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Where to invest next....the truth is that rich people are often rich because they simply can't help but obsess about better & bigger...So even tho we know we have enough...it's the preservation/growth of our wealth that we often never let go of.


This I think is part of it. I guess some of the things I think of are: How can I make what I have more productive. What can I do that would bring value to others, because that is the easiest way to get them to hand dollars over to you. What If I invest in an equity position in this guys business to help him grow huge, then have him buy out most of my interest in x number of years. What if I refi to free up cash in equity so we can buy more property


33M and I live in your lines 4 - 6. I have not gotten to lines 5 - 7 yet and I’ve never considered line 7. Thanks for posting this. Absolutely brilliant. I hope you have a great evening.


In the past 18 months I have just started to leverage my assets and professional skill into a very promising business founded by a smart, sincere man I used to mentor. Not a ton of money on my part, not a ton of time on my part. Truthfully one of my two main reasons for going to law school was to search for and then assist promising startup companies. I would be considered lower end rich (almost the lowest 7 figures) in Tennessee where I was born. However living in Santa Barbara California I am almost equal with boomers who bought their homes in 1980 for 200,000. As long as I don't have to freak out about my bills and feel productive it's all good.


I agree, and I'd add: How I protect my downside risk while still growing my wealth.


My brother knew a very wealthy man. He owned businesses, had lots of investments, etc. My brother asked him one day, "How much is enough.?" His answer? "Just a little bit more."


If it was just about money, they would quit. It's the love of the game.


I once asked a homeless guy with a small horn growing out of his shoulder if money mattered. He showed me a ten thousand dollar bill he kept in his pocket. I gave him two bucks. He said that's not enough. I gave him twenty. He didn't complain


you don’t want to be the one that has less money than the previous generation, then you’d be a failure. It only makes people want to get more


It seems sad and empty to me that after a lifetime of one who appears (from the outside) to be a successful, wealthy and elderly businessman, is still feverishly grifting $$. As though money can buy immortality..


You're not doing that your entire life if it isn't something you enjoy. Researching investments, making an investment thesis, and seeing if it plays out is fun for me, and I'll probably do it until I die


These people truly enjoy what they do which is why they are successful.


That’s really not what it’s about, kid. Many very wealthy people are also generous. Though they of course still live lavishly, philanthropy has long been a status symbol in upper class communities. They also find ways to give back to communities and get rich - like angel investing (giving your cash and mentorship to young entrepreneurs). Many very wealthy people also love what they do. They have side projects and companies that bring them a lot of joy and fulfillment. Just look at all the things Bill Gates and his now ex wife built or had a hand in building. T Boone Pickens is another example. He donated to his Alma mater and has left that school in much better shape to grow and thrive, greatly expanded wind energy in Texas, and invested in CNG projects like crazy. Not everyone wants to retire and sit on their laurels. Most smart, driven people actually can’t stand it.


That is so sad , remaining in a survival mindset when it’s just so simple to tap into abundance. My bank account has 3 digits and I can FEEL like a rich man. This world can be so backwards sometimes


https://www.bluewealth.com.au/general-knowledge/the-best-performing-investors-are-ones-that-are-dead/#:~:text=Fidelity%2C%20one%20of%20the%20biggest,had%20forgotten%20they%20had%20investments. The best investors are all dead.


Rich people are often rich from birth LOL


This is the answer


Being healthy.


This is HIGHLY underrated here. Sooo many health and wellness seminars at the Omni in Asheville


Good health is priceless


You trade your heath to get rich, then you trade your wealth to get healthy.


True story.


How did I ever end up on r/Rich subreddit? Why am I also on r/uber, a bunch of community circle jerks that I don’t live in, and many others. How does any of this work?


Reddit makes sense if you don't think


The question is about contemplation


well hopefully you're making money with uber? a little?




I walked away from almost all of my extended family, including in-laws. I wrote a letter to my wifes grandfather (he's nearly 100), explaining to him that all the crap people pull was taking away time I could spend digging through sec filings, so I was walking away. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to secure my and my wife's dreams. Because I did that, my wife is quitting working this year, at 38. I still have a couple years more, but I'm getting close to just throwing my money into a dividend paying index fund and living on vacation the rest of my life.




