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I don’t think everyone really appreciates the situation here. He may be the most unpopular but if you actually think the intelligence community will allow Trump back you are gravely mistaken. This is an existential battle for these people and agencies. Not one chance they allow Trump back in.


I don’t understand. They said Bidens is 38.7 but Trump had a 34% approval rating in the same poll. Is the headline just a lie or is there a bunch of weird qualifications like “in April of the final year of their presidency” https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx Trump also posted 37s and 38s over a dozen other months throughout his presidency


The actual data in the poll was labeled: Elected Presidents' *13th-Quarter* Job Approval *Average* Ratings The article wasn't very precise.


That seems pretty precise.




> Its the New York Post... Yep. Remember when they posted the Russian disinformation that the fake Hunter Biden's laptop was full of evidence of his and Joe's crimes, right before the 2020 election? ...only it turned out that the laptop wasn't fake, that the information on it had been authenticated by the FBI in 2019, and the Federal bureaucrats trying to influence the election are the ones who planted the story that it was fake and Russian disinformation? Good times.




> ew wtf i didn’t realize this was r/Republican wtf Yeah, you're likely to get the facts here, not just lies that reaffirm the lies the media told you.


This argument comes up for every incumbent. It's always cherry-picking a bunch of weird qualifications.


It's the NY post Nothing real, just right wing lies look around, Biden is doing much better than the previous two guys


Yep. Inflation is dropping, gas prices are low, real wages are up, the border is under control, violent crime is down, conflicts around the globe have ended, and Islamic terrorists wouldn't dare to attack us or our allies or hold our people hostage. For more reporting like this, Baghdad Bob is always on tap.


And college institutions are being taken over from a bunch of protestors that aren’t working just looking for trouble


Gas prices are definitely not low in my area!


Lmao he’s being sarcastic.




None, except for the Baghdad Bob bit.




> Completely uninformed? Sounds like a ~~Republican~~ *Democrat*. FTFY NPR is using the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting instead of the Bureau of Justice Statistics [National Crime Victimization Survey](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/criminal-victimization-2022). 31% of police departments across the US do not report crime to the FBI at all, including San Francisco and NYC. Further, lefty-run areas have stopped even investigating a lot of crimes, so people have stopped reporting them. Per the BJS, 58% of crimes are not reported, and there's been a 42% increase in violent crime nationwide from 2021 to 2022. Your wage data ends in September 2023 and shows a huge hit over the year. [Current data](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/realer.nr0.htm) shows a slight decline in real wages because the consumer price index is up again. ...and the inflation rate is up again this month. ...but that's using the official numbers. Like many things from the government, the Consumer Price index is a terrible measure of inflation, in part because it uses a weighted "basket of goods" to determine the CPI, and food and energy prices are weighted very low because the prices are volatile. ...but consumers spend a large chunk of their income on food and energy, so movement in those prices have a big impact on peoples' ability to live. If we used the CPI calculation from the 1980s, inflation would be about double the current rate. It was Democrats who killed the border bill in May of 2023, that would actually have secured the border if Biden followed the law. Of course he won't follow the law - we know this because he could secure the border under current law if he wanted to, like Trump did. Instead, he rescinded every action Trump took to secure the border in his first 100 days, stopped construction on the wall on day 1 (despite the materials already having been purchased and the contractors paid through the end of the quarter), and when it looked like Congress might make him restart construction, auctioned off the materials for pennies on the dollar. The legislation that the NBC article is referencing would not have secured the border, but would have instead enshrined Biden's open border policies, would have created 1200 asylum officials who could grant asylum and give green cards on the spot, and would have made it impossible for **future** Presidents to secure the border. Your "world has become more peaceful" article isn't dated, but the first time the Internet Archive crawled the page was December 1, 2020 - when Trump was still President.




> Lol cope some more, baby girl. Nah, you thought you were going to own the stupid Republican and got owned yourself instead. Now go whine to your buddies in /r/Democrats about how you got banned "just for posting facts".


Allow? That's an insinuation that voters don't decide.


We don’t. They’ll stop the counting again at midnight if Biden is losing. We all know why.


Wasn't their multiple protests simultaneously saying stop the count and count the votes? Which one was it?


