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I feel as though this might be a bit of a cliche, but since Covid, we just got an ocean of absolutely shite drivers. Petty little shits thinking they’re living the fast and furious in a mad dash to Starbuck, and w/ plates fully obscured. However, enforcement has ramped up considerably, so hopefully things start simmering down a bit (I feel like they already have in the city.)


I complain about our drivers but then I end up in New Jersey for some kind of errand and realize our drivers are really not that bad in comparison.


The thing that drives me nuts about NJ is people doing 10-15mph under in the left lane. It makes people pass on the right and it’s def unnerving on a bike.


Also find NJ drivers hate being passed. You pass them, they suddenly zoom past then you catch back up to them in a mile going slow again. Like what?!?


I absolutely hate this. Whenever in Jersey, you're in the let lane and start passing someone and they start to speed up to match your speed. You speed up and so do they. Finally after a while they give up, resume their normal speed and you're zooming 20 mph over the limit and need to slow down yourself.


NJ is full of Porsche SUVs going 57 in the fast lane


Ahhhh so you’ve been to Patterson as well!


Nothing is more painful than route 17.


It’s always the top of the line Porsche cayenne turbo because 750 hp is necessary to do 42 in a 65.


Lolololol it’s SOOOO painful!! Especially since even in my 2009 5-speed Honda fit that’s powered by squirrels I’d be right up their ass too.


You got the upgrade from hamster power to turbo squirrels? Sweet!


I never complain about NY drivers. They are predictably aggressive. NJ on the other hand is half grandmas and half speed racers and none know how to actually drive.




The Belt Parkway (it’s been a minute) always feels like some version of frogger.


>Petty little shits thinking they’re living the fast and furious in a mad dash to Starbuck, and w/ plates fully obscured. I feel like this could describe every aspect of American life rn. We're just dealing with it on a bike.


Oh yeah, for sure. Clapped out Civics and Accuras with loud pipes and big spoilers on the trunk, I guess because, "muh downforce" or something.


I used to get cut off like maybe once a week, now it’s every time time i ride, which is all the time all year around. And i know these fucks see me, they don’t give a shit.


Especially Teslas, every sensors and gadget in the world and you still didn’t see me? You shouldn’t even be behind the wheel!  Although I have had days where I had a lot more people move over for me when I split… which did feel a bit warm and fuzzy… 


Funny you mention Tesla’s because that’s my exact thoughts.


I have started hating parkways in general. So many drivers doing the squeezing/cutting weaving in and out thing, too many people following *WAY* too closely, driving below the speed limit in the left lane, and half the drivers are on their phones on top of all that.


The Taconic is nice, but I have to get up past Peekskill or thereabouts before settling in to the ride. Even further north it is spectacular. Closer to NYC, not so much.


There is not a single place in NYC Metro where I enjoy driving. The roads are full of terrible drivers (including some motos), and full of holes and other obstructions, etc. Even on expressways, I am afraid to take corners at speed because of holes and bad surfaces which will cause the bike to lose friction. Drove the Bronx River Parkway this week. It's always a scenic drive. But the surface conditions make it hazardous.


West Side Highway to Sawmill to Taconic is by far my preferred way out of the city. It can be lawless, but I find other roads much worse. At least, it’s the devil I know.


If you dont memorize where the fucking speed bumps are on the way out of the city you can get yourself into nasty situations


I was thinking the same the other day. Idk if it’s my awareness changing or the drivers, but to me it seems like there are worse drivers. Every leisure ride I take there is always one incident where if I assumed my right of way would be preserved, I’d have gone down.


Saw Mill absolutely sucks. Pitch black, no lights & windy as all hell. Gets colder the more north you go. If they only put lights on it like the LIE or I95 it'd be a massive improvement. Edit: during day I actually find saw Mill okay. Taconic/87 through yonkers is where I find most of the nutty drivers at all hours.


Oh man it’s terrible, I have to limit my commuting on 2’s because the road conditions are horrible around where the taconic and sawmill meet. Bad enough it’s still dark when I leave and I’m on alert for deer.. the random pothole that could leave my perfectly round wheels bent. Ugh.


Man, what is up with people on the Sawmill and Major Deegan driving like LUNATICS?!


Sawmill to the Taconic is my commute. I love riding it most days, but you’re right that the road quality is an issue at points. Traffic can be frustrating but you’re going to experience that on any route out of the city.


Road quality and conditions on the Sawmill are abysmal. The Taconic is great, especially wayyy north of NYC.