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Funny, I noticed something similar. Reta makes me crave sugar, including alcohol. After drinking every night for a week, I decided enough is enough and just stopped. Still craving jelly beans like crazy and those are basically little boluses of sugar. I'm switching from Tirz to Reta doing the 2/4/6/9/12 with 4 weekly injections before moving up protocol so just had my second 4 mg injection yesterday. If you haven't seen it yet, this post will help explain the sugar cravings, which I believe is what drove my alcohol craving: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Retatrutide/comments/18997fy/comparing\_the\_big\_3\_sema\_tirz\_reta\_a\_moderate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retatrutide/comments/18997fy/comparing_the_big_3_sema_tirz_reta_a_moderate/)




Yes, deficient in alcohol and jelly beans


Laying here sober feeling exactly this way lololol


I would recommend you stay on the lowest dosage that works where you are still losing weight or maintaining where you want to be, I would not race to the finnish line on the dosage, 1st it is more expensive, 2nd, once you hit the max dosage there is nowhere to go, reta is the strongest so you will be topped out and start to regain. Happened with my friend on ozempic, she raced to the finnish line and topped out and started piling weight back on, I got her on reta and talked her into going slow with it, its working well now that she is finally listening, she has been on 5mg for 2 months now and its working well. I was on 4mg reta and now down to 3 and still working well. Remember that you can eat more with reta and still lose, as it actually burns fat. I went from 146 to 97lbs I quit for 3 weeks, gained back 9 pounds a d took 3mg and lost 6pnds in 5 days. Gonna go down to 2.5.mg next if I loose anymore this week.


Thanks, that's really helpful advice. I think it finally kicked in this week - I'm down 3.5 pounds since Monday and have lost the sugar cravings. So guess I'll keep going and see what happens these next few weeks.


You crave sugary drinks, or alcohol? Most alcoholic drinks don’t have much sugar, unless you’re using a sugary mixer.


definitely sugary mixers! That's a good point. But now I haven't had a drink since Thursday and drinking on Friday nights is a habit for me. I'll see what happens this week.


Why did you switch from Tirz to Reta?


I could drink more when I took zepbound (tirz) I had soooo much champagne for New years eve, when normally I could only have a couple glasses. And felt fine the next day. Had to make myself eat. Never felt hungry or even wanted food And was freezing, all the time and had acid reflux. I took the 2.5 dose On Reta, 1.5 No side effects, I still want to eat, just don't get as hungry as when I didn't take anything, I don't have the high alcohol tolerance I had with zep.


crazy sometimes how different everyone's reactions can be!


I have done all three GLP-1's and they all made me not want alcohol. With Reta, I have the most side effects if I DO drink it, usually the next day.


This is the first I’ve heard of this, but very good to know. Thanks for sharing!


Hey, how do you come off them? Do you have to taper off or cold turkey? Does "previous" hunger etc come back?


Honestly, I don't plan on "coming off of them". Just finding a maintenance dose that works. Studies show that folks who get off of GLP-1's gain the weight back and then some at a high %. I have been off of them for up to 3 weeks before a trip or whatever and the food noise comes raging back. I am down 87.6 lbs since May 24th of 2023.


There is alot of research on the role of GLP-1 agonists and modulating the reward pathway! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-48267-2#:\~:text=The%20mechanism%20by%20which%20GLP,GLP%2D1%20agonist%20Exenatide11.


I asked my cardiologist if red wine was good to drink at night. He said it was good to drink red wine moderately. I had to find a red wine I like and after a few months found Italian wines are my favorite. Specifically Valpolicella and almost any brand. I noticed my blood sugar goes down every evening when I drink my glass. Don't really know why my CGM doesn't scream but it really helps. Was a fat ass beer drinker before these wonderful GLP-1s. To lose the weight initially I didn't drink and went Keto for a month. I'm on maintenance now and happy being under 220 lbs. My old belts were 48" and now just bought 36 jeans. It's been 1 year. 6'1", 218 lbs down from 290. 70 years young.


What’s your maintenance regiment? Are you on Reta now? Did you lose with Reta or Tirz?


I started on Tirz and lost quickly being on Keto and not drinking. First 40 went in 3 weeks then leveled off some. Started on 1mg dose. No side effects. My provider said they'd pay for OZ so I went to it for 8 months. Started on .5 weekly but worked up to 2. Just started 6 of Reta but not really noticing any suppression yet. For diabetes I've taken glipizide and metformin. Cut both in half and don't have high cholesterol any longer. Still drink my nightly wine and enjoy it. Sure eat a lot better and don't want sweets. Blood sugar levels stay around 100-120.


That hasn’t been my experience. Big alcohol avoidance for me, but I haven’t ever been on Tirz or Sema.


What dose?


Thanks, great question. Currently at 4 and about to move up to 8. I’ll post up top too.


How has the weight loss been in comparison?


I just started noticing the effects of Reta in the past 5 days. Before then, I wasn't sure if I had gotten a decent batch, even tho I knew it was 3rd party tested. The day after I upped to 4mg, I found myself not hungry at all, and next day, I weighted in 5 lbs lighter than 3 weeks prior - with NO SIDES SO FAR (!!) Sema weight loss was good but sides were rough! Tirz sides weren't as bad and along the same scale as Sema for weight, but still. It's just hard to enjoy the rest of my life when I'm burpng stomach acid or feeling lethargic all the time. Reta is great so far but Really hoping for the extra lack of love for wine to kick in soon lol


Not much desire for my beloved wine. On Tirz I drank my usual couple of glasses of wine a night. Since I started Reta about a month ago. I'll pour myself a glass and may not even take a sip. 




My binge drinking has really died off. I used to get smashed about once a month. I went out on Saturday and I had 3 glasses of wine and 3 beers and I was just done with drinking at like 10pm at the bar.


It’s such an incredible side effect! Saves a ton of money on its own :)


I'm similar in that on Sema and Tirz, my normally high tolerance went to almost zero, and drinking made me feel like crap. On Reta drinking is back to normal as I'd I'm not taking anything.


yeah exactly! Up to 8mg now and I may feel a TINY bit of hesitance to drink, but then I pour a glass of wine and back to the same ol me How far up did you titrate?


Noticed that when I hit my protein macros the jelly beans desire is gone. Initially zero alcohol but...prosecco been creeping in lately lol. My usual go to drinks taste nasty now.


3 weeks in on reta (2mg/wk). Before, functional alcoholic, 2 vodka handles a week. Like others have mentioned, the desire is just not there and my body needs less of everything to feel full. Had a long camping trip this weekend (aka binge parade) I made 5 drinks total, drank 1/2 of 2 drinks and dumped the other 3. Felt good. The cravings for me come hard around dusk... I call them sunset cravings....they just...we not there, my brain was able to simply pass over those thoughts like getting a piece of junk mail and throwing it in the trash without ever opening it never letting it occupy my headspace again.


Sunset cravings is the perfect way to describe them!




Have you tried to stack with Tirz at all?