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Trauma of a collapsing empire


The Bible talks exactly about this>>> 2_Timothy_3: 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. I just became born again in January after realizing demons are real. Its right in our faces now!!! Jesus is real, and He came to save! It will change your whole outlook and the Bible tells us how it ends, your whole world will change. It's the truth. Over 300 prophecies in the Bible have come true. There is historical and archeological evidence!! He saved me and formed me into a new creature, He can take away all your sin, if you believe in His work on the cross and deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him, you will have eternal life!! Demons are controlling so much nowadays. The end is here people, Jesus IS the ONLY bridge to GOD. It's all REAL. (FROM A SINNER AETHEIST OF 39 YEARS, HE CAN SAVE ANYONE WHO TURNS TO HIM) Please, look into Jesus before it's too late. He absolutely loves you and it's everyone's free will to choose Him or not. Choose life!!!




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Chem trails


Covid 19 vaccine.


Have you looked at the state of the world? Access to information that we’ve never had access to before. Our brains cannot take in this much information


Not saying it has not increased since, but info has been pretty readily available since the early 2000’s at least. Maybe AI has had a part? It is a lot more prevalent than most people realize.


shits stressful nowadays so makes sense.


It’s been that way ever since 2020. Nobody gives a shit about each other and the apathy is just going to get worse


I’m definitely off


My theory is that COVID showed most of us “good” people that doing the right thing gets you absolutely fucking nothing. So many people exercised extreme caution, and still got sick or even died because of the careless actions of people around them. No matter how hard you try to do the right thing or put good into the world, there is always someone else trying just as hard to ruin it. I still care deeply for the people who matter in my life, and try to do right by them, but I no longer give a flying fuck what anyone else says or does. On top of that, no one has the time, money, or mental bandwidth anymore to volunteer or do good deeds.




I’m talking about the type of good people who masked up for OTHER’S health during a time when we didn’t know who was carrying the virus or how dangerous it was. Going on about your regular “average person” life at that time was potentially exposing those who were at-risk but could not quarantine for various reasons. Protecting yourself isn’t the “right thing” I’m talking about. I’m talking about doing the right thing by caring about like, humanity as a whole. Not just yourself.


Sadly, masks and social distancing did nothing to protect people. Even Fauci admitted this much in his book and to Congress. Experts have stated multiple times throughout the years that cloth masks don't protect against viruses and that most people were incorrectly wearing N95 masks. With that being said, you should not let that event change you for the worse. There was a lot of panic and confusion, especially in the early days. People were dealing with the situation the best they could....but after several months it was painfully obvious to many that we were being lied to by those in charge of managing the pandemic and that's when people starting pushing back against mask, social distancing and lock down mandates.




What? When did I say anything about looking good?




That’s….not how logic works.






The same thing is happening to me! I’ve noticed it everywhere.


I think that what I see of this I Attribute to the current world state, acceleration and so on causing people to be in a more heightened fight/flight state than is natural and I think trying to function that way over an extended period has weird side effects. While I dont see things quite the same way some here do.... I do feel that in a metaphysical sense there is a lot of relative dimensional instability and that could be a part of the problem. I think on multiple fronts we are coming onto inflection points that might be big deals on their own but having several at once is... well it makes sense that if any of this multidimensional multiple universe stuff is even half real that it would be an issue.


Life has become more expensive / stressful, politics are driving us apart, dating is a shit sammich.. People are feeling disconnected from each other and the social contract is being eaten away by capitalist leeches, people only have so much shit they can deal with before it starts to bleed out into society at large.


Yes people are more weird and self centered than normal. There are more and more erratic drivers who cut off other cars, speeding down the freeway. If you find most of your friends are takers, ask if you are giving too much and have become accustomed to being taken advantage. I’m seeing this in my friends/family too. I only hear from them when they want something but we have gotten to the point we only hang out for special occasions.


Covid can cause a decrease in IQ by 6 points EVERY time you become sick. If people have gotten covid 5 times, that’s a 30 point IQ deduction. I genuinely think this plays a large role.


