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How about the ability to sim games?




Also it would be nice if both games added fullbacks and slot receivers


fullbacks not so much bc blocking kinda sucks but slot wr would be fire




JuCo Recruits


It needs to feed the draft in OG RetroBowl


Sim games.


>Make it so that transitionally stronger teams (ohio st, michigan, alabama, georgia) are usually always 5 star teams and in the top 25. Air Force shouldnt be a yearly powerhouse lol. Also, make it so that teams that were strong the year before are of equal caliber the year now- If you go to a school and create a legacy there, and have a 10/10 fan base, etc, the team shouldn't immediately become the worst in the league the second you leave the school.


I took SMU to the Natty and won for several years, left and went to Texas Tech, played them in the Natty 4 seasons later, they are consistently in the top 10 since I left, which I think is cool.


I agree that is super cool. I led three teams to multiple championships each and have yet to play any of them unless it's an off-conference game. (I usually pick diff conference teams) On my 4th playthrough right now and decided to try on a G5 school before I realized that the game doesn't really care about that distinction either.


im totally cool with that its just in my sim and other sims i have done there are 3 loss teams in the playoff which imo is just wrong


This could be done by having a school “prestige” stat


yes thats a good idea, and lets say you win at a school over 7 years, their prestige stat would then go up, and if a school loses over a 7 year period then their prestige stat would go down


Sim games and i love the punt return idea u said. Ive been saying they need to add this to both games


I'd just like to see the playoff format to 12 teams to be updated to what the format will be in real life.


yes forgot to put this haha


Sim just the ability to sim


Nah, we don’t need to nerf the G5 teams. Video games are supposed to be an escape from reality and if all I see is Bama, Georgia, Michigan, & Ohio State in the top 4, I’m pulling my hair out. It’s enough that they dominate in real life


Maybe, have it as an option you can toggle on and off. Its just not right imo having 3 loss Air Force as the 3 seed in the CFB playoffs


The game is meant to be simple. I doubt the developers have interest creating algorithms based on biases that aren’t based on metrics. The only idea I like is nerfing FCS, that’s an easy one to implement.


idk in my head there is a big gap between the top of power 4 and the top of group of 5


red shirt, yes, the rest, eh


u wouldnt want a transfer portal? ur unhappy players transfer at the end of the year and u can use their scholarship to grab other guys in the portal?


ok you convinced me, that sounds cool


Why not just cut them and sign someone else?


theres no such thing as free agents in cfb and u would have to assume that transfer guys would be higher star level aleardy


Also I forgot to Add 12 team playoff


They probably won’t do that until it’s implemented into real life. Same with the soon to be pac-2 and the B1G and sec add-ons.


which is totally fair, hopefully conference customization would be added tho, would be super cool to have the old big east and swc back


Yeah it would be super cool.


It’s nice but I would also want exhibition games


Some form of in-season recruiting / scouting, an option play mechanic, ability to sim games, 12-team playoff, fully custom conferences.


an option play would be so cool


Exhibition mode and Conference realignment in team editor would be very nice to have


yeah i want to put some of the old conferences back together, the pac-10 the swc the big east


I swear American conference teams are always in the top 5 why tf am i seeing northern texas at #1 😭


UTSA and Air Force are powerhouses in my save lol


And don't forget to make it so some major conferences' undefeated teams still don't make it into the playoffs. [sorry, coughing in ACC right now.]


i feel like thats a whole other thing, there are RARELY undefeated teams at the end of the regular season which i feel is now super common in cfb,


yeah, but think of the sim accuracy! :D (yes, I'm still bitter, and yes, I'm an FSU fan. FSU might not have made it past game 1 in the playoffs, but ... with that defense, you never know. And no, the Orange Bowl wasn't FSU's defense. UGA was effectively at full strength; FSU's starting lineups were on the sidelines, and I don't blame *either team* for it. And FSU got robbed, and the ACC basically nodded while it happened... then got surprised when FSU asked to leave the conference that asks FSU to pay for everything AND accept getting abandoned while they're doing it?)


its okay u will be in the sec soon.


Hopefully not


acc did this to themselves but i hate conference realignment so much


Hopefully we pulled the ladder up when we got onboard. We don't need anymore teams. Send their asses to the big 12


yk i dont get why texas and oklahoma fans would want to go to the sec, u have the easiest path to the playoff in the big 12


More money


as texas and Oklahoma fans you see none of that money all you see if more losing and less postseasons


Another Idea i just had is having a “Spring Game” similar to how normal retro bowl has a preseason u can toggle on and off


Transfer portal and all is cool.. but you can kindof make new conferences by switching teams and renaming stuff. Agree with FCS Traditionally stronger teams doesnt matter much IMO. People play up to 100 years so teams will degress and also get better. Thing is, people dont like hearing it but its a retro football game. It is supposed to be simple and having all this just makes too much, its just a fun little game to waste time on. All we need is 12 team playoffs, really


i agree with you, but i believe retro bowl’s simplicity is in its game play and that customization on the outside of the gameplay defines these retro games. for example hoop land is extremely cuztomizable so we know the devs can do small things to make the game even more in depth for those who get bored after 100 seasons. In reality all I want is: -12 team playoff - customizable conferences - red shirt feature the rest are truly wants


As soon as eacfb25 drops I’m deleting this game lol


Ill create guys i have from retro bowl college and put them in ea college football


lol yeah totally valid


Here's hoping EA doesn't "EA it" up.