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He put two raids out that fought each other and left me a ton of loot. When all my colonists were out picking stuff up he dropped a bunch of pods into my base and the raiders killed all the children and elderly before my fighting force could make it home.


That’s so trolly. I’ve heard some wacky things, but that sounds outright malicious.


That's what happens when you don't have a child fighting force


Come my child soldiers! Off to start work on the Geneva Checklist!


Fight the children!


ACK! That's awful. I would rage quit.


Randy just Anakin Skywalkered your ass


I disabled drop pod raids


well why didn't they have guns?


Goddamn I thought mine was worse.


Didn’t have a raid spawn for over 2 and a half years, in the meantime I built up an old-west style town colony of about 30 people in a very well forested area. The center of town had a few brick buildings, but people mostly lived in wood shacks. Then came two simultaneous raids from bandits, about 25 raiders all told, along with mortars. *Then* came a Space Battle event from Vanilla Events Expanded *directly onto my town*. Burning chunks of spacecraft and stray shells slammed into the streets and ignited the houses at one of the edges of town. The bandits fired incendiary shells into the town too, compounding the fire issue. My 2 dedicated firemen/medics became overwhelmed very quickly. People got trapped in their burning homes, my food stockpiles went up in flames. The hospital, a large brick compound in the very center of town, had a stray shot from the space battle land dead center of the quarantine ward that held 4 colonists recovering from the plague. The colonists were torn to shreds, and the interior began burning. I ushered my surviving non-firefighting colonists into the town courthouse, and the town’s textile mill; both made of brick. When the bandits eventually descended into town they had to contend with a veritable firestorm sweeping the streets. They focused their assault on the textile mill; they breached the walls with dynamite, and a gun battle ensued in the interior packed with shelves and tailor’s benches. They ignited the mill, too, which flushed my defenders back out into the burning streets. When all was said and done, out of the original ~30 colonists only 7 remained. Out of 22 houses, 3 stores, 2 restaurants, 2 power plants, a saloon, a hospital, a courthouse, a school house, a textile mill, and a sheriff’s office/prison only the courthouse and ruins of the hospital and mill survived. The town had been turned to ash, with only the streets remaining as evidence of a town having been there. Streaks of blood and partially charred bodies lay amidst the rubble of the homes and workplaces of the former residents and the bandits who attacked them. About a month of on/off work into the town was gone in about 2 hours of real life time. I took a little break after that.


Dude, *I* feel like taking a little break after reading that. I know I get too invested, especially in games like this, but that’s „stand in the shower and just stare at the tiles for half an hour“ material


I felt like: "Man I should get over myself and buy the damn DLC during summer sale and start a new game." But I just started Cyberpunk....


I really want to see a photo of this town because it sounds like it would have looked really cool


Nothing at all for 2 years


Boredom is its own punishment.


Lowkey i just have a separate custom scenario for randy that forces a raid every 1-2 weeks just because of it lol


thats not random though, thats just cassandra classic with extra steps


It still adds the random event difficulty


My guys lowkey starving because I rely on raids for food lmao, I'm tryna figure smth else out


Become the raiders :)


Have you considered our lord and saviour rice?


Nah my guys eat nothing but fungus and people, they don't really like anything else


Brother why?


It's designed to make you think "is my storyteller broken" followed by "MANHUNTER PACK: 67 Cheetahs!"


Randomly found out one of my colonist had a daughter that had been captured. Went to get her and the mother nearly collapsed, then once we all got home I found out the daughter had only a month to live and needed a heart transplant before I unlocked prosthetics. Thankfully a trader came through with one and she became the best doctor and researcher the settlement had.


Ended a run in less than a quadrum, early cold snap, killed off my crops and drove out the animals, drought, last tribesmen died of exposure caused by mental break from eating his friends and lover.


That's some Donner party stuff right there.


Mad Boomrat that immediately got taken care of by a colonist next to the chemfuel storage shed……..happened early on when I first got the game so safe to say I learned why you don’t build a school next to such an explosive material


I had boomalope starve to death next to my mortars. Explosion killed 5 colonists and wiped out my manufactory.


Main reason I use the vanilla expanded outposts mod tbh, that way it makes a self run outpost to get rid of unwanted colonists but also helps support the main colony as well so farming boomalopes is much safer since I don’t need to interact with them


Smited my Warcasket with a silver meteor.


