• By -


Depends on what stage of the game Early stage no Mid-stage Maybe Late stage oh you sound interesting sure


Interesting as a pawn or organ donor


1 - Cleaning


You can never have too many cleaners.


Cleaning and hauling - the most important jobs.


Yes ?




Once you reach a certain point, all pawns are bloodbags or organ donors.


Accepted as i have lots of blood and many organs to trade.


You said you have a nice set of kidneys? Welcome to the family


.... Your own or someone else's?


Being very, very honest.. I wouldn't save scum if I died. I'd feel bad, though!


It's hard to not savescum when losing a pawn, especially if it's anywhere above good, tough I'm slowly breaking that habit because there's no challange for me otherwise


elite pawn wearing excellent marine armor standing in cover gets headshot and insta killed by a tribal with a bow and 2 shooting skill at max range, shaft tynans bs rng, save scum to your hearts content


Just play commitment mode.


I can still savescum in commitment mode, simply hit Alt-f4 and it won't save, and if I need to go back I time, I can go to the save file, there will be one named "Colonyname.rws" and "Colonyname.rws.old". Simply delete the file named "Colonyname.rws" or place it somewhere else, then rename the file "Colonyname.rws.old" to "Colonyname.rws", that's it.


That is a lot of work to save scum tho, specially considering the amount of time it takes for a heavily modded rimworld to load. But yeah, in the end you just have to control yourself.


It can also be useful for trying to recover the save file if it's corrupted


I play with mods. Commitment mode modded is objectively a bad idea because if something breaks, commitment mode takes away your options for actually fixing it.


I can clean, haul, and probably hold a gun so most likely yes.


They wouldn't even bother harvesting my organs, imagine you capture a pawn and the health tab has this massive list of chronic illnesses. I don't even know if I want my liver, just imagine a colony that wants to profit from it! Maybe my lungs, yeah, those should still be ok.


Hey now. You're a Luciferium-fueled death machine just waiting for your chance to shine.


I'm in. But I'd like some Yayo sprinkled on top, if I'm going to become a death-drug addict I'm gonna take the whole package and that +35 sounds sweet.


Your signing bonus is one pile of Yayo and one masterwork sculpture of two of your coworkers cavorting naked in a field of turnips. Also five beers to help you forget seeing the sculpture.


Is that a masterwork statute of people I know running around naked? Wow, this really *is* the best bedroom ever!


Give us a little time and we'll give you one of that time we beat you unconscious and threw you into a cell!


Man I play with the android mod (no the VE one) so I just make all my pawns and don't care for anyone who isn't an android on a colonist I made so no they wouldn't, in fact I am like 50% sure that they would kill me without a second thought.


Yes, as a pawn who sits around and does research all day


They'd wonder why an apparent body purist was in charge of a colony containing nothing resembling a body purist. I'd be totally okay with some gene modifications and bionic upgrades but I don't think the new leader would accept my application to join -- not enough desirable traits and my stats are too low.


A good passion or two can make a bad pawn valuable. Like a lvl 4 cooking with double passion can rapidly grow to be a very valuable member of the colony. Just make him brew beer and butcher corpses as a start.


Trust me, they can. Had a fast learner double passion go from level 4 to level 8 after a single day of constantly cooking 4x simple meals


I can relate to this entire comment


High Cooking & Social would make me the unicorn pawn that gets to stay inside the safe base all day and get arm upgrades once we can afford it.


High social? On reddit? Hmmm 🤔🤔😂


There are dozens of us! Unfortunately I'm high social, decent cooking and crafting, high shooting. I'd be working my ass off with a barely maintained mood until the day I got killed in a raid.


Cooking and research skills, neurotic and kind traits. Risk of mental breaks could be a problem early on, but I'd be a solid mid game non-com pawn.