I really hope this is reversible, I feel like I'm just plugging along sometimes wondering about covid or what


I feel you! I believe they found trivia/cognitive games can help with this.


good to know!


Absolutely. Plus, the part of the brain that it most impacts is the frontal lobe, which controls executive function and emotional regulation. 😳


I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way


I agree so much. My most recent post, on r/rant, I echoed a similar sentiment. People have gotten weird


I've noticed people have gotten crazier since covid hit. It used to be almost everyone on the rural highway I drive on drove the speed limit. Now *almost* everyone speeds, tailgates me to try to get me to go faster, almost causes accidents, etc. On the major highway I nearly get involved or nearly witness a major accident basically daily at this point. Three weeks ago I didn't see someone merging onto the highway because of the curve and their headlights weren't visible to me. They clearly saw me though and instead of giving me the right away and thinking I'm a dick, they decide to purposely almost rear end me and then flashed their high beams at me for two miles. A few days ago I was passing a semi-truck at a normal speed. Guy comes up speeding out of nowhere and starts losing his shit because he can't wait five seconds, flashing his high beams at me, even though he was only behind me for like three seconds and by the time he was freaking out I was already getting back in the right lane. Even yesterday there were two cars with about a car and a half length in between them speeding and about to go past a semi-truck with maybe 50 feet until they started to pass it. Out of nowhere a Jeep pulls up in the left lane, goes in front of me in the right lane, cuts between the two cars with maybe five feet to spare, tries to cut in front of the semi-truck with a few feet to spare but stops mid-turn because the car in front of them merged first, and then speeds off into the distance. Guy had to be doing almost 90mph and the speed limit is 70mph. The most insane part was that the car they cut in front of didn't even slow down nor hit their brakes. A car cut in front of them with five feet to spare, they're going over 80mph, and they just.. didn't react at all. There have been a few other incidents recently too but you get the idea. I am pretty sure a significant portion of the people in my area suffered brain damage from Covid and are somewhat unhinged now.


Societal mental programming, we are shaped by what we integrate and we do it all the time if we're aware or not. Our governments and and secret agencies know this and will do what is possible to shape the way people think and act.


I agree...kind of. It is well known that advertisers do integrate a ton of social programming and engineering into their ads to sell you crap you don't need or really even want. And MK Ultra is a thing for sure...the government did release info on it due to the Freedom Of Information Act. Shit like chemtrails and all that is ridiculous, but, there is some truth to your statement.


Talk about paranoid.


Ignorance but whatever




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I used to be a super popular guy in my twenties and then I hit 30 and I lost all my friends and even members of my immediate family for reasons that are my fault. But I've come to learn that if you don't have money, people won't respect you. And you pretty much have to buy everything in this world, including women.


Man it’s been hard lately


Everyone has yeah


YES. I’m feeling this very strongly. I just used the words you just said to describe my sister. She is lacking empathy. I have been diagnosed with a chronic illness that I’ve been fighting for years now and I see my closest friends living their lives so vainly and shallow. Zero empathy just hungry for fame and getting ahead.


Well said.. getting ahead is everyone any anyone's only goal it seems


People are more self involved than ever before; if they can’t extract something from you, you don’t matter to them.


Most of us are just trying to survive and have what little free time we can


Basically, our colonial system doesn't allow any real recourse against everyone being robbed, enslaved, gaslit, and socially murdered by parasites/kleptocrats. So that's happened and continues to happen. And so the system doesn't leave most people with a lot of capacity to be kind and generous or even fully human. Look at what the British ruling class did to India, and that's what has been happening to the public and working classes in the US and around the world.


What about what the caliphates that colonized India and was 5x more brutal and oppressive then the British were ? Is that why the Middle East is bad ?


You've only felt this in the last year? Lucky you


Felt it since 2020


For me it's since 2016. People really showed their true colors


I've noticed all old people are super angry and paranoid all the time. And election years are stressful.


I was talking to one of our patients and he made a lot of comments including “Biden hates America.” I asked “what makes you think that?” And he changed the subject. They are being brainwashed


Everyone in public seems like a damn robot. No smile. No acknowledgement. Just blank stares.