What a short memory you have. Multiple battleground states claimed they were stopping counting for the night - which had NEVER been done before in a Presidential election - and sent the election observers home and didn't stop counting. They then proceeded to count hundreds of thousands of 97% Biden ballots until Biden was ahead.


He was ahead before the break in almost every state that he ended up winning


...just not in the Battleground states, which where the ones that mattered.


If they have anything to say about it - and they do - we won't.




You *want* to live in a tyranny run by unelected bureaucrats?




> Bottom line my friend is I want to live in a country without Trump. There's 190+ others. Take your pick, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


I think after 2020 the voters are going not going to just grin and bear it.




> If they did there wouldn't be gop attorney's being disbarred for their fake elector scheme They aren't. They're being disbarred (and prosecuted) for representing Trump. The excuses don't really matter - no one believes them. That's the country you want to live in - one where opposition to the tyranny is criminalized and your life is destroyed for being on the "other side".


There’s an Ariana Grande song title that responds to this point perfectly…


You're correct they don't decide


So a “deep state” you are describing a shadowy group that won’t allow certain candidates to become president…..I see that as a problem.


It is definitely a problem, but they've already demonstrated they are willing to assassinate a sitting President who threatens to go against them (a CIA leak admitted last year that they killed Kennedy) - so I don't think there is a lot we can do short of watering Jefferson's tree.


Always a conspiracy on the right … Maybe just accept how polarizing Trump actually is.


> Always a conspiracy on the right Yeah, lets just ignore the text messages from the conspirators in the FBI that they tried to delete and failed. ...and the senior FBI agents who were fired for leaking classified information to the press in order to influence the election. ...and the false statements from fifty plus members of the intelligence community regarding Hunter Biden's laptop being "Russian Disinformation" before the election, when the FBI had authenticated it over a year prior. etc., etc. > Maybe just accept how polarizing Trump actually is. Maybe just accept how corrupt the Federal bureaucracy is.


Which is precisely why Trump is so important. The bureaucracy has to be broken. It won't be, but maybe Trump can make a little headway.


You got boogers on your brain? Dude, the guy took classified documents with him after he left the presidency. That's a national security risk. Maybe pick a different name, not someone who wants to break the law every two seconds.


The issue wasn’t he took the documents it was that he refused to return the classified documents when asked. Which is worse than just taking them when you were president and forgetting you had them, hence the indictment for Trump and not for Biden.


> The issue wasn’t he took the documents it was that he refused to return the classified documents when asked. ...because he claimed he had declassified them and had a right to keep them as personal papers, which he was in negotiations with the government about. Also, if you take classified documents that you aren't authorized to possess, you absolutely will be prosecuted and go to prison for a very long time. ...unless you are Joe Biden. > Which is worse than just taking them when you were president and forgetting you had them Nope. The law is quite clear on this. > hence the indictment for Trump and not for Biden. Most of the documents Biden had, he stole when he was a Senator and had no legal right to possess them ever. The remainder, he stole when he was Vice President, and also never had a legal right to possess them. He did not "forget he had them" - we know this because he was dictating from them to the author of his biography, who recorded the conversation. He didn't forget the older classified documents either, because in that recorded conversation, he referenced those also. ...and just for a bit of extra fun, his biographer wasn't cleared for classified information, so Joe was disclosing classified information that he didn't have the authority to declassify, to someone who didn't have the clearance to receive it.


As opposed to what? Biden having classified documents in his garage or at his vp office that was accessible by pretty much anyone that he just “forgot” about? It happens all the time, it’s not a big deal unless the narrative wants to be pushed. At least in trumps case, they were in a secured closet with secret service around. The double standard the media injects is what turns off many people to what sometimes is a valid point. This is not one, research it yourself and see the long list of both dem and republicans who have had classified documents uncovered years later.