Ah yeah that's a conundrum. Honestly I think I'd rather be broke than continue dealing with the drama I was having to deal with. I became much, much happier when I walked away. My wife still talks to her family, but she's really glad I left. It's made our marriage much better. As for family I love- that's correct. Most will not be strong enough to leave too, and they will be less happy for it. My wife's father was someone I still respect, but I don't want to cause him problems in his marriage by staying in contact. And her cousins I left because they were very reliant on her uncle, who was another problem, but I recognized they needed him. I didn't even bother trying to justify why I left because I didn't want them to resent him. We reached this point with the help of a family therapist. It wasn't done impulsively, and we saw much greater gain than loss. I highly encourage anyone reading this that has problems with family to see one.


When I read your first comment I though you were kidding. Then I read this one and realized you actually did it. Good for you!


This is very interesting. It’s such an obvious concept but I never realized it. Granted that may lead to people sticking together more so from greed than genuine love. But that is certainly not a “poor person” problem. There’s no money in the banana stand! lol


Sticking with the jerks tends to kill the love. By walking away, love can flourish. She tells her cousins and aunts and uncles "you guys know my mom- she lies. You know my sister and what she's like." My first impression of her sister, who didn't live in the same state as we did, was her suggesting we abort my daughter. She's accused me of everything from alcoholism to beating my wife. My wife went to a lot of therapy over her family, and did wind up walking away from her sister. By walking away, we achieved happiness. And we are closer than ever for it. If you remove the drama, you can expect good results.


Appreciation for your reference. Take this poor man's 🏅


Think deeply about the origin of reality.


Man I'm so lost in the sauce right now. Is it just me or have we forgotten how easy this all could be?


Lol, what are you lost about? How easy what could be?


it IS easy. That's why everyone's doing it


How to save time. Time is the most precious commodity in the universe.


If the gold pile is deep enough to Scrooge McDuck your way through it without injuring your neck.


Deciding what Florida beach town to buy a winter home. At least we’re in agreement that we only want the east coast.


Valrico. No evac zone, no flood zone, lots of gated options, nice courses, people leave their doors unlocked. But still just outside the city. No riff raff.


Funny enough, people in West LA can’t stand the weather. I had a Pacific Palisades homeowner rant about the awful weather out there


i *think* they meant the east coast of florida vs the western, gulf side (cuz its poorer), but i could be wrong.


You’re correct, east coast of Florida.


Strongly suggest Sarasota


Deciding where in the world I want to be in for the next 3,6 etc months. It's hard when there are too many damn options.


Im in the same boat. First Texas then Florida, now Tijuana


My future- how to to be more successful, how to grow my business




How we came to Biden or Trump and where did we go wrong


I still stress about money. As a business owner with multiple locations, it’s taken a lot of debt to get here. What if the customers stop buying? What if a location burns down? Never ends, man


This resonates with me. I could retire now with 5M easily at 50. What would I do? My employees do it for me, and if I sell out? I guarantee the PE that buys me fires them in 2 years.


They contemplate "what the poooor people are doing right now" in a British accent


They know what we’re doing, more or less. We’re making them money


I spend a lot of time looking at considering vacations. Thinking of Christmas markets in Europe this winter


Well this year will be the first one that we’ll go on vacation for year end. We already have a summer vacation to the Caribbean in August. Planning a 2 weeks vacation for December. If you think about it, it’s a lot of money on two vacations for a family of 5. My oldest is going to college next year so we decided to enjoy this and next summer with her. Who knows maybe while in college she won’t like to hang out with us.