I try to ignore everyone in the store it makes me uncomfortable just being around people anymore. I used to smile and say hello but all I got back was angry reactions and menacing faces so I stopped that immediately. I don't go down isles with people anymore, if I have to I act like they're not there to keep the peace. People are unhinged it's better to keep to yourself in my experience. That's probably the same thing the people that stare blankly have experienced so they shut down.


Social media + covids 6 feet apart + masks hiding faces .


Look someone in the eye as you pass, in hopes of giving a friendly smile and hello? Nope…. They just blankly walk past you, while staring off into space. Your assessment is 100% correct


I’ve noticed absolutely no one says excuse me or even acknowledges you anymore. I have a habit of saying it since I was a child. I say it anytime I have to get past someone in a narrow area and I never have it said to me anymore when I am out and about. It can’t be that I’m old fashioned either, I’m in my 20s and have noticed this the past couple years.


Social media definitely..the Covid protocols that ended ages ago probably not relevant


It might be the late stage capitalistic hellscape we all love in. Genocide's bad enough, but we're also helping to finance and supply it, so there's that. Maybe because we live in a country of over 300 million but only get to choose between octagenerian segregationist and a septagenarian grifter. It takes a lot out of you.


The world has changed a lot in the past 4 years and a lot of people struggle with change


Less sunlight, vitamin D3 deficiency everywhere, everybody has depression symptoms


I'm severely depressed and lack sunlight


Definitely try to get some vitamin d3


I need to go walk but I lack motivation to do so ( I'm not overweight) just struggling and neurodivergent lol.. Meh it's been cloudy here ! Hazy humid hot mess :p But I get out sometimes and take care of my garden so I'm getting some sun


you can also supplement by taking the vitamin D3 as a capsule. Not ideal, but the results of what we CAN do beats what we wish we could do every time. :) My doc prescribed it to me to save on costs, too


It's definitely social media and the Internet. We've come up with a new way to communicate with each other that's both extremely unnatural and extremely addictive because it satisfies our natural desire for instant gratification yet doesn't have the depth and complexity of actual conversation most of the time. Furthermore, the things we're being shown on the Internet is now mostly controlled by algorithms designed to dig us deeper and deeper into our own rabbit holes so we start to become more and more resistant to the idea that we might be wrong about anything.


So on point.


(throwaway) Someone started ranting at me for drinking black coffee. They said i'm attention seeking and trying to be edgy.. like what?  The angry types think you're directly attacking them for liking different things, it's so odd, conversation becomes a minefield. I see this everywhere. 


Did you tell them that you quietly drinking a beverage isn’t any of those things but them pestering you about something so ridiculous IS edge lord attention seeking behavior?


As a coffee with milk and flavor and maybe only a teaspoon of sugar drinker, you have my sympathy. You don't deserve nonsense hatefulness and I hope you have a lovely day and get to continue enjoying your radiant cup of mocha note decadence. ;)


You drink black coffee? WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?


The world overall definitely seems angrier and more unstable in the past few years. I've also noticed everyone I used to be close to, slowly becoming angrier and less connected. They don't even seem to WANT to connect anymore. My family rarely sees each other even for holidays now. There haven't been any major fights or disagreements, they just slowly have become uninterested in meeting up or talking lately. Idk what it is.


Luckily my family has become more connected lately, but I agree that it feels like friends and other folks are all just in their own bubble and not as invested in the relationship. Or maybe it's just me? Lol


Covid infections induce changes in the brain which we see reflected in their thought processes, emotions and emotional regulation, and behavior. I’ve noticed in some more recklessness and carelessness, confusion, and an almost compulsive need to socialize.


I thought it was just a common cold 🥶


My .... empathy took a massive hit .....




Social media has made us less social, and by that I mean we send each other memes but we don't talk or visit each other. We are forgetting how.


Where I live people for the most part have been more 'friendly' lately. Eager to talk and connect. Maybe that's how it always was with rude and self serving people being the outliers.


I've noticed people don't want to make eye contact a lot of the time. The meanness is present, too. But I haven't seen that in real life. Just online.