> You got boogers on your brain? Dude, the guy took classified documents with him after he left the presidency. ...which many Presidents do, as the National Archives documents recently published showed. It is common for there to be a period of many months - particularly in one term Presidencies - where that is the case. Further, Trump claimed he had declassified them - which he had the authority to do. There was an ongoing negotiation regarding that, which the Biden administration deliberately sabotaged and kicked off the raid on Mar a Lago - to distract attention from Biden's **own** classified documents problem. > That's a national security risk. Interestingly, Trump still had a security clearance after he was no longer President - as most Presidents do. They removed it **retroactively** to make the classified documents thing a bigger deal. Was it a national security risk when Biden **stole** classified documents he never had a legal right to possess, for 40 years as a Senator, and continued to do so as Vice President? Why wasn't he prosecuted? Oh yeah. It was because he was a "well meaning old man with a failing memory". What an amazing excuse. He wasn't a "well meaning old man with a failing memory" when he **stole** the documents. He knew he possessed them, because he was using them, knowing they were classified, when discussing them with the author of his biography.




> You’re a muppet parroting Russian bot talking points. Congrats on the meltbrain syndrome Oooh. Great job addressing the inconvenient facts.


I completely agree.


not gonna lie, I am quite nervous for November.


And let's not forget, Biden's number is that pathetic, despite the massive (and phony)backing he gets from news and social media.


News and social media doesn't give him any backing. The news only mentions him to associate him with poor polling numbers and inflation. Facebook is nothing but boomer memes and Twitter is a Nazi platform.


> News and social media doesn't give him any backing. Yeah, nothing at all like the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop with all kinds of evidence of Hunter's and Joe's crimes, or the tax evasion, or the bribes from multiple countries, or the cocaine, or Joe's dementia, or his **repeated** attempts to circumvent the law and Constitution, or his covering up his son's statutory rape of his granddaughter...


Yeah, they typically only cover true stories with sourced information.


Amusingly, all publicly reported and extensively sourced (though not by the lefty outlets much) - and the FBI authenticated Hunter's laptop in 2019.


You say this while Biden sending our money to literally actual Nazis in Ukraine unbelievable.


...and to terrorists in Gaza. Imagine the headlines if Trump were the one funding Nazis and terrorists.




You didn't know that the Azov Battalion in Ukraine is Nazis? The Canadian government even invited a surviving actual Nazi from WWII from Ukraine to give him an award.




ROFL. So the Azov Battalion is NOT Nazis, and Canada **didn't** invite a Ukrainian WWII-era Nazi to be celebrated before their legislature? > The political members of the azoz unit were purged after being absorbed by the national guard. [Yeah, not so much.](https://archive.is/fX7Ni)




All that, and yet Ukrainian troops, from privates to senior officers are still showing up with Nazi patches on their uniforms, and it is only being called out when the photos make international news. Do you have any idea what would happen if a US soldier wore a Nazi patch on his uniform in public?


I don’t understand. They said Bidens is 38.7 but Trump had a 34% approval rating in the same poll. Is the headline just a lie or is there a bunch of weird qualifications like “in April of the final year of their presidency” https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx Trump also posted 37s and 38s over a dozen other months throughout his presidency


Yeah, it’s obviously referring to their standings six months out from the election.


The quote is referring to the same time in his presidency vs that same time in other presidencies. Trump was at a 49 on Q1 was his election year.


Oh look another fool that's incapable of reading and comprehending what the article says, I'm so surprised.


No need to be rude.


Would love to have other parties than democrats and republicans. This constant feuding between the two isn’t serving any of us.


You'd like it a lot less if we gave up and let the Democrats have their way.




> You have it backwards No, I've talked to a LOT of people who managed to escape from places that implemented the policies the Democrats are trying to implement here. They had to escape because one of the consequences of those policies is that people would rather be anywhere else, so the government has to prevent people from leaving. By force. I think the Democrats have managed to capture the electoral process, so if you're the common reddit demographic age-wise, you'll live long enough to find out. ...but probably not much longer. The last thing a revolutionary government wants is revolutionaries. They rapidly become disillusioned when the revolutionary government becomes a garden variety tyranny, and the tyranny absolutely does not want disillusioned, experienced revolutionaries running around. You may even get to participate in a mass grave before most Republicans do.


As a liberal I concur. Neither party represents my interests. Step one, get rid of the electoral college.


Oh yeah, that's a great idea. Then we can allow the illegal aliens to vote, and our next President will be Amiri Baraka.