I think about all sorts of things. We homeschool our kids- public school doesn't teach you how to be successful or how to think well- it just teaches you to be a good employee, doing stuff you don't want to do, over and over again. I watch a lot of c-span, chasing different live situations. I'm currently reading the Relation of Ailmentation and Disease by James H. Salisbury(of the salisbury steak, which didn't use to have gravy or onions), who healed people in the 1800s with an all beef and hot water diet. My wife and I went full carnivore last year, and we are still shocked at everything that continues to happen to us on the diet. I occasionally dig through preferred shares, reading about different companies, looking for more cash flows. Whenever I start studying something, I look at the first principles. I don't just blindly listen to anyone. During the pandemic, there were two different streams of information. In order to figure out who I needed to listen to, I read college papers on the fundamentals of virology and vaccinology. I like spending time with my family, helping my children understand the world, and spend a lot of time teaching them about the best and worst parts of it. When we do pretend play, we do things like playing spy against the Russians. I will pull up the names of current Russian generals, and give their backstory, to help set the stage for a game.


You sound like either A: a troll, or B: the reason why normal people want to eat the rich. Someone who is so far outside reality they need a shock to come back. 


I assume you are talking about the carnivore diet, since nothing else seems to fit your statement. I'm a 100% disabled vet, with numerous injuries. I've been in pain for most of the last 15 years. Intense migraines too, from damage to my upper neck. I was 40 pounds overweight, had high blood pressure, and pre-diabetic. 3 days into the carnivore diet, all my pain disappeared. 4 months in, and I lost the 40 pounds, was no longer pre-diabetic, and had normal blood pressure. Other strange things happened too- my tinea versicolor disappeared, and sebaceous cysts too. My wife joined me in the first week, and also reached normal weight. Her life long seasonal allergies disappeared. So did her migraines. Here's the harvard carnivore diet study. I encourage you to read the whole thing, especially page 7, table 3, where the chronic conditions are: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34934897/


Wha? Of course public school teaches you how to be successful. I went to a top 5 public high school in the country and my class has 2 billionaires - my school right now has like 8 billionaire alumni - but 1-2 transferred to Andover or Exeter and I don’t know exactly who counts as alumni - but I’m going with 8- we had foreign royal family- princes- in my public school Because we were in a very rich neighborhood I don’t have a clue where your opinions are coming from tbh- do you live in a nouveau riche new construction development?


What to do with a whole 24 hours of nothingness. How late can I sleep in before the dogs get mad How to keep my dogs happy How can I help my friends be happy Shoes Purses If botox made my eyebrows uneven, or is it just me? Hating that just by chance. I have the time for this. Oh, and climate crisis/homeless animals. But that's only on the really slow days.


The Botox lol


What hole to stick it in.


life and happiness




I like a good weird obsession, personally. Rn I am on a mission to eliminate microplastics from my life.


What is considered rich? For me, that’s 5 million in something convertible or cash. 5 million accomplishes a lot. But in Southern California it’s not really “a lot”. But it’s where I see wealth starting.


How to make even more money with the money already acquired


I think about my family, my grandchildren and my friends. Next is my investments, then my hobbies. I love my house and large garden so spend a lot of time there. We travel for 6 months of the year so lots of planning. Hobbies include watching sport, music, playing guitar, walking, my motorbike, my wine collection… the list goes on. I also still advise the people who bought my business. Phew.. life is so busy - time for a lie down


Is this sub like 80% larpers now? I don't contemplate things any different than I did before. Will my old undergrad research problem be solved soon? was the cute girl at the art museum in to me or just friendly? What should I eat when I get home


How to fill my waking hours doing something meaningful


Time. How much I have left. How to make the most of what I have.


How to live comfortably as long as possible and stretch my money 💰


I am a friend who sold his company and made many tens of millions and he is worried about losing it




Health and purpose. Money is a tool to get closer to those. The more money I have, the more I realize that I didn’t really need money to find the answers to either of them.


too busy golfing.


The meaning of life and relationships. If you've met financial goals, which are pretty basic to a life well lived, fuck. There are even more basic and important ones. Am I a good person? Why is my relationship with my parents not great? Am I fucking anything up with my kids?


How to control poor people.


Once you hit a number some would say is rich. Stresses of life only change a little bit. Sure you’re not worried about paying for groceries or affording the necessities. You are worrying about your career or business that got you to the point of being rich. You’ve invested that much time and effort to get there…it comes with a lot of blood, sweat and tires. And those stressors don’t go away when your bank account hits a certain number. Also, getting to that point comes with a lot of responsibility. Often times there are many people who rely on you for their livelihood. So making sure the business or job is successful so those families continue to get their pay checks. Then there is the pressure to grow the business, diversify income streams, and pass things on to your kids etc. Not saying feel bad for the rich, but stress just changes. It doesn’t disappear.


