discussing chanel’s declining quality. other people are saying that reps look better than current real chanel bags.


This is horrendous


Of course Chanel repairs and replaces hardware and issues with the bag. What’s the percentage of defects in the bags? 1%, 5%,10%??? It’s going to happen regardless oh how much QA the process has, someone is going to get defective bag. Chanel has great quality bags, some people unfortunately get a bad bag, it happens, but at least you get it repaired or replaced for free.


I totally disagree. I started buying Chanel bags in the 80’s. The bags today aren’t even recognizable as the bags from back in the 80’s. Not even close. My bags from the 80’s and 90’s are amazing bags. Made from top materials. Constructed extremely well. These bags are 30 & 40 years old And still look like new. My last Chanel flap I bought in 2012. I could tell the quality had slipped. But it was still a nice bag. Since 2012, I’ve been back to the boutiques and have been shocked at how far the quality has dropped. It’s horrendous. Then they have the audacity to increase prices 400% just since 2012 while cutting every quality corner possible. They’re a joke. Chanel USED to be great. They produced great quality, had great customer service. Today it seems they’ve completely done away with their QC department. They’re putting out bags with crooked back pockets, crooked logos, loose and frayed stitches, etc. Even just a few years ago, this would have been UNHEARD OF. Today, it’s the norm. When the rep bags are better made than the authentics, it’s pretty sad. I suppose it’s good there are still people out there who still believe they make a great bag. Frankly, I don’t know how they stay in business. They can only fool the people for so long. Everyone will eventually catch on that they’re selling garbage for $12,000. Those investigations going on in Italy have uncovered lots of ugly with these designers.


Agree here. I recently went to a shop in London that sold pre loved Chanel (mostly classic flaps) the really old ones were way better then the newer ones. The old ones felt like liquid silk, never felt anything so lovely, compare the newer ones, nothing like it. Even to look at, the old ones still looked perfect and really 'something' newer ones are just lame to put it bluntly.


You lost me when you said the Reps are better, this is hilarious 😆


As someone who has spent over a decade working in fashion in NYC with every hyper luxury brand: the high tier reps are easily as good, and yes, some are better. I have a python and lambskin boy bag rep that is significantly better quality than anything I've seen Chanel put into their boutiques in the last decade. It's one of the nicest bags I've ever seen, anywhere. I wear it a lot and don't baby it at all, I've taken it on flights, to clubs etc, it's showing no signs of wear, no creasing (major issue with many Chanel bags, especially recent), the lambskin is super smooth and supple while pretty resistant to scratches (much better than my lambskin auths), the python is an absolutely flawless piece, the hardware is pristine. Chanel can't tell this bag from their own, I've gotten many compliments on it from their employees. We can easily afford to buy auths, but I don't see a single reason why I should, especially considering their atrocious customer service in many boutiques and their policies when it comes to maintenance and repairs. I'm literally renting a yacht in the Western Med with the money I'm not giving Chanel this year... https://preview.redd.it/9ya8m5jkwb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83029b275379a03b19bede99d6ceeb96d9043604


Laugh all you want. Continue spending thousands of dollars on a cheap bag that isn’t worth a few $100. I didn’t say “reps are better”. I said they are made better.


Again what’s the percent you get a bad quality bag if you go into a boutique and purchase a bag? I’m 3 for 3 no issues? So 1%, 5%, 25%, 50%… all the bags are bad quality.


For the money they are charging for these bags the % should be 0 across the board. It has been well documented how the quality of these bags have diminished substantially over the last decade. The leather quality is poor. The bag corners rub off after a few casual uses. The hardware tarnishes or rubs off to silver. The hardware falls off. The leather is peeling due to using a cheaper version of “leather”. It’s been documented they have sought out cheaper and more unethical sources to supply their materials. I could go on. But you somehow got great bags. Ok. 🙄


If you’re buying one of their bags today, they’re BAD quality. You just don’t realize it.


lol this is funny


I have heard absolute horrendous things about Chanel’s quality control over the past decade.


Respectfully, I have to disagree. I can’t speak for RTW but the quality of Chanel’s bags has been abysmal in recent years. If you check the Chanel sub and PurseForum you’ll regularly see reports of quality issues: hardware falling off, corner wear after just a handful of uses, that whole thread on PF about the 19 being made with bonded leather, the list goes on. I keep a folder on my phone of some of the absolute misshapen lemons I’ve seen in store stock photos and “what did you buy” threads. I truly believe the Wertheimers are playing chicken with us, the consumers, by trying to see how much they can jack up prices on absolute garbage before we quit paying. So far, they’re winning. Chanel’s designs are beautiful, and there’s nothing else comparable on the market. And despite the quality issues, that CC logo on your bag or your belt or your shoes really does have a prestige that Celine, Saint Laurent, et al. can’t match. Plus for auths, you’ll always lose money at resale, but as long as your Chanel (somehow) isn’t in bad condition, you won’t lose nearly as much as with other brands. So there are many reasons to buy Chanel … but quality isn’t one of them.