Nah, sorry, I'm turning you into sofa


I think I'd make a solid mid game non-com loveseat


Depends on the modpack.  Pirates? Tough luck since the crew of 6 is already full.   Partially solo mechanitor matrairchy? Im male so no   Medieval? I think so, there i tend to accept everyone for population numbers and working hands for the town since its still early.   Mechanoid War? Maybe due to high shooting skill need everyone against the bots would be a terrible life tho


You got a pirate modpack ? Got a list I could steal ? 👀


Maybe, im a lazy fuck but was a medic in the army. I’m probably shooting and medical 7


I am very confused about the skill levels like 7 is being expert at shooting okay like a soldier. then what the fuck is 20 my man john wick level I guess its kinda impossible


20 is like you’re the best on the planet so yeah


Meanwhile colony has like 3 of them in a long play through.


Depends on the tech level. Two bionic legs and I'm solid.


I'd be useless in combat, but I can bake a decent chocolate brownie and almost never give people food poisoning. I can also read books and am willing to poke captured eldritch horrors with a stick, so that's research covered as well. My colony could use an extra cook/researcher, sure.


Incapable of intellectual


Same. I tend to struggle with simple math


Math is the bane of many people. Algebra 2 is no problem, everything after that can go burn in a pit.


I'm not really good at anything and also granted I don't step on a landmine or anything. I'll be fine...


Nope, 0 chances


Early game - yes - I've got a skillset that the colony might not mind, I can cook, and my day job is as an analyst systems engineer/data-scientist. Mid game - probably - for all the same reasons above but I can be selective about my colonists mid-game Late game - yes but only as a temporary colonist - Late game I tend to favor colonists who are stupidly young, ridiculously impassioned and kind. That said I bring colonists on-board so long provided they aren't psychopathic murders or otherwise have a lot of "incapable of's" , moreover, very late-game I'll heal colonists of whatever impairments they might have - and from there, I get everyone married, clothed, armed productive, then send them off to some other friendly faction as a "gift". Best part is that those rehabilitated pawns visit from time to time from their destination faction on Trade missions or just as visiting vacationers, even on very inhospitable worlds, I've had former colonists visit repeatedly.


Haha nice try FBI


My colony very rarely reject joining request so they 90% will accept even if my traits are kinda useless. My colony also never violated humans right except with raiders who successfully murdered my pawns so I'm good.


I'd get a pass because of my passion for crafting, and making up for my Lazy trait by having Jogger and Optimist, i think


Yup, but they would edit me completely on the Character Editor soooo ..yeah lol


Trying to not to biased here, I’d say yes but I’d be on thin ice I tell ya hwat


I'd say yes tbh. I'm definitely not a 12 skill point passionate builder/doctor/farmer, etc but I learn fast and work hard. So more that pawn with basically no specialty but no real drawbacks taht you put to a job you don't have anybody else for at the start of a colony and is the reason why all of the building, farming, doctoring, cooking is going super smoothly but everyone is dressed with at best poor quality clothing for the first 2-3 years. If I end up in a well developed colony I'm definitely on hauling or cleaning duty for the foreseeable future lol Tl;dr : yes, but either because they need someone and I cant learn or because they need more people capable to hold rifle and for some reason 2/3 of their colony will never do dumb labor (I'm definitely not the first on the list when we end up with a resurrector mech serum, maybe I'd get a death refusal ritual if literally everyone that came to the colony before me already has and if there is enough shards to spare).


As a futjr pharmacist with asperger autism, yeah, most of my colonies have 2/3 drug addict, one more or less ... wiuld love to trip with them !


Honestly? I play low difficulty and genral try to be humane to a point even "useless" pawns end up in the colony anyway. I'd be fine, even the Rimworld itself isn't that bad compared to the 500% losing is fun ones.


Yes. No problems that cant be fixed with bionics and good passions (crafting, construction, planting). Incapable of medicine though.


I can cook, shoot, and I'm not a pyromaniac so...yes I really do take everyone, though. If you aren't a detriment, I'll find a use for you.


Yes. My colony rarely turn people away... except. I would first be imprisoned and evaluated. If I wasn't of any use they would take one kidney, one lung, then kill me by removing the heart or kidney. My remains would be turned into a sofa and food. If I'm actually usefull they'll convert me to their ideology and replace everythibg woth bionics. Since I score well on cooking and science I'm fairly safe. Or they'll chop off my legs, operate on me until I'm in an eternal bliss then use me as a sourve for hemo packs.


Yes, my main religion has Charity at Essential


I like to think that I have decent shooting, crafting, and construction skills. So hopefully.


