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That sucks… leave the guy a note and I’m sure one of us (me) can bring out a blowtorch, and a coaster/block of wood, etc.


A good yank or 2 would have gotten that out. No way in hell would that stop me.


Might just be a brilliant way to avoid alternate side. 


they'll still ticket you, don't you worry


I was kidding, but thought it could make a good argument to the cop, but upon reflection, an even better one to a judge. (How can I move my bike when city infrastructure is so poor, it’s literally started to swallow my bike!)


haha awesome, can't tell so much these days tbh, but yeah exactly... i got two tickets on my truck bc i needed to get it inspected, but before i could, some scrote cut both catalytic converters off, meaning it certainly wouldn't pass inspection now, and yeah, the temp sticker expired before I could patch in some temporary straight pipes. would be amazing if the city actually had some compassion for you know, everyday life


That sucks, I had my cats x2 stolen years ago. When the cops showed up they said the detective squad sent them to take a report on the stolen Cadillacs. My insurance wanted to write the entire truck off. They did, and I bought it back and fixed it myself. Likewise, if I could get just any kind of meaningful patrol, the way we have ticketing agents. Once (more than) I had another truck broken in, Agent walks through the broken glass, to give me a ticket for alternate side. I tell him I just got broke Into. He tells me to call 911, and keeps writing saying that my steering wheel looks just fine to him. They want to be treated like cops, but if you’re ever in need, like roaches at day break. Keep that police report on you. I imagine a cop will let the emissions slide, more so than the DMV will, but you couldn’t try your luck in person (or maybe that’s just too much damn leg work.)


damn, that's mad. and they wonder why people complain and have zero respect for them. and as for those tickets, went in front of a judge, and she didn't give a damn... it's almost like a perpetual cycle, we do things to get around the BS, and they F us regardless of whether we're 'law-abiding' or not.


I get it. Sometimes it feels like the system just hits us harder for playing along (and so… I lane split.) 


pro-tip: get a jewelers rubber block to put under your kickstand if you are leaving the bike standing for a while. It distributes the weight onto a 4x4 area, and it raises the stand by 1 inch. If i am in an area with soft ground (soft ashfalt or gravel, i pick up a sizable stone and put the stand onto that.


A credit card or hotel keycard also works. (in a pinch)


That would suck with one of those Ducatis where the kickstand is attached to the engine


How does that matter


Idk maybe it doesn’t but I would not feel comfortable trying to violently wiggle something out of the asphalt if it’s attached to my engine?


Yeah you’re right, i see what you mean now


i still dont see why? i see the kickstand is bent but what am i missing?


It melted into the asphalt when it was hot out, and got cooled over, so now it’s stuck.




I see that bike all the time and it's dope.


This is definitely in front of that weed shop next to the dry cleaners. I pass that bike way too often. No wonder it never moves.