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I met Danny McBride about a decade ago at a casino in Maryland when we were out celebrating my birthday. Came out of the bathroom and my buddy said “I’m pretty sure Danny McBride just went in there.” We didn’t believe him but we waited because he seemed so sure. We were all in suits and when he came out he could tell by the look on our faces that we were waiting to see if it was him and we’re big fans. He looked at our suits and said “we going to church or are we gambling tonight boys??” Shook all our hands and thanked us for being fans and then went back to the high rollers section. It was a short meeting but he seemed to be a super nice and genuine guy despite the characters he always plays.


Little did you know, a decade ago your church suits would inspire this show!


That is the most Danny McBride thing he could have possibly said


That’s about as cool of a meeting as a regular guy could hope for from such a big star. I’ve thought he was the funniest guy in the world since Eastbound and Down.


100% we all binged everything he’s ever done together while we were in college so it was a cool moment for sure for him to be as cool as we’d hoped!


Uncle Baby Billy used to swim in my mother-in-law’s pool. (Walt Goggins mama was besties with my MIL. He’s in lots of family photos from the early 90’s particularly.)


The way I gasped. Please tell me he’s cool.


He is, and he has always had that shit-eating high-beam smile, and even as an elder teen, he was kind and sweet to my husband, who was younger, kinda goth, and shy. The way my MIL described teenage Walt, he was a cut-up, would put on rakish airs, oozed charm almost to the point of brashness, but was an authentically sweet fella. Big holder of doors, pusher-in of chairs, never caught slipping on his yes ma’am/no ma’am manners. I think the kids these days would call it “rizz”, and he had two full tanks of it. Both rizz *and* home training. Not for nothing, but Walton’s mama is a natural redhead, a thoroughbred sass machine, a timeless beauty, and exactly who i want to be when I grow up. We’ve never talked about her son, because honestly, she’s so interesting and clever that you just kind of get drawn in and forget her son’s famous, and then later, you think about it, and you’re like, aahhh, now i get it. Of course a guy like Walt has a mom like Janet. Makes total sense.


Man now I wanna meet Walter Goggins’ mom!


So do I! His parents must be a hoot. Walt told Seth Myers that his dad is the inspiration for his Baby Billy character on the Righteous Gemstones. Go to the 6:33 mark [here in the interview.](https://youtu.be/TS5KcXj-Obc?si=5QfRc3ov3r3b2Q_0)


I don’t know Walton’s dad (also Walton), and have only heard him called “Janet’s ex-husband,” but this tracks very much with what I’ve heard. 😂


I don’t want to post his mom’s pic without her permission, but when this indica high wears off, I’ll go find a picture of Walton with my own MIL. She was at the premiere of his 2001 short film *The Accountant*, for which he won an Oscar. Uncle Baby Billy’s got an Oscar, y’all!


Walton Goggins cannot stop being a beauty, even retroactively, I love it


I love this. Thanks for taking the time to type it all out! ❤️


I love the way you described people, even second hand!


I met Danny McBride (with Craig Robinson) at a comedy club after party (I knew the owner) and both dudes were extremely nice and funny. Fun fact and unrelated to gemstones but Craig Robinson does do the piano improve that you see in a lot of his movies, it was hilarious


Yeah, Craig is actually a skilled musician with a Bachelor's degree in Music from Illinois State University and a Master's degree in Music Education from Saint Xavier University. He plays the piano, guitar, and drums.


Yeah makes sense, He's super talented


I learned on the Smartlsss podcast he was in the same class as Sean Hayes which is pretty crazy


My husband ran into Walter Goggins at the LA Zoo years ago. He was with his kids (as was my husband) and they did a little nod and wave.


I met Tim Baltz at a cake store.


Shake that cake!


hahahaha i love this


Like, a bakery?


I met Tony Cavalero at a Danzig/Twin Temple show a couple years ago. Very nice & his arms are HUGE.