Me too but I think that passion and skill in shooting would go to waste because I am a pacifist


Honestly, yes. Im pretty handy. Ima a good cook, good with animals and plants and average crafting and construction skills. Also i tried to study for a doctor, drop it after 3 years, but would be able to heal basic wounds But never held a gun. No idea how my melee would be either, never got into a fight after primary school


High medical and shooting skill. Athletically fit, aesthetic but depressed. You tell me.


Shooting: 4 Melee: 0 Construction: - Mining: - Cooking: 9 🔥 Plants: 6 Animals: 11 🔥🔥 Crafting: 1 Artistic: 3 Medical: 14 🔥 Social: - Intellectual: 16 🔥🔥 Traits: Ascetic, Delicate, Perfect Memory Who's taking me?


I'd put myself at Shooting 6 Medical 3** Research 6* Animals 5* Plants 2* Condition: Artificial Heart Valve. Optimist Fast walker Quick sleeper Former Biologist Maybe whatever negative trait it is for quick temper. I think I'd be recruited.


Like my daughter said it me, “dad, you’re smart cause you can do degrees and stuff, but you’re also stupid in every other way”. So I’d be the person who just does the research.


I spent an embarrassingly long time re-reading this and trying to figure out what "do degrees" meant. Like you were good at temperature conversions or calculating angles. Then I finally realized it probably meant university degrees.


Since my current colony is a cultists like colony devoted to the anomaly obelisk, yeah I'd be accepted, every member helps 🙂


Well, transhumanist and maybe tortured artist with high plants (help on farm) and intellectual (physicist student) and double passion in art. I don't think that I will feel all my organs on the deathbed


Nah, i certainly dont have eitherr nimble ore tough trait so I'm getting chopped up fort breakfast


Swing a pick, pick a plant, all are welcome.


I typically accept everyone, so Id likely be accepted. Probably would wind up being a scientist with a gun, who occasionally helps with construction.


I'd have fast learner and depressive with a single passion in everything. I'd take me.


Maybe after some years as a slave there is a policy we have if a slave serves us well for a long time and converts to our ideology We'll allow them to be a member


Of course they would, my hearth is perfectly fine


I'm an engineer who can cook and I have military training as a former officer, so hopefully... As long as they look past my bad back and can schedule around my night owl trait.


Welcome! Bionic spine is added to the queue.


Most likely. And if not they would at least fix any health problems and wounds, give me food and clothing and send my on my way as soon as the weather will allow it. Playing a "goodish" colony currently, so I dont have any harm to fear. In fact, I got just the skillset my colony could currently want the most.


Only thing I can do is grow nutri fungus and my construction skill would have a passion but I would be bad at crafting.  Idk. Depends how good my genes are….


I am good at cleaning and have some pretty damn good knowledge on caring for plants and can haul pretty fast, might be good in the early game and learn skills to keep me useful throughout. I'm pretty hardy so Melee might be good for me as well.


Considering I am already a staunch believer in whatever insane ideology my colony has (as far as they are concerned) yeah, since they wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of indoctrinating me


I actually made myself and a couple of my friends as rimworld pawns in character editor my last playthrough lol. I'd say I wasn't the worst pawn xD my traits were slothful, slowpoke, great memory, kind, and some modded ones of crazy cat lady and anxious XD I also had big passions in art, intellectual, animals, and a small shooting passion because I like doing archery in real life. When I make people in character editor I try to make them accurate and balance positives and flaws so while I'm very slow I still had good qualities XD I don't mind bad traits if they've got some strengths still lol.


No, they'd use me as a blood bank for the master. The colony consistvif the master, his lover and their their three thralls. Everyone else is either a slave or a blood nugget.


Probably yes, not as anything other than infantry cannon fodder and another set of hands for labour though.


I think I'd be quiet handy because I can do all the jobs, animal handling, medic, social, cleaning, mining...I'd have a good cooking and construction skill so helpful in early game I think 🤔 tho defo nothing over a 10 so it's very jack of all trades master of none Tho I accept pretty much all requests to join so I'd be safe in my own colony's 🤣


I'm a chef and I'm pretty decent at cleaning so I'd be useful.


i would get gene edited so hard but then i’d be a welcome member of the genetically addicted masses


They wouldn’t even want my *organs*


My current colony is not very picky, so seeing as how I’m not a pyro or actively addicted to any substances, I’d be welcome with open arms.