I live in a red state. My state, like 47 others, is non-proportional electoral delegates. That means even if a third party or democrats got 49% of the votes, they would be represented by 0 electors. On the face of it, it may look like you are owning libs. I would point out that my red state has given up all leverage on presidential candidates to promise anything for republican votes, because their vote is secured. Electoral colleges robs us both from real leverage over our elected officials. A 100% secured vote is as valuable as not voting. Now switch parties around in my text, and realize we as a nation lost or nearly lost all leverage on a federal level.


No state's vote is secured, except perhaps a few of the most extreme. Remember Reagan won 49 states in the 1984 election. If we still had fair elections, Trump would likely win 45 in 2024.




> How is an election fair if Trump wins 45 out of 50 states and not the popular vote? Oh that's easy. We're not a Democracy, and weren't designed to be one. We're a Representative Republic, and the electoral college determines the winner of Presidential elections. You should go read our founding documents to see why it was designed that way.


Sounds like a Chinese bot interfering in our elections …..😾 Keep your scholarly Constitutional advice to your self. Anyone who says they live in a red state actually means they live in China or they are lib.


Illegal aliens cannot vote. You people really are the epitome of fukin idiots. That will never happen. Worse thing is that you are eligible to vote with that mindset.


> Illegal aliens cannot vote. Several blue areas have been trying to changing the laws so they can, in local elections - and then of course it is a short step to their voting in Federal elections, given that those same areas don't have voter ID laws. Oh, and incidentally, illegal aliens also aren't allowed to work here, or even be here. We see how well those prohibitions are working out.


Don't worry, little Gavvy Newsom will show up at the last minute to save the day. He'll probably get 91 million votes. Heck, why not make it 100 billion trillion votes? In fact, everyone around the world will vote for Newsom and Klaus Schwab will crown him king of America. Goodbye late stage republic. It's been nice knowin' ya!


I remember when I was stationed in California around the time when every grocery store had a recall Gavin Newsom booth outside. I doubt he’ll be President, my prediction is that we are gonna see a huge major change up and reset for both parties after Trump and Biden are out of the picture.


Please don’t propagate the nightmare that Newsom has made California. Gas and electric will be 700$-1k in peak usage months all over the country with him. I hate it here and fantasized about living here a big chunk of my life.




> Plenty of people live there and are really happy.. if you cant afford it, its not their problem, others can. For now. The migrants and career criminals that Newsom and the other leftists have allowed to run wild are starting to get into even the million dollar neighborhoods and gated communities [that the very wealthy live in.](https://wsvn.com/news/us-world/beverly-hills-residents-outraged-as-squatters-turn-multi-million-dollar-mansion-into-problematic-party-house/)




> 1 in 8 people live in California. Largest economy in the country. They are doing just fine lol... Americans are fleeing the state so fast that not even the influx of illegal aliens is able to keep the state's population from declining. > My friends that live there wouldnt move and love it My relatives that lived there have left because it was physically dangerous for their kids to be in the schools there - and that was *before* it got physically dangerous just to be there.


The guy is a poorly written comic book villain




The one where the reason the Democrats set their convention so late that the winner can't be on the ballot in multiple states, is so they could replace Biden at the last minute because he can't win even with cheating.




> They can do whatever the F they want, your preliminary votes be damned That's correct. The primaries as has been said are "more of a guideline than an actual rule". The Democrats can pick any eligible person to be their nominee at the convention. Barack Obama is one of the few who isn't eligible - but his wife is. So is Newsom.


The *bloodbath* continues...lol. It's going to be a long, hard Summer for the fart.


LOL if it’s anything like “bloodbath” in 2022, I will be sorely disappointed. My bet is Biden wins and the Demonrats take the House and Senate. I pray to God I am severely mistaken.


If history tells us anything, a few water main breaks in the weee hours of the morning can make the impossible happen.




If he is, it will be the end of the United States.


The polls in 22 weren’t actually particularly good for the GOP. It was mainly the fundamentals people were basing their predictions on.


They were certainly predicting a bigger majority than we got, for the most part.


That’s a fact. There was a shitload of premium Helmand-province hopium being consumed, but if you actually look under the hood, a lot of it wasn’t real. The polls SHOULD have been predicting a 5-10 seat majority, if people were being honest with themselves, and that’s…what happened.




> Trump is actually snoring and farting in his porn hearing right now. ...which is more seriousness than it deserves.