Why do you think someone's bank account balance makes them an alien?


I'm not calling myself rich, but I spent years not watching a television. I've spent years pursuing things that I'm interested in, including atheltics, the arts and fashion. Even if it's collecting cigarette wrappers for an art project or writing a non-fiction book. It doesn't have much to do with my bank balance. Being under the hammer for cash flow, well you said it. If you don't have much cash in reserve the things I think about are generating cash flow in a very real and immediate sense and then waking up every morning and doing that thing I best estimate to solve any immediate problem.


Rich people are not monolithic. Each person has his or her own passions, interests, and concerns beyond just their financial matters.


How about those of us who believe we are capable of being rich but afraid of going for it because it means we lose most of our relationships. Because what do we do then? As weird as it sounds, at some level, many of our relationships depend on being in similar financial situations.


Being poor.


How to make more $$ while paying less tax


Which charity to give to this year


I think wealthy people think about money just as much as, if not more than people in lower income brackets. When you have more money to work with, you will think more about how to use it, and let it define who you are a bit more. Positive feedback loop (or negative, if you think spending a lot of time thinking about money is bad) it's only a billionaire's son that truly achieves the nirvana you're thinking about, where they just buy whatever and don't think about it, don't contemplate whether or not it was too much etc... Everyone self made probably obsesses over money


Love and health


How to make more money. Not in a stressed way or a scheming evil way, more of in a fun like a game way. At least that's how basically every rich person I know thinks about it 


how to make more money that’s all they care about. obviously. they aren’t like us but they are… who’s to say we wouldn’t be the same in that position?




Worked for a few billionnaires in Texas; seems they are paranoid of anyone (esp family) who may be "after their $$". The dysfunction and extreme greed rules their lives. When their health fails, and money cannot restore it, they finally become aware of what is truly valuable.


Ferrari or Porsche 


How to keep it and where to keep it safe.


No money worries but I do want more money.


First question; how do you define rich? I consider rich over $10 million.


I like to think about what airplane I want to fly today


Take vacations. Ever since the federal rates went up to 5 plus percent, I’ve been using the interest/dividends (FREE MONEY FROM THE BANKS) to fund vacations. So far I’ve enjoyed free vacations in Cabo, Hawaii, and, BC. This summer renting a beach house in Venice Beach/Santa Monica. I am currently contemplating where to vacation after summer. Also contemplating buying investment property outside of CA with dividends.


I am not rich but I am definitely comfortable. I think I am somewhere in the upper class (north american resident)? My thoughts: * Money does help achieve contentment in life. Anyone saying otherwise is coping. * Entertainment and vacation destinations are always on my mind. This is important for my mental health. * I had moments in life where my family was poor. Learned to be frugal and that habit never really went away. I don't really spend that much. I won't shy away from a thrift store. *I budget like crazy, I have spreadsheets with graphs where I monitor my spending tendencies. * Work finances my hobbies and personal activities. Life is extremely more important than work - this is non negotiable.


They are always thinking about investments, and additional learning. Be it a new industry, a language, a culture, when you are that rich, at least the ones I KNOW, they do stay busy.


Why no one has innovated toilet paper


Freedom.....how to get it, maintain it, shit proof it no matter what changes and how to pass it on


How to go from rich to wealthy. The truth is rich is one job loss away from 'not rich'. Wealthy can breathe a bit easier.


Losing the money. But seriously, rich people are some of the most stressed out people in the world. That’s why they are rich. In general, it takes a certain type of personality to become truly rich. Most thrive on the stress. They perform better in stressful environments. I wouldn’t call myself rich, but I also don’t have to worry about money. But I Also intentionally put myself in high stress situations to earn money, because I know that if the stress isn’t high, I don’t do as well professionally. I get bored without stress. I’m sure it’s not healthy, but it is what it is. It’s probably similar to an adrenaline junkie who jumps off cliffs.


