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I think it depends on the location more than anything. An unattractive bike may not matter in an area that contains assholes.


So on planet earth? Lol 


I don’t think I need to explain that there are differences in neighborhoods with regard to the volume of people and types of people that may traffic them.


I’ll preface this by saying that nothing is ever truly safe - if they really want that particular bike, they’ll find a way to take it. That said: there’s definitely a lower likelihood of theft when you have a combo of ratty looking bike and decent security. So many of these are crimes of opportunity. It always astounds me how many people street park flashy looking sport bikes without so much as a wheel lock. I think that if you have the big 3: wheel lock, GPS and ratty looking cover, you’re usually in good shape. If you have the space/capacity it’s always good to lock it to a stationary object like a fence or post. Also people seem to be 50/50 on audible alarms, but I personally prefer them as a deterrent.


Given how many mopeds were just snatched by 5-0, anything on 2 wheels is probably a good target for someone looking for a new ride.


I think you're probably OK with an old, somewhat ratty bike on the street as well as it is at least adequately locked up. Go for it.


I street parked my Shadow for years. It never got stolen, but it got hit constantly. I had to replace foot pegs, levers, mirrors. After that I garaged it. If your bike is outside, it will get fucked with.


I think it really depends on how you handle anxiety. There's a guy on my street in Bushwick who has been street parking a new (probably 2020 or so) Low Rider S on the street for years, no cover, no lock, doesn't seem to be having any problems but for me personally the anxiety alone would be so not worth it.


Lock it and cover it.. it will be fine


I'd recommend finding an unobtrusive spot on the sidewalk where your (covered) bike will blend in: under scaffolding, tucked between some garbage cans, etc. Look around the neighborhood, you'll be able to find something. Park it on the sidewalk, either next to a building or against the street, and cover it with a cover. (Try to get a cover that has underside clasps/straps if you can.) After years of my bike getting hit by cars, having stuff stolen off of it (the side mirrors, the bugcatcher on the headlamp, the registration sticker, even the gas cap!), etc., I finally started parking it on the sidewalk with a cover on it and have had no issues. The cover seems to keep police from ticketing it, but just in case, I keep the plate inside and attach it when I'm about to ride. PS: I'm anticipating a wave of "BuT yOu CaN'T pArK oN tHe SiDeWaLk!" responses. To them I say, the key here is "unobtrusive." My bike isn't blocking anyone's way, it's covered and it's not causing any problems. When we can park our bikes on the street without them getting constantly fucked with, stolen and knocked over, I'll be happy to park on the street.


I street parked a large and beautiful metric cruiser in the East Village (on St Marks or 9th St) for 5 years. All year round. Never had a problem with theft. I had a massive front wheel lock, and a locked-down cover on it all the time. I rarely moved the bike, even for street cleaning. The only negative experiences I had were: 1) the meter-maid would try to take the cover off to get the plate ## to give me a parking ticket on alt-side-parking days, and a couple of times they tore the cover a bit in the process. 2) some drunks were able to get the cover off the front of the bike one time, sit on the bike, and then vomit on the tank. In 5 years, I think i had 3 parking tickets, and one of them was mis-written so i didn't have to pay it.