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Let me tell you what happens next if their demands are met. I'm a legal immigrant that lived in Michigan. When I was a Resident Alien (green card) I had to renew my license. They asked me if I wanted to register to vote. I told them that I couldn't because I wasn't a citizen. A few weeks later I received my new driver's license. A few days after that, I received my new voter registration card that I never requested, and never signed for. They just gave me one!  I never used it because I'm not an asshole, but there are over 10 million people who have already proven that the rule of law means nothing to them. Fuck these assholes.


Michigan is notoriously bad at maintaining their voter rolls. When I lived there they would send me absentee ballots to my current home and also to my old address which was my dad’s house. Pretty funny stuff going on there, I left 3 years ago.


You’re 100% correct and watch the Republican Party leadership do nothing.


I mean getting a voter registration card mailed to you is about as effective as just going to the online registry at Michigan.gov. It doesn’t make you suddenly have a SSN.


I had people come to my door asking me to sign a petition and argue with me when I told them I wasn't a registered voter. I was on the rolls.    The SSA has estimated that over 3 million illegal aliens have fraudulent SSNs. 16 states give drivers licenses to illegal aliens outright.


Should make it easier to deport them when they come to you instead of having to track them down.




That’s if this country didn’t have a secret agenda




No, that's what it is called when your **own** people storm the capitol to try to force government to do something. There's a different word for it when it is foreign nationals.




Bingo. Got it in one.


Unarmed Insurrection. Imagine if humans could think for themselves. 🤦‍♂️


Put them on buses and ship them home.


If only there was a government agency that was intended to gather people who are suposed to be here and take them back to where they came from.


Arrest and deport.


Those illegals don't miss a free meal fosho. They's some tubbies. Glad to see we get the best and brightest coming here. Next will be fat Muslims wanting Halal meat.


Wow , and probably going to get voting rights too , remember; Biden let us in we can't breath ! Oh and who couldn't forget; Biden Harris let us in ! ...quiet riot


I mean… we do GIVE them everything else. They’ve come to expect it


I don’t think the government should give them welfare benefits. I know the Biden administration and cities like New York have been doing such things and I think that is not good but I will say that all of those people are individuals that are capable of learning English and getting some kind of job. Or maybe they will take it an extra step further and get professional education. We are a nation of immigrants and I don’t think we should forget that.


The people they are forcing onto welfare are the unskilled and uneducated US citizens who cannot get jobs because there are 40 million illegal aliens willing to do any job they can do for less than US citizens are allowed to. The culture and society of any country are determined by the people who inhabit the country. When I was growing up, the US was a high-trust society. This was before Ted Kennedy's changes to the US immigration system that allowed mass immigration from all over the world. We didn't lock our doors, even if we were going to be away for days - there was no need. Business agreements were made on a handshake, and businesses routinely had high-value merchandise available for customers to browse and handle. Even small children could be let outside to play all day, as long as they were home by dark. Women could walk alone almost anywhere in the country without risk. When you allow mass migration from countries with low-trust societies, those people do not assimilate. They colonize, and convert your country into a low-trust society. It doesn't take half the population to do that, either. A relatively small percentage is enough. In the present day, even rich neighborhoods are having trouble with squatters breaking into homes and taking them over. Parents are being reported to Child Protective Services for allowing their children to play outside unattended. ...and children are routinely being kidnapped and sold into slavery. Women are at risk even in "good" areas in broad daylight, and retail stores are having to lock up shampoo and soap because mass organized retail theft is so common. When you allow mass migration from "shithole countries", the migrants turn your country into the places they came from.


You forgot the /s/ at the end.


Next they will demand vehicle insurance. But voting against our republic and for mob rule democracy is the goal!


Is this another "peaceful" protest?


They need to chill on the junk food


Nothing comprehensive will fix this


Comprehensive deportation.


How ?