What my next move will be to help homeless dogs or animals in general 🫣 Back story : I see a lot of homeless people and animals on my way to my business and it kills me. I Probobly will end up broke one day but happy that I could help .


Don't be fooled that rich people don't worry about money. They have a lot - and they worry about keeping it. So many ways to lose it. Stock market crash, litigation, divorce, sued, just plain bad luck etc.


How to spend our abundance of time.


Something I just noticed: I have only read one reply on this thread that mentions creating art. I wonder why that is? Thinking about the next piece you’ll paint or the next album you’ll produce. Not good or bad, just an observation.


what porche next lambos ferrarrrrris and bitches and hoes with yacht parties




If you compare the quality of your life ,, to let's say,, someone living in the slums of India YOU ARE RICH so, what are you contemplating?


Where to vacation next, how to raise our kids to be good people, how to get healthier, etc.


I can have whatever I want now, but now I want nothing, why am I still miserable?


If you don't think rich people stress about money, you've never met a rich person.


How they could have made $10 million last week instead of $3 million…


I agree with you to an extent. For people like me, born to a 16 yo, impoverished mother, and then got sick with kidney failure at 20, it was never about those who do and those who dream of doing, at least not for me. For a lot of people, life truly is not fair. Im not sitting over here complaining, and compared to a lot of people with organ failure, I’m damn lucky because I’m still alive after having two kidney transplants! As they say though, health IS wealth and if you happen to become sick before you’ve established yourself, the chances of ever becoming wealthy, especially in the U.S., is slim to none.




Honestly, rich people focus more on money than poor people in my experience, but it's a very different type of focus. For the rich, it's less about meeting basic necessity than it is about continuing to build and / or sustain their wealth. It's important to remember that most rich families fall off after one generation. It's one thing to get rich, but it's another to stay rich.


“How do I get more, and keep more of what I have?”


When you are poor or middle class, you tend to dream about being rich and how amazing it will make your life. When I was in high school and college, I thought that once I have a million dollars, my life would be amazing and stress free. Because when you’re poor a lot of your issues are related to money. But once you become rich, your problems shift from money problems to quality of life problems. Look, I’m not gonna pretend my life isn’t more awesome than 95% of the people on the planet. For example, I am writing this reply while staying in a friend’s house on billionaires row in the Hamptons. It’s the sickest house I’ve ever seen, must be worth like 40 million. Literally the richest neighborhood in the world. I’m only able to be friends with the guy since I’m rich as well. But I still have worries. Will I be able to keep my job and awesome standard of living? Will be kids grow up to be winners and not losers? Will I make my wife happy? Will my family be safe?




Farting in elevators 


More…always more


Who do you invite to eat with you when you didn’t start a family. Colleagues friends or good strangers?? Who are your ppl honestly. Who are the ones who really want to enjoy your company and not your check book.


Staying rich


I’m a 7 figure multi millionaire and I contemplate how to become an 8 figure multi millionaire


I personally spend a lot of time thinking about how I can live my life in a more forgiving, compassionate, way as a means to honor Christ better


If I were that rich what I'd want to spend the most time contemplating is what I want to do with the next half hour of my life and not ever thinking of money.


lol at thinking rich people don’t stress about money


How I can help people. I think a lot about my friends and family and community. Husband and I are starting a scholarship for a local school. I want to donate to have fireworks in the town I grew up in for a community event. I just want to give back. I can't take it with me. I grew up poor in a poverty town. I remember the fireworks at events I was able to go to growing up, and I want the kids in the community I grew up in to have that.


Steak or lobster?


What to do? How to spend it? Who to tell about it. Lol


Contemplate how to control the masses 💢💢


How rich and how did they come about that money? Self-made millionaires are probably still in work mode and thinking about how to make more. Born into wealth think a lot about where to vacation, physical and mental health, have time and financial security to delve into esoteric topics like spirituality, the origins of consciousness and so forth. They go into frivolous careers in art or something like motor racing. Billionaires are probably thinking where they can get that next hit of novelty. They have connections to people in the occult and probably practice some form of black magick. At some point, money which literally comes from the word mana, is so inconsequential for them, that only the extremes of human endeavors be it technological, spiritual, occultism, and so forth can satisfy the human need for novelty. These people spend a lot of time in directing the path of humanity and taking over systems of a society. World domination. These people do not play by the same rules and have morals very different from the 99.99999999998%, however, they will not be tolerated in a world by the rest of the people if they don't at least conceal their nefarious endeavors.