Meteor smites have to be the most infuriating thing. I can plan and prep for almost anything, but hey fuck you here’s some sandstone and also your cook is now deceased


And with the amount of resources that go into making the average Warcasket super soldier, the silver meteor probably didn't even cover the costs...


Not even close.


To put it as shortly as possible... Anomaly just came out. My 6 - 8 pawn colony is doing well for themselves, though lacking in consistent pawn power. My hussar, day 56 of withdrawal, is greeted by a death pall. No particular problem apart this was my first one. In the span of 4 in game days... a fleshmass heart spawned (first one ever), a dry lighting storm happened severely expanding the hearts movement, a sinkhole appeared (first one), a 20 or so shambles party appeared, a 7 or so shreiker party appeared, an imp raid appeared but didn't even touch me because of everything else, my doctor went into a daze from putting out the fire razing my fields, a dark fog appeared with the pillars and dark creatures (first one), my hussar went down from withdrawal saving pawns in the middle of a wild fire, the heart is now literally at my doorstep and overtook all my crops, the prisoners who I moved inside my base (quest prisoners) riotted and were suppressed inside a makeshift prison cell, a malaria outbreak happened knocking down ALL of my pawns down apart from the dazed doctor, doctor snapped out of it and got bit in the neck by an undead turtle and bleeding out, rescued somehow by a level 0 medical, everyone taking turns patching others (all level 0) and feeding patients before THEY fall over from wounds or malnutrition. Traveling trader dies from malnutrition. Barely have enough time to research Go Juice, make some and get my hussar back up to fend off the creatures of the night and aid in feeding others. One dies of malaria, the rest survive. Because it's a segmented base mostly, barracks inside the mess hall. Eventually everyone gets up but some get lung rot from an earlier undead break in (didnt know rung lot was a thing). Make a torch line to the pillars and break them down, box in the hole for temporary relief, and gain space back to my fields / Gaurenlan tree from the hearts invasion to wall it off. Another death pall happens. ALL off the dead LITTERING every edge of the map rises, I say farewell, and restart a colony. Most of this happened in a span of 4 in game days. Overall start to very end was 7 days


Holy fuck that was cinematic


Sent a single raider, that was my colonists father, with great stats and a good gun, and he got one shot by a trader with no chance to rescue him. Made my colonist mad and he went in a murderous rampage and killed the imperial guest.


Stole 3000 hours from me irl


This is the scariest of all the stories on this post because it is the most relatable.


Just recently: Was early into settling a deep cave base with a pretty awesome spot. Three settlers layout, two of them are engaged to each other, each play a specific role. Problem was, one night, my sole builder was going to build 3 graves to bury some recently deceased folks when some warg decided to just lunge after my settler in the middle of the night. His fiance had to carry him to bed, and our miner had to tend to him. Problem was, the one doctor in the room just so happened to be the builder, which meant the second most competent doctor had a rating of 1: the miner. Needless to say, my builder bleeded out. Both remaining settlers eventually spiral out of control, the one prisoner we had locked up and scheduled for recruitment couldn't survive because no one fed him, and some doofus invader came and decided to attack my dazed and confused miner who went out in the open. That's enough for me for now. God, I love that tragedy.


Thrown mechanitor ship directly into cloning obelisk. In clone-themed run.


The worst thing he's ever done is sent me 10 or was it 12 raids in the span of 15 days. The colony survived, but that was a true hell quadrum. Just recently he remembered that diseases are a thing. So he gave half my people Sleeping Sickness, before that was done he gave half of them Malaria, and then a short while later he gave a bunch of them the plague.


I had a cold snap and a volcanic winter just during harvest season, everything died, my cattle died and I am still trying to recover on rats and purchased pemmican. Spring just kicked in. I need hydroponics asap!


I was creating a extravagant moon wedding for this 2 pawns when an archotech prank forced the groom to fell in love with another pawn, postponing the entire thing for 2 quadrums.


Pummelled my colony until it was dead. Raids back to back: Siege by pig coalition. Neanthertal raid. Infestation. Oops... All scythers. Scythers killed everyone... That was it, I always play on commitment mode, so I guess Randy got bored of that colony.


Lightning strike my maxed out psycaster OP tribe leader. Twice in a row.


What’d he do to Randy to deserve that


Nociosphere spawned (Ambient Horror mode) shortly into a Tribal run


Personally I would just go a tile over.