Give me a bionic spine and I can cook (double passion), clean, haul, craft (single passion), even research (single passion). I can probably churn out drugs. I'm a pacifist though, with kind, too smart (I can learn quick irl, but I have anxiety), and probably recluse. I'd take me, even though I avoid pacifists, at least I can craft and cook. 😅 My colony would take nearly anyone except Pyro and gourmand to be honest, so it isn't saying much.


Yes. I'd be a researcher/grower/fighter. The downside is I'd probably have sad wander mental breaks a lot though.


Well, in my colonies I tend to accept everyone that wants to stay regardless. But even then, I have no incapabilities or terrible traits, and I have lots of passions. No particularly high skills applicable on the rim, but with high passions I could skill up and specialize quickly. I think I’d probably be invited to stay anywhere that I would actually want to stay. I hope…


I have okay medical from working in healthcare the last 20 years. I'm not a nurse or doctor, but I know more than the average joe, so maybe 8? They'd probably take me, but get sick of my mental breaks and food binges real fast.


I would be turned into kibble so fast


I have scoliosis So maybe as a late game cook when they have access to bionics


Basic understanding of medicine, average intelligence with room to grow, a friendly personality, decent history and understanding of raising dogs, chickens, and barn cats, and a deep knowledge of lots of useless but fun information. Oh yeah, it's all coming together. No fighting skills. I could probably hit something with a club pretty well though. I'd be sorta useful. I couldn't tell you what my stats would be though.


I’m actually going through a manpower shortage right now so I’d easily be accepted into the main colony. I’d probably be sent to an outpost at some point though


They’d just probably lock me up in the research room to slave away shuffling papers or something


If I were in charge, I would be on track to become a Machine God overseeing a planet of metal and pollution. If I'm just a random outsider, I would be summarily harvested for organs, any useful genes would be extracted, and depending on the stage of combat mechanoid development, if I were a viable breeder I'd occasionally be given peg legs to fertilize some clone trooper embryos. Otherwise I'd be ripscanned and my remains processed into human meat for paste and human leather for improving relations of factions that haven't yet been wiped out by the Machinist, meanwhile the High Subcore made from my brain would be pressed into service as either a servile or combative mechanoid. The exception is if I'm a child capable of violence; then I'd be crammed into a growth vat before joining the regular clone troopers in xenogerming, combat training, and eventual death in service to the Machinist's goals, either in battle, after harvesting once I was too broken, or from ripscanning once the proper battle mechanoids are ready. All must serve the Machinist's ascension. All other directives are secondary.


Yes, but mostly mid game or in not so hard gameplay. Depressive and delicate, but with high skills and easy learning xD


i have a 50+ colony so probably. mainly just depends how badly they fuck me up when raid the colony. if they blew my leg off (and someone in the colony’s already missing a leg & in line for a bionic leg), chances are i’m getting rip scanned into a mechanoid


Ugly, lazy, but a decent cooking skill- sure! At least some decent meals, or a beautiful hat!


Skill wise? Yes. Lazy Trait...ehhh?


Depends, I like building things and can cook well enough to not kill myself, so if the colony isn't struggling to keep people fed I wouldn't say no.


With name in game I have technically already been accepted into (and died defending) my colony. Well I say died defending it's more like was swallowed by a >!devourer!<, then freed from its stomach just to have my head shot off by my auto canon missing its shot.


In my colony i would be accepted as "the butcher" as im psychically deaf. Otherwise i'd be like a 7 cook, 10 shooter (military training did this) and 5 in medicine. So yes, i'd be accepted in my colony


I accept all pawns into my colonies


Well... i will be one of four persona subcore donours...


Jogger,Fast Learner with nightowl. I would say yes, otherwise I will beg them to give me a pistol and will volunteraly go to the battlefield.


I'd be a hat ina heartbeat.