I’ve got a newer classic flap, Boy, and WOC… zero issues. Again what’s the percentage of quality issues on the bags? 1%, 5%, 10%? Someone is going to get a bad bag, is it the majority of bags? Absolutely not. Is it a quarter of the bags purchased? Highly doubt it? I’m not knocking reps at all, but give me a real Chanel bag any day of the week.


They quote 4-6 months for covered repairs, their customer service is atrocious. Having the logo fall off a $300 bag is annoying... having it fall off a $3000 bag is beyond absurd and inexcusable. We need to stop with the nonsense...


The only auth company I trust is Hermes and even they I think do cheap factories in Italy stuffed with Chinese workers.


They have contractors and subcontractors that are essentially taking all the blame when these places are discovered on the most horrendous work environments while the Luxury Brands face no criminal prosecution since they are not technically but obviously know of all of this and turn a blind eye.


Ugh it is so hypocritical that the governments allow this too. And all of the brands are big conglomerates who sell a dream, produce cheaply then sell at extortionate prices.


Yes as long as they get they’re dues they will carry on like nothing is happening. it’s essentially two “families” that own almost all the luxury brands. LVMH and Kering.


I mean we all know it's a scam which is why reps are the best way to get your fashuns.


So it’s basically super glued ![gif](giphy|Yo8AWPvqdmJB9rXSBk|downsized) Oh Channel🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡🌍🌍🌏


Actually, no. I had this happen to an rep (it happens to auth too), but there are 2 prongs on the back of the CC logo that pierce through and attach to a washer inside under the flap. Sometimes, it may snag or get caught and the prongs break. They cobbler said he'll rip the seam, attach the new CC, retrieve and reattach the washer, then sew the seam of the flap closed again. https://preview.redd.it/9q3c5lxys67d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647ad3398828bb0d8c972ed140f3ae46a00d9ad2


I heard the WOC logo fall off is quite a common issue. If you search on social media, there are tons of these videos for logo fall off, chains broken, leather and stitches fall off and they also have arrogant customer service.


Never had an issue with the quality or customer service. People are going to people no matter what. You have good people and people in this world… American Police for example, most are incredible people upholding the law, then you have some racist vigilantes out there murdering people.


The price hikes feel like theft with this quality of construction


Sad part is. People will still pay for it.


When I was researching the Chanel dad sandals I came across a post in the Chanel sub from a girl who had the logo fall off her shoe after just a few months. Meanwhile my reps have the logo secured with metal so those bad boys aren’t going anywhere. I turned to reps after a shit experience with pradas customer service over the quality of a 2.5k bag. Immediately said f you guys never again. I think if you keep buying crazy expensive products that have no quality anymore you’re just stupid. I’m not going to give a brand thousands just for them to basically bend me over at every turn.


My rep dad sandals are so well made it’s crazy. I can’t imagine paying for the full price item and them fall apart!


Who did you buy your dad sandals from? I'd really appreciate a lead!


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/RepladiesDesigner/s/KhhaQCXbdj) is the link to my post reviewing them that has the link. I’m traveling around Europe and they have held up nicely with all the walking we’ve been doing. I’ve literally walked a thousand miles in these shoes at this point lol. They’re super comfy and look great. I did have to fix the placement a logo but I paid $50 total so honestly it was a steal.


Nice. I don't see many people in these and was considering a Chypre as my summer "walking" shoe.


The same happened to me! The logo fell off my shoes while I was out and about. Someone who was walking behind me picked it up, ran after me and handed it to me. It was so embarassing 🥲 I can imagine that person probably thought I was wearing a rep because why would a real pair of Chanel have such poor quality?


Did Chanel fix it for you at least?


Actually, back then I didn’t have a Chanel store in my area (nearest one was 4 hours away) so I didn‘t even bother to ask if they can fix it. Brought it to a cobbler and I think they just glued (?) it back on or so.


This also happened to my sister, 😂the CC simply dropped off as we were strolling. She was so mad! And not to add to the horror of my recent encounter at the Chanel store in Paris: a SA told me (in an arrogant tone) that I was not allowed to touch the bags that were on display without permission from her or other SAs. When I heard it from a haughty store employee, my blood pressure shot through the roof 😂. I really want to be kind to everyone, but can’t help that moment and I think my rage was visible to her… but lucky her, I've just chosen to leave the store… I won't spend a dime on brands whose sales associates act like they run the entire planet.


That is outrageous behaviour from them 😅


Really unacceptable 😂 What fools they think they are!?




Wow. At least the last time I needed something Coach was great about offering a repair on a vintage bag at no cost.


100%, especially for me in the case of 'occasion' bags, WOC type bags, I think the auths are crazy money now and not always the best quality!


I can't imagine spending that much for even a second hand one and the damn logo falls off?!?!?! 🤦‍♀️


But these folks continue to buy knowing its crap. This is what you will get. The reps are better at this point.


It’s soooo true. I used to buy authentics all the time, and now I’m so done with it. They are nothing like they used to be. Such a pity that happened with the hardware. She must be so upset 😕 I sure would be! LOL


I would be mad too. 😔


Facts! LOL That’s why when you find a good seller, you hold onto them for dear life 🤣


Do you have a Chanel WOC seller to recommend? Please DM me!


Yeah of course, happy to share an excellent referral/seller. I’ll DM you now.