Dropped a bunch of nocto-whatsits in my back yard, the things that lurk in the ever-present darkness. Then he turned off the power. Had my entire colony huddled around a single, dimly-glowing mech node, occasionally sending out the one armoured colonist to fetch meals from the store room. It felt like an eternity before the lights came back on.


Randy has unleashed toxic fallout on me and seemingly forgotten my colony exists for actual in game years. I tried relocating once I realized it wouldn’t end and got about two days into my new tile before he unleashed the pack of man hunting cougars. Man in Black shows up when everyone is down… immediately has a heart attack and gets eaten by cougars. I guess Randy was bored.


He told me he would be gentle, but it still hurts after a week or so then ghosted me... Oh you mean Rimworld? I mostly play on Winston Waves


Multiple organ decay on the first month of my naked brutality run.


I took in an anesthetized prisoner for a quest and his pockets were full of fire breathing lizard ends that hatched and you're through my base, killing event inside, then the man in black. It was over pretty quickly.


He sent me a quest to let a wanderer to join my colony. Bill didn't say where he was coming from, and he had decent stats so I said what the heck, I was pretty early game so come on over Bill. Two days later, it turns out Bill is the son of the leader of the Pirate Gang and is on the run because his father didn't approve his marriage. The leader of the Pirate crew showed up with two raids, full of their best weapons and pawns, and just destroyed everything. Bill was the only survivor. After some new colonists joined, I left Bill to freeze in the winter


Had a defoliator ship crash, not even a minute later cultists started a rage chant, as soon as I had mobilized the firing squad to mow some cultists down, a mech cluster dropped. To my luck and relief, both the defoliator and the cluster were dormant, so I didn't need to deal with them pronto, but it gave my heart a roughing. But to finish in great style, all of this was followed by nearly a year of nothing, just sat around twiddling my thumbs.


He did send me a mech breach raid. After I defeated it, he did send me another mech breach raid. I defeated this too (thanks to my high wealth + tech colony). He wasnt satisfied with the result and decided to send me another mech breach raid after a couple hours. I struggled but we hold our line and fought hard and strong (low shields and insanity lances for the win - unless you are running out of stock!). After a couple hours he did send me the **fourth mech breach** raid and that was the point I decided to reload my save because something was not right with Randy. He truly hated me and I did not know why! After reloading the game - the raids stopped. For a while. Three mech breach raids were enough for me for that DAY!


Gave my solo mechanitor the plague on day 1. My shortest run to date !


Gave me perfect conditions to be raided and... nothing at all. Motherfucker made me so tense and nothing at all came. All my freaking ways of defence were one way or another disabled and freaking zero stuff on me


when 6 of my 10 colonists were out on a caravan mining, an infestation in my base pops up (which i didnt see) and rampages through my base. downs 3/4 colonists, the last one got lucky by being in the medical facitly across the fields. my auto defenese in the field eventually kills the insects. Right when the last insect is dead, a siege raid pops up and start shelling my base while the remaining single dude desparately tries to stitch together the other 3 The insects had also killed most of my turrets/traps, including the firefoam turret. and of course the raid shoots fire shells and sets my home on fire. had to reload because i would have lost all 4 colonists and the base, leaving me homeless.


dropped a granite meteor on my best pawn AND fridge


I guess most longtime players know this, but I was not prepared when I learned that forced fog prevents the automatic rain that usually starts when a large fire is unchecked for too long, while the same forced weather does not prevent a thunderstorm on top of it. Both factors are very concerning in a boreal woods biome.


Three mechanics raids back to back to back. The second one happened right after the first one was beaten, and the third happened before the second even reached my walls.


1. Jungle, tribal start, all but 1 colonists immediately got the plague, the guy left was withdrawing from like 3 different drugs and decided to go feral. Main in black didn't even make it to my base, because he got into a fight with some animal and lost. 2. I had a mountain colony but before hydroponics, when I got hit with a toxic fallout lasting like 2 or 3 years so eventually farm animals and the freezer run dry and everybody starved.