I would 100% be harvested for parts and I’m okay with that


I don't think so, maybe I would have a passion for intelectual task so i would be recruited at first if they dont have some of those, I mostly recruit people with passion on shooting xd and I have never used a gun


Definitely. Good with plants, good at cooking, fair at research, no addiction to manage and not missing anything important as far as body parts. will clean and haul.


Good with plants and animals and maybe okay with medicine and melee.. not a horrible pawn. 50/50 chance


>only passion is artistic No


Nah, my colonists own slaves and hate cannibalism.


I would think so. Highest skill would be medical - am a paramedic with 10 years of EMS experience and looking to apply to medical school. I'm not really sure if intellectual is treated as "invent these things" or  "learn how this works and then explain to everyone else". I'm no inventor but I could teach. I'm also quite good at art. So I would have something to do if not treating infections/wounds/etc. I also have grown veggies before from seed (with a lot of causalities from pests). I have handled guns before, but my melee might be higher because I do historical european martial arts (HEMA) as a hobby. Gimme a longsword and lemme at 'em.


she would behead me in milliseconds....


I dont think I would want to be a member of my colony.....




Absolutely not. I have none of the useful skills. My organs are getting harvested.


Best case scenario, I get killed and butchered for meat and organs. Yes, this is the *best* case scenario. If I'm unlucky, I don't get killed. Instead, all my limbs are removed and I'm kept in prison for use as an organ farm and an insect jelly farm.


It doesn't matter who I am, my currrent colony is a solo mechanitor run. I'm getting my organs removed, ripscanned, and turned into a hat


Shit probably not. One passion in research, no skills higher than 3 except maybe 4 or 5 construction because I'm an electrician. Traits like recluse and lazy. I would definitely enslave me and turn me into a blood nugget.


accepted - since i have a passion in crafting and intellectual - plus fast walker trait depressive is easily dealt with


At the current sage of my current run. Yes. Got a good enough skill range to take some of the load off of my main pawns. And my gender distribution is skewed 4 to 1 in favor of women.


Temporarily yes so I can provide some work to the colony until it's my turn to absorb the sangophage's xenogerm from the previous harvestee and to get harvested on my turn.


I always play with vanilla expanded outposts so my colonies can always use lots of ppl. I have a high construction skill, so I'd probably be going to the electricity outpost. Of course, there is a possibility of my colony enslaving me...


Yeah id be accepted, the gene ripper gets lonely if someone isn't sitting in it.


I live in the US south, so I have hunting experience and am a decent shot. That being said being 26 and already having a bad back on top of Depressive, Slow Poke, and Night Owl aren’t doing me any particular favors.


Just a little gene modifying id accept myself probrably Funny enough iv never started a playthrough with my name in game character. I prob would if the stats were not random and I could edit them myself


I think I could be something Like this. Refuse dumb labor. Natural negativ gene against Shooting and plants. Clumsy (Not sure If this already a real trait but it should be) Meele Fighter. (Double?) Flame with Art and Crafting. Maybe around 14+ Social and Int Something around +/- 12 Construct and Medic. I would take me.


My current one? Hell fucking no. Only pawns with magnificent stats may join


I hope not


No matter the stage they’d let me join As long as I can carry thing I’m useful enough for them


🔥 - Cooking - 10 🔥 - Medical - 7 🔥 - Social - 8 ❤️‍🔥 - Intellectual - 12 Eccentric; Teetotaler; Ascetic Incapable of dumb labour


absolutely not. all my 'colonies' are one dude and their swarm of mechs, with no moral issues with harvesting organs and leather to sell.


I'm chronically ill and incapable of violence with a low breakdown threshold. No.


I am capable of hitting an enemy with at least 1 bullet in 2 SMG bursts and I can work on the farm so yes


Yeah, I’m a cerebral engineer with low physical fitness. I’m only good for late game.


Sadly I would be kept around mostly for breeding purposes and cleaning, lol


Yeah, absolutely. The larvae always need more hosts.


In my current colony? they would accept me because i contribute to colony wealth and they only need one more part of archonexus map


Well Id be a pretty high crafting and science guy (as long as its material at least), some medical and growing too. At least enough for basic first aid and knowing which soil the potatoes go in to. Im also a decent shot. And healthy. My drawnbacks would be tobacco addiction and the -0. movement speed debuff. For traits its probably the +6 mood and one the one that improves mental break threshold. So yeah, id be welcome most of the time.