Yep a lot of people are unhinged and angry.


Maybe it’s a mass subconscious distrust for the government; after everyone felt like they were on death row (due to Covid) because of a bat spreading sickness then found out the truth about the virology lab leak and now everyone’s trying to forget that our own government lied to us so that they could manipulate us into accepting the truth beforehand. Now we can’t trust our government at all, that may cause some rebellion and anger in the minds of many. On a less conspiracy-related note, maybe it’s the programming during and after the pandemic from social media? Or trauma being more acceptable to speak about now due to dealing with narcissists and predators, and there’s still little to no solutions for everyone. Feeling trapped can turn anyone into a paranoid animal that solely relies on the ego to survive. I think 90% of the world is fed up, and chaos will eventually ensue. It’s our minds that free us, not materials or chicks or hot cars or anything social media thinks says will buy or obtain happiness.


The lab leak has not been confirmed, it could still have come from the wet market. This is what people are talking about, how paranoid everyone is.


COVID brain damage


Yep. I was an angry bitch before. Now I am livid and have to isolate to protect others and avoid jail time. Lol Although I think peoples diets are shit and that's even bigger a problem


Focus on the good people you got around you.Don’t worry about the bad ones to much.Just hope they feel happiness one day


Be careful you dont focus on the bad too much.


Election year. Tensions are high.


This too!




people act like assholes during periods of political turmoil




Indianapolis saw the longest couldnt scale jobs for years and bright employees still dont “roll in” for timelymannered low paying wage scales((:


Narcissism is at an all-time high. At least in the Western world.


Covid ruined everything except people standing too close to you.




Until 12 hrs ago.






Covid and social media are the main causes. Everyone is focused on themselves nowadays.


People have always been like this I feel like, I have like two actual friends that have been there through it all


There is an evil that has overtaken mainstream everything. As an experienced teacher I notice Children are definitely more lacking empathy and are super materialistic—all being programmed into them through the phones, videos, Social media. I imagine you could extrapolate this to some adults?


My best friend teaches elementary, says the same exact thing often


In big cities I have. Largely downtown. Dunno their problem maybe stress.


Not personally, but i use to be a cold distant human and made changes to not be, I also understand not everyone is nice and a lot of people have different motives. But the people I care about are good, i care for them vice versa. Me and my coworkers all get along. Still have pleasant talks with strangers from time to time.


I feel alot of it has to do with the insane rising cost of living. Just saw a YouTube post were a guy saw a 3 year old Walmart shopping list. Enough for him to eat for close to a month. Cost was 180$ roughly, now the exact same list would cost over 400$!!!




The vaccine is safe and effective, despite the paranoid schizophrenics who claim otherwise.


Are you saying it's vaccines, or heroin that's making people curel and unempathetic? Either way, that's stupid and wrong.




What's the syringe emoji mean?




You tell me. You posted 💉 as an explanation to why people had become cruel and empathy-less. What did you mean by that? A syringe surely means something if you're posting it in this context, wouldn't you agree?


Is it stupid and wrong to suggest a syringe can affect a person's mood?


Malevolent entities preying on people. Influencing and coercing behavior, thoughts...emotions.


Entities called Twitter and Facebook


Nextdoor, Instagram, group messages, and on and on and on 


I work in retail and yes people have changed. It’s a different world, people are all right on the edge.


There it is again, that funny feeling.


I was actually just talking about this, but I feel like I’m becoming less and less empathetic myself and it’s scaring me. I feel so sad. I have to protect my heart from everyone. I agree there are too many people who just want to hurt you


For some reason I feel more empathetic lately. I wasn't for a long time though. I completely understand your mentality, it's a rough and strange world these days. I just stick to and focus on the people I care about/who care about me. Actually good-natured people seem hard to come by.


I appreciate that there’s hope in this world. I just have to find it and being burned isn’t always a bad thing. You get to see who they are


I am from a what once was a small town and a lot of people moved there since the pandemic started. It is a lot colder now it seems. People do not worry about being warm or friendly. There definitely is this overwhelming feeling of paranoia I have when it comes to others as if I feel I have to protect myself from everyone. What has happened?