I’m in St. Louis, John Goodman is from here originally and visits pretty frequently. Years ago he was part owner of a restaurant here and the one time we went he happened to be there hanging out on the patio, probably 20+ years ago. I saw an article recently talking about how it’s a local rite of passage to run into him.


I’ve heard mostly unpleasant stories about him but you have to wonder how many of those people approached him with zero regard for the fact that he’s an actual human


Danny lives in Charleston, and just like Bill Murray, lots of people around here have a Danny story. I do not. Maybe someday...


I met Adam at a bar in LA like a decade ago. He was with his family and we bumped into each other at the bar. Super nice dude and I got a picture with him and his dad.


That shit's important!


If you live around Charleston, you'll inevitably see Danny McBride at some point. He's got a place out on Sullivan's Island. Was working at a wedding reception once out there and got to meet him. He is incredibly nice and genuine. Would recommend meeting.


Hey! I worked on season 1 and met most of the cast. Incredible to work with them all. Danny McBride is genuinely so nice and creative.


Yeah!! I knew (hoped) he would be a decent and nice person. Whoo hoo 😁


I met Tony Cavalero at a coffee shop a couple years ago, he just rode up on a bicycle he rented at the hotel he was staying at. We have a friend in common so I introduced myself and chatted for about 30 minutes about said friend. He was on a cross country road trip with his wife on his way to film season 3. He was very nice, I didn't expect him to chill with me and talk to me for half an hour.


Ugh I love that!! That’s awesome


My cousin lived on the same street as a house where they shot some scenes for Eastbound and Down. She and husband went on vacation to celebrate their ten year anniversary and my very sweet, very proper aunt came to stay with their kids. One morning she went out to walk the dog and saw what she thought was a news crew. She decided to say hello and ask what was happening. My aunt is very sweet and charming and, well, kind of a MILF. She quickly won them over. Her “buddies Danny and David” gave her a tour of the set and said she could stay and watch the shoot but she declined because she had to get back to the kids. “They were the nicest young men. They said I was welcome anytime.” She really wanted to watch the show but my cousins told her it was too raunchy for her. EDIT: y’all really latched onto the milf comment. A few general replies to comments and DMs: it’s DEFINITELY why they were so welcoming to her. No, I don’t think it’s weird that I notice people are attracted to my aunt and this doesn’t mean I am attracted to her. No, I will not send you her picture or post it on here


I was following your whole story there until you referred to your own aunt as a MILF. That uhhh….. That threw me for a sec.


Yeah, I know. But she’s very pretty and flirty and I think it’s part of why they were so friendly


I hate to be pedantic but she sounds more like a GILF if she was staying with her grandkids?


Technically, yes Though, McBride and his squad are around her kids’ ages and she’d look like a milf to them. Right?


Brother… seek help lmao


I met John Goodman's beautiful dogs through a fence during a tour of the Garden District in New Orleans. I saw Tim Baltz perform at Second City about a year before he started getting big roles.


Not me, but my friend’s stepdad used to do some work on Jennifer Nettles’ property. My friend’s mom said she was such a sweet woman and she would treat people like family/friends, as if she knew them her entire life. I heard she is a very lovely woman.


I worked at a small nonprofit organization in the 00’s and Jennifer played a couple fundraisers for us and would often donate items for silent auctions etc. Super nice.


I saw Adam Devine stand up show in 2013 in pretty small club if that counts


No, but my friends’ twins play Baby Billy’s toilet baby! I haven’t met them.


I've never met her but my aunt is friends with Edi Patterson from her high school years in Texas City, TX in the Galveston/Houston area. She said she has a sister who is also naturally hilarious. I also have some friends in Improv who say Edi was a legend in the Austin scene. I also saw John Goodman at a bar in New Orleans around the time they were shooting the first season of Treme.