Id probably be on cooking duty i can cook rice :)


I can remove kidneys and put them back in (urologist), so I could be of some use in some questionable operations


Well, my ideology is set to Charity: Essential so yeah. But not for long. They’d give me the routine treatment, which is handing me a gun, feeding me, giving me clothes fit for then environment and then making me leave.


A very neurotic too smart pessimist I wouldn’t accept me as a pawn especially considering my low crafting melee mining ranged and social


Unfortunately, my colony has a policy of automatically rejecting pyromaniacs.


Put me on stone work with beer and smoke leaf and I'm your guy for a finely paved throne room. Stone work and strength should buff in my opinion. Put your melee guys on stone work and it buff your combat. Would be a cool mod


I'm not a pyro, I still have all my limbs, and I'm not addicted to any drugs - I'd probably get accepted.


Actually, yeah I would and ngl that made my depressing ass week somehow better. Kind of put things into perspective 😅


Depends on the circumstance, I’m very social and decent enough at construction, I can also cook well enough and I’m pretty good at learning. I’d potentially have the depressive trait which is probably the main reason they’d eat/wear me but under the right conditions yeah they probably would. Edit: I’m also a very good shot so that’d probably carry me too


Sure. Can shoot, melee, cook, and socialize. Now can't do any of those things well enough to stand out so I'd probably be cannon fodder or a guard, so not super thrilled about that, but yes, I would take me.


Vanilla rimworld? Yes. Lightly modded, yes. The main set up i plsy with 300ish mods? No.


I'd have reasonable Cooking, fairly high Social imo, maybe low Research but with passion so room to grow, but shit Construction Planting Animals and Mining and basically no Shooting or Melee. So I'd either end up being the leader or not being allowed in lol




I have a few talents that might help. Medical, research, cooking, shooting, and etc. I think the only skill they would care about is that I can brew beer, wine, mead, and set up a distillery. I feel like there would be a raid and in the aftermath people would call out to me, and I would rush out to help. Only to be shooed back inside to guard the berry melomel (mead) they asked me to make. To be fair that's kind of how my marriage is working.


I don’t have the really bad traits so I’d pick myself up because it’s safe and an extra pair of hands to defend the colony. I’d be first to be sent to those colonist lending quest or to run into a rocket raid with a shield belt and a prayer to Randy. though.


Hopefully there's a sanguophage in the colony. I can farm and build and whatever, but Red Cross said I "bleed really fast" and at every blood draw I did for the army, the nurse didn't have the next vial ready by the time I had filled the first.


I could make a pretty good cook and/or researcher, not terrible at social and would have like one point in melee and shooting. I'd probably have a mix of traits, and some minor health issues. The biggest downside is that i would keep trying to convince the local arcotech to ~~give me magic space hrt~~ give me a custom archite xenogerm.


In early stage definitely, after getting paste dispenser idk, probably loaded a save because i load the nerest save if i have to send someone out because i feel bad


If asked to join and was direct about how I got there, probably. My skills would work fine in an established colony, and ok in an early to mid colony. I know my way around a gun and have other applicable skills.


In my newest run? Yeah, they’re doing really well despite not having (re)invented electricity. Granted, they’re literally hobbits (hello yes my choice in mods is exquisite thanks) so I highly doubt they’d willingly reject me anyhow because that’s not polite, but I’m not a particularly bad pawn to have around either. Artistic talent isn’t something any of the pawns currently in the colony have, so I’d at least have a niche use, as well as being a dedicated hauler and cleaner. Besides, Kind is one of the best traits in the game (imo) so i’m not a social burden either.


Yes. I put everyone on every job, prioritized by stats, and workbenches have bills specifically for low and mid skill pawns only, so everyone builds their skills up until they're good at everything. Doesn't matter that I don't have the skills now, I'll get there eventually. But there is gonna be a decent amount of cleaning, hauling, and possibly some flesh shaping or spine replacement until then. Mandatory conversion, though, so I'm gonna be spending a lot of time with the moral guide, too.