Same thing happened to my town unfortunately


It sucks so much and where im from is not even a cool place lol. Its just one of those places people move to because they heard everyone else is.


I don’t know, but I feel like it’s been happening before the pandemic. The pandemic just solidified this behavior


What are we going to do!?


Focus on your own life and the people you care about and do what you want. There's still good in the world


Perfect answer. Leave others alone. I’m good just hanging out inside and playing games


Good advice, im going to just do the same


AnyWhichWayButLose “comparison is the thief of joy.” Those are some of the truest words I have ever seen written. Thank you!


We are living in the last days babe, Gods mercy is being withdrawn from the world, people are becoming heartless


What's that saying? Normal isn't coming back. Jesus is.


It's the multiple COVID infections. It affects risk appetite and affects personality. It damages blood vessels in the brain (and everywhere else).




Another person denying reality. Scientific studies have shown this to be true, unless you don't believe in science.


They’re right. Look up the spike protein. People that complain about the symptoms of COVID and the vaccines are basically saying the same thing. The spike protein will replicate itself when the vaccine is improperly injected (like accidentally into the bloodstream) and will pool and hang around to damage organs and blood vessels. There’s too many problems in the world to think that’s what’s causing all of it, but the lockdowns and COVID correlated with a noticeable spike in antisocial/negative behavior in people. I don’t think you’ll find anyone who denies that


I agree


Yeah ngl sometimes I think it's just me, or the people I interact with, or my workplace.... Until I stop to think about it. Lol when was the last time anything happened that was just....cool? Or fun? Or amazing? Or hopeful? Maybe it is just me. I know for fucking sure I've been going through it lately, stressed as hell, busy and tired as hell, social and dating life have stagnated the past year, all kinds of shit.... Maybe I'm just getting old. I'm 26. But fr it feels like people used to be stressed and angry...but we're just able to let it go and then go do other stuff and ENJOY life a little....for some reason that doesn't feel possible anymore. Idk what happened. But it doesn't feel like there's an "easy-going" strand left in the whole damn universe, and it seems like there's very little to actually get excited about anymore. Maybe we're all just more aware now and more cynical


The last collective cool, amazing, nearly worldwide event that I remember is those kids getting rescued from that flooded cave. And shit that was 6 years ago now. Average people never really recovered from 2008 en masse and then 2020 happened. We’ve just been constantly beat down for like 15 years now and no great societal progress has come out of it.


I still can't believe Elon Musk called the guy who saved those kids a pedo because nobody liked his stupid submarine idea.


We're all collectively in a holding pattern waiting for the clusterfuck to begin. Shits coming to a head after a couple of decades of fuckening.




If you're genX or older and you've paid attention over the last 25 years we've had back to back recessions with no recovery, just bandaids and we're running out of economic tools to use to mitigate the next recession. Sooner or later shits gonna break.




You must be a teenager. Everyone who has lived in the 90's can feel this in their bones. Used to be able to go to an arcade and eat good food and shop for clothes and pay bills and never consider something being too expensive or not having enough money. A $20 would spend all day long. Now you can't walk into a gas station for a pack of gum without spending $40. I used to be filled with joy and wonder because I couldn't walk out the door without tripping over endless possibilities. Now I don't leave the house to try and save enough money to get a day ahead. We were years ahead in the 90's. flea markets were untaxed and good for your soul. Now we just got scamazon. Millennials painted the world grey and wonder why there's no joy left in the world. The joy was in the neon carpets, the biggie fries, the 75 cent bottles of soda, the malls, ECT. Just look at beanie babies, nobody would ever buy them today. Who has the extra cash for pointless and fun things? There used to be a claw machine and 30 gumball machines in front of every store. Those were there because we had time and money for dumb shit. Now our time is spent recovering from a 40 hour work week and still barely scraping by. Folks used to raise families from flipping burgers. Now that won't even make rent for a studio apartment. You get sick once and you may never catch back up.


This was a great read my friend. You should be a writer


It’s your perspective, master your mind and you see reality differently, even in the worst of days.


