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no it's not cheating, you're playing a singleplayer game with a plethora of sandbox settings you're simply choosing one of the many options presented to you


Rimworld is a story generator, nothing is cheating as long as you are having fun. Nothing except void touching sanguinophages to harvest infinite organs /s


If I had a dollar for every time I read "as long as you're having fun" on this sub I could probably bring my family to a decent restaurant


I revived a couple of pawns that I felt a bit cheated because my lack of attention towards their medical conditions. I personally feel there needs to be a triage window that prioritizes pawns in critical conditions. When I resurrect them I make sure to reinjury them to make up for my mistake.


I cured my mechinator of the plague cause she had 0 med skill and thought her dying of the plague of all things was dumb


Fr, the number of times I tell my medic to go rescue someone and they just hurl them bleeding to death into a bed and call it a day


Thanks for the comments, I guess i'm just being hard on myself lol


It is a single player game with no competition. Play whatever way is fun for you. Do you ask this question when playing any other game and you set the difficulty to something other than the hardest setting?


Not your question but devourers instantly spit out their food when lit on fire.


Thank you for this! I finally have another use for my corpse disposal incendiary launcher


Shit, even better reason to get the hellfire rifle.




I play with no instant kills, no instant raider deaths, no unwavering loyalty, no scaria rot, and no friendly fire. Also babies always born healthy, cause that's just tragic and I don't think I would enjoy that kind of tragedy in my fun time. Play whatever way you think is most enjoyable.


I would call it adjusting the difficulty rather then anything else.


Compared so some of the modlists people are using? No it would not be cheating to use the ingame settings.


i'll say what others already said - this is a single-player game, you're not ruining it for anyone else because there are no other players. Play as you want.


what does that question even means ?


When a pawn is downed in a non-lethal way, the game has a chance to decide that they are instantly killed anyways as a mechanism to increase the difficulty of gaining new pawns. This is called the “death on down” chance. This chance increases on higher storyteller settings and also once your storyteller decides you have enough population. Anyways, this setting can be altered if you use custom storyteller settings and this mechanic can be disabled completely such that all downed pawns will remain alive for capture.


What does that even means within OP's context ? I know what death on downed does. Is there some weirdness that makes devourer not do their thing ?


Yeah my bad I misread their context. I have no idea what they mean either.


The relevance to the post is that OP is annoyed that death on downed is killing their pawns while fighting devourers, so they're asking if it's cheating to turn off death on downed.


Yes. Now you have to go to the confession box.


I hope none of my vital organs are harvasted


Only God can judge you and his sins far outweigh your own


Cheating implies someone’s watching you, and judging your skill or whatever. Nah, you’re good. Play however you want. I personally think insta-kill mechanics are kinda cheap. I dislike them, so I turn them off and increase the difficulty other ways.


my first one was basically entirely peaceful so I could figure out how to play the game, like get food, what I could build, what basic things need to be done. The biggest danger to that group was frost and old age, and some infighting because everyone got with everyone eventually


Just play how you like man. But if you are looking for a way to deal with devourers fast, i cannot recommend enough the flare packs. Just throw one before the jump with care to not stun your soldiers and blow them to pieces/retreat as much as you can to get in long range again. Also, bioferrite flamers are awesome, as long as they are burning they wont jump you!


It's cheating to not play how you want.


I mean, at that point ask if any modification is cheating. If people have like 50+ mods isn't cheating, I'd say that's not cheating


After 2k+ hours of Rimworld I have come to accept there is NO cheating, only changing the narrative of this 'story generator'. The bullshit rimworld can throw at you has no effect against Plot Armor!


I prefer no instakill. A lot of the decisions by the designer annoy me so i change them.


RimWorld is a single player game, so it shouldn't matter to anyone else what you do. You could do anything you want, even to use devmode to handle your raids, and nobody would even know unless you told them. As long as you're fine with it, that's all that counts.


\>I'm enjoying the game like this but is it cheating? And so what if it is? Cheating is only bad when it ruins other people's experiences. This is a single player game, there are no other people with you. Play the way you like.


Already said by others, but I like to say it because otherwise you risk limiting your fun: It's a single player game with an enormous amount of customization, every single decision you make is right as long as you are having fun.