Define worst. He once gave a solar flare, emp and eclipse all at once like 3 minutes into a game and I was like, 'Randy, if you wanted to mess with me, maybe wait til I get solar panels to do this?' which was his weakest effort imo. He also once sent me 4x packs of manhunting squirrels towards an endgame timing and my PC couldn't handle it. I want to say it was over 1000 squirrels which kind of ruined my game. To the spirit of your question though, I think having all of my pawns go into mental break, fight each other and then have the doctor die in a fight right before 2 drop pod raids that had one landing on my hospital where everyone was recovering from social fights.


Some people centuries ago have experienced a thousand wars in a few decades, while you have lived through a million struggles in playing a week of this game.


He gave two people gut worms. I’m not kidding. It was 5 seconds into the start of my lost tribe and it hit my cook and builder. First with Food Poisoning was the doctor. Before long everyone was sick with food poisoning. For a whole in game year I micro’s every step without speeding up anything. But the first raider when he finally came gave an infection which killed the dude, people started starving to death, the Man In Black entered and got an infection before he was halfway to my colony from a random animal going berserk next to him. When everyone was dead all I had was a few walls, a fueled stove, a butcher table. That is it. I quit Rimworld for quite some time, it was NOT fun to do that and it made me appreciate GodMode afterwards. There is no point doing something like that if there is no enjoyment and no payoff by surviving simply because of random events and constant sickness keeping most pawns bedridden.


gutworms is randys fault, food poisoning is just an early game nightmare


My best pawns got food poisoning at the same time when eating without a table outside the base. Then a big ass mechanoid cluster landed just in range to be activated by them. Immediately after I suffered the most unfair headshots I ever seen in this game. God I hate pikemen.


Now I don't use randy alot because he has a habit of doing nothing but making animals hunt my pawns but when I did use him he decided that I needed to be attacked by a mech drop pod raid. In the middle of my storage room. That held 10 fusion warheads from the nukes mod. Needless to say my base did not last much longer.


Stopped a lightning storm right after I accepted a quest to store toxic waste from a faction, then threw said toxic waste on top of a still ongoing fire, causing that entire side of the map to become polluted.


About 3 in game hours in threw a meteorite at my naked brutality colonist


I was setting up for a mountain base and managed to tame some boomalopes early on. I had made a stone wall around what was going to be the entrance area, but for now it was a compound with everything made of wood, since I hadn’t started excavating yet. Dry lightning storm happened right above my compound and the first strike hit right where the only (wooden) door in and out of the compound was. As I send my colonists to handle the fire a mech cluster lands RIGHT OUTSIDE the door. If I dealt with the fire they would have been activated and I was in no state to fight them. Lightning keeps striking like there’s no tomorrow, lighting my storage, freezer and main hall on fire. Colonists start breaking left and right and just stand in a daze, hide in their (now burning) rooms or beat up each other while the flames spread at a rapid pace. At the end of it all I had a stone wall surrounding piles of charred corpses and ash.


He sent a raiding force of 150 black bears


First Anomaly playthrough. Started a custom scenario based on the Rich Explorer, but with a vampire mad scientist (Red) and her super soldier mechinator husband (Jim) coming to investigate the monolith on losing is fun permadeath. First quadrum went smoothly. Established a base of operations around the monolith, which was conveniently surrounded by mountains with only 2 openings, which I sealed off with garage doors from VVE, which helped funnel entities into narrow corridors where "their numbers won't count for shit" Had about 13 locals "volunteer" their services as soldiers and workers to aid in and defend my research as well as establish production chains for food and weapons. All was good on the rim...until Red was sucked into a grey labyrinth. She is incapable of violence so naturally her husband went in after her, killing the few fingerspikes and helping her escape.He had a few minor bleeding injuries, but she found cool artefacts so it was still a win. 2 Weeks later: Gray Flesh* Had no idea what it was or how it spread, so learned all I could from study and had Red do surgery on every single one of my "colonists" to find the imposter. She came up empty handed... ... ... ... As it turns out, fighting off 15 metalhorrors is especially difficult if every last person in the colony is bleeding out on the floor.


I'm settled in a permanent summer location, he gives me global warming, then he gives me heat wave. As tribals I didn't have access to air conditioning. As VFETribals, i didn't have access to the primitive cooler yet, either. Colony died. Man in black died.