> How many crimes should he be allowed to commit? Half as many as Biden would be a hundred times too many. That said, the left has yet to find one. That's why they've had to use "novel legal theories" and imaginary crimes to go after him. All of it will be overturned on appeal, but they know that - the purpose of it all is to influence the election. How biased do you have to be to even entertain the idea that these prosecutions are legitimate?


Tribalism is a hell of a thing. “He committed 91 felonies and is answering for it now, it just took years and years to bring these charges to court and happened to land at the height of campaign season.” Not election interference, justice, for those the media told me to despise.


You won’t have Biden to kick around anymore


I know you were just quoting Nixon, but this forum/age bracket doesn't do history. So I up-voted for your sense of humor.




> Yikes, imagine losing an election as an incumbent president to this guy. Pretty fucking embarassing Not really. As Biden said, it was done with the most extensive voter fraud organization in history.




> Atleast Biden isn’t spreading unfounded fears as a way to get a vote. At least not more than two or three times a week. > Atleast he isn’t a dictator in disguise Yeah, he's right out in the open with it. > atleast he isn’t paying off women for raping them. Right, he didn't pay them after. > Atleast he is getting corporations to pay for overtime The FTC issued the rule, which will be overturned because they don't have the authority to do that. > atleast he is eliminating junk charges from credit card corporations ...to which they will respond by raising interest rates, which will cost consumers even more. > atleast he has decreased price for some pharmaceuticals etc. LOL - He reversed all the Trump Executive Actions that did that in his first week in office. Now he's doing it in a different way that doesn't actually reduce the prices - it just reduces how much the government will pay for them, which means **everyone else** will pay more. > atleast he is working to bring back the middle class. Not even a little - real wages are declining because they are being outpaced by inflation, and fewer Americans are employed. Most of the new jobs under Biden are part time, and not only have all of them gone to foreign nationals, 200k more foreign nationals are employed than jobs were created - which was achieved by 200k American workers becoming unemployed. Inflation is on its way back up. Biden is destroying the middle class.


The middle class was destroyed a long time ago…and inflation started during Covid when Trump through us into seriously major debt.




> I like these kind of articles where Biden is the underdog. This will motivate his base to go all out and vote him back in office. Biden's "base" is a few hundred people in the Deep State. Nobody else *wants* this guy as President. He'll still get a hundred million votes though, no matter how hard and how many times the corpses in Chicago have to pull the lever for him.


Declining poll numbers seem to be an ongoing trend - look at the numbers for Trump and Obama. Why? Increased polarization - in the poll just 2% of Republicans approved of Biden’s performance whereas 83 percent of Democrats approved. That’s obviously not random. In short, I think you will see most - if not all - future presidents experience similar numbers. If Trump is elected, every Republican will be conditioned to approve his performance and every Democrat will give him the thumbs down. It’s just our way of life now where voters are moving to the extremes and voting/responding to surveys in keeping with their dogma.


Fuck the state. This battle is entirely their fault and they deserve all the fallout from it.


At least Nixon put out the Animal Welfare Act.




He had to get rid of the dog - it kept biting Secret Service Agents.




Maybe, after the first couple. IIRC, it bit five or six before he finally got rid of it. I'm not sure anyone knows what happened to the dog after that - probably given to a shelter that euthanized it.


Shocking and he will probably be reelected looking at society right now


Biden will lose big time - 3 major reasons 1. Inflation 2. He enabled a genocide 3. Southern border is open to anyone.


In a fair election you would be 100% correct. We don't have those anymore. Also, the reason the Democrats are holding their convention so late in the year that they can't actually get their nominee on the ballot in two states, is to preserve the option to replace Biden at the convention, and have as little time as possible for people to find out about them - so it may well be Trump vs Newsom or Michelle Obama.


Newsom does not stand a chance- he is crime enabler gov. He does almost everything to encourage crime behaviour, be it open border or 900$ theft as a misdemeanor. Let’s loose illegal immigrants on Californians.


It doesn't have to be Newsom. There are probably fifty million people who are possible candidates.




