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It's me. I'm my biggest rival in this game. Nobody messes me up more


Felt that


Facts šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Ironic as it sounds. Vanderbilt. I play as Florida. Itā€™s not Georgia, South Carolina or LSU. But Vandy.


Bro I play as Tennessee and Vandy is the powerhouse. Thankfully Florida and Bama has been at the bottom of the sec the whole time šŸ˜€


Vandy consistently top 8 program ( Iā€™m also UF) Georgia has been 1-2 star Off with a solid D for like 8 years šŸ¤£


Whatever team that is in my divison who wins enough games to lose to me in the playoffs every year. There is always one. Currently im the lions and the bears are my personal bitch 3 times a year


On regular retro bowl I changed all my teams to college teams. While I am currently playing as Purdue, Ohio State seems to have always given me trouble. I always seem to split the season series with them no matter how good or bad they are.


The Packers and Cowboys spent 6 years straight taking turns getting 30 bombs dropped on them in the Retro bowl by my team. One time I beat the packers 42-0 even though they were a 5 star team. For college itā€™s been USC/Troy and ā€œLas Vegasā€ as my two opponents in the natty like 3 years running


You seem to have a lot of trouble with Trojans


Ohio State in all NCAA video games I've played and retro bowl games I've played they're like the only team with a winning record over me I can't beat those buckheaded fucks to save my life


Relate to the trouble with Ohio teams, Kent State cost me my first chance at a natty


on rbc it was maryland i play as evanston


Playing as Chicago currently in my longest save (89 seasons). For the past 10 years, Iā€™ve played Detroit a little over 20 times, and I think me record is about 10-12 or something around that range. I only missed the playoffs once as Chicago and it was because of a loss to them when I was 9-7. Despite the fact that I have 5 star Defense and offense, I always seem to lose against their 4 star offense and 3.5 star defense


Fuck. The. Packers.


Syracuse player, the amount of times North Carolina took me to overtime...


In Retro Bowl College I play as Alabama and like run-heavy offenses. For some reason Mississippi State and South Carolina give me hell when running the ball, no matter their current star rating. By contrast, I could beat Auburn blindfolded. I have skull-drug them in every meeting, whether they are a 5 star team or half star. I think I have beaten them by at least 14 every year. In regular Retro Bowl, the Packers and New England seem to have the most annoying defenses.


19 seasons played. I'm a WVU fan but I've been Arizona State (6 seasons, 3 national titles), Miami (7 seasons, 5 national titles), and Texas (6 seasons, 4 national titles). I built up a narrative in my head that after my first job Arizona State, I wanted to come home and go to WVU. They didn't offer me a contract, but Miami (FL) did. I dominate with Miami and my "contract was up" after 7 seasons. I wanted PAID. I talked to the AD at WVU and said I am willing to work with you and take a discount if you're willing to allow me to come home. They never offered me a contract were content with their current head coach, who's been excellent for them and brought them back to relevance. They didn't want what happened with Rich Rod so they offered him a huge deal, instead of me. I signed with Texas and haven't lost the conference in 6 seasons. I've proceeded to ruin great seasons by them year after year. I am currently on a 31 game winning streak... They made the wrong decision per usual so I guess that's semi-realistic lol. My biggest national rival is San Jose St (they beat me in the Natty 3 seasons ago on a last second Hail Mary and have beaten me with both Arizona State and Miami). I just got revenge on them by winning 50-49 in OT by going for 2 in the Natty last season. Every time I've played them it's been back and forth and comes down to the last drive and it's always been for a championship. I love this game lol.


In retrobowl I changed the teams to "world teams" (Germany, U.K. China, etc). When I first started, Argentina dropped 70 on me. Since then, when I play them I destroy them.


Out of curiosity, who was ā€œArgentinaā€ originally, if you remember?


It's the Carolina Panthers lol


Despite leaving Atlanta many moons ago, our rivalry with the Bucs was unmatched. Year after year wrestling for the division and routinely meeting a third time in the playoffs. They never failed to give us a run for our money


On my Chicago save, Minnesota gives me the most trouble. Green Bay is a punching bag and Detroit is good every once in a while.


I primarily play as Arizona State, and my biggest rival year after year is Utah, followed by Oregon State. I always seem to play them multiple times per year. I crush U of A and their silly blue uniforms every time, and they are never in the playoffs.


I play as Pitt and for some reason FSU is the one thats always trying to ruin my gd day. Fuckin hate FSU.


Feels like Buffaloā€™s in half of all Retro Bowls in all of my save files


Buffalo laying the sMACk down


My team is Arizona State, so I'd say university of AZ


As Las Vegas the Chiefs would regularly be the only team that would beat me every year.