A few months back I was walking down the street in Austin with my daughter. A guy rode by on his bicycle and a huge burst of wind knocked his hat off. It blew right over to me. I picked it and, he circled back. As I handed it to him I realized it was Tony (Keefe). I mentioned I’m a big fan of the show. We took a quick pic. He was very nice.


A friend from college was Eli's mom in a flashback.


I met Chad! Briefly, he got some food from where I work while on a stroll with the wife and pup! Super nice guy, very open about the show, and to be honest, if he hadn’t removed the glasses he could have stayed a mystery!


Yup, one even was at my wedding.




What’s the story with that


Wife's aunt is dating one of the actors. Smoked one of the best cigars of my life with him, too that night.


I served Danny McBride at a restaurant I was working at in Charleston! Truly one of the sweetest, most polite people I have ever had the pleasure of serving


No. But apparently Adam Devine’s wife is from my hometown.


I’ve seen Edi do a lot of improv shows at The Groundlings. I spoke to her briefly once. She seems pretty grounded.


I grew up in Belmont/Gaston County, does that count?


I met Danny Mcbride at SXSW in Austin at the premiere for season 3. He was one of the coolest dudes ever!


I've met Adam and Danny. Both nice as fuck


I think I may have met the actor for Eli at the DMV a few years ago. He was registering a pretty cool classic car and mentioned the TV show he was shooting in Charleston about a televangelist family. I didn’t know who he was at the time, or anything about the show and we had a lovely talk about Charleston since I had lived there for a few years when I was in school. A very nice gentleman, funny, and excellent at small talk. It’s rare to meet someone you actually enjoy talking to at the DMV. lol


You THINK you met John Goodman?


You mean the actor for Eli :D


the old guy who isn't even a comedian


What a bunch of cool stories! Never met any of them despite living near and working in Locust Grove, Virginia when Danny was a kid back in the 1990s. Worked in Locust Grove's biggest industry Child Help. I am sure I met his mom because my old church was somehow linked to theirs and she came to teach puppets to a group of interested folks. It would have been quick because puppets were just not for me! Yes, I was pretty fundy then.


I saw Danny McBride in Charleston sc but didn’t get a chance to say hi. It was cool though lol


John Goodman lives in New Orleans off and on and I’ve seen him around town pretty often as it’s kind of a small city. Walton Goggins was shooting something here back around 2014/2015 and would come to restaurant I worked at and study his lines on the patio while he had lunch. Super cool guy.


A few weeks ago I met Maggie Winters who plays Taryn, she is hilarious and lovely


Danny and I both graduated from the same high school in Virginia, and we had the same economics teacher! She said he was great.


I was in the same social circles with McBride. Well, our social circles overlapped. High school days dude definitely partied at my house 


i lived in charleston and was an extra on vice principals, we didn’t see the actors a ton but one day we were crowded in the front of the school where the metal detectors are in the show and danny mcbride and walton goggins were walking through us to get to wherever while the cameras weren’t rolling and walton looked at me through the (not huge or anything but still a) crowd while passing through and smiled a little bit and winked at me


I saw Edi Patterson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first Edi kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Edi stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Edi kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Bullshit https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/WwUDxN0ypA


it's a meme brother


Yes. A stupid one.


copypastas are not stupid, they're just memes that you dont understand 😭😭


Why do people waste their time making up shit? Oh yeah, it's Reddit. 😶‍🌫️


I didn't meet Ryan Gosling. I met Edi.


I don't think these people understand the purpose of copypasta I, for one, always appreciate seeing this and I wasn't disappointed seeing it here.


I wish


these bros ..just from spending time in the same spaces and mutual friends , small music scene [https://dynamitebrothers.bandcamp.com/](https://dynamitebrothers.bandcamp.com/) [https://www.fastcompany.com/90404022/how-misbehaving-catchy-righteous-gemstones-earworm-came-together](https://www.fastcompany.com/90404022/how-misbehaving-catchy-righteous-gemstones-earworm-came-together)


Yeah, I know them all. We hang out a lot.