Have you been able to do this personally? If so, what specific method(s) did you find to be the most helpful?


Acid and shrooms


And Mescaline. Helped me overcome heroin addiction, suicidal ideation and PTSD. 6 years now no craving or episodes.


Healthy diet and a good amount of exercise, therapy, I track all my minerals and vitamins to make sure I’m getting everything I need and you can check my most recent post to see what else I do


i think we're all collectively reaching a breaking point and it's showing...


I like to use traffic as a demarcator for this. The driving in my city has become increasingly unhinged, aggressive and impatient. Road rage and accidents everywhere.


Everyone’s sick of forcing themselves to believe the bullshit we’ve been fed our whole lives.


If that's not a true statement.. nothing ever was.


Unequivocally, yes.


Social media. It's a well established fact that populations and their opinions have been manipulated by social media. Bot accounts, short form videos...these are all used to change our perception of the world and what is normal.  There are almost certainly some organized campaigns targeting empathy and a sense of community right now. It's just a new form of propaganda meant to destabilize things.


Yep. This is absolutely it. Campaigns is correct




I *feel* like this is true, but I haven't experienced it personally. IMHO the media promotes it - seems like the job of most journalists is now to monitor social media feeds and report on the grossest/scariest/most irresponsible things they find. Like assholes on airplanes. That never used to happen! But when it only happens maybe a dozen times a year, it probably did happen before but was seen as not newsworthy. Also there are so many people calling themselves influencers and YouTubers that do the same thing, copypasting and regurgitating stuff they've seen elsewhere online. Social media links all kinds of people together, for better or worse. Like they say about guns, the Internet is a tool. It doesn't make trolls, people make trolls. Some of those trolls then manifest in the real world, in one colossal feedback loop.


People are tired of working with demising returns and ever decreasing progress in life. Life is just getting harder, stuff is getting more expensive and everyone is feeling it.


This here.


Y'all must not be aware that even mild Covid infections produce chronic infection of the brain and other organs. I understand that y'all might not believe it, but they've been low key telling y'all this for years--you just aren't listening. For example, watch this video lecture regarding an autopsy series conducted by DS Chertow, one of humanity's most accomplished pathologists. Despite its dryness and true-life nature, it's still some of the best analog horror on the web. If you're going to watch it, skip to minute 32 and give it 10 or 15 minutes. Personality changes explained. https://videocast.nih.gov/watch=45296


I feel different since I've had covid. I'm even less tolerant of annoying sounds than I used to be, I'm less creative (so basically, I'm not myself at all anymore), I get tired more easily, can't tolerate the heat as well, and everything is harder. I'll probably watch this later. Knowing me, I'll just forget.


Yep. COVID is the devil and wrecked my life and body, as is the same for many others in long COVID communities I'm in. Infects the meninges, & persists in countless areas of the body including lymph nodes, nerves, the liver more so & many other areas to a lesser degree.


Imma check that out. I haven’t heard about it from Covid specifically, but it ties in a lot to others things that led to a lot of the supposed changes we see nowadays. It’s not from one thing, but a changing system built up around those things.


I totally relate to this feeling, people just don't seem the same as they did a few years ago. I use Karmascore to track memories with people so I know if they are being wack or if maybe it's me sometimes.


Economy is tough, there is a true affordability crisis.


COVID was the start of this bleak era of economic hardship that put the final nail in the middle class's coffin. We've turned into corporate slaves and can't have a savings. This was exacerbated with social media with the constant reminder of feeling inadequate, subpar and, above all, depressed (comparison is the thief of joy). Yet the media diverts us with a social war that polarized us. The real leaders of this world aren't dumb. I'm still waiting on all of you to rise up and take a stand. Can we get past the skin color and what gender you have a relationship with, please? We're all slaves. I want to enjoy life and want the corporate boot off my face for a change. Send the managerial class to the gallows too.


Good union buster.


Yes.People dont even say hi hi anymore


You can thank smartphones for that


Folks are accepting the fact that things are only going to get worse and humanity is on a decline... Sad to see the world dying and people losing standards of living they will never see again...