Rich is enough money to live regardless of your job. Wealthy is money to help you kids live regardless of your/their job. The difference is decamillions. Once your pass $10 mil net of debt then you start the path to wealth in America.


They are usually very miserable because they don’t trust anyone. And for good reason - you’re wealthy and people only want you for your money or influence.


Taxes. Taxes. Taxes.


they wake up thinking of how to make money lol 


I find it hilarious this subreddit came up on my page yet I literally live below poverty in the USA 😂 reading these comments it’s like I’m listening to 100s of Elon and Bezos


The type of people I should be mingling with. Whom I should allow into my social circle. Who I should or shouldn’t shake hands with. Also, whom I should destroy next. This is what keeps me up at night friends.


They become environmentalists. Seriously, look at all the super rich people who don't have to care about money. They start joining the religion of environmentalism.


Who Cares.


The people i know that have more money (maybe not rich) contemplate where they can save money. Where they can cut back and how they can invest their money. A lot of the time they tend to be cheapskate and hord money which is how they get it in the first place






From a “young” retiree: How much money should I spend on the master suite remodel…. Do I own enough swanky travel layers for my upcoming trip to Iceland. Is that municipal insurance claim going to resolve itself or do I need to sign the retainer agreement on my desk. How is my aging elderly parent doing this week. When am I going to fit in a catered garden party in this summer, the calendar is already filling up. Did I store the new eBikes properly when we the locked up desert house for the season. My mind is full.


When you’re rich, your mind is on your money and your money’s on your mind


How to stay away from you. I quit this group, and it's still popping up with posts of poor people dreaming about the rich.


I guess how to chill without getting into troubles


If you think rich people don't stress about money you are sadly mistaken. They just stress about it differently.


Of course Reddit thinks they know instinctively the answer to this and everything else….. make yourself rich and then reported back to us in a few years when you’ve figured it out in the real world


There’s never any time not stressing about money .


People bringing in the money: am I the richest person in the room right now? Am I the smartest? Am I getting all that I deserve (money, happiness, etc) for working so hard? Work. Physique. Addictions--to money, power, success, sex, drugs, etc. Spouses of the people bringing in the money: Micromanaging the decorator or other contractors working on the house, their distant spouses, ennui, their children, their health, losing or maintaining weight, keeping up with the jonses, etc.


More $


If I were wealthy I’d obsess over a unique home….not large. Making it an oasis of calm and very guest friendly. I’d hire a chef to make sure I eat properly and someone to assist with the property. I’d have separate living quarters for them and pay them well. I’d want them to enjoy the experience, not feel like an employee. That’s about it. I’ve traveled quite a bit already. Enough to experience the rest via nature shows and cultural documentaries. Oh, I’d definitely have an art gallery in a small city nearby. I’d collect art and rotate it from home to gallery, then give it to others. Hoarding anything bothers me. So, basically living as I do now, on a grander scale. My fortune would be given to charities when I die but I’d be generous along my journey..


You contemplate new ways to screw over the working class and hoard even more wealth.


Just waiting to make my next million by patience in the stock market.


I’m not stupid rich, but rich enough that I could lose my job and be fine for well over a year. I worry about my health, my family members health, my relationship, etc.


How not to lose their money


World domination.


Death, like everyone else


How AI and technology will accelerate the pace at which they’ll be able to liquidate and consume the lower classes


How to squeeze more money out of society


Where & when to retire. Will inflation kill our savings before we die. See? You can be well within the top 10% and still worry about money.


My brother figured out a way the inheritance went to his kids and not to my Mothers children, his other brothers. He's multimillionaire


Their navel. (Sry if someone already said this. Just too obvious.)


Who I can help, I like to surprise people with cash and stay anonymous.