Naked brutality, Randy sent my solo pawn’s wife to the map asking for help from 1 archer who was chasing her (easy!!). Good thing, too, because my pawn had just gotten food poisoning and I desperately needed an extra hand. I felt hashtag blessed to the extreme. She appeared far away, right next to the mouth of an insect cave. Usually the bugs stayed inside but one of them was apparently on an adventure and spotted her. She was attacked. The archer came, distracting the bug, and she managed to crawl away. The archer died, the bug couldn’t see her, and my pawn was on his way to rescue her. On his way at a glacial pace because of the food poisoning. He stopped to throw up on the way. She was bleeding out. I drafted him to try to tend to her even though his manipulation was only at 30%. He threw up just as he was about to finish mending the first big cut, so he had to start over. He was just too slow and sick. She died. The debuffs from his wife dying, being sick, and being hungry were too much. He had a mental break on his way back home. He entered into a daze and didn’t eat and collapsed and died. In retrospect, I should have waited as long as possible before accepting her onto the map, but I was so hungry for help and the positive buffs from my pawn getting some lovin’. Food poisoning can ruin everything so easily on naked brutality.


Sending in a drop pod into the middle of my nice wooden base (it burnt down)


I had a good colony with 12 pawns. I was playing with CE and Vehicles do I usually had a fine time defending using tanks. Everything was chill, but then Randy attacked. He sent wave after wave after wave of raiders, more than he usually sends when you try to launch the ship. Each wave had 30 ish enemies, and they kept coming day after day. The constant raids slowly whittled down my tanks armour and ammunition until none was left. Then my colonists fought off raids with their personal weapons eventually running low on ammo because I couldn’t get enough steel for the ammo consumption. Then Randy hit me with his final punch. He nukes my base with 4 sieges at pretty much the same time, and then sent 3 waves of tribals the next day to finish the job. My colonists ran out of ammo trying to hold off the horde, tried to hunker down in the nursery, and had a brutal last stand. By the time it was over only my gene warrior and some babies were alive. Then as one final fuck you, randy killed two of the 5 surviving babies with a meteor strike. It hurt. The colony recovered slowly though, since my wealth went from around $150000 to $50000 leaving randy insufficient troops to kill my final colonist.


Mech cluster, mech cluster, mech cluster


41 militors, but he's been more merciful than Cassandra for me. My current run has a volcanic winter that's been going on for 21 days so far and now a toxic fallout is descending. At least the fleshmass heart was before the fallout...


Naked Brutality : Landing 1h later "Bear Hunting Colonist" Game Over Loosing is Fun Run just last Week : Step 1 : Mech Breachers Ripping a Giant Whole in my Defenses but i can stop them with all my colonists injured. Step 2 : Clutists summoning Flesh Beasts Sadly i decided to tackle them what was bad.... i should have packed and Run. They ripped anything apart.


Actually started a new colony with Randy Yesterday (I had a few colonies on really easy settings just to get the basics of the game) and he gave me 3 prisoners in 15 minutes, wonder what the punishment will be


3 raids one after another with no infighting that took the spirit out of my colonists


7 Times gutworms in a row early game.


Yesterday I had three guys and three arctic wolves out of the colony to hunt a small pack of three muffalos. On the way there a lynx went man hunter and was easily dispatched. The second muffalo I took down went revenge and was also dispatched. This was all taking place right on the edge of the map. Then a 16-man strong raid spawned like 8 feet from my guys. They ran for their lives and one of the wolves stayed behind. He held off the attackers and saved the group, but died in the process. Strength and honor, Arctic Wolf 3. RIP. This all took place within the span of 2 minutes at most.


Had a marble meteorite fall right on top of my hospital, killing two of my best pawns


I never understand this. Randy always made my live easier. Cassandra is a ruthless bitch when she's out to get me


Randys favorites


He sent me a new colonist to join my colony. She entered the map when a raid took place. The raiders entered the map the exact spot she did. They grabbed her and then simply left. So I had a new colonist for all of 5 seconds.


Meteor shower 》the shutdown spot for all my single mechanitor's mechs. Classic lesson in don't put all your eggs in one basket


Day 1 plague


Raiders directly into the factory with all the chemfuel, throwing molotovs and flash cooking themselves and everyone inside before help could arrive. Honorable mention to a meteor strike slaying the colony leader. Bam, right out of the blue. He's made up for it recently though, as the last two colonies have had a delivery of a masterwork thrumbofur commissar cap and a thrumbo plushie(on the second week of the colony!), so clearly he likes these leaders better. "I'm sorry for killing you in a past timeline, here have this stuffed animal."