In pro, i had an 11 year gsw vs cavs type of run, against the Dolphins. We just lost the 1st Supeebowl, and we finish this run 10-1. Not a competitive rival, but... going at each other for 11 times in the SB, i think might be a rivalry at that point


Itā€™s currently Arizona. They can be a 1-star team and still beat my ass twice every season. Itā€™s so unfair. I play as San Francisco so theyā€™re a division rival, too.


Southern Miss. Idk why.


Detroit. Last season (irl), the Lions kept giving me fits, and I couldn't beat them. I'm a Packers fan, too, so there's that. (I hate Chicago and Minnesota more irl, but I always beat them.)


UNLV, I first coached hawaii then I went to A&M and they beat us in the National Championship. So now I have a vendetta


Yooo, Hawaii was my og team as well! Lowkey I abandoned that file though because I sucked at the game back then


Doesnā€™t matter what team I play as, itā€™s always Toledo


This one is difficult I have many great rivals in my Auburn save. FSU, Florida, Miss St, Ole Miss and Georgia are all great candidates. Miss St and Ole Miss are the first out, yes they have beaten me but they are only good for short periods. The last three all have good cases. Florida has never beaten me or has maybe beaten me once but all the games are competitive needing a last second field goal to win and I've gotten word in with the schedule maker so that we play each other almost every season. FSU is first team I beat to win the natty. They are also the only team to have beaten me in the natty. They are also the only one of these rivals that I would consider a rival in other saves. We play often and they are one of the few teams that I occasionally lose to. Now we come to UGAly they used to be our fiercest rival we would win one year they would win the next, but it's been 12 years since that was true and they completely fell off in those years. However, they are mounting a comeback and just beat me for the first time in 7 years. I wish the opposite wasn't true in real life. Georgia is still the only team to have consistently beaten me like that. I would say historically Georgia is our biggest rival but due to how Florida is consistently good, not good ten years ago like Georgia was, I would say that Florida is our biggest rival.


In RBC i been coaching in the minors and i always go against Bethlehem in the finals šŸ’€ seems so random to me lmfao


Right now in rbc Iā€™m playing penn state and northwestern is always my big 10 matchup


The Saints, playing as the Panthers.


I play as georgia nd when mizzou is on the calendar yk its gonna be a battle


For some reason, it's Dallas, even though I've never been an NFC East team to this point. I play them every season, they're always in the NFC Championship game the games are always tough. The Chargers give me problems too.


One of my last playthroughs as either Atlanta or Carolina, Tampa Bay always seemed to always give me a hard time no matter how good my team was. So whenever I had the chance, I would run up the score as high as I could.


I played Dallas as Pittsburgh in 8 out of 10 retrobowls including 5 consecutive. 8 rings baybay


no matter what team i play as in rb the cowboys always are a pain and score almost every drive lmao, even with a perfect 5 star team.


The Steelers. They suck and have a 1-2 star offense most year but I usually only put up 56 against them(PF league play)


Started my coaching career with the Atlanta Falcons and after winning 3 super bowls I went to the Eagles, beat Atlanta 4 retro bowls in a row after leaving


The Ravens. I play as the Pats. A while back, I did a little realignment in the AFC; I moved the Dolphins to the South, the Colts (relocated to Columbus) to the North, and the Ravens to East. And its been really fun lowkey. Since I became the Pats HC, the race for the division has always been between the Pats and the Ravens, with both teams winning the division 3 times in the last 6 seasons, winning every other year actually. I own them however, as Im currently 8-4 against them since I started coaching the Pats, and I also played them in the playoffs these past 2 seasons, beating them in both games, with last yearā€™s being the AFC championship and this yearā€™s being the divisional. I am also on the verge of a three-peat (I havenā€™t finished the season yet) and have made it to the Super Bowl 4 times in the past 5 seasons (2-1 currently), while the Ravens have yet to reach the Super Bowl. Overall, its a really interesting and exciting rivalry we got going on


Itā€™s always been San Francisco. The fuck they gotta have fast ass linemen for???


I am playing as Iowa for a few decades now. Almost every year, I face Buffalo in the semis or National Championship. What a wild run they've had.


For me Iā€™m Clemson but I always have to play South Carolina donā€™t know why but thats what happens


The Eagles. I played them in the Retro Bowl 4 times in a row at one point


This guy Steve at work, he farted on my lunch one day in the break room, hated that dude ever since.




Tennessee and Jacksonville for me


Washington. Iā€™ve have not managed to beat them at Oregon Iā€™m sure irl fans would be pissed