I still find it hard not to play the little game financially, as if we are still growing our funds and pushing each dollar to its max and making sure our balance of 401k, backdoor Roth, etc is still on target. Still do credit card churning though I don't dump nearly as much time into it. Mostly I use it for vacations, and use the new CC to fund it 0% for 15-21 months while putting the money I would have used for the vacation into CDs or HYSA or MMA. Add the signup bonus and I usually get a net gain of 6-8% compared to not putting it on a CC. Those types of things are still fun to me. Outside of financial topics and work, which permit me to have free time, I take time to be in the moment and spend more time with my kids and wife, rather than contemplating great wonders or mysteries.


How to get more money from your work. Basically the same as any business owner’s thoughts. Works best if you don’t have to pay taxes on their labor, so look for undocumented sources that can be labeled as independent contractors to help your accountant.


Starting an organ farm


Rich people stress about money. Investments. Real estate. Etc. Requires strategy and time. We just don’t stress about our bar tab. Or waiting for payday to splurge.


How should I divide up my money to be the perfect ratio of conservative vs. aggressive, what individual stocks should I buy, what am I doing this weekend, where should I travel to for vacation. What is the latest video game I should play.


how to get the poors to stop clogging up the airline industry and our roads


For my wife and I, “did we focus too much on career/investments/home ownership and can we now have as many kids as we want”. Me: 31, wife 33, have one child want 3 or 4. Edit: not sure if we are rich. Maybe upper middle class. We gross 250k, have 200k in investments, have over 200k equity in our 600k home.


I think about where to put more money and hanging out with my kids while I have tjem


I’m not rich (at least I don’t think I am). But I don’t stress about money… What I do think about is how to invest, stocks/etf, realestate… Maybe I do stress out about money…


I’m not sure if I’m considered rich, but I am substantially better off than when I was poor, and what I contemplate is not ever wanting to be poor again.


How to get richer




If I throw a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the fireplace at the same time, I wonder which one would burn faster?


How to make more. What to do with the money I currently have. How to live healthy and longer so I can enjoy the money I made.


When I had a big income, trust me, you have big money problems. The more money you have, the more stress you have. Thats why I have chosen a simple and low income life.


Even though you may not worry about daily bills you still have concerns about money, tax planning, etc. I agree taking daily/weekly stress about money away is nice, there is always concerns around money in some form. Btw, not worrying about daily bills is achievable for everyone. I was there, living below my means, long before I reached what I would consider upper middle class income. It should be a goal for everyone to save up enough so that little things like utilities, mortgage, car payment, etc are not a concern and are on autopilot. Takes effort and sacrifice when younger but achievable by most if you do not allow lifestyle creep to also monopolize your income. That, and simply know time is also big. Most investments have their largest gains at the end of you holding them. It hurts to sacrifice when younger, but if you can pull it off the returns when older are huge. I know younger people want more now, I was there, (Gen Xer), but worked more than one job, went to graduate school, etc in my 20s and 30s and that led to my life now. I do not consider myself rich, more upper middle class, but grew up poor and most friends still there. They had more fun when younger, but now I have an easy retirement ahead of me and they...don't. Unless born rich you have to sacrifice, either when you are younger to get ahead or simply your whole life otherwise.


We think about how we could use our abundance we've earned and connections we've made to help encourage and steer our closest and most ambitious loved ones who are struggling, towards achieving their own wealth. Not! 😂😂😂


I inherited enough to be set for life. The majority of my mental real estate is spent on attempting to recover from cPTSD/ addictions, build family-of-choice community, expand my education (mostly re: mental health repair) & to branch out into new experiences/ interests. My property managers/ stockbroker make the majority of my $ decisions which is a risk but fortunately I have a good team.


I’m assuming how to further exploit the poor out of greed haha. And taxes


What colour their next Ferrari will be.


So many other things to worry about like kids, the environment,family, pets, thr world? Are you serious?


When you don’t have money problems, all the other life problems (relationships, insecurities, health, purpose, etc.) come pouring in. If you’re rich because you inherited your money, this will be more common. Most people have money and non-money problems. The thing is, when you have money problems, those trump all your other problems.


How am I going to oppress my employees that I make work 8 days a week 28 hour shifts?


How to sell to, use or dispose of working people, like they’re cattle.