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Intentionally obscuring plate -ie: tape is going to be punished as intentionally trying to avoid fees/cams/whatever. Tucked plate will pass muster if you happen to drive by a cop at regular speed. Regular bad actor advice: toss the plate in your bag, put one bolt with a nut and a bolt with no nut. If you decide to stop, you would be able to say that the nut fell off and you didn't want it hanging down near the tire. Be charismatic and you still are gonna catch tickets. More realistically, don't talk to the police. Decide what type of police/toll engagement you're trying to avoid and then run your plate in a way that will make that happen. I have an exposed plate, and pay tolls, but I ride fast when I want to but am not interested in running from cops, so the visible plate buys a lot of leeway when passing cops on a 1000cc squidmissle in mostly legal situations. In the city, if you're gonna stop, have ALL your shit together, and don't get caught with your visor up, they'll hit you with dumb shit. Tucked plates are the most common and work decently well, also just fuckin run waze so you know where the cameras are


I too have an exposed plate, pay tolls, run Waze, and speed a lot. I have never been stopped by police. I did get a camera ticket for speeding one time when i neglected to run Waze. If you have it set up to give you audible alerts when you are near a camera, that helps a lot. The tolls in NYC are really not excessive for motos, and i don't mind paying them. In NJ/PA, there is no moto discount.....


> they'll hit you with dumb shit. And don't take your DOT sticker off your helmet. If you do, some helmets have an additional DOT sticker under the padding. Next time you clean your pads check to see and know if it's there so you can show the cop that if you want to take the DOT sticker off.


My plate is under my tail light and angled back at 30 degrees. Cameras can’t capture my plate but from behind you can clearly see my plate. I’ve never been bothered about my plate by a cop and I never pick up speed and red light camera tickets anymore.


Tucked you can feign ignorance (oh, that’s euro spec) or some nonsense (that you’ll hopefully spend even an iota of more time to come up with) Where as tape… they might have got you red handed. (If they catch you.) 


Run a bullshit plate that you bought at a swap meet for cash that can never be traced back to you. It has to be from another state that way they won’t stop you for not having the registration sticker on the plate or an inspection sticker on your fork, because NY can’t enforce out of state inspection. And simply don’t stop. After I stopped once and got a stack of bullshit tickets, filed a CCRB complaint for the ticket stacking, hired a traffic lawyer for $500, waited over three years for a resolution, eventually getting the entire stack of tickets thrown out because my lawyer is a savage and that cop was/is a dumbass waste of air, I decided I’m not stopping anymore. I grew up in a suburban area of NJ where everyone respects police and they respect you back. If a cop lights you up for overcooking it on your moto you stop and take your licks and if youre cool about it the cop will go easy on you. That’s not how nypd works with motos. We are just a means to hit their quota. *NEVER* stop for them. You’ll think you’re about to get one little ticket ‘cause all you were doing was lane splitting and they’ll walk back with 5 tickets. This happens over and over again to otherwise low abiding riders that clearly don’t deserve it. It’s the NYPDs MO with bikes. There simply aren’t enough of us to have the political power to stop them from grossly abusing the law abiding riders. If the pigs don’t respect us why should we respect them? Run a bullshit plate. NEVER stop. When they light you up, DONT PANIC, then flip them the bird and yell back that you hope they get shot and their kids starve, that’s seriously what they deserve until the nypd learns to respect riders.


I mean idk bout all dat but I get your sentiment. Not once when I’ve needed them they showed. Would that be advisable on a 400 tho ? I’ve already like ‘ran’ from the cops with my real plate cuz I was filtering with a person on a moped. They lit us up and we booked it. With traffic they were just stuck


listen to all this bullshit. bro, being legal and doing the right thing is cheaper than paying a 500$ traffic lawyer because you wanted to fuck around and find out.