> The extremes of both parties are running this country into the ground. They aren't really. The Republican "extremists" are Constitutionalists who are advocating for a return to the rule of law, and America first domestic and foreign policy. 20 years ago those were not extreme positions. It is only the frantic run to the left by the Democrats that have made those positions seem extreme. The problem with "moderate" Republicans is that there aren't any in national politics. Crenshaw and Kinzinger, for example, are part of the uniparty that is for endless war and the surveillance state. That's not a moderate position. It is an anti-Constitutional one. Likewise, there are no moderate Democrats left in national politics. Even the Congressional Democrats who happen to be Jews are afraid to call out their party's open anti-Semitism.




> I believe the extreme of the right are the evangelical ultra religious Christians that would absolutely love to tear up the constitution if they thought I would benefit their “holy land”. Sure. ...and there are absolutely 20 or 30 such people nationwide. Those people have no power and aren't promoted by Republicans. Conversely, the extremist left is routinely elected to the US Senate, US Congress, state legislatures, as Mayors and city councilmen, and they run the vast majority of our universities and many of our public schools.




> And I will push back on your point that there are no moderates on the left or right. They exist. They just don’t have the loudest voice in the room at the moment. They have no voice at all. Zero Congressional Democrats pushed back on the US House's anti-Semitism. Not even the Jewish Congressional Democrats. > Unfortunately the extremes are dominating social media and big media because they get the biggest reaction. ie MYG/gaetz=AOC/omar. What's really interesting regarding Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz is not that they're extremists - they aren't. It is that there has been an organized effort in the media and social media to destroy them since they were elected. That leads me to believe that they are conservatives who the deep state doesn't have any blackmail material on, so the best they can do is try to get them replaced with people on whom they have leverage. AOC on the other hand is a puppet for a socialist group who has her seat because her brother sent in a response to their casting call, and Omar is a garden variety terrorist supporter.




> MTG and Gaetz aren’t extreme? Nope. > Have you not been paying attention this year? I absolutely have. > Just ask Kevin McCarthy. The guy who made promises to get the job, and then broke those promises after he got it, so MTG and Gaetz spearheaded the effort to get him booted? That guy? Sounds like your idea of "extreme" is holding people to their word.


As a leftist, do republicans realize we hate Biden just as much as they do? I won’t vote for Trump either but Biden’s admin thinking they have any chance is almost funny at this point, if it weren’t so scary.


The people currently running things don't care. Whether or not you vote for Biden (or at all), your votes will be counted for him when the votes are counted.






Biden, is terrible honestly it’s incredible that there are still those that believe he is doing an incredible job … in fact it’s almost scary to acknowledge that people believe what they hear more than what they see with their own eyes. There isn’t even a dollar menu anymore I mean “c’mon man”. My house value is double what I pay for it and I know a ton of small families that had to shelf getting a home one year after Biden ripped all of the previous work to shreds and started the same ol debt spending again. People believe corporations are just fixing prices lol but pretend inflation and crazy retarted debt spending has nothing to do with rising costs everywhere or that you vote for climate change policies you are essentially voting for a choking and hyper regulating of the energy sector, I mean it’s literally the very premise, and to see people either too stupid to understand that connection or blatantly disregard it is foolish. Gas prices are high and going higher, we are literally burning tax dollars by the billions daily and there are people that believe taxing wealthy people out of existence will somehow fix the government spending problem ( I mean how the hell can there be this level of moronic thought) like yeah let’s give the People with no spending control the keys to the entire wealth of the nation 🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️. Who will they tax after they have burned through that money giving their friends government contracts and regulating us into a corporate monopoly state


> I mean how the hell can there be this level of moronic thought Democrat-run public education is how.


Because Biden is a moron


Bull Shitsinpantz


Just get that mofo out.


I think he's tied with Jefferson Davis at this point


Get the biden admin spin/gaslight team activated. Just like a southern divorce where someone is going to lose a trailerhome, someone (Gallup) is gonna get FBI SWATTED




RFK Jr. and Shanahan are the best options.


You do realize that RFK, Jr wants people who doubt global warming jailed, right?


Pretty sure he was talking about politicians specifically, who are ignoring the evidence solely to allow the ongoing pollution and business interests of the state to flourish Like the public officials who thought building a school and city at Loveland Canal was a good idea.. with the knowledge of what was underneath it