1. Put the military on the border with orders to shoot anyone coming across at anything other than an official checkpoint. 2. New national policy, like some European nations have: Asylum claims are only valid for people who stop at the nearest safe country to their home country (i.e., we're accepting only Canadian and Mexican nationals as Asylees). 3. Move the funding for those 87,000 new IRS agents to ICE, and make the primary mission of ICE to be interior immigration enforcement. Let's get rid of the 40 million people here illegally.


Just jail them ‘till they leave.


The governor is far left and legislature is controlled in both houses by Devilcrats that have passed all sorts of lunatic laws since 2022. The Michigan legislature will likely approve the driver licenses for illegal immigrants. No one should be surprised.


Ok that's a start


I personally agree with a lot of things republicans say like I’m pro life, pro gun, and pro free market but I do also believe that immigrants coming into America is a good thing. For example immigrants make more businesses on average.


Legal immigrants, yes. Illegal immigrants, no. We have seven amnesties starting with the one in 1986, to show the outcomes for legalized illegal immigrants. They have substantially lower incomes and educational attainment than natives, that persists for at least three generations. Conversely, legal immigrants usually beat natives in both categories.


That’s a good point but one thing I would like to say is the reason why there are so many illegals is because it is extremely difficult to get into this country legally it can take lots of money and lots of time. A lot of these people I would say most don’t have that much money.


> That’s a good point but one thing I would like to say is the reason why there are so many illegals is because it is extremely difficult to get into this country legally it can take lots of money and lots of time. Breaking the law to come anyway is not a solution. They have no "right" to be here, and we have a right to determine who comes to our country. Why should we accept mass immigration of people who compete directly with the 50 million unskilled and uneducated US citizens for jobs, and ensure their poverty or force them onto welfare?


I don’t think we should give them welfare benefits but I understand the same politicians letting these people in are the same people trying to get them stuck in the welfare system. So as long as the immigrants are not put on welfare I think they should be let in.


> I don’t think we should give them welfare benefits You misunderstood me. The people they are forcing onto welfare are the unskilled and uneducated US citizens who cannot get jobs because there are 40 million illegal aliens willing to do any job they can do for less than US citizens are allowed to. > So as long as the immigrants are not put on welfare I think they should be let in. The culture and society of any country are determined by the people who inhabit the country. When I was growing up, the US was a high-trust society. This was before Ted Kennedy's changes to the US immigration system that allowed mass immigration from all over the world. We didn't lock our doors, even if we were going to be away for days - there was no need. Business agreements were made on a handshake, and businesses routinely had high-value merchandise available for customers to browse and handle. Even small children could be let outside to play all day, as long as they were home by dark. Women could walk alone almost anywhere in the country without risk. When you allow mass migration from countries with low-trust societies, those people do not assimilate. They colonize, and convert your country into a low-trust society. It doesn't take half the population to do that, either. A relatively small percentage is enough. In the present day, even rich neighborhoods are having trouble with squatters breaking into homes and taking them over. Parents are being reported to Child Protective Services for allowing their children to play outside unattended. ...and children are routinely being kidnapped and sold into slavery. Women are at risk even in "good" areas in broad daylight, and retail stores are having to lock up shampoo and soap because mass organized retail theft is so common. When you allow mass migration from "shithole countries", the migrants turn your country into the places they came from.


It *should* be difficult to get into the US legally.


On vacation? Barely. Citizenship? Absolutely should be a hard process but hopefully made more efficient so everyone’s happy. What we have at the border is an absolute travesty. I don’t recall Joe Biden’s 2020 platform containing flooding the country with millions of illegal and UNVETTED aliens. We have no fuckin idea who these people are. And then lying to the country almost weekly that he doesn’t have the fucking power to do anything about it. There’s no way we are this stupid to to reelect this guy. Even despite Trump’s baggage.


My main question about that is why? But I can totally understand why someone would say that.


That's because we used to vet them, so that only the ones who had plans for success could get in. America is stuck with the stupid people who are born hear, but we are allowed to refuse entry to the stupid people who aren't.


Where’s the storm?