I'd be the Undergrounder with a passion for cooking and intellectual. Yeah, I'd take me in. Cook everyone's meals, then *science* for the glory of the colony!


Probably as a cleaning slave


Depends which run I'm doing. Mostly though, will probably just get sent to the outpost.


Would you recruit a chemically interested, depressed, night owl?


With my skills? I'd be turned into a hat and kibble on the double. That's the only way I'll be accepted ...


0 skills in everything, one flame in intellectual... Yeah I'm dead.


My current colony are the birds from Laika aged through blood. So i would probably be crucified or get subjected to genetic experiments because i dont have a beak nor feathers.


I can cook and have never poisoned anyone plus I am a great shooter as long as the paper targets do not shoot back.


Definitely for midgame, I'd be chillin chanined on a crafting, research, or art bench and getting married and having children + a happy family will keep my mood high. By lategame I might have to pass on myself depends on what pawns I already have. Because I'm younger I dont have any skills above 10, but at least I'm not incapable of anything. For earlygame, I don't know anything useful like plants nor combat skills nor medical, my cooking is okay but not passioned or anything and best I can do is some tailoring or research with passion, but I figure since I'm not a pyro or gourmand or any super negative trait I'd be fine. Honestly I'd have one of the traits that gives higher mental threshold so my mood would have to be watched though


I have skills in construction, cooking and social so I think I’d be a decent one to have around. 🤷‍♂️


As a wanderer join? I'd get some clothes, a random weapon that hasn't been smelted yet, and a meal. Then immediately banished. As a refugee? I'd get a sleeping spot on the floor of the nicest spare workshop, more clothes, and *very clear* instructions on the safe zone of the base and how quickly the scythers can be sent to my position. Join offers are accepted and immediately banished. Unless they're enemy outposts, rescue quests don't even get a second glance. Rip me I guess


Of course! The vampires need more hemogen farms!


Probably not, but I can clean and haul lol, maybe I have okay social and if that's the case then possibly. I'm also open to body modding if it's reliable so I could see it (I think I have the transhumanist ideology I can't remember off the top of my head I haven't been on in a couple weeks)


I'd make a good researcher. I got a few of those negative mental traits but I go fast at stuff and I'm reasonably happy when I get to do stuff I like and I'm reasonably good at "gun." If I got me-as-a-pawn it'd be pretty simple to make me a research table or a scanning station and forget about me and I'd be just fine.


Yeah they would, especially later on. But even in general. I'm a tough jogger without incapabilities and with some good passions :)


I can research and I'm not too full of myself to clean or haul. Cooking would be barely functional for simple meals. Construction, crafting, and medical would be abysmal. Don't know about plants and animals, probably as good as any novice with only a hazy idea what they're doing. Not incapable of violence but don't expect me to successfully hit anything without a lot of training up. Not great movement speed, but I'd have the kind trait and get along with people reasonably well so I won't be starting any social fights, even if I wouldn't be first pick for lead negotiator. No pyromania, psychopathy, jealous, or other majorly annoying negative traits to speak of. If the colony has a research bench open, I have a decent shot. Edit: If we're talking my current game, then no, because it's a monster girl harem run, and being another male, I'd be quietly sent off to the VE outpost to farm cloth with all the other unwanted forced joins from the Roman unification quest lines.


Yes. My colonies tend to be friendly, welcoming, and helpful towards others. My colonies main drawbacks are a willingness to use violence, being technologically challenged (tribal starts are best starts, fite me), and a tendency towards hedonism. And, ya’know, being on a Rimworld with the Anomaly dlc haha.


As a starting pawn, no. 4-6th pawn, yes. I think I have some reasonable attributes that could assist




Well yeah my colonies take everyone.


With all these ideology and forbidden mods? I would rather cease to exist even if they accepted me.


I can shoot, cook, I'm handy with tools, I know field craft at a basic level, I don't kill plants inadvertantly unless it's basil, and I can patch up minor injuries; stabilize breaks, make bandages, etc. I'm pretty useful in the early to mid-gane.


I think my odds are decent of being allowed to join. My stats are shit but I'm willing to do any kind of work, easy to get along with, and ive been told i'm a fast learner. Also, I think vampires are ~~hot~~ cool and piles of skulls are peak interior design.