I can’t remember if this was the worst time, but recently he sent me like 60 chimeras, a pit gate inside my walls a few hours later, followed by a siege. Chimeras were annoying because of how they’ll attack then retreat, making it take longer to kill them. I was lucky that six mortars manned by children were able to get the raiders to rush my base. As I was finishing off the last of the raiders the pit gate spawned tons of bulbfreaks in my base. A pigskin kid was immediately downed but I had pulled some people away from the killbox beforehand to deal with whatever came out. Once the first two threats were taken care of I was able to finish off the horde of fleshbeasts inside my base, then enter the pit to destroy it. Lots of injuries and mental breaks especially since it took me a while to close the pit. But in the end all it cost was the pig boys arm and a masterwork assault rifle (one pawn had to be carried out of the pit) It was honestly a lot of fun having to figure out how to deal with all those threats at once


Summoned a Meteor shower, And one of the Meteors Direct Hitted my Only Pawn (Mechanitor run), Ending the entire colony. The prisoner who broke out got slaughtered by my mechanoids


Send me a Big Raid which almost instantly send my Colony into a downwards Spiral. Luckily I managed to rebuild. But that wont Bring Back my dead Colonist.


I get it’s just a function of rimworld, but I like building my wealth and having a lot of colonists. Unfortunately the storytellers all have soft caps on how many pawns you can have and make you life significantly harder if you’re over it. Randy likes sending me very big raids full of tribals back to back that crash my game bc I play on a laptop.


71 shamblers in the first season, only one child survived... until the prison break.


He sent a raid while my main fighting force was away and i was left with three colonists to defend the base. Luckily, i had enough traps set up to take care of them, but two out of three were injured. Also, did you know raiders try to break down doors instead of going back throught an open path? That mecanic sucks.


Randy sent a raid and the preist of my small budding ideology killed her own husband in hand to hand combat since he happened to be one of the raiders. Days later we crafted a masterwork melee weapon and she equipped it. Later that night while everyone was getting ready for bed, she had a major mental break and went berserk. First person she went after was the only other competent fighter in the colony. This happened in the only entryway of our base. After the first kill i thought i could restrain her in a 4v1 fight, but she gutted everyone one by one only to bleed out after the slaughter.


Right now? This was something I had to save scum to get rid of. So, I accepted a quest for some enemy waves, this raid is from a mod World of Naruto. Basically four waves of rogue ninja. He sends a mechanoid cluster prior. That I took out. But afterward, he sent me a very lovely Space Battle too. The space battle I save scummed. (And I mean I was getting debris everywhere. It was causing issues.)


He sent 5 rapid fire raids 4 mental breaks 3 plagues 2 manhunting squirrels and a pawn with parasitic albaisa


One time i did a solo pawn start, so of course randy took pity on him early on and airdropped a friend for him. Right on top of his head. So instead of having two pawns i just got to watch helplessly as they both bled out right next to each other


My main pawn got married and the next day his wife's mother has a transportation pod crash on the colony and auto joined because of the relationship with an existing colonist. Absolutely useless pawn no dumb labor, no smart labor, a bad back, asthma, and I cant even make a hat out of her cause the guys wife will tantrum. Fucking airdropped the mother-in-law from hell on me the day after the wedding. Fuck you Randy.


Adipus, he killed my pawn Adipus. Adipus died from the plague and we had no doctors. Skill issue, maybe? Still sucked.


Hunting party sent in early tribal start attacked a herd of like 30 elephants. I had 3 short bows and had not even built a shelter yet.


Not the worst but the most recent for me was my guy broke and hid in room. I was playing mechanitor start blood and dust commitment mode. So mechanitor hid in his room which disabled my mechs and then I immediately got raided by sappers. I got mad so I alt f4ed to save scum the game. I reloaded and my guy broke again and this time I got raided by cultists who summoned flesh beats directly on top of my guy hiding in room. I accepted defeat this time.


Meteorite in the nursery… 3 babies…


A massive wave of Yorkies immediately after my main wall was breached by another raid. Damn dogs killed everyone.


Gave 12 of my 14 colonists the flu at the exact same time


500 manhunting rats when I was playing on my old, cheap, shitty laptop Froze for a good 10 minutes then crash to desktop I'd been messing around in Dev mode and had a quite large colony made entirely of solid gold explaining